def genDistractors(self): # generate distractor images for j in range(self.optionNum): plt.figure() for i in self.distractors: # do something and then draw the distractors. choice = random.choice(['flip', 'rotate', 'swap']) if choice == 'flip': i.flip(how=random.choice(['vert', 'hori'])) elif choice == 'rotate': i.rotate(theta=random.choice( [math.pi / 2, math.pi / 4, math.pi])) elif choice == 'swap': i.swap_polygons(random.choice(self.distractors)) i.drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') distractor_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_cut_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + '.png' plt.savefig(distractor_tmpPath) # crop the image img = cv2.imread(distractor_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(distractor_tmpPath, img) # remove one quadrant from distractor full image and generate options img = cv2.imread(distractor_tmpPath, 0) quad, rest_img = splitQuad(img, self.quadrantNum) distractor_finalPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_cut_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + '.png' cv2.imwrite(distractor_finalPath, quad) # cv2.imwrite('./plot/quads/plotRest'+str(l)+'Dist'+str(j)+'.png',rest_img) # self.distractors_path.append(os.path.split(distractor_finalPath)[1]) self.distractors_path.append(distractor_finalPath) plt.close()
def generate_question_answer_pair(self): # generate question image plt.figure() # Make a random polygon (the outer most Polygon) A = Polygon() A.makeRandomCircumcircle() A.drawPolygon() # store distractor sequence self.distractor_sequence(A) plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_cut_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' plt.savefig(question_tmpPath) # crop the question image img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) # remove one quadrant from question and generate answer self.question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_cut_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' self.answer_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_cut_answer_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) quad, rest_img = splitQuad(img, self.quadrantNum) cv2.imwrite(self.answer_path, quad) cv2.imwrite(self.question_path, rest_img) draw_boundary(self.quadrantNum, self.question_path) # os.system(' convert '+ self.question_path +' -bordercolor Black -border 8x8 '+ self.question_path) # os.system(' convert '+ self.answer_path +' -bordercolor Black -border 4x4 '+ self.answer_path) plt.close()
def generate_all_images(self): sides = [0, 0, 2, 4] XX = [0, 10, 15, 20] YY = [10, 15, 0, 20] polys = [] plt.figure() temp = None for i in range(len(sides)): size = (i + 1)**2 * 100 temp = Polygon(no_of_sides=sides[i], isRegular=False) temp.circumcircle = Circumcircle(size, XX[i], YY[i]) temp.makeShape() temp.drawPolygon() polys.append(temp) plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_baseImgPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_base.png' plt.savefig(question_baseImgPath, transparent=True) plt.close() # save a flipped version question_baseImgFlippedPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_base_flipped.png' os.system('convert ' + question_baseImgPath + ' -flop ' + question_baseImgFlippedPath) one ='RGBA') two ='RGBA') base_img_merge_filepath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_base_merge.png' IMG.alpha_composite(one, two).save(base_img_merge_filepath) img = cv2.imread(base_img_merge_filepath, 0) height, width = img.shape # gives transparent image self.question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' self.answer_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_answer_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' os.system( 'convert ' + question_baseImgPath + ' -strokewidth 1 -fill none -stroke black -draw \"stroke-dasharray 5 3 line ' + str(width / 2) + ',0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '\" ' + self.question_path) os.system( 'convert ' + base_img_merge_filepath + ' -strokewidth 1 -fill none -stroke black -draw \"stroke-dasharray 5 3 line ' + str(width / 2) + ',0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '\" ' + base_img_merge_filepath) os.system('convert ' + base_img_merge_filepath + ' -fill white -draw "rectangle 0,0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '" ' + self.answer_path) # adds white bg os.system('convert -flatten ' + self.question_path + ' ' + self.question_path) # question os.system('convert -flatten ' + base_img_merge_filepath + ' ' + base_img_merge_filepath) # intermediate output os.system('convert -flatten ' + self.answer_path + ' ' + self.answer_path) # answer # distractors for j in range(3): dist_base_img = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + 'base.png' dist_base_flipped_img = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + 'base_flipped.png' dist_base_merge_img = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + 'base_merge.png' plt.figure() # additional transformation for temp in polys: if random.random() <= 0.5: temp.flip(how=random.choice(['vert', 'hori'])) else: temp.rotate( random.choice([-1, +1]) * random.choice([math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2])) temp.drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') # same base image plt.savefig(dist_base_img, transparent=True) plt.close() # save a flipped version os.system('convert ' + dist_base_img + ' -flop ' + dist_base_flipped_img) one ='RGBA') two ='RGBA') IMG.alpha_composite(one, two).save(dist_base_merge_img) img = cv2.imread(dist_base_merge_img, 0) height, width = img.shape distractor_final_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_fold_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(j) + '.png' os.system( 'convert ' + dist_base_img + ' -strokewidth 1 -fill none -stroke black -draw \"stroke-dasharray 5 3 line ' + str(width / 2) + ',0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '\" ' + dist_base_img) os.system( 'convert ' + dist_base_merge_img + ' -strokewidth 1 -fill none -stroke black -draw \"stroke-dasharray 5 3 line ' + str(width / 2) + ',0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '\" ' + dist_base_merge_img) os.system('convert ' + dist_base_merge_img + ' -fill white -draw "rectangle 0,0 ' + str(width / 2) + ',' + str(height) + '" ' + distractor_final_path) os.system('convert -flatten ' + dist_base_img + ' ' + dist_base_img) # base distractor os.system('convert -flatten ' + dist_base_merge_img + ' ' + dist_base_merge_img) # intermediate distractor output os.system( 'convert -flatten ' + distractor_final_path + ' ' + distractor_final_path) # final transformed distractor - folded self.distractors_path.append(distractor_final_path)
def generate_all_images(self): for i in range(1, self.TOTAL_FIG + 4): plt.figure() A = Polygon(no_of_sides=3 + (self.XX + i) % self.SIDE_REPEAT_FREQ, isRegular=False, hatch=self.two_hatches[(self.XX + i) % self.HATCH_REPEAT_FREQ]) A.makeRandomCircumcircle() A.drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') # part of the question if i < self.TOTAL_FIG: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_series_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_part_' + str(i) + '.png' plt.savefig(question_tmpPath) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) os.system(' convert ' + question_tmpPath + ' -bordercolor Black -border 4x4 ' + question_tmpPath) # answer elif i == self.TOTAL_FIG: self.answer_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_series_answer_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' plt.savefig(self.answer_path) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(self.answer_path, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(self.answer_path, img) os.system(' convert ' + self.answer_path + ' -bordercolor Black -border 4x4 ' + self.answer_path) # distractors else: distractor_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_series_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(i - self.TOTAL_FIG - 1) + '.png' plt.savefig(distractor_path) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(distractor_path, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(distractor_path, img) os.system(' convert ' + distractor_path + ' -bordercolor Black -border 4x4 ' + distractor_path) self.distractors_path.append(distractor_path) # build question montage question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_series_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_part_' self.question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_series_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' os.system('montage -mode concatenate -tile ' + str(self.TOTAL_FIG - 1) + 'x1 ' + question_path + '[1-' + str(self.TOTAL_FIG - 1) + '].png ' + self.question_path)
def generate_all_images(self): dist_root_seq_of_polygons = [] for l in range(self.lenSequence): # Cleans canvas starts a new figure plt.figure() # Make a random polygon (the outer most Polygon) A = Polygon() A.makeRandomCircumcircle() # This stores the polgons that make up an image. # We should store this and use it to create a distractor image seqs_of_polygons = [] for j in range(self.numPolygons): # any number of sides B = Polygon(no_of_sides=int(random.random() * 3) + 3) # same center and radius B.clone_circumcircle(A) # Center remains same as A but the radius can be anything less than A's raduis B.circumcircle.radius = 0.5 * A.circumcircle.radius # make the sides B.makeShape() # draw the polygon on the canvas B.drawPolygon() seqs_of_polygons.append(B) A.circumcircle.radius = B.circumcircle.radius plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_base_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_' + str(l) + '_0.png' plt.savefig(question_base_path) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(question_base_path, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_base_path, img) img = img.resize((300, 300), IMG.ANTIALIAS).save(question_base_path, quality=90) for level in [1, 2]: plt.figure() # transformations for each embedded polygon # TODO: shuffle order and rules to generate distractors for i in range(len(seqs_of_polygons)): if i == 0: seqs_of_polygons[i].rotate(math.pi * 0.5) # 90 degrees elif i == 1: seqs_of_polygons[i].flip('vert') elif i == 2: seqs_of_polygons[i].rotate(math.pi * 0.75) # 270 degrees seqs_of_polygons[i].drawPolygon() if l == 2 and level == 1: dist_root_seq_of_polygons = copy.deepcopy(seqs_of_polygons) plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_transform_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_' + str(l) + '_' + str( level) + '.png' plt.savefig(question_transform_path) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(question_transform_path, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_transform_path, img) img = img.resize((300, 300), IMG.ANTIALIAS).save(question_transform_path, quality=90) level_montage_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_level_' + str(l) + '_final.png' if l == 2: self.answer_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_answer_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' os.system("cp " + self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str(self.questionCount) + '_2_2.png ' + self.answer_path) os.system("montage -mode concatenate -border 2 " + self.STATIC_ROOT + "tmp/" + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + "_grid_question_" + str(self.questionCount) + "_" + str(l) + "_[0-1].png -tile 3x1 -geometry +1+1 " + level_montage_path) # generate distractors for dist in