 def make_result_table(self):
     jobnames = [c[0] for c in JobParams.fields]
     res = JobParams.fields + Fort10.fields
     cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(res)
     self.results = SQLTable(self.db, 'results', cols, keys=jobnames)
    def readplotb(self):
        dirname = self.db.mk_analysis_dir()
        rectype = [('six_input_id', 'int'),
                   ('row_num', 'int'), ('seed', 'int'), ('qx', 'float'),
                   ('qy', 'float'), ('betx', 'float'), ('bety', 'float'),
                   ('sigx1', 'float'), ('sigy1', 'float'), ('deltap', 'float'),
                   ('emitx', 'float'), ('emity', 'float'),
                   ('sigxminnld', 'float'), ('sigxavgnld', 'float'),
                   ('sigxmaxnld', 'float'), ('sigyminnld', 'float'),
                   ('sigyavgnld', 'float'), ('sigymaxnld', 'float'),
                   ('betx2', 'float'), ('bety2', 'float'), ('distp', 'float'),
                   ('dist', 'float'), ('qx_det', 'float'), ('qy_det', 'float'),
                   ('sturns1', 'int'), ('sturns2', 'int'), ('turn_max', 'int'),
                   ('amp1', 'float'), ('amp2', 'float'), ('angle', 'float'),
                   ('smearx', 'float'), ('smeary', 'float'),
                   ('mtime', 'float')]

        names = ','.join(zip(*rectype)[0])
        turnsl, turnse = self.db.env_var['turnsl'], self.db.env_var['turnse']
        tunex, tuney = float(self.db.env_var['tunex']), float(
        ns1l, ns2l = self.db.env_var['ns1l'], self.db.env_var['ns2l']
        sql = 'SELECT %s FROM results ORDER BY tunex,tuney,seed,amp1,amp2,angle' % names
        Elhc, Einj = self.db.execute(
            'SELECT emitn,gamma from six_beta LIMIT 1')[0]
        anumber = 1

        seeds, angles = self.db.get_seeds(), self.db.get_angles()
        mtime = self.db.execute('SELECT max(mtime) from results')[0][0]
        final = []
        post_data = []
        ftot = []
        sql1 = 'SELECT %s FROM results WHERE betx>0 AND bety>0 AND emitx>0 AND emity>0 AND turn_max=%d ' % (
            names, turnsl)
        nPlotSeeds = self.db.env_var["iend"]

        for tunex, tuney in self.db.get_db_tunes():
            sixdesktunes = "%s_%s" % (tunex, tuney)
            sql1 += ' AND tunex=%s AND tuney=%s ' % (tunex, tuney)
            for angle in angles:
                fndot = 'DAres.%s.%s.%s.%d' % (self.db.LHCDescrip,
                                               sixdesktunes, turnse, anumber)
                fndot = os.path.join(dirname, fndot)
                fhdot = open(fndot, 'w')
                nSeed = 1
                for seed in seeds:
                    name2 = "DAres.%s.%s.%s" % (self.db.LHCDescrip,
                                                sixdesktunes, turnse)
                    name1 = '%s%ss%s%s-%s%s.%d' % (self.db.LHCDescrip, seed,
                                                   sixdesktunes, ns1l, ns2l,
                                                   turnse, anumber)
                    ich1, ich2, ich3 = 0, 0, 0
                    alost1, alost2 = 0., 0.
                    achaos, achaos1 = 0, 0
                    icount = 1.

                    tl = np.zeros(ntlmax * ntlint + 1)
                    al = np.zeros(ntlmax * ntlint + 1)
                    ichl = np.zeros(ntlmax * ntlint + 1)
                    for i in range(1, ntlmax):
                        for j in range(0, ntlint):
                            tl[(i - 1) * ntlint + j] = int(
                                round(10**((i - 1) + (j - 1) / float(ntlint))))
                    tl[ntlmax * ntlint] = int(round(10**(float(ntlmax))))

                    achaos, achaos1 = 0, 0
                    alost1, alost2 = 0., 0.
                    ilost = 0
                    itest = 1
                    fac = 2.0
                    fac2 = 0.1
                    fac3 = 0.01

