def add_article(): form = ArticleForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('article').values({ 'title':, 'text':, }) cur = get_db().cursor() cur.execute(str(sql)) return redirect(url_for('article_page.articles')) return render_template('article/add.html', form=form)
sql ='', avg).from_(table) sql.where(where).where(planet='Earth') sql.group_by('user.country_id') print(sql) # # output: # (for better reading splited to more lines) # # SELECT `country`.`name`, AVG(`age`) AS "avgAge" # FROM `user` LEFT JOIN `country` ON `user`.`country_id`=`country`.`id` # WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) AND `planet` = 'Earth' # GROUP BY `user`.`country_id` # table = sqlpuzzle.customsql('`user`') set_ = sqlpuzzle.customsql('`age` = `age` + 1') sql = sqlpuzzle.update(table).set(set_).where(where) print(sql) # output: # UPDATE `user` SET `age` = `age` + 1 WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) print(sqlpuzzle.delete_from(table).where(where)) # output: # DELETE FROM `user` WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) print(sqlpuzzle.insert_into(table).values(name='Alan')) # output: # INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES ("Alan")
# output: ORDER BY `id` # All possible parts: # * _columns # * _group_by # * _having # * _into_outfile # * _limit # * _on_duplicate_key_update # * _order_by # * _tables # * _values # * _where # * _select_options sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('t').values(age=20, name='Michael') print(sql._values) # output: `age` = 20, `name` = "Michael" # oops! output is for update, not insert! # All these variables are instances: print("(%s) VALUES (%s)" % (sql._values.columns(), sql._values.values())) # output: (`age`, `name`) VALUES (20, "Michael") # And now we have ouput for insert. :) # !! This is not for usege! But it's possible. !! print(sqlpuzzle._queryparts.Limit().limit(10)) print(sqlpuzzle._queryparts.orderby.OrderBy().order_by('id')) # etc..
def test_insert_into(self): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('user').values(name='Harry') self.assertEqual(str(sql), 'INSERT INTO "user" ("name") VALUES (\'Harry\')')
# output: ORDER BY `id` # All possible parts: # * _columns # * _group_by # * _having # * _into_outfile # * _limit # * _on_duplicate_key_update # * _order_by # * _tables # * _values # * _where # * _select_options sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('t').values(age=20, name='Michael') print(sql._values) # output: `age` = 20, `name` = "Michael" # oops! output is for update, not insert! # All these variables are instances: print("(%s) VALUES (%s)" % (sql._values.columns(), sql._values.values())) # output: (`age`, `name`) VALUES (20, "Michael") # And now we have ouput for insert. :) # !! This is not for usege! But it's possible. !! print(sqlpuzzle._queryparts.Limit().limit(10)) print(sqlpuzzle._queryparts.orderby.OrderBy().order_by('id')) # etc.. try:
print(sql) # # output: # (for better reading splited to more lines) # # SELECT `country`.`name`, AVG(`age`) AS "avgAge" # FROM `user` LEFT JOIN `country` ON `user`.`country_id`=`country`.`id` # WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) AND `planet` = 'Earth' # GROUP BY `user`.`country_id` # table = sqlpuzzle.customsql('`user`') set_ = sqlpuzzle.customsql('`age` = `age` + 1') sql = sqlpuzzle.update(table).set(set_).where(where) print(sql) # output: # UPDATE `user` SET `age` = `age` + 1 WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) print(sqlpuzzle.delete_from(table).where(where)) # output: # DELETE FROM `user` WHERE (`enable` = 1 OR `vip` = 1) print(sqlpuzzle.insert_into(table).values(name='Alan')) # output: # INSERT INTO `user` (`name`) VALUES ("Alan")
def test_insert_into(): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('user').values(name='Harry') assert str(sql) == 'INSERT INTO "user" ("name") VALUES (\'Harry\')'
sql.values(name='Alan') sql.values({ 'enabled': True, }) sql.values('age', 42) sql.values(('salary', 12345.67), ('last_modify', datetime.datetime(2011, 6, 15))) values = ( ('age', 21), ('loginname', 'alan') ) sql.values(values) print(sql) # # output: # (for better reading splited to more lines) # # INSERT INTO `table` # (`salary`, `last_modify`, `loginname`, `name`, `age`, `enabled`) # VALUES # (12345.67000, "2011-06-15T00:00:00", "alan", "Alan", 21, 1) # print(sqlpuzzle.insert_into('table').values(values)) # output: # INSERT INTO `table` (`age`, `loginname`) VALUES (21, "alan")
def test_on_duplicate_key_update(sqlite): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('user') sql.values(id=1, name='Alan') sql.on_duplicate_key_update() assert str(sql) == 'REPLACE INTO "user" ("id", "name") VALUES (1, \'Alan\')'
def test_on_duplicate_key_update(sqlite): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into('user') sql.values(id=1, name='Alan') sql.on_duplicate_key_update() assert str( sql) == 'REPLACE INTO "user" ("id", "name") VALUES (1, \'Alan\')'
def test_on_duplicate_key_update(self): sql = sqlpuzzle.insert_into("user") sql.values(id=1, name="Alan") sql.on_duplicate_key_update() self.assertEqual(str(sql), 'REPLACE INTO "user" ("id", "name") VALUES (1, \'Alan\')')