range(3): # create copy of level 2 part 1 question - from which answer is generated dist_seq_of_polygons = copy.deepcopy( dist_root_seq_of_polygons) plt.figure() if dist == 0: # order of transformations are shuffled for the distractors for i in range(len(dist_seq_of_polygons)): if i == 0: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.75) # 270 degrees elif i == 1: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].flip('hori') elif i == 2: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.5) # 90 degrees dist_seq_of_polygons[i].drawPolygon() if dist == 1: # order of transformations are shuffled for the distractors for i in range(len(dist_seq_of_polygons)): if i == 0: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.5) # 90 degrees elif i == 1: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.75) # 270 degrees elif i == 2: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].flip('hori') dist_seq_of_polygons[i].drawPolygon() if dist == 2: # order of transformations are shuffled for the distractors for i in range(len(dist_seq_of_polygons)): if i == 0: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].flip('vert') elif i == 1: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.75) # 270 degrees elif i == 2: dist_seq_of_polygons[i].rotate( math.pi * 0.5) # 90 degrees dist_seq_of_polygons[i].drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') distractor_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '_dist_' + str(dist) + '.png' plt.savefig(distractor_path) plt.close() img = cv2.imread(distractor_path, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(distractor_path, img) img = img.resize((300, 300), IMG.ANTIALIAS).save(distractor_path, quality=90) self.distractors_path.append(distractor_path) else: os.system("montage -mode concatenate -border 2 " + self.STATIC_ROOT + "tmp/" + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + "_grid_question_" + str(self.questionCount) + "_" + str(l) + "_[0-2].png -tile 3x1 -geometry +1+1 " + level_montage_path) self.question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_grid_question_' + str( self.questionCount) + '.png' os.system("montage -mode concatenate -border 2 " + self.STATIC_ROOT + "tmp/" + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + "_grid_question_" + str(self.questionCount) + "_level_[0-2]_final.png -tile 1x3 -geometry +1+1 " + self.question_path)
def generate_all_images(self): if self.logic_choice < 0.5: plt.figure() draw_grid() polys = [] XX = 0 rank = range(1, 10) random.shuffle(rank) for i in rank: temp = Polygon(no_of_sides=int(random.random() * 6), isRegular=False, hatch='random') draw_polygon_grid(temp, i) polys.append(temp) XX += 1 # question plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_part_' + str(0) + '.png' plt.savefig(question_tmpPath, dpi=150) img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) plt.close() # generates remaining 4 parts for question for i in range(1, 9): plt.figure() draw_grid() # shift polygons by one position temp_circumcircle = polys[0].circumcircle for j in range(len(polys) - 1): polys[j].circumcircle = polys[j + 1].circumcircle polys[len(polys) - 1].circumcircle = temp_circumcircle for k in range(len(polys)): polys[k].gen_points() polys[k].drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') if i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_part_' + str(i) + '.png' elif i == 5: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + \ self.session_id + '_figureMatrix_answer_' + \ str(self.questionCount) + '.png' self.answer_path = question_tmpPath else: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_dist_' + str(i-6) + '.png' self.distractors_path.append(question_tmpPath) plt.savefig(question_tmpPath, dpi=150) img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) plt.close() else: plt.figure() draw_grid() polys = [] XX = 0 rank = range(1, 10) random.shuffle(rank) hatches = ['-', '+', 'x', '\\', '*', 'o', 'O', '.', '/', '|'] random.shuffle(hatches) for i in rank: temp = Polygon(no_of_sides=int(random.random() * 6) + 3, isRegular=False, hatch=hatches[i % 10]) draw_polygon_grid(temp, i) polys.append(temp) XX += 1 # question plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_part_' + str(0) + '.png' plt.savefig(question_tmpPath, dpi=150) img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) plt.close() # generates remaining 4 parts for question for i in range(1, 9): plt.figure() draw_grid() # shift polygons by one position temp_circumcircle = polys[0].circumcircle for j in range(len(polys) - 1): polys[j].circumcircle = polys[j + 1].circumcircle polys[len(polys) - 1].circumcircle = temp_circumcircle for k in range(len(polys)): polys[k].gen_points() polys[k].drawPolygon() plt.axis('image') plt.axis('off') if i in [1, 2, 3, 4]: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_part_' + str(i) + '.png' elif i == 5: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + \ self.session_id + '_figureMatrix_answer_' + \ str(self.questionCount) + '.png' self.answer_path = question_tmpPath else: question_tmpPath = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + \ '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount)+'_dist_' + str(i-6) + '.png' self.distractors_path.append(question_tmpPath) plt.savefig(question_tmpPath, dpi=150) img = cv2.imread(question_tmpPath, 0) img = cropImage(img) cv2.imwrite(question_tmpPath, img) plt.close() self.question_path = self.STATIC_ROOT + 'result/' + self.user_id + "_" + \ self.session_id + '_figureMatrix_question_' + \ str(self.questionCount) + '.png' os.system('montage -mode concatenate -tile 5x1 -border 5 ' + self.STATIC_ROOT + 'tmp/' + self.user_id + "_" + self.session_id + '_figureMatrix_question_' + str(self.questionCount) + '_part_[0-4].png ' + self.question_path)