def __init__(self, title, measlist=[]): self.title = title self.instruments = InstrumentList(*RemoteInstrument.instances) self.manager = Manager() self.output = self.manager.dict() self.plots = [] self.figs = [] self._data = pd.DataFrame() self.measurement = Measurement(self.instruments, measlist) self.datacollector = DataCollector(self.measurement.pipe[1], self.output, self.title) self._user_interrupt = False
def run(self): if self.measurement.measlist is []: raise NameError('Measurement is not defined.') if 'measure' not in [meas['type'] for meas in self.measurement.measlist]: print('Warning: No \'measure\' command found.') if is not None: measlist = self.measurement.measlist self.measurement = Measurement(self.instruments, measlist) if self.datacollector.is_alive(): self.datacollector.terminate() self.datacollector = DataCollector(self.measurement.pipe[1], self.output, self.title) if not self.datacollector.is_alive(): self.datacollector.start() if not self.measurement.is_alive(): self.measurement.start()
class Experiment(): ''' Basic experiment class. This class creates the measurement, plot and data collector. It runs the measurement in a separate process, which drops datapoints in a queue. The datacollector, also in a separate process, is a daemon that collects all these datapoints in a Data (pd.Dataframe-like) object and saves the data periodically on-disk. It also drops the latest Data instance in a pipe for live plotting in the main thread. ''' def __init__(self, title, measlist=[]): self.title = title self.instruments = InstrumentList(*RemoteInstrument.instances) self.manager = Manager() self.output = self.manager.dict() self.plots = [] self.figs = [] self._data = pd.DataFrame() self.measurement = Measurement(self.instruments, measlist) self.datacollector = DataCollector(self.measurement.pipe[1], self.output, self.title) self._user_interrupt = False @property def data(self): if 'data' in self.output.keys(): if hasattr(self, '_data'): del self._data gc.collect() self._data = Data(**self.output) return self._data def new_file(self): '''Create new data file''' self.output.clear() @property def running(self): try: running = self.measurement.is_alive() and (not self._user_interrupt) if not running: if len(self.plots)>0: if self.plots[0]['type'] is not 'pcolor': display.clear_output(wait=True) return running except KeyboardInterrupt: return False @running.setter def running(self, value): if value is False: self.measurement.terminate() self.measurement.end_measurement() def wait_and_get_title(self, timeout=10, tsleep=0): '''Wait for data file to fill and return title.''' while time.sleep(0.01) tsleep+=.01 if tsleep>timeout: raise Exception('Timeout for graph: no data received.') title = '%s_%s' %(self._data.stamp, self._data.title) return title def plot_live(self, *args, **kwargs): self.clear_plot() self.plot(*args, **kwargs) try: while self.running: self.update_plot() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['title'] = self.wait_and_get_title() ax =*args, **kwargs) self.plots.append({'type': 'plot', 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'ax': ax}) if ax.get_figure() not in self.figs: self.figs.append(ax.get_figure()) self._user_interrupt = False def clear_plot(self): for fig in self.figs: fig.clf() pl.close() self.figs = [] self.plots = [] gc.collect() def update_plot(self): try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [] for plot in self.plots: ax = plot['ax'] if plot['type']=='plot': x,y = plot['args'][0], plot['args'][1] if type(y) == str: y = [y] for yname,line in zip(y,ax.lines): tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.update_line(ax, line, x, yname))) if plot['type']=='pcolor': x,y,z = plot['x'], plot['y'], plot['z'] tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self.update_pcolor(ax, x, y, z))) loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(*self.figs) time.sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) display.clear_output(wait=True) display.display(*self.figs) self._user_interrupt = True def pcolor(self, xname, yname, zname, *args, **kwargs): title = self.wait_and_get_title() x,y,z = self._data[xname], self._data[yname], self._data[zname] shape = (len(y.unique()), len(x.unique())) diff = shape[0]*shape[1] - len(z) Z = np.concatenate((z.values, np.zeros(diff))).reshape(shape) df = pd.DataFrame(Z, index=y.unique(), columns=x.unique()) ax = sns.heatmap(df) pl.title(title) pl.xlabel(xname) pl.ylabel(yname) ax.invert_yaxis() self.plots.append({'type': 'pcolor', 'x':xname, 'y':yname, 'z':zname, 'args':args, 'kwargs':kwargs, 'ax':ax}) if ax.get_figure() not in self.figs: self.figs.append(ax.get_figure()) @asyncio.coroutine def update_pcolor(self, ax, xname, yname, zname): x,y,z = self._data[xname], self._data[yname], self._data[zname] shape = (len(y.unique()), len(x.unique())) diff = shape[0]*shape[1] - len(z) Z = np.concatenate((z.values, np.zeros(diff))).reshape(shape) df = pd.DataFrame(Z, index=y.unique(), columns=x.unique()) cbar_ax = ax.get_figure().axes[1] sns.heatmap(df, ax=ax, cbar_ax=cbar_ax) ax.set_xlabel(xname) ax.set_ylabel(yname) ax.invert_yaxis() @asyncio.coroutine def update_line(self, ax, hl, xname, yname): del hl._xorig, hl._yorig hl.set_xdata(self._data[xname]) hl.set_ydata(self._data[yname]) ax.relim() ax.autoscale() gc.collect() def set(self, **kwargs): self.measurement.set(**kwargs) def sweep(self, sweep_param, arr=[]): ins, param = re.split('\.', sweep_param) return Sweep(self, ins, param, arr) def do_while(self, clause): self.set(do_while = clause) def do(self, func, *args): self.set(do = (func, args)) def measure(self, params=None): self.set(measure = params) def run(self): if self.measurement.measlist is []: raise NameError('Measurement is not defined.') if 'measure' not in [meas['type'] for meas in self.measurement.measlist]: print('Warning: No \'measure\' command found.') if is not None: measlist = self.measurement.measlist self.measurement = Measurement(self.instruments, measlist) if self.datacollector.is_alive(): self.datacollector.terminate() self.datacollector = DataCollector(self.measurement.pipe[1], self.output, self.title) if not self.datacollector.is_alive(): self.datacollector.start() if not self.measurement.is_alive(): self.measurement.start() def __del__(self): self.manager.shutdown() if self.datacollector.is_alive(): self.datacollector.terminate() self.datacollector.exitcode self.measurement.exitcode