class Ocean: def __init__(self, config_file, http_client=None, secret_store_client=None): """ The Ocean class is the entry point into Ocean Protocol. This class is an aggregation of * the smart contracts via the Keeper class * the metadata store * and utilities Ocean is also a wrapper for the interface ( An instance of Ocean is parameterized by a configuration file. :param config_file: path to configuration file :param http_client: http client used for sending http requests such as `requests` :param secret_store_client: reference to `secret_store_client.client.Client` class or similar """ # Configuration information for the market is stored in the Config class self.config = Config(config_file) # For development, we use the HTTPProvider Web3 interface self._web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(self.config.keeper_url)) # With the interface loaded, the Keeper node is connected with all contracts self.keeper = Keeper(self._web3, self.config.keeper_path) # Add the Metadata store to the interface if self.config.aquarius_url: self.metadata_store = AquariusWrapper(self.config.aquarius_url) else: self.metadata_store = None downloads_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'downloads') if self.config.has_option('resources', 'downloads.path'): downloads_path = self.config.get( 'resources', 'downloads.path') or downloads_path self._downloads_path = downloads_path # Collect the accounts self.accounts = self.get_accounts() assert self.accounts parity_address = self._web3.toChecksumAddress( self.config.parity_address) if self.config.parity_address else None if parity_address and parity_address in self.accounts: self.main_account = self.accounts[parity_address] self.main_account.password = self.config.parity_password else: self.main_account = self.accounts[self._web3.eth.accounts[0]] self.did_resolver = DIDResolver(self._web3, self.keeper.didregistry) self._http_client = http_client if not http_client: import requests self._http_client = requests self._secret_store_client = secret_store_client if not secret_store_client: from secret_store_client.client import Client self._secret_store_client = Client def get_accounts(self): """ Returns all available accounts loaded via a wallet, or by Web3. :return: """ accounts_dict = dict() for account_address in self._web3.eth.accounts: accounts_dict[account_address] = Account(self.keeper, account_address) return accounts_dict def get_asset(self, asset_did): """ Given an asset_did, return the Asset :return: Asset object """ return Asset.from_ddo_dict(self.resolve_did(asset_did)) def search_assets_by_text(self, text, sort=None, offset=100, page=0, aquarius_url=None): """ Search an asset in oceanDB using aquarius. :param text String with the value that you are searching. :param sort Dictionary to choose order base in some value. :param offset Number of elements shows by page. :param page Page number. :param aquarius_url Url of the aquarius where you want to search. If there is not provided take the default. :return: List of assets that match with the query. """ if aquarius_url is not None: aquarius = AquariusWrapper(aquarius_url) return [ Asset.from_ddo_dict(i) for i in aquarius.text_search(text, sort, offset, page) ] else: return [ Asset.from_ddo_dict(i) for i in self.metadata_store.text_search( text, sort, offset, page) ] def search_assets(self, query): """ Search an asset in oceanDB using search query. :param query dict with query parameters (e.g.) {"offset": 100, "page": 0, "sort": {"value": 1}, query: {"service:{$elemMatch:{"metadata": {$exists : true}}}}} Here, OceanDB instance of mongodb can leverage power of mongo queries in 'query' attribute. For more info - :return: List of assets that match with the query. """ aquarius_url = self.config.aquarius_url if aquarius_url is not None: aquarius = AquariusWrapper(aquarius_url) return [ Asset.from_ddo_dict(i) for i in aquarius.query_search(query) ] else: return [ Asset.from_ddo_dict(i) for i in self.metadata_store.query_search(query) ] def register_asset(self, metadata, publisher_address, service_descriptors, threshold=None): """ Register an asset in both the keeper's DIDRegistry (on-chain) and in the Meta Data store (Aquarius) :param metadata: dict conforming to the Metadata accepted by Ocean Protocol. :param publisher_address: Account of the publisher registering this asset :param service_descriptors: list of ServiceDescriptor tuples of length 2. The first item must be one of ServiceTypes and the second item is a dict of parameters and values required