    def dual_eigenspace(self, B=None):
        Return 1-dimensional subspace of the dual of the ambient space
        with the same system of eigenvalues as self.  This is useful when
        computing a large number of `a_P`.

        If we can't find such a subspace using Hecke operators of norm
        less than B, then we raise a RuntimeError.  This should only happen
        if you set B way too small, or self is actually not new.
            - B -- Integer or None; if None, defaults to a heuristic bound.
        N = self.conductor()
        H = self._S.ambient()
        V = H.vector_space()
        if B is None:
            # TODO: This is a heuristic guess at a "Sturm bound"; it's the same
            # formula as the one over QQ for Gamma_0(N).  I have no idea if this
            # is correct or not yet. It is probably much too large. -- William Stein
            from sage.modular.all import Gamma0
            B = Gamma0(N.norm()).index()//6 + 1
        for P in primes_of_bounded_norm(B+1):
            P = P.sage_ideal()
            if V.dimension() == 1:
                return V
            if not P.divides(N):
                T = H.hecke_matrix(P).transpose()
                V = (T - self.ap(P)).kernel_on(V)
        raise RuntimeError, "unable to isolate 1-dimensional space"
    def aplist(self, B, dual_bound=None, algorithm='dual'):
        Return list of traces of Frobenius for all primes P of norm
        less than bound.  Use the function
        to get the corresponding primes.

            - `B` -- a nonnegative integer
            - ``dual_bound`` -- default None; passed to dual_eigenvector function
            - ``algorithm`` -- 'dual' (default) or 'direct'

             - a list of Sage integers


        We compute the aplists up to B=50::

            sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_hmf import QuaternionicModule, F
            sage: H = QuaternionicModule(F.primes_above(71)[1]).rational_newforms()[0]
            sage: v = H.aplist(50); v
            [-1, 0, -2, 0, 0, 2, -4, 6, -6, 8, 2, 6, 12, -4]

        This agrees with what we get using an elliptic curve of this
            sage: a = F.0; E = EllipticCurve(F, [a,a+1,a,a,0])
            sage: from psage.ellcurve.lseries.aplist_sqrt5 import aplist   # optional - psage
            sage: w = aplist(E, 50)                                        # optional - psage
            sage: v == w                                                   # optional - psage

        We compare the output from the two algorithms up to norm 75::

            sage: H.aplist(75, algorithm='direct') == H.aplist(75, algorithm='dual')
        primes = [P.sage_ideal() for P in primes_of_bounded_norm(B)]
        if algorithm == 'direct':
            return [self.ap(P) for P in primes]
        elif algorithm == 'dual':
            v = self.dual_eigenvector(dual_bound)
            i = v.nonzero_positions()[0]
            c = v[i]
            I = self._S.ambient()._icosians_mod_p1
            N = self.conductor()
            aplist = []
            for P in primes:
                if P.divides(N):
                    ap = self.ap(P)
                    ap = (I.hecke_operator_on_basis_element(P,i).dot_product(v))/c
            return aplist
            raise ValueError, "unknown algorithm '%s'"%algorithm
def prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(I, B, sage_ideal=True):
    Return prime ideals of ring of integers of Q(sqrt(5)) with norm <
    B coprime to the ideal I.

    - `I` -- ideal (or integer)
    - `B` -- positive integer
    - ``sage_ideal`` -- bool (default: True); if True return usual
      Sage ideals.  If False, return the fast (but functionally
      limited) prime ideals defined in the sqrt5_prime module.


    - list of prime ideals


        sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5_tables import prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to, F
        sage: prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(6, 20, sage_ideal=False)
        [5a, 11a, 11b, 19a, 19b]
        sage: prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(11, 20, sage_ideal=False)
        [2, 5a, 3, 19a, 19b]
        sage: prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(F.primes_above(11)[0], 20, sage_ideal=False)
        [2, 5a, 3, 11a, 19a, 19b]
        sage: prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(F.primes_above(11)[1], 20, sage_ideal=False)
        [2, 5a, 3, 11b, 19a, 19b]
        sage: prime_ideals_of_bounded_norm_coprime_to(1, 10)
        [Fractional ideal (2), Fractional ideal (-2*a + 1), Fractional ideal (3)]
    I = sqrt5_ideal(I)
    A = primes_of_bounded_norm(B)
    N = I.norm()
    X = []
    for P in A:
        if N % P.p:
            # easy case -- res char coprime
            X.append(P.sage_ideal() if sage_ideal else P)
            # harder case
            J = P.sage_ideal()
            if I.is_coprime(J):
                X.append(J if sage_ideal else P)
    return X