def test_more_unstarted(engine): with engine.begin() as cn: cn.execute('delete from rework.task') cn.execute('delete from rework.worker') with workers(engine) as mon: nworkers = engine.execute( 'select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() assert nworkers == 1 with engine.begin() as cn: insert('rework.worker').values( host='', domain='default').do(cn) # unborn worker nworkers = engine.execute( 'select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() assert nworkers == 2 t1 = api.schedule(engine, 'raw_input', b'foo') t2 = api.schedule(engine, 'raw_input', b'foo') t1.join() t2.join() assert engine.execute('select count(*) from rework.task').scalar() == 2 nworkers = engine.execute( 'select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() assert nworkers == 2 mon.cleanup_unstarted() nworkers = engine.execute( 'select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() assert nworkers == 1 assert engine.execute('select count(*) from rework.task').scalar() == 2
def test_cleanup_unstarted(engine): with engine.begin() as cn: cn.execute('delete from rework.task') cn.execute('delete from rework.worker') mon = Monitor(engine, 'default', None, 1, 1, 0, False) mon.register() mon.ensure_workers() with engine.begin() as cn: insert('rework.worker').values(host='', domain='default').do( cn) # unborn worker nworkers = engine.execute('select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() assert nworkers == 2 t = api.schedule(engine, 'raw_input', b'foo') t.join() mon.killall(msg=None) deleted = mon.cleanup_unstarted() assert deleted == 1 assert engine.execute('select count(*) from rework.worker').scalar() == 1 assert engine.execute('select count(*) from rework.task').scalar() == 1 deleted = mon.cleanup_unstarted() assert deleted == 0
def test_list_workers(engine, cli): with workers(engine): r = cli('list-workers', engine.url) assert ('<X> <X>@<X>.<X>.<X>.<X> <X> Mb [running (idle)] ' '[<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>] ' '→ [<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>]') == scrub(r.output) with engine.begin() as cn: insert('rework.worker').values(host='12345', domain='default').do(cn) r = cli('list-workers', engine.url) assert ('<X> <X>@<X>.<X>.<X>.<X> <X> Mb [dead] ' '[<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>] ' '→ [<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>] ' '→ [<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>] ' 'Forcefully killed by the monitor. \n' '<X> <nopid>@<X> <X> Mb [unstarted] ' '[<X>-<X>-<X> <X>:<X>:<X>.<X>+<X>]') == scrub(r.output)
def sqlInsert(params,extraParams=None,dbType='postgres'): ''' Give the SQL INSERT statement @param params: dict keyed by field name of values @param extraParams: any extra fields that you have created beyond the normal ais message fields @rtype: sqlhelp.insert @return: insert class instance @todo: allow optional type checking of params? @warning: this will take invalid keys happily and do what??? ''' import sqlhelp i = sqlhelp.insert('bsreport',dbType=dbType) if dbType=='postgres': finished = [] for key in params: if key in finished: continue if key not in toPgFields and key not in fromPgFields: if type(params[key])==Decimal: i.add(key,float(params[key])) else: i.add(key,params[key]) else: if key in fromPgFields: val = params[key] # Had better be a WKT type like POINT(-88.1 30.321) i.addPostGIS(key,val) finished.append(key) else: # Need to construct the type. pgName = toPgFields[key] #valStr='GeomFromText(\''+pgTypes[pgName]+'(' valStr=pgTypes[pgName]+'(' vals = [] for nonPgKey in fromPgFields[pgName]: vals.append(str(params[nonPgKey])) finished.append(nonPgKey) valStr+=' '.join(vals)+')' i.addPostGIS(pgName,valStr) else: for key in params: if type(params[key])==Decimal: i.add(key,float(params[key])) else: i.add(key,params[key]) if None != extraParams: for key in extraParams: i.add(key,extraParams[key]) return i