by the service. :return: """ assert publisher_address and self._web3.isChecksumAddress( publisher_address ), 'Invalid publisher address "%s"' % publisher_address assert publisher_address in self.accounts, 'Unrecognized publisher address %s' % publisher_address assert isinstance( metadata, dict), 'Expected metadata of type dict, got "%s"' % type(metadata) if not metadata or not Metadata.validate(metadata): raise OceanInvalidMetadata( 'Metadata seems invalid. Please make sure the required metadata values are filled in.' ) asset_id = generate_prefixed_id() # Check if it's already registered first! if asset_id in self.metadata_store.list_assets(): raise OceanDIDAlreadyExist( 'Asset id "%s" is already registered to another asset.' % asset_id) # copy metadata so we don't change the original metadata_copy = metadata.copy() # Create a DDO object did = did_generate(asset_id) ddo = DDO(did) # Add public key and authentication pub_key, auth = make_public_key_and_authentication( did, publisher_address, self._web3) ddo.add_public_key(pub_key) ddo.add_authentication(auth, PUBLIC_KEY_TYPE_RSA) # Setup metadata service # First replace `contentUrls` with encrypted `contentUrls` assert metadata_copy['base'][ 'contentUrls'], 'contentUrls is required in the metadata base attributes.' assert Metadata.validate(metadata), 'metadata seems invalid.' content_urls_encrypted = self._encrypt_metadata_content_urls( did, json.dumps(metadata_copy['base']['contentUrls'])) # only assign if the encryption worked if content_urls_encrypted: metadata_copy['base']['contentUrls'] = content_urls_encrypted else: raise AssertionError( 'Encrypting the contentUrls failed. Make sure the secret store is setup properly in your config file.' ) # DDO url and `Metadata` service ddo_service_endpoint = self.metadata_store.get_service_endpoint(did) metadata_service_desc = ServiceDescriptor.metadata_service_descriptor( metadata_copy, ddo_service_endpoint) # Add all services to ddo _service_descriptors = service_descriptors + [metadata_service_desc] for service in ServiceFactory.build_services(did, _service_descriptors): ddo.add_service(service) # publish the new ddo in ocean-db/Aquarius self.metadata_store.publish_asset_metadata(ddo) # register on-chain self.keeper.didregistry.register( Web3.toBytes(hexstr=asset_id), key=Web3.sha3(text='Metadata'), url=ddo_service_endpoint, account=self.accounts[publisher_address]) return ddo def _approve_token_transfer(self, amount): if self.keeper.token.get_token_balance( self.main_account.address) < amount: raise ValueError( 'Account "%s" does not have sufficient tokens to approve for transfer.' % self.main_account.address) self.keeper.token.token_approve(self.keeper.payment_conditions.address, amount, self.main_account) def _get_ddo_and_service_agreement(self, did, service_index): ddo = self.resolve_did(did) # Extract all of the params necessary for execute agreement from the ddo service = ddo.find_service_by_key_value( ServiceAgreement.SERVICE_DEFINITION_ID_KEY, service_index) if not service: raise ValueError( 'Service with definition id "%s" is not found in this DDO.' % service_index) service = service.as_dictionary() sa = ServiceAgreement.from_service_dict(service) sa.update_conditions_keys(self._web3, self.keeper.contract_path) service[ServiceAgreement.SERVICE_CONDITIONS_KEY] = [ cond.as_dictionary() for cond in sa.conditions ] return ddo, sa, service def _get_service_agreement_to_sign(self, did, service_index): ddo, service_agreement, service_def = self._get_ddo_and_service_agreement( did, service_index) return generate_prefixed_id(), service_agreement, service_def, ddo def sign_service_agreement(self, did, service_index, consumer_address): assert consumer_address in self.accounts, 'Unrecognized consumer address %s' % consumer_address assert consumer_address == self.main_account.address, \ 'consumer address must be already set as the main account in this instance of Ocean.' agreement_id, service_agreement, service_def, ddo = self._get_service_agreement_to_sign( did, service_index) self.main_account.unlock() signature = service_agreement.get_signed_agreement_hash( self._web3, self.keeper.contract_path, agreement_id, consumer_address)[0] # Must approve token transfer for this purchase self._approve_token_transfer(service_agreement.get_price()) # subscribe to events related to this service_agreement_id before sending the request. register_service_agreement(self._web3, self.keeper.contract_path, self.config.storage_path, self.main_account, agreement_id, did, service_def, 