def _parse_csv(cls, csv_data, delimiter='|', wrap_all_strings=False, null_text='None', wrapper_character="'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested=False, escape_character="\\", line_terminator='\r\n', config_set=None): """Generate a :class:`dict <python:dict>` from a CSV record. .. tip:: Unwrapped empty column values are automatically interpreted as null (:obj:`None <python:None>`). :param csv_data: The CSV record. Should be a single row and should **not** include column headers. :type csv_data: :class:`str <python:str>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is applied. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param null_text: The string used to indicate an empty value if empty values are wrapped. Defaults to `None`. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param config_set: If not :obj:`None <python:None>`, the named configuration set to use. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type config_set: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the CSV record. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises DeserializationError: if ``csv_data`` is not a valid :class:`str <python:str>` :raises CSVStructureError: if the columns in ``csv_data`` do not match the expected columns returned by :func:`get_csv_column_names() <BaseModel.get_csv_column_names>` :raises ValueDeserializationError: if a value extracted from the CSV failed when executing its :term:`de-serialization function`. """ try: csv_data = validators.string(csv_data, allow_empty=False) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise DeserializationError("csv_data expects a 'str', received '%s'" \ % type(csv_data)) if not wrapper_character: wrapper_character = '\'' if wrap_all_strings: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC else: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL if 'sqlathanor' in csv.list_dialects(): csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') csv.register_dialect('sqlathanor', delimiter=delimiter, doublequote=double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escapechar=escape_character, quotechar=wrapper_character, quoting=quoting, lineterminator=line_terminator) csv_column_names = [ x for x in cls.get_csv_column_names( deserialize=True, serialize=None, config_set=config_set) ] csv_reader = csv.DictReader([csv_data], fieldnames=csv_column_names, dialect='sqlathanor', restkey=None, restval=None) rows = [x for x in csv_reader] if len(rows) > 1: raise CSVStructureError('expected 1 row of data, received %s' % len(csv_reader)) elif len(rows) == 0: data = dict_() for column_name in csv_column_names: data[column_name] = None else: data = rows[0] if data.get(None, None) is not None: raise CSVStructureError('expected %s fields, found %s' % (len(csv_column_names), len(data.keys()))) deserialized_data = dict_() for key in data: if data[key] == null_text: deserialized_data[key] = None continue attribute_name = cls._get_attribute_name(key) deserialized_value = cls._get_deserialized_value( data[key], 'csv', key, config_set=config_set) deserialized_data[attribute_name] = deserialized_value csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') return deserialized_data
def _parse_dict(cls, input_data, format, error_on_extra_keys=True, drop_extra_keys=False, config_set=None): """Generate a processed :class:`dict <python:dict>` object from in-bound :class:`dict <python:dict>` data. :param input_data: An inbound :class:`dict <python:dict>` object which can be processed for de-serialization. :type input_data: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :param format: The format from which ``input_data`` was received. Accepts: ``'csv'``, ``'json'``, ``'yaml'``, and ``'dict'``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param error_on_extra_keys: If ``True``, will raise an error if an unrecognized key is found in ``dict_data``. If ``False``, will either drop or include the extra key in the result, as configured in the ``drop_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``True``. :type error_on_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param drop_extra_keys: If ``True``, will omit unrecognized top-level keys from the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>`. If ``False``, will include unrecognized keys or raise an error based on the configuration of the ``error_on_extra_keys`` parameter. Defaults to ``False``. :type drop_extra_keys: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param config_set: If not :obj:`None <python:None>`, the named configuration set to use when processing the input. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type config_set: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A processed :class:`dict <python:dict>` object that has had :term:`deserializer functions` applied to it. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises ExtraKeyError: if ``error_on_extra_keys`` is ``True`` and ``input_data`` contains top-level keys that are not recognized as attributes for the instance model. :raises DeserializationError: if ``input_data`` is not a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or JSON object serializable to a :class:`dict <python:dict>` or if ``input_data`` is empty. :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not a supported value """ if format not in ['csv', 'json', 'yaml', 'dict']: raise InvalidFormatError("format '%s' not supported" % format) try: input_data = validators.dict(input_data, allow_empty=True, json_serializer=json) except ValueError: raise DeserializationError('input_data is not a dict') if not input_data or len(input_data.keys()) == 0: raise DeserializationError("input_data is empty") dict_object = dict_() if format == 'csv': attribute_getter = cls.get_csv_serialization_config elif format == 'json': attribute_getter = cls.get_json_serialization_config elif format == 'yaml': attribute_getter = cls.get_yaml_serialization_config elif format == 'dict': attribute_getter = cls.get_dict_serialization_config attributes = [ x for x in attribute_getter( deserialize=True, serialize=None, config_set=config_set) if hasattr(cls, ] if not attributes: raise DeserializableAttributeError( "'%s' has no '%s' de-serializable attributes" % (type(cls.__name__), format)) attribute_names = [x.display_name or for x in attributes] extra_keys = [x for x in input_data.keys() if x not in attribute_names] if extra_keys and error_on_extra_keys: raise ExtraKeyError("input data had extra keys: %s" % extra_keys) for attribute in attributes: key = attribute.display_name or try: value = input_data.pop(key) except KeyError: continue value = cls._get_deserialized_value( value, format, key, error_on_extra_keys=error_on_extra_keys, drop_extra_keys=drop_extra_keys, config_set=config_set) dict_object[] = value if input_data and not drop_extra_keys: for key in input_data: dict_object[key] = input_data[key] return dict_object
def _get_attribute_csv_data(self, attributes, is_dumping=False, delimiter='|', wrap_all_strings=False, null_text='None', wrapper_character="'", double_wrapper_character_when_nested=False, escape_character="\\", line_terminator='\r\n', config_set=None): r"""Return the CSV representation of ``attributes`` extracted from the model instance (record). :param attributes: Names of :term:`model attributes <model attribute>` to include in the CSV output. :type attributes: :class:`list <python:list>` of :class:`str <python:str>` :param is_dumping: If ``True``, then allow :exc:`UnsupportedSerializationError <sqlathanor.errors.UnsupportedSerializationError>`. Defaults to ``False``. :type is_dumping: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param delimiter: The delimiter used between columns. Defaults to ``|``. :type delimiter: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrap_all_strings: If ``True``, wraps any string data in the ``wrapper_character``. If ``None``, only wraps string data if it contains the ``delimiter``. Defaults to ``False``. :type wrap_all_strings: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param null_text: The text value to use in place of empty values. Only applies if ``wrap_empty_values`` is ``True``. Defaults to ``'None'``. :type null_text: :class:`str <python:str>` :param wrapper_character: The string used to wrap string values when wrapping is necessary. Defaults to ``'``. :type wrapper_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param double_wrapper_character_when_nested: If ``True``, will double the ``wrapper_character`` when it is found inside a column value. If ``False``, will precede the ``wrapper_character`` by the ``escape_character`` when it is found inside a column value. Defaults to ``False``. :type double_wrapper_character_when_nested: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param escape_character: The character to use when escaping nested wrapper characters. Defaults to ``\``. :type escape_character: :class:`str <python:str>` :param line_terminator: The character used to mark the end of a line. Defaults to ``\r\n``. :type line_terminator: :class:`str <python:str>` :param config_set: If not :obj:`None <python:None>`, the named configuration set to use. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type config_set: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: Data from the object in CSV format ending in ``line_terminator``. :rtype: :class:`str <python:str>` """ if not wrapper_character: wrapper_character = '\'' if not attributes: raise SerializableAttributeError("attributes cannot be empty") if wrap_all_strings: quoting = csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC else: quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL if 'sqlathanor' in csv.list_dialects(): csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') csv.register_dialect('sqlathanor', delimiter=delimiter, doublequote=double_wrapper_character_when_nested, escapechar=escape_character, quotechar=wrapper_character, quoting=quoting, lineterminator=line_terminator) data = [] for item in attributes: try: value = self._get_serialized_value(format='csv', attribute=item, config_set=config_set) except UnsupportedSerializationError as error: if is_dumping: value = getattr(self, item) else: raise error data.append(value) for index, item in enumerate(data): if item == '' or item is None or item == 'None': data[index] = null_text elif not checkers.is_string(item) and not checkers.is_numeric( item): data[index] = str(item) data_dict = dict_() for index, column_name in enumerate(attributes): data_dict[column_name] = data[index] output = StringIO() csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output, fieldnames=attributes, dialect='sqlathanor') csv_writer.writerow(data_dict) data_row = output.getvalue() output.close() csv.unregister_dialect('sqlathanor') return data_row
