def readDB(db, calcId, cols):
    with sqlConnect(db) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        cur.execute("SELECT geomid,results from Calc where CalcId=?",
                    (calcId, ))
        CalcRow = [[i] + j.split() for i, j in cur]
            CalcRow = np.array(CalcRow, dtype=np.float64)
        except:  # somthing wrong with the res files
            ind = len(CalcRow[0])
            for i in CalcRow:
                if ind != len(i):
                    raise Exception(
                        "Some thing wrong with the result of GeomID %s" % i[0])

        cur.execute("SELECT id,%s from Geometry" % cols)
        GeomRow = np.array(cur.fetchall())

    # This is the list of indexes in geomrow corresponding to the id in calcrow
    sortedIndex = np.searchsorted(GeomRow[:, 0],
                                  CalcRow[:, 0],
                                  sorter=GeomRow[:, 0].argsort())
    # each row of resArr  contains [rho, phi, results...]
    resArr = np.column_stack([GeomRow[sortedIndex][:, 1:], CalcRow[:, 1:]])
    # sort out jumbling of rho, phi values, also remove any duplicates in process, be careful !!!
    resArr = np.unique(resArr, axis=0)
    return resArr
def deleteCalcs(dB, pesDir, calcId, geomIdList):
    geomStr = ' where calcid = %s and geomid in ('%calcId + ','.join(map(str, geomIdList)) + ')'

    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()

        cur.execute('select geomid from expcalc' + geomStr)
        geomList = cur.fetchall()
        for (geomId,) in geomList:
            cur.execute('delete from expcalc where geomid = ? and calcid = ?',(geomId,calcId))
            print("CalcId = {}, GeomId = {} deleted from ExpCalc Table".format(calcId,geomId))

        cur.execute('select type from CalcInfo where id=?',(calcId,))
        calcName = cur.fetchone()[0]
        cur.execute('select geomid from calc' + geomStr)
        geomList = cur.fetchall()
        for (geomId,) in geomList:
            dirToRemove = '{}/geom{}/{}{}'.format(pesDir, geomId,calcName, calcId)
            if os.path.isdir(dirToRemove): # geomdata is in folder format
            elif os.path.isfile(dirToRemove+'.tar.bz2'): # if is it in archived
                print("No GeomData found for CalcId = {}, GeomId = {}".format(calcId,geomId) )
            cur.execute('delete from calc where geomid = ? and calcid = ?',(geomId,calcId))
            print("CalcId = {}, GeomId = {} deleted from CalcTable and GeomData".format(calcId,geomId))
def resetCalcs(db):
    # deleteCalcs for all calculations 
    # clear geomdata 
    # clear expdir and rundir
    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        print("Clearing up tables Calc, ExpCalc, Exports")
        cur.execute("delete from Calc")
        cur.execute("delete from ExpCalc")
        cur.execute("delete from Exports")
    print("Deleting directories GeomData, ExpDir, RunDir")
def GetExpMrciNactJobs(dB, calcId, jobs, gidList, constDb):

    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        # #---WARNING:::: turning off constraint, its not that used anyway
        sqlQuery = '''SELECT GeomId,Id FROM Calc 
                    WHERE CalcId = 1 and 
                    GeomId not in (SELECT GeomId FROM Calc WHERE CalcId={0} UNION SELECT GeomId FROM ExpCalc WHERE CalcId={0}) 
                    {2} LIMIT {1}'''.format(
            calcId, jobs, ' and GeomId in ({})'.format(','.join(
                map(str, gidList))) if gidList else '')

        expGClist = cur.fetchall()

    assert expGClist, "No Exportable geometries found"  # preventing null exports
    return expGClist
def successiveExport(dB, calcId, jobs, gidList, constDb):
    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get all geoms that is left in the expcalc table for all previous calc ids (greater than 1)
        # if its left in the expcalc (for calcid >1) then it's calcid=1/mcscf was obviously successful.
        sqlQuery = '''SELECT GeomId,Id FROM Calc 
                    WHERE CalcId = 1 and
                    GeomId in (SELECT GeomId from ExpCalc where CalcId={0}) and 
                    GeomId not in (SELECT GeomId FROM Calc WHERE CalcId={1} UNION SELECT GeomId FROM ExpCalc WHERE CalcId={1}) 
                    {3} LIMIT {2}'''.format(
            calcId - 1, calcId, jobs, ' and GeomId in ({})'.format(','.join(
                map(str, gidList))) if gidList else '')

        expGClist = cur.fetchall()