'consumer', service_index, service_agreement.get_price(), get_metadata_url(ddo), self.consume_service, 0) payload = prepare_purchase_payload(did, agreement_id, service_index, signature, consumer_address), data=payload, headers={'content-type': 'application/json'}) return agreement_id def execute_service_agreement(self, did, service_index, service_agreement_id, service_agreement_signature, consumer_address, publisher_address): """ Execute the service agreement on-chain using keeper's ServiceAgreement contract. The on-chain executeAgreement method requires the following arguments: templateId, signature, consumer, hashes, timeouts, serviceAgreementId, did `agreement_message_hash` is necessary to verify the signature. The consumer `signature` includes the conditions timeouts and parameters value which is used on-chain to verify the values actually match the signed hashes. :param did: str representation fo the asset DID. Use this to retrieve the asset DDO. :param service_index: int identifies the specific service in the ddo to use in this agreement. :param service_agreement_id: 32 bytes identifier created by the consumer and will be used on-chain for the executed agreement. :param service_agreement_signature: str the signed agreement message hash which includes conditions and their parameters values and other details of the agreement. :param consumer_address: ethereum account address of consumer :param publisher_address: ethereum account address of publisher :return: """ assert consumer_address and self._web3.isChecksumAddress( consumer_address ), 'Invalid consumer address "%s"' % consumer_address assert publisher_address and self._web3.isChecksumAddress( publisher_address ), 'Invalid publisher address "%s"' % publisher_address assert publisher_address in self.accounts, 'Unrecognized publisher address %s' % publisher_address asset_id = did_to_id(did) ddo, service_agreement, service_def = self._get_ddo_and_service_agreement( did, service_index) content_urls = get_metadata_url(ddo) self.verify_service_agreement_signature(did, service_agreement_id, service_index, consumer_address, service_agreement_signature, ddo=ddo) # subscribe to events related to this service_agreement_id register_service_agreement(self._web3, self.keeper.contract_path, self.config.storage_path, self.main_account, service_agreement_id, did, service_def, 'publisher', service_index, service_agreement.get_price(), content_urls, None, 0) receipt = self.keeper.service_agreement.execute_service_agreement( service_agreement.template_id, service_agreement_signature, consumer_address, service_agreement.conditions_params_value_hashes, service_agreement.conditions_timeouts, service_agreement_id, asset_id, self.main_account) return receipt def check_permissions(self, service_agreement_id, did, consumer_address): """ Verify on-chain that the `consumer_address` has permission to access the given `asset_did` according to the `service_agreement_id`. :param service_agreement_id: :param did: :param consumer_address: :return: bool True if user has permission """ agreement_consumer = self.keeper.service_agreement.get_service_agreement_consumer( service_agreement_id) if agreement_consumer != consumer_address: print('Invalid consumer address and/or service agreement id.') return False document_id = did_to_id(did) return self.keeper.access_conditions.check_permissions( consumer_address, document_id, self.main_account.address) def verify_service_agreement_signature(self, did, service_agreement_id, service_index, consumer_address, signature, ddo=None): if not ddo: ddo = self.resolve_did(did) service = ddo.find_service_by_key_value( ServiceAgreement.SERVICE_DEFINITION_ID_KEY, service_index) if not service: raise ValueError( 'Service with definition id "%s" is not found in this DDO.' % service_index) service = service.as_dictionary() sa = ServiceAgreement.from_service_dict(service) agreement_hash = sa.get_service_agreement_hash( self._web3, self.keeper.contract_path, service_agreement_id) prefixed_hash = prepare_prefixed_hash(agreement_hash) # :NOTE: An alternative to `web3.eth.account.recoverHash`, we can # use `eth_keys.KeyAPI.PublicKey.recover_from_msg_hash()` just like we do # in `squid_py.utils.utilities.get_public-key_from_address`. When using that, make sure # to manipulate the `v` value because KeyAPI only supports `v` values of 0 or 1 # but some eth clients can produce a `v` of 27 or 28. This is why we have to use # the `recover_from_msg_hash` method with the `vrs` argument instead of `signature` unless