                    #-------------------- checkInjection-----------------
                    #-------------------- checkInjection-----------------

                    sql = sql1 + ' AND seed=%s ' % seed
                    sql += ' AND angle=%s ' % angle
                    sql += ' ORDER BY amp1 '
                    inp = np.array(self.db.execute(sql), dtype=rectype)

                    if len(inp) == 0:
                        msg = "all particle lost for angle = %s and seed = %s"
                        print msg % (angle, seed)

                    six_id = inp['six_input_id']
                    row = inp['row_num']
                    qx = inp['qx']
                    qy = inp['qy']
                    betx = inp['betx']
                    bety = inp['bety']
                    dist = inp['dist']
                    distp = inp['distp']
                    sigx1 = inp['sigx1']
                    betx2 = inp['betx2']
                    bety2 = inp['bety2']
                    emitx = inp['emitx']
                    emity = inp['emity']
                    smeary = inp['smeary']
                    smearx = inp['smearx']
                    qx_det = inp['qx_det']
                    qy_det = inp['qy_det']
                    sigy1 = inp['sigy1']
                    deltap = inp['deltap']
                    sturns1 = inp['sturns1']
                    sturns2 = inp['sturns2']
                    turn_max = inp['turn_max']
                    sigxavgnld = inp['sigxavgnld']
                    sigyavgnld = inp['sigyavgnld']
                    sigxmaxnld = inp['sigxmaxnld']
                    sigxminnld = inp['sigxminnld']
                    sigymaxnld = inp['sigymaxnld']
                    sigyminnld = inp['sigyminnld']

                    xidx = (betx > zero) & (emitx > zero)
                    yidx = (bety > zero) & (emity > zero)
                    # xidx, yidx = len(betx), len(bety)
                    sigx1[xidx] = np.sqrt(betx[xidx] * emitx[xidx])
                    sigy1[yidx] = np.sqrt(bety[yidx] * emity[yidx])
                    itest = sum(betx > zero)
                    # itest = len(betx)
                    iel = itest - 1
                    rat = 0

                    # if sigx1[0]>0:
                    #     rat=sigy1[0]**2*betx[0]/(sigx1[0]**2*bety[0])
                    # if sigx1[0]**2*bety[0]<sigy1[0]**2*betx[0]:
                    #     rat=2

                    if abs(emitx[0]) < epsilon and abs(
                            sigx1[0]) > epsilon and bety > epsilon:
                        rat = sigy1[0]**2 * betx[0] / (sigx1[0]**2 * bety[0])
                    if abs(emity[0]) > abs(emitx[0]) or rat > 1e-10:
                        rat = 0
                        dummy = np.copy(betx)
                        betx = bety
                        bety = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(betx2)
                        betx2 = bety2
                        bety2 = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(sigxminnld)
                        sigxminnld = np.copy(sigyminnld)
                        sigyminnld = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(sigx1)
                        sigx1 = sigy1
                        sigy1 = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(sigxmaxnld)
                        sigxmaxnld = np.copy(sigymaxnld)
                        sigymaxnld = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(sigxavgnld)
                        sigxavgnld = sigyavgnld
                        sigyavgnld = dummy
                        dummy = np.copy(emitx)
                        emitx = emity
                        emity = dummy

                    sigma = np.sqrt(betx[0] * Elhc / Einj)
                    if abs(emity[0]) > 0 and abs(sigx1[0]) > 0:
                        if abs(emitx[0]) >= epsilon:
                            eex = emitx[0]
                            eey = emity[0]
                            eey = sigy1[0]**2 / bety[0]
                            eex = sigx1[0]**2 / betx[0]
                        rad = np.sqrt(1 + eey / eex) / sigma
                        rad = 1
                    if abs(sigxavgnld[0]) > zero and abs(
                            bety[0]) > zero and sigma > 0:
                        if abs(emitx[0]) < zero:
                            rad1 = np.sqrt(
                                1 + (sigyavgnld[0]**2 * betx[0]) /
                                (sigxavgnld[0]**2 * bety[0])) / sigma
                            rad1 = (sigyavgnld[0] * np.sqrt(betx[0]) -
                                    sigxavgnld[0] * np.sqrt(bety2[0])) / (
                                        sigxavgnld[0] * np.sqrt(bety[0]) -
                                        sigyavgnld[0] * np.sqrt(betx2[0]))
                            rad1 = np.sqrt(1 + rad1**2) / sigma
                        rad1 = 1
    ############################CHAOTIC BOUNDARIES
                    amin, amax = 1 / epsilon, zero
                    achaosPlot, achaos1Plot = achaos, achaos1
                    # f30 = open('fort.30.%d.%d' %(nSeed,anumber),'a')