def freeze_operations(engine, domain=None, domain_map=None, hostid=None): values = [] if hostid is None: hostid = host() if domain_map: domain = domain_map.get(domain, domain) for (fdomain, fname), (func, timeout) in __task_registry__.items(): if domain_map: fdomain = domain_map.get(fdomain, fdomain) if domain is not None and domain != fdomain: continue if timeout is not None: timeout = delta_isoformat(timeout) funcmod = func.__module__ module = sys.modules[funcmod] modpath = module.__file__ # python2 if modpath.endswith('pyc'): modpath = modpath[:-1] modpath = str(Path(modpath).resolve()) values.append({ 'host': hostid, 'name': fname, 'path': modpath, 'domain': fdomain, 'timeout': timeout }) recorded = [] alreadyknown = [] for value in values: with engine.begin() as cn: try: q = insert( 'rework.operation' ).values( **value ) recorded.append(value) except IntegrityError: alreadyknown.append(value) return recorded, alreadyknown
def register(self): # register in db with self.engine.begin() as cn: q = insert('rework.monitor').values(domain=self.domain, options=json.dumps({ 'maxworkers': self.maxworkers, 'minworkers': self.minworkers, 'maxruns': self.maxruns, 'maxmem': self.maxmem, 'debugport': self.debugport })) self.monid =
def refresh_tasks(engine, inithash, domain): taskstates = tasks_info(engine, domain) thash = md5(str(taskstates).encode('ascii')).hexdigest() if thash != inithash: htmltable = generate_tasks_table(engine, taskstates) q = insert('rework.taskstable').values( hash=thash, domain=domain, content=htmltable ) with engine.begin() as cn: inithash = thash # cleanup old tables sql = ('delete from rework.taskstable ' 'where hash != %(hash)s ' 'and domain = %(domain)s') with engine.begin() as cn: cn.execute(sql, hash=thash, domain=domain) return inithash
def sqlInsert(params,extraParams=None,dbType='postgres'): ''' Give the SQL INSERT statement @param params: dict keyed by field name of values @param extraParams: any extra fields that you have created beyond the normal ais message fields @rtype: sqlhelp.insert @return: insert class instance @todo: allow optional type checking of params? @warning: this will take invalid keys happily and do what??? ''' import sqlhelp i = sqlhelp.insert('b_staticdata',dbType=dbType) for key in params: if type(params[key])==Decimal: i.add(key,float(params[key])) else: i.add(key,params[key]) if None != extraParams: for key in extraParams: i.add(key,extraParams[key]) return i
def _new_revision(self, cn, name, head, tsstart, tsend, author, insertion_date, metadata): tablename = self._series_to_tablename(cn, name) if insertion_date is not None: assert insertion_date.tzinfo is not None idate = pd.Timestamp(insertion_date) else: idate = pd.Timestamp(datetime.utcnow(), tz='UTC') latest_idate = self.latest_insertion_date(cn, name) if latest_idate: assert idate > latest_idate if metadata: metadata = json.dumps(metadata) q = insert(f'"{self.namespace}.revision"."{tablename}" ').values( snapshot=head, tsstart=tsstart, tsend=tsend, author=author, insertion_date=idate, metadata=metadata)
def new_worker(self): with self.engine.begin() as cn: q = insert('rework.worker').values(host=host(), domain=self.domain) return
def schedule(engine, opname, inputdata=None, rawinputdata=None, hostid=None, module=None, domain=None, metadata=None): """schedule an operation to be run by a worker It returns a `Task` object. The operation name is the only mandatory parameter. The `domain` can be specified to avoid an ambiguity if an operation is defined within several domains. An `inputdata` object can be given. It can be any picklable python object. It will be available through `task.input`. Alternatively `rawinputdata` can be provided. It must be a byte string. It can be useful to transmit file contents and avoid the pickling overhead. It will be available through `task.rawinput`. Lastly, `metadata` can be provided as a json-serializable python dictionary. It can contain anything. """ if metadata: assert isinstance(metadata, dict) if inputdata is not None: rawinputdata = dumps(inputdata, protocol=2) q = select('id').table('rework.operation').where( name=opname ) if hostid is not None: q.where(host=hostid) if module is not None: q.where(modname=module) if domain is not None: q.where(domain=domain) with engine.begin() as cn: opids = if len(opids) > 1: if hostid is None: return schedule( engine, opname, rawinputdata=rawinputdata, hostid=host(), module=module, domain=domain, metadata=metadata ) raise ValueError('Ambiguous operation selection') if not len(opids): raise Exception('No operation was found for these parameters') opid = opids[0][0] q = insert( 'rework.task' ).values( operation=opid, input=rawinputdata, status='queued', metadata=json.dumps(metadata) ) tid = return Task(engine, tid, opid)