    assert expGClist, "No Exportable geometries found"  # preventing null exports
    return expGClist
def status(dB):
    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        status = '-'*90+'\033[31m\n\033[5m\033[4mPESMan Status:\033[0m\t\t'
        cur.execute('select count(id) from Geometry')
        status+= '\033[35m\033[4mTotal number of geometries: {}\033[0m\n'.format(cur.fetchone()[0])
        cur.execute('select type from CalcInfo')
        names = [i[0] for i in cur]
        if len(names)==0:
            status+='{0}{1}{0}'.format('='*90,'\n\t\tNo Calcs are avialable\n')
        status += "{0}\n{1:^10}|{2:^13}|{3:^20}|{4:^20}|{5:^20}\n{0}".format(
                '='*90,'CalcId','CalcName','Exported Jobs No.','Imported Jobs No.', 'Jobs in ExpCalc')
        for i,name in enumerate(names, start=1):
            cur.execute('select sum(NumCalc) from Exports where calcid=?',(i,))
            tE = cur.fetchone()[0]
            tE = tE if tE else 0
            cur.execute('select count(*) from calc where calcid=?',(i,))
            tD = cur.fetchone()[0]
            cur.execute('select count(*) from ExpCalc where calcid=?',(i,))
            tEx = cur.fetchone()[0]
            status +="\n{:^10}|{:^13}|{:^20}|{:^20}|{:^20}\n{}".format(i,name,tE,tD,tEx,'-'*90)

        # Check for SemiCalc information 
        cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table';")
        tables = [i for i, in cur.fetchall()]
        if "SemiCalc" in tables:
            cur.execute("SELECT count(*) from SemiCalc;")
            print("No. of results in SemiCalc table {}".format(cur.fetchone()[0]))

        status = "\033[31m\n\033[4mDirectory Stats:\033[0m\t\t\n" + "="*90 + "\n"
        subDirs = [x for x in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(x)]
        for s in subDirs:
            status += " {:<13} ---  {}\n".format(s,size(s))
        status += " {:<13} ---  {}\n".format('Total',size('.')) + "-"*90 
        # for s in subDirs: # also prints number of files and folders
        #   status += " {:<13} ---  {}  ({:>3} folders & {:>3} files)\n".format(s,size(s),folders(s),files(x))
        # status += " {:<13} ---  {}  ({:>3} folders & {:>3} files)\n".format('Total',size('.'),folders('.'),files('.')) + "-"*90
        lastM = time.ctime(os.path.getmtime(os.path.expanduser(dB)))
        print("Database last modified on : {} \n".format(lastM))
def ExportJobs(dB, calcId, jobs, np, exportDir, pesDir, templ, gidList,
               sidList, depth, constDb, includePath, molInfo, par, logger):
    # Main export function that exports a given number of jobs for a specified calcid type
    # following collects the geomid that are exportable and the calc table id which will be used as their start info
    if calcId == 1:  # Mrci or nact export
        ExpGeomList = GetExpGeomNearNbr(dB, calcId, gidList, sidList, jobs,
                                        depth, constDb, includePath)
    elif calcId == 2:
        ExpGeomList = GetExpMrciNactJobs(dB, calcId, jobs, gidList, constDb)
        raise Exception('No calculation is defined for CalId=', calcId)
        ExpGeomList = successiveExport(dB, calcId, jobs, gidList, constDb)

    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        con.row_factory = sqlRow
        cur = con.cursor()

        cur.execute('SELECT * from CalcInfo WHERE Id=?', (calcId, ))
        InfoRow = cur.fetchone()
        assert InfoRow, "No Info for CalcId={} found in data base".format(

        calcName, template = InfoRow['Type'], InfoRow[
            'InpTempl']  # unpack calcname and the template from the info table

        # insert into database one row and use the id as export id
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO Exports (CalcId) VALUES (?)", (calcId, ))
        exportId = cur.lastrowid

        expDir = "{}/Export{}-{}{}".format(exportDir, exportId, calcName,
        # remove the export directory if already exists, may have created from some failed export.
        if os.path.exists(expDir):
            shutil.rmtree(expDir)  #<<<--- shouldn't have happened

        if templ:  # if template given use that, o/w use from calcinfo table
            with open(templ, 'r') as f:
                template = f.read()

        jobs = []
        for ind, (geomId, startId) in enumerate(ExpGeomList, start=1):
            cur.execute('SELECT * from Geometry WHERE Id=?', (geomId, ))
            geom = dict(
                cur.fetchone())  # to be parsed in geometry, saving unnecessary

            if startId:
                cur.execute('SELECT GeomId,Dir from Calc WHERE Id=?',
                            (startId, ))
                startGId, startDir = cur.fetchone()
                startGId, startDir = 0, None

                geomId, geom, calcId, expDir, template, calcName, startGId,
                startDir, ind, logger.info if np == 1 else print
        # the logging module though thread safe, can't write from multiple processes, so with multiprocessing simple print is used
        # This situation can be handled properly with an explicit threading queue, but I didn't want to make it all that complicated
        # That means in parallel case the statements inside ExportCalc won't be logged to PESMan.log, only be print to console
        if np == 1:
            expDirs = [ExportCalc(i) for i in jobs]
        else:  # if parallel export is requested
            pool = Pool(processes=np)
            expDirs = pool.map(ExportCalc, jobs)