                    for i in range(0, iel + 1):
                        # if i==0:
                        #     achaos=rad*sigx1[i] #OJO, NOMES PER READ10B
                        #     achaos1 =achaos
                        if abs(sigx1[i]) > epsilon and sigx1[i] < amin:
                            amin = sigx1[i]
                        if abs(sigx1[i]) > epsilon and sigx1[i] > amax:
                            amax = sigx1[i]
                        if ich1 == 0 and (distp[i] > fac
                                          or distp[i] < 1. / fac):
                            ich1 = 1
                            achaos = rad * sigx1[i]
                            iin = i
                        if ich3 == 0 and dist[i] > fac3:
                            ich3 = 1
                            iend = i
                            achaos1 = rad * sigx1[i]
                        if ich2 == 0 and (sturns1[i] < turn_max[i]
                                          or sturns2[i] < turn_max[i]):
                            ich2 = 1
                            alost2 = rad * sigx1[i]
                        for j in range(0, ntlmax * ntlint + 1):
                            if (ichl[j] == 0
                                    and int(round(turn_max[i])) >= tl[j]) and (
                                        (int(round(sturns1[i])) < tl[j]
                                         or int(round(sturns2[i])) < tl[j])):
                                ichl[j] = 1
                                al[j - 1] = rad * sigx1[i]
    # if i>0:
    # achaosPlot, achaos1Plot = achaos, achaos1
    #     f30.write("%s\t%f %f %f %f %f\n"%( name1[:39],rad*sigx1[i],distp[i],achaosPlot,alost2,rad1*sigxavgnld[i]))
    # f30.close()

                    if iin != -999 and iend == -999: iend = iel
                    if iin != -999 and iend > iin:
                        for i in range(iin, iend + 1):
                            if (abs(rad * sigx1[i]) > zero):
                                alost1 += rad1 * sigxavgnld[i] / rad / sigx1[i]
                            if (i != iend):
                                icount += 1.
                        alost1 = alost1 / icount
                        if alost1 >= 1.1 or alost1 <= 0.9:
                            alost1 = -1. * alost1
                        alost1 = 1.0

                    al = abs(alost1) * al
                    alost1 = alost1 * alost2

                    if amin == 1 / epsilon: amin = zero
                    amin = amin * rad
                    amax = amax * rad

                    al[al == 0] = amax
                    alost3 = turn_max[1]
                    sturns1[sturns1 == zero] = 1
                    sturns2[sturns2 == zero] = 1
                    alost3 = min(alost3, min(sturns1), min(sturns2))

                    if (seed < 10):
                        name1 += " "
                    if (anumber < 10):
                        name1 += " "

                    if achaos == 0:
                        f14Flag = 0
                        achaos = amin
                        f14Flag = 1
                        # f14 = open('fort.14.%d.%d' %(nSeed,anumber),'w')
                        # f14.write('%s %s\n'%(achaos,alost3/fac))
                        # f14.write('%s %s\n'%(achaos,turn_max[0]*fac))
                        # f14.close()

                    if abs(alost1) < epsilon: alost1 = amax
                    if nSeed != (nPlotSeeds + 1):
                        for i in range(0, iel + 1):
                                six_id[i], row[i], rad * sigx1[i], rad1,
                                alost1, alost2, alost3, achaos, achaos1, amin,
                                amax, f14Flag,

                            # sql=("UPDATE {0} SET {1}={2}, {3}={4}, {5}={6}, {7}={8}, {9}={10},"+
                            #     " {11}={12}, {13}={14}, {15}={16}, {17}={18}, {19}={20}, {21}={22} " +
                            #     " WHERE six_input_id = {23} AND row_num = {24}").format(
                            #     tbl, "rad", (rad*sigx1[i]), "rad1", rad1, "alost1", alost1,
                            #     "alost2", alost2, "alost3", alost3, "achaos", achaos, "achaos1", achaos1,
                            #     "amin", amin,"amax", amax, 'f14', f14Flag, "al", '?',  six_id[i], row[i])
                            # self.db.conn.cursor().execute(sql, (sqlite3.Binary(al),))