we # reassemble the signature from the split `(v,r,s)` tuple. Also must use the prefixed hash # message to get an accurate recovery of public-key and address. recovered_address = self._web3.eth.account.recoverHash( prefixed_hash, signature=signature) return recovered_address == consumer_address def _register_service_agreement_template(self, template_dict, owner_account=None): if not owner_account: owner_account = self.main_account sla_template = ServiceAgreementTemplate(template_json=template_dict) return register_service_agreement_template( self.keeper.service_agreement, self.keeper.contract_path, owner_account, sla_template) def resolve_did(self, did): """ When you pass a did retrieve the ddo associated. :param did: :return: """ resolver = self.did_resolver.resolve(did) if resolver.is_ddo: return self.did_resolver.resolve(did).ddo elif resolver.is_url: aquarius = AquariusWrapper(resolver.url) return DDO(json_text=json.dumps(aquarius.get_asset_metadata(did))) else: return None def _encrypt_metadata_content_urls(self, did, data): """ encrypt string data using the DID as an secret store id, if secret store is enabled then return the result from secret store encryption return None for no encryption performed """ result = None if self.config.secret_store_url and self.config.parity_url and self.main_account: publisher = self._secret_store_client(self.config.secret_store_url, self.config.parity_url, self.main_account.address, self.main_account.password) document_id = did_to_id(did) # :FIXME: -- modify the secret store lib to handle this. if document_id.startswith('0x'): document_id = document_id[2:] result = publisher.publish_document(document_id, data) return result def _decrypt_content_urls(self, did, encrypted_data): result = None if self.config.secret_store_url and self.config.parity_url and self.main_account: consumer = self._secret_store_client(self.config.secret_store_url, self.config.parity_url, self.main_account.address, self.main_account.password) document_id = did_to_id(did) # :FIXME: -- modify the secret store lib to handle this. if document_id.startswith('0x'): document_id = document_id[2:] result = consumer.decrypt_document(document_id, encrypted_data) return result def consume_service(self, service_agreement_id, did, service_index, consumer_account): ddo = self.resolve_did(did) metadata_service = ddo.get_service(service_type=ServiceTypes.METADATA) content_urls = metadata_service.get_values( )['metadata']['base']['contentUrls'] service = ddo.find_service_by_key_value( ServiceAgreement.SERVICE_DEFINITION_ID_KEY, service_index) sa = ServiceAgreement.from_service_dict(service.as_dictionary()) service_url = sa.service_endpoint if not service_url: print( 'Consume asset failed, service definition is missing the "serviceEndpoint".' ) raise AssertionError( 'Consume asset failed, service definition is missing the "serviceEndpoint".' ) # decrypt the contentUrls decrypted_content_urls = json.loads( self._decrypt_content_urls(did, content_urls)) if isinstance(decrypted_content_urls, str): decrypted_content_urls = [decrypted_content_urls] print('got decrypted contentUrls: ', decrypted_content_urls) asset_folder = 'datafile.%s.%s' % (did_to_id(did), service_index) asset_folder = os.path.join(self._downloads_path, asset_folder) if not os.path.exists(self._downloads_path): os.mkdir(self._downloads_path) if not os.path.exists(asset_folder): os.mkdir(asset_folder) for url in decrypted_content_urls: if url.startswith('"') or url.startswith("'"): url = url[1:-1] print('invoke consume endpoint for this url: %s' % url) consume_url = ( '%s?url=%s&serviceAgreementId=%s&consumerAddress=%s' % (service_url, url, service_agreement_id, consumer_account.address)) response = self._http_client.get(consume_url) if response.status_code == 200: download_url = response.url.split('?')[0] file_name = os.path.basename(download_url) with open(os.path.join(asset_folder, file_name), 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) print('Saved downloaded file in "%s"' % else: print('consume failed: %s' % response.reason) def set_main_account(self, address, password): self.main_account = Account(self.keeper, self._web3.toChecksumAddress(address), password) self.keeper.web3.eth.defaultAccount = self.main_account.address def get_order(self): pass def get_orders_by_account(self): pass def search_orders(self): pass def get_service_agreement(self): pass