        # update the export table and expcalc tables with the exported jobs
        expGeomIds = [i for i, _ in ExpGeomList]
            "UPDATE Exports SET NumCalc=?, ExpDT=strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y', datetime('now', 'localtime')), \
                    ExpGeomIds=? WHERE Id=?",
            (len(expDirs), ' '.join(map(str, expGeomIds)), exportId))

        lExpCalc = [(exportId, calcId, i, j)
                    for i, j in zip(expGeomIds, expDirs)]
            "INSERT INTO ExpCalc (ExpId,CalcId,GeomId,CalcDir) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",

        fExportDat = expDir + "/export.dat"  # save the export id and exported directories in export.dat file
        with open(fExportDat, 'w') as f:
            f.write("# Auto generated file. Please do not modify\n" +
                    ' '.join(map(str, [exportId] + expDirs)))

            fExportDat, 0o444
        )  # change mode of this file to read-only to prevent accidental writes

        fPythonFile = "{}/RunJob{}.py".format(
            expDir, exportId)  # save the python file that will run the jobs

        if par:  # export job to run parallel geometry
            createRunJobParallel(molInfo, fPythonFile)
        else:  # run a single geometry, mandatory for job like primary mcscf
                fPythonFile)  # use only this if you want no parallel geometry

            "PESMan export successful: Id {} with {} job(s) exported\n".format(
                exportId, len(ExpGeomList)))
        return expDir, exportId, expDirs
def ImportJobs(dB, np, expFile, pesDir, iGl, isDel, isZipped, logger):
    # imports jobs from a given export.dat file

    exportDir = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.dirname(expFile))  # get the main export directory
    exportId = re.findall(
        exportDir)[0]  # get the export id, from the directroy name
    # so it seems the export.dat is really not needed to import a job, just the path directory is required

    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()
        cur.execute('SELECT Status FROM Exports WHERE Id=?',
                    (exportId, ))  # check if the export id is open for import
        exp_row = cur.fetchone()
        assert exp_row, "Export Id = {} not found in data base".format(
        assert exp_row[0] == 0, "Export Id = {} is already closed.".format(

        jobs, geomIds = [], []
        # now obtain list of jobs which can be imported.
        cur.execute("SELECT GeomId,CalcDir FROM ExpCalc where ExpId=?",
                    (exportId, ))
        for geomId, calcDir in cur.fetchall():
            dirFull = "{}/{}".format(exportDir, calcDir)  # ab initio directory
            calcFile = "{0}/{1}/{1}.calc".format(exportDir,
                                                 calcDir)  # calcfile name
            if os.path.isfile(calcFile):  # is this job successful?

                    dirFull, calcFile, pesDir, iGl, isZipped, isDel,
                    logger.info if np == 1 else print

        if np == 1:
            res = [ImportCalc(i) for i in jobs]
        else:  # if parallel import is requested
            pool = Pool(processes=np)
            res = pool.map(ImportCalc, jobs)

            "INSERT INTO Calc (GeomId,CalcId,Dir,StartGId,Results) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
        cur.executemany('DELETE FROM ExpCalc WHERE ExpId=? AND GeomId=? ',
                        [(exportId, geomId) for geomId in geomIds])

            "UPDATE Exports SET ImpDT=strftime('%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y', datetime('now', 'localtime')) WHERE Id=?",
            (exportId, ))

        cur.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM ExpCalc WHERE ExpId=?", (exportId, ))
        if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0:
            cur.execute("UPDATE Exports SET Status=1 WHERE Id=?", (exportId, ))
            logger.info('Export Id={} is now closed.'.format(exportId))
            if isDel:
                logger.info("Deleting export directory {}".format(exportDir))
            logger.info('Export Id={} is not closed.'.format(exportId))
        logger.info("{} Job(s) have been successfully imported.\n".format(
def GetExpGeomNearNbr(dB, calcId, gidList, sidList, jobs, maxDepth, constDb,
    # Get the exportable geometries and their start id for mulit jobs, returns
    with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
        cur = con.cursor()