def _to_dict(self, format, max_nesting=0, current_nesting=0, is_dumping=False, config_set=None): """Return a :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. .. warning:: This method is an **intermediate** step that is used to produce the contents for certain public JSON, YAML, and :class:`dict <python:dict>` serialization methods. It should not be called directly. :param format: The format to which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` will ultimately be serialized. Accepts: ``'csv'``, ``'json'``, ``'yaml'``, and ``'dict'``. :type format: :class:`str <python:str>` :param max_nesting: The maximum number of levels that the resulting :class:`dict <python:dict>` object can be nested. If set to ``0``, will not nest other serializable objects. Defaults to ``0``. :type max_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param current_nesting: The current nesting level at which the :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation will reside. Defaults to ``0``. :type current_nesting: :class:`int <python:int>` :param is_dumping: If ``True``, retrieves all attributes except callables, utilities, and specials (``__<name>``). If ``False``, only retrieves those that have JSON serialization enabled. Defaults to ``False``. :type is_dumping: :class:`bool <python:bool>` :param config_set: If not :obj:`None <python:None>`, the named configuration set to use when processing the input. Defaults to :obj:`None <python:None>`. :type config_set: :class:`str <python:str>` / :obj:`None <python:None>` :returns: A :class:`dict <python:dict>` representation of the object. :rtype: :class:`dict <python:dict>` :raises InvalidFormatError: if ``format`` is not recognized :raises SerializableAttributeError: if attributes is empty :raises UnsupportedSerializationError: if unable to serialize a value :raises MaximumNestingExceededError: if ``current_nesting`` is greater than ``max_nesting`` :raises MaximumNestingExceededWarning: if an attribute requires nesting beyond ``max_nesting`` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches next_nesting = current_nesting + 1 if format not in ['csv', 'json', 'yaml', 'dict']: raise InvalidFormatError("format '%s' not supported" % format) if current_nesting > max_nesting: raise MaximumNestingExceededError( 'current nesting level (%s) exceeds maximum %s' % (current_nesting, max_nesting)) dict_object = dict_() if format == 'csv': attribute_getter = self.get_csv_serialization_config elif format == 'json': attribute_getter = self.get_json_serialization_config elif format == 'yaml': attribute_getter = self.get_yaml_serialization_config elif format == 'dict': attribute_getter = self.get_dict_serialization_config if not is_dumping: attributes = [ x for x in attribute_getter( deserialize=None, serialize=True, config_set=config_set) if hasattr(self, ] else: attribute_names = [ x for x in get_attribute_names(self, include_callable=False, include_nested=False, include_private=True, include_special=False, include_utilities=False) ] attributes = [] for item in attribute_names: attribute_config = self.get_attribute_serialization_config( item, config_set=config_set) if attribute_config is not None: on_serialize_function = attribute_config.on_serialize.get( format, None) else: on_serialize_function = None attribute = AttributeConfiguration( name=item, supports_json=True, supports_yaml=True, supports_dict=True, on_serialize=on_serialize_function) attributes.append(attribute) if not attributes: raise SerializableAttributeError( "'%s' has no '%s' serializable attributes" % (type(self.__class__), format)) for attribute in attributes: item = getattr(self,, None) if hasattr(item, '_to_dict'): try: value = item._to_dict( format, # pylint: disable=protected-access max_nesting=max_nesting, current_nesting=next_nesting, is_dumping=is_dumping, config_set=config_set) except MaximumNestingExceededError: warnings.warn( "skipping key '%s' because maximum nesting has been exceeded" \ %, MaximumNestingExceededWarning ) continue else: if attribute.on_serialize[format]: on_serialize_function = attribute.on_serialize[format] item = on_serialize_function(item) if checkers.is_iterable(item, forbid_literals=(str, bytes, dict)): try: value = iterable__to_dict(item, format, max_nesting=max_nesting, current_nesting=next_nesting, is_dumping=is_dumping, config_set=config_set) except MaximumNestingExceededError: warnings.warn( "skipping key '%s' because maximum nesting has been exceeded" \ %, MaximumNestingExceededWarning ) continue except NotAnIterableError: try: value = self._get_serialized_value( format,, config_set=config_set) except UnsupportedSerializationError as error: if is_dumping: value = getattr(self, else: raise error else: try: value = self._get_serialized_value( format,, config_set=config_set) except UnsupportedSerializationError as error: if is_dumping: value = getattr(self, else: raise error serialized_key = attribute.display_name or dict_object[str(serialized_key)] = value return dict_object