                    fmt = ' %-39s  %10.6f  %10.6f  %10.6f  %10.6f  %10.6f  %10.6f\n'
                    fhdot.write(fmt %
                                (name1[:39], achaos, achaos1, alost1, alost2,
                                 rad * sigx1[0], rad * sigx1[iel]))
                        name2, turnsl, tunex, tuney,
                        int(seed), angle, achaos, achaos1, alost1, alost2,
                        rad * sigx1[0], rad * sigx1[iel], mtime

                    nSeed += 1
                anumber += 1
        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Da_Post.fields)
        # datab=SQLTable(self.db.conn,'da_post',cols,tables.Da_Post.key,recreate=True)
        datab = SQLTable(self.db.conn, 'da_post', cols)

        cols1 = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Six_Post.fields)
        tab1 = SQLTable(self.db.conn, 'six_post', cols1, tables.Six_Post.key)

        sql = """CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS six_post_results
          AS SELECT * FROM results INNER JOIN six_post
          ON (results.six_input_id=six_post.six_input_id AND results.row_num=six_post.row_num)"""
def dbtocentral(host, user, password, db, localdb, bo=False):
        filterwarnings('ignore', category=Warning)
        # conn = connect(args,user,password)
        # sql = "create database if not exists %s"
        # conn.cursor().execute(sql%(a[0]))
        conn = connect(host, user, password, db)
        if not localdb.endswith('.db'):
            localdb += '.db'
        if not os.path.isfile(localdb):
            print 'db not found'
        conn1 = sqlite3.connect(localdb)
        conn1.text_factory = str
        # cur = conn.cursor()
        cur1 = conn1.cursor()

        # try:
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists env")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists mad6t_run")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists mad6t_run2")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists mad6t_results")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists six_beta")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists six_input")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists six_results")
        # cur.execute("drop table if exists files")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Env.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'env', cols, tables.Env.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,env as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # cur.executemany("insert into env values(%s,%s,%s)",a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Mad_Run.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'mad6t_run', cols, tables.Mad_Run.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,mad6t_run as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        #sql = "insert into mad6t_run values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # print len(a[0])
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        # cols=SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Mad_Run2.fields)
        # cols = [i.replace("STRING","VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        # cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        # tab = SQLTable(conn,'mad6t_run2',cols)
        # sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,mad6t_run2 as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        # a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # sql = "insert into mad6t_run2 values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        # conn.commit()

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Mad_Res.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'mad6t_results', cols, tables.Mad_Res.key,
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,mad6t_results as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # sql = "insert into mad6t_results values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Six_Be.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'six_beta', cols, tables.Six_Be.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,six_beta as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # sql = "insert into six_beta values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Six_In.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'six_input', cols, tables.Six_In.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,six_input as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # sql = "insert into six_input values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Six_Res.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'six_results', cols, tables.Six_Res.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,six_results as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        maxtime = tab.select("max(mtime)")[0][0]
        if not maxtime:
            maxtime = 0
        a = [list(i) for i in a if i[-1] > maxtime]
        # cur.execute("show variables like 'max_%'")
        cur = conn.cursor()
        cur.execute("set global max_allowed_packet=209715200;")
        cur.execute("set global wait_timeout=120;")
        cur.execute("set global net_write_timeout=120;")
        cur.execute("set global net_read_timeout=120;")
        # print list(cur)
        # print len(a),(sys.getsizeof(a)/(1024.0))
        # sql = "insert into six_results values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        for _ in xrange(len(a) / 150000):
            # cur.executemany(sql,a[:150000])
            # print len(a[:150000][0]),len(cols)
            tab.insertl(a[:150000], "%s")
            a = a[150000:]
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")

        cols = SQLTable.cols_from_fields(tables.Files.fields)
        cols = [i.replace("STRING", "VARCHAR(128)") for i in cols]
        cols = ['study VARCHAR(128)'] + cols
        tab = SQLTable(conn, 'files', cols, tables.Files.key, "mysql")
        sql = "select a.value,b.* from env as a,files as b where a.keyname = 'LHCDescrip'"
        a = [list(i) for i in list(cur1.execute(sql))]
        # sql = "insert into files values (%s)"%(','.join("%s " for _ in xrange(len(cols))))
        # cur.executemany(sql,a)
        tab.insertl(a, "%s")
        if bo:
            cmd = "python boinc.py %s" % (localdb)
            os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, cmd)
    except Error as err:
        print("Something went wrong: {}".format(err))