def __init__(self, session: orm.session.Session, page_id: int, title: str, namespace: int, text: str): self.page_id = page_id self.title = title self.namespace = namespace self.text = text session.add(self)
def pacu_session(db: orm.session.Session): query: orm.Query = db.query(PacuSession) assert query.count() == 0 pacu_session = PacuSession() db.add(pacu_session) yield pacu_session
def activate(self, database: orm.session.Session) -> None: for other_session in database.query(PacuSession).filter( != other_session.is_active = False database.add(other_session) self.is_active = True database.add(self) database.commit()
def ImportRepo(session: orm.session.Session, language: scrape_repos_pb2.LanguageToClone, metafile: pathlib.Path, pool: multiprocessing.Pool) -> None: """Import contentfiles from repository. Args: session: A database session to import to. language: The language specification for the repo. metafile: The repo metafile. pool: A multiprocessing pool. """ meta = pbutil.FromFile(metafile, scrape_repos_pb2.GitHubRepoMetadata()) clone_dir = metafile.parent / f'{meta.owner}_{}' repo = contentfiles.GitHubRepository.GetOrAdd(session, meta) repo.language = language.language for importer in language.importer: if not importer.source_code_pattern: logging.error('No source_code_pattern specified! Stopping now.') return pat = importer.source_code_pattern pat = f'{clone_dir}/{pat[1:]}' if pat[ 0] == '^' else f'{clone_dir}/{pat}' cmd = [ 'find', str(clone_dir), '-type', 'f', '-regex', pat, '-not', '-path', '*/.git/*' ] logging.debug('$ %s', ' '.join(cmd)) paths = subprocess.check_output( cmd, universal_newlines=True).rstrip().split('\n') if len(paths) == 1 and not paths[0]: logging.debug('No files to import from %s', clone_dir) return"Importing %s '%s' files from %s ...", humanize.intcomma(len(paths)), importer.source_code_pattern, clone_dir) all_files_relpaths = public.GetAllFilesRelativePaths(clone_dir) jobs = [ scrape_repos_pb2.ImportWorker( clone_from_url=meta.clone_from_url, clone_dir=str(clone_dir), abspath=p, all_files_relpaths=all_files_relpaths, preprocessors=importer.preprocessor, ) for p in paths ] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(max_value=len(jobs)) for outputs in bar(pool.imap_unordered(ImportWorker, jobs)): for output in outputs: session.add(output)
def update(self, database: orm.session.Session, commit: bool = True, **kwargs) -> None: """ Instead of requiring three lines to update a single field inside a database session, this method updates a single field in one line. Example usage: session.update(database, field_name={'json': ...}) """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): value = stringify_datetime(value) setattr(self, key, value) database.add(self) if commit: database.commit()
def make(cls: Type[T], session: o.session.Session, **kwargs) -> T: """ Find the item with the specified name, or create it if it doesn't exist. :param session: The session to be used in the query and creation. :param kwargs: Arguments to use in the :meth:`~sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.filter_by` clause and in the item constructor. :return: The retrieved or created item. """ # Find the item item = session.query(cls).filter_by(**kwargs).one_or_none() # Create the item if item is None: item = cls(**kwargs) session.add(item) # Return the item return item
def __init__( self, session: orm.session.Session, code: str, canonicalName: str, characters: str = None, direction: str = 'ltr', character_category = True, otherNames: typing.List[str] = [], systems: typing.List[str] = [], parent: 'Script' = None, wikipedia_article: str = None): self._code = code self._canonical_name = canonicalName self._characters = characters self._direction = direction self._other_names = json.dumps(otherNames) self._systems = json.dumps(systems) self._parent = parent self._wikipedia_article = wikipedia_article session.add(self)
def prep_db(session: orm.session.Session): doctor1 = Doctor(id=1, name='Айболит') doctor2 = Doctor(id=2, name='Сеченов') doctor3 = Doctor(id=96881373, name='EugenyBobylev') session.bulk_save_objects([doctor1, doctor2, doctor3]) session.commit() job1 = IncartJob(id='1', snippet='job_1') job2 = IncartJob(id='2', snippet='job_2') session.bulk_save_objects([job1, job2]) session.commit() job_doctor: JobDoctor = JobDoctor(job_id="1", doctor_id=1) job_doctor.request_id = '1' session.add(job_doctor) session.commit() job_doctor2 = JobDoctor(job_id="1", doctor_id=2) job_doctor2.request_id = '2' job_doctor2.request_sended = datetime.datetime.utcnow() session.add(job_doctor2) session.commit()
def placeholders(session: orm.session.Session): # Users users = [ User(418878871, "teadove", "Петер", "Ибрагимов Петер Ильгизович", "+79778725196"), User(346235776, "tainella", "Amelia Zagadka", "Полей-Добронравова Амелия Вадимовна", "+79262895840"), User(1409549287, "teameekey", "Петер 2.0", "Иванов Иван Иванович"), User(1624330498, 'elfen_clan', 'Каэде', "Антон Семёнов") ] session.add_all(users) # Spheres spheres = [ Sphere("Дизайн"), Sphere('SMM'), Sphere("Разработка ПО под Windows"), Sphere("Мобильная разработка"), Sphere("Консультирование"), Sphere("CRM"), Sphere("Разработка телеграм ботов"), Sphere("Фронтенд") ] session.add_all(spheres) # Specialist specialist = Specialist(users[0]) session.add(specialist) # Spheres to specialist spheres_to_specialist = [ SphereToSpecialist(spheres[0], specialist), SphereToSpecialist(spheres[2], specialist), SphereToSpecialist(spheres[4], specialist), SphereToSpecialist(spheres[3], specialist), SphereToSpecialist(spheres[-1], specialist) ] session.add_all(spheres_to_specialist) # Representative representatives = [ Representative(users[1], "ООО название компании"), Representative(users[3], "ООО моя оборона") ] session.add_all(representatives) # Moderator moderator = Moderator(users[2], is_admin=True) session.add(moderator) # Task tasks = [ Task( "Разработать телеграм бота", representatives[0], "Разработать ТГ бота для ведения учёта посещений " "собраний, полное ТЗ при контакте"), Task( "Разработать дизайн для сайта", representatives[0], "Разработать дизайн для сайта НКО для сборов пожертвований для бездомных", specialist=specialist, status='in_work'), Task("Разработать сайт для НКО", representatives[0], status="awaiting_specialist") ] session.add_all(tasks) # SphereToTask sphere_to_tasks = [ SphereToTask(spheres[-2], tasks[0]), SphereToTask(spheres[-1], tasks[1]), SphereToTask(spheres[0], tasks[1]) ] session.add_all(sphere_to_tasks) session.commit()