def random_walk_weighted_no_visited(apf, start, distance_target, pre_matrix, genome, K):
    Generate the trajectory using the random walk weighted with no visited checks on
    From the starting point it finds the neighbour nodes
    it checks if they are road
    it checks if they are already visited
    if no point are available -> end
    get the precomputed attraction for all the nodes remaining
    normalise attraction value to be probabilities
    compute the random next node
    move to the chosen node
    :param apf: artificial potential field, needed to check the neighbour node
    :param start: starting point
    :param distance_target: how many timestep max to generate
    :param pre_matrix: preloaded attraction values
    :param genome: multiplier for the attraction
    :param K: constant for the coulomb equation
    :return: list of nodes -> final trajectory
    already_visited = {}
    # start from the first point
    final_trajectory = [start]
    already_visited["{}-{}".format(start.x, start.y)] = 1

    current_node = start
    # generate distance_target steps
    for step in range(distance_target):
        # Generate children
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.x, y_value=current_node.y, apf=apf)
        points_on_the_street = pre_matrix.keep_only_points_on_street(points=points)

        # check if nodes are already visited
        real_points_on_the_street = [node for node in points_on_the_street if
                                     "{}-{}".format(node.x, node.y) not in already_visited]

        if len(real_points_on_the_street) == 0:

        total_charges = [pre_matrix.return_charge_from_point(current_position=node, genome=genome, K=K) for node in real_points_on_the_street]
        total_charges = np.array([el / sum(total_charges) for el in total_charges])

        # random walk, select randomly where to go
        current_node = np.random.choice(a=real_points_on_the_street, size=1, p=total_charges)[0]
        already_visited["{}-{}".format(current_node.x, current_node.y)] = 1

    return final_trajectory
def random_walk_no_visited(apf, start, distance_target, pre_matrix):
    Generate the trajectory using the random walk
    From the starting point it finds the neighbour nodes
    it checks if they are road
    it checks if they are already visited
    if no nodes available generation stops
    compute the random next node
    move to the chosen node
    :param apf: artificial potential field, needed to check the neighbour node
    :param start: starting point
    :param distance_target: how many timestep max to generate
    :param pre_matrix: preloaded attraction values
    :return: list of nodes -> final trajectory
    already_visited = {}
    # start from the first point
    final_trajectory = [start]
    already_visited["{}-{}".format(start.x, start.y)] = 1

    current_node = start
    # generate distance_target steps
    for step in range(distance_target):
        # Generate children
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.x,
        points_on_the_street = pre_matrix.keep_only_points_on_street(

        # check if nodes are already visited
        real_points_on_the_street = [
            node for node in points_on_the_street
            if "{}-{}".format(node.x, node.y) not in already_visited

        if len(real_points_on_the_street) == 0:
        # random walk, select randomly where to go
        index_max = np.random.random_integers(
            low=0, high=len(real_points_on_the_street) - 1)
        current_node = real_points_on_the_street[index_max]
        already_visited["{}-{}".format(current_node.x, current_node.y)] = 1

    return final_trajectory
def random_walk_standard(apf, start, distance_target, pre_matrix):
    Generate the trajectory using the random walk
    From the starting point it finds the neighbour nodes
    it checks if they are road
    compute the random next node
    move to the chosen node
    :param apf: artificial potential field, needed to check the neighbour node
    :param start: starting point
    :param distance_target: how many timestep max to generate
    :param pre_matrix: preloaded attraction values
    :return: list of nodes -> final trajectory
    # start from the first point
    final_trajectory = [start]

    current_node = start
    # generate distance_target steps
    for step in range(distance_target):
        # Generate children
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.x,
        points_on_the_street = pre_matrix.keep_only_points_on_street(

        # random walk, select randomly where to go
        index_max = np.random.random_integers(low=0,
                                              high=len(points_on_the_street) -

        current_node = points_on_the_street[index_max]

    return final_trajectory
def chain_of_neighbours(total_distance, genome, genome_meaning, values_matrix,
                        K, distances, current_node, apf, pre_matrix):
    From current position check the neighbours for the most attractive one and move there.
    Loop till reach maximum length

    -> check neighbours nodes in order to find the one with the strongest attraction
    -> check only neighbours that have charge != 0 (in order to stay on routes)
    -> compute attraction points using coulomb law: |E| = k(|q|/r^2). r is computed using haversine measure
    -> move to the location with strongest attraction
    -> save the point as next point of the path
    -> increase counter of distance travelled
    -> repeat until I reach distance expressed by gene of genome