        # get jobs that is already done and add to excludegeomlist
        cur.execute("SELECT GeomId,Id FROM Calc WHERE CalcId=?", (calcId, ))
        DictCalcId = dict(cur.fetchall())
        CalcGeomIds = set(DictCalcId.keys())
        ExcludeGeomIds = CalcGeomIds.copy()

        cur.execute("SELECT GeomId FROM ExpCalc WHERE CalcId=?", (calcId, ))
        ExcludeGeomIds.update((i for (i, ) in cur))

        if gidList:
            sidList += [-1] * (len(gidList) - len(sidList)
                               )  # fill sidList if some missing
            DictStartId = dict(zip(gidList,
                                   sidList))  # create a dict of start ids

        cond = []
        if gidList:
            cond.append('id in (' + ",".join(map(str, gidList)) +
                        ')')  #include gidlist
        if constDb: cond.append('(' + constDb + ')')  #include constraint
        if not inclPath:
            cond.append("( tags NOT LIKE '%path%' or tags is null)"
                        )  #exclude pathological
        # `tags is null` is added as `not like '%path%'` doesn't match `null`!!! Is this the correct way?
        cond = ' where ' + ' and '.join(cond) if cond else ''
        cur.execute('SELECT Id,Nbr FROM Geometry' + cond)

        expGClist = []  # list that collects the tuple exportable jobs info
        fullGeomList = []  # a naive approach: store all the missed geometries
        for geomId, nbrList in cur:
            if geomId in ExcludeGeomIds:
                continue  # geometry already exist, skip
            if gidList and DictStartId[
                    geomId] >= 0:  # negetive start id will go to main neighbour searching
                nbrId = DictStartId[geomId]  # i.e. 0 or positive startid given
                if not nbrId:  # 0 startid nothing to do here
                    expGClist.append((geomId, 0))
                elif nbrId in CalcGeomIds:  # positive start id, include if calculation is already done
                    expGClist.append((geomId, DictCalcId[nbrId]))
                if len(expGClist) == jobs:
                    return expGClist  # got all the geometries needed

            nbrList = list(map(
                int, nbrList.split()))  # Care ful about integer mapping
            nbrId = nbrList[
                0]  # for this initial loop only consider first neighbour

            if nbrId in CalcGeomIds:
                expGClist.append((geomId, DictCalcId[nbrId]))  # got one match
                if len(expGClist) == jobs:
                    return expGClist
            fullGeomList.append((geomId, nbrList))

        #Get allowed depth. Provided every nbr list has same number of elements. This is be quite bad, do something better
        depth = maxDepth if maxDepth else len(
            fullGeomList[0][1]) if fullGeomList else 0
        exportedGeom = set([])
        for d in range(1, depth):  # depth loop starting from 1 to end,
            for geomId, nbrList in fullGeomList:
                if geomId in exportedGeom: continue

                nbrId = nbrList[d]  # get d-th neighbour
                if nbrId in CalcGeomIds:
                        (geomId, DictCalcId[nbrId])
                    )  # got one match now don't search for any other neighbours
                    if len(expGClist) == jobs:
                        return expGClist

    assert expGClist, "No Exportable geometries found"  # preventing null exports
    return expGClist
import numpy as np
from sqlite3 import connect as sqlConnect
from PESMan import parseConfig
from ImpExp import parseResult

# list of export.dat files are provided through the default command line arguments
# if no argument is provided then only result is saved from the data base
# Run this as `python <this_filename> <list of export.dat files>

config = parseConfig()
dB = config['DataBase']['db']

with sqlConnect(dB) as con:
    cur = con.cursor()
    # create a new table that will hold the semi successful jobs, no other information is required at this moment
    Results TEXT);

    result = []
    for expFile in sys.argv[1:]: # multiple expdirs is allowed through list input

        exportDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(expFile))   # get the main export directory
        exportId  = re.findall(r'Export(\d+)-', exportDir)[0]     # get the export id, from the directroy name
        calcId    = re.findall(r'Export\d+-\w+(\d+)',exportDir)[0]
    config = parseConfig()
    dbFile = config['DataBase']['db']
    nbrDbFile = config['DataBase']['nbr']

    dbExist = os.path.exists(dbFile)
    # neighbour limit to search for
    lim = 30

    # #%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for scattering hyperspherical %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    sql_script = sql_script.replace('$$', 'rho REAL,\ntheta REAL,\nphi REAL,')
    rho = float(sys.argv[1])
    ranges = [4.5, np.deg2rad(30), np.deg2rad(30)]

    if os.path.exists(nbrDbFile): os.remove(nbrDbFile)

    with sqlConnect(dbFile) as con, sqlConnect(nbrDbFile) as conNbr:
        cur = con.cursor()
        if not dbExist: cur.executescript(sql_script)

        curNbr = conNbr.cursor()

        # create the geometry list here
        newGeomList = np.vstack([[rho, 0, 0],
                                 np.stack(np.mgrid[rho:rho:1j, 2:50:25j,
                                          axis=3).reshape(-1, 3),
                                 np.stack(np.mgrid[rho:rho:1j, 51:90:40j,
                                          axis=3).reshape(-1, 3)])