info['software'] = Metadata.TITLE info['version'] = get_version() return jsonify(info) @app.route("/spec") def spec(): swag = swagger(app) swag['info']['version'] = get_version() swag['info']['title'] = Metadata.TITLE swag['info']['description'] = Metadata.DESCRIPTION return jsonify(swag) config = Config(filename=app.config['CONFIG_FILE']) brizo_url = config.get(ConfigSections.RESOURCES, 'brizo.url') # Call factory function to create our blueprint swaggerui_blueprint = get_swaggerui_blueprint( BaseURLs.SWAGGER_URL, brizo_url + '/spec', config={ # Swagger UI config overrides 'app_name': "Test application" }, ) # Register blueprint at URL app.register_blueprint(swaggerui_blueprint, url_prefix=BaseURLs.SWAGGER_URL) app.register_blueprint(services, url_prefix=BaseURLs.ASSETS_URL) if __name__ == '__main__':
class CarController: CONTRACT_NAME = 'CarController' def __init__(self): self.config = Config('config.ini') self.COMMAND_SENT_EVENT = 'CarCommandSent' ConfigProvider.set_config(self.config) @property def contract(self): return Web3Provider.get_web3().eth.contract( address=self.config.get('resources', 'car.contract.address'), abi=self.get_abi('artifacts/CarController.json')['abi'] ) @property def contract_concise(self): return ConciseContract(Web3Provider.get_web3().eth.contract( address=self.config.get('resources', 'car.contract.address'), abi=self.get_abi('artifacts/CarController.json')['abi'] )) @staticmethod def get_abi(path): with open(path) as f: contract_dict = json.loads( return contract_dict def send_command(self, command): """ :param command: :return: """'Sending commnad {command} to the car.') return self.contract.functions.sendCommand(command).transact() def subscribe_to_event(self, event_name, timeout, event_filter, callback=False, timeout_callback=None, args=None, wait=False): return EventListener( self.contract, event_name, args, filters=event_filter ).listen_once( callback, timeout_callback=timeout_callback, timeout=timeout, blocking=wait ) def subscribe_to_command_event(self, timeout, callback, args, wait=False): return self.subscribe_to_event( self.COMMAND_SENT_EVENT, timeout, # {'_command': 'Forward'}, None, callback=callback, args=args, wait=wait ) @staticmethod def log_event(event_name): def _process_event(event): print(f'Received event {event_name}: {event}') return _process_event def parse_command(self, event): if event is None: logging.error('No event to parse.') if event.args is None:'There are no commnads in this event') command = event.args._command return command def execute_command(self, command):'Calling command:{command}') if command.startswith('status'): requests.get(f'{self.config.get("resources","raspberry.url")}/api/status') elif command.startswith('snap'): requests.get(f'{self.config.get("resources", "raspberry.url")}/api/snap') elif command.startswith('register'):'{self.config.get("resources", "raspberry.url")}/api/register') elif command.startswith('snapshot'): requests.get(f'{self.config.get("resources", "raspberry.url")}/api/snapshot') elif command.startswith('linear'): requests.get(f'{self.config.get("resources", "raspberry.url")}/api/linear') elif command.startswith('steer'): requests.get(f'{self.config.get("resources", "raspberry.url")}/api/steer') else: logging.error(f'Invalid command: {command}')
#%% [markdown] # The Metadata store is a database wrapped with a REST API. # For more details of functionality, see the documentation and our Swagger API page. #%% print("Aquarius metadata service URL: {}".format(configuration.aquarius_url)) print( "Aquarius metadata service Swagger API page (try it out!): {}/api/v1/docs/" .format(configuration.aquarius_url)) # %% [markdown] # Similarly, the access control service is called Brizo, and will manage any access requests for an asset. #%% print("Brizo access service URL: {}".format( configuration.get('resources', 'brizo.url'))) print("Brizo access service Swagger API page (try it out!): {}/api/v1/docs/". format(configuration.get('resources', 'brizo.url'))) #TODO: Swagger page is still broken # %% [markdown] # ### Section 2: Listing registered asset metadata in Aquarius # All stored assets can be listed. This is typically not done in production, as the list would be too large. # First retrieve a list of all DID's (Decentralized IDentifiers) from Aquarius using the 'exists' tag. # This is an example of the low level MongoDB API. #TODO: Seperate this into utils library, generally a user would not want to list all assets, could be a large list! #%% # Use the Query function to get all existing assets basic_query = {"service": {"$elemMatch": {"metadata": {"$exists": True}}}} all_ddos = ocn.assets.query(basic_query)