    :param total_distance:  total distance to travel
    :param genome: genome
    :param genome_meaning: meaning if every pos of the genome
    :param values_matrix: values to translate cells to coordinates
    :param K: constant for the computation of the charge
    :param distances: vector with distances positions
    :param current_node: current node
    :param apf: apf
    :param pre_matrix: pre computation of distance from the cell to the objects
    :return: path
    path = []
    distance_travelled = 0
    while distance_travelled < total_distance:
        # return neighbours of current node
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.x,
        points_on_the_street = keep_only_points_on_street(apf=apf,

        if len(points_on_the_street) == 0:
            # I cannot move in a street around me

        # compute charge close points
        charges = [
            for current_position in points_on_the_street

        # find most attractive point
        most_attractive_point = points_on_the_street[charges.index(

        # adding point to path
        # compute distance

        dis = haversine(
             values_matrix[1][most_attractive_point.y])) * 1000  # in metres
        distance_travelled += dis

        current_node = most_attractive_point
    return path
def astar(apf, start, distance_target, genome, values_matrix, K, pre_matrix, x_value,
    Returns a list of tuples as a path from the given start to the given end in the given maze
    This is a normal a star algorithm is supposed to work

    The current version does not know the destination point
    It only knows the distance from the destination point

    :param apf: matrix representing the routing system of the area
    :param start: starting point
    :param distance_target: distance from the target (total length trip)
    :param genome: genome
    :param values_matrix: values to translate cells to coordinates
    :param K: constant for computing charge
    :param pre_matrix: pre computation of distance from the cell to the objects
    :param type_astar: typology of the astar wanted
    # make x_value a percentege of the total distance target
    x_value = (distance_target * x_value) / 100

    # end_node = Node(parent=None, position=end_point)
    # if it takes too long, going to stop it
    # start_time = time.time()
    # Create start and end node
    start_node = Node(parent=None, position=start)
    start_node.g = start_node.h = start_node.f = 0

    # Initialize both open and closed list
    # open_list = []
    open_queue = []
    second_open_queue = {}
    closed_list = {}

    # Add the start node
    # open_list.append(start_node)
    heapq.heappush(open_queue, (start_node.f, start_node))
    second_open_queue.update({start_node.id: 0})

    # Loop until you find the end
    while len(open_queue) > 0:

        # Get the current node
        # current_node = open_list[0]
        # current_index = 0
        # for index, item in enumerate(open_list):
        #     if item.f < current_node.f:
        #         current_node = item
        #         current_index = index
        current_node = heapq.heappop(open_queue)[1]
        del second_open_queue[current_node.id]

        # with open("a_star_{}.txt".format(LoadConfigs.configurations["name_exp"]), "a") as myfile:
        #     myfile.write("current node -> {} \n".format(current_node))

        # Pop current off open list, add to closed list
        # open_list.pop(current_index)
        # closed_list.add(current_node)
        closed_list[current_node.id] = ""

        # current_time = time.time()
        # time_from_start = current_time - start_time  # time in seconds
        # block execution astar after 10 minutes -> hardcoded function

        # end = False
        # if time_from_start >= 300:
        #     end = True
        # find the bigger node.g
        # max_id = max(second_open_queue.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        # for el in open_queue:
        #     if el[1].id == max_id:
        #         current_node = el[1]
        #         break
        # distance_target = current_node.g - 10

        # Found the goal
        # on the cuxrrent node, the distance from the start is saved as g
        # so if the distance from the start is equals to distance_target then I found the goal
        # if current_node.id == end_node.id: # or end:
        if current_node.g >= distance_target:
            # with open("a_star_{}.txt".format(LoadConfigs.configurations["name_exp"]), "a") as myfile:
            #     myfile.write("closed list {}, open list {} \n".format(len(closed_list), len(second_open_queue)))
            #     myfile.write("------------------ \n")
            #     myfile.write("------------------ \n")
            #     myfile.write("------------------ \n")

            return return_best_path_so_far(current_node=current_node)

        # Generate children
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.position.x, y_value=current_node.position.y, apf=apf)
        # points_on_the_street = keep_only_points_on_street(apf=pre_matrix.get_apf(), points=points)
        points_on_the_street = pre_matrix.keep_only_points_on_street(points=points)

        children = [Node(parent=current_node, position=node_position) for node_position in points_on_the_street]
        # for node_position in points_on_the_street:  # Adjacent squares
        #     # Create new node
        #     new_node = Node(current_node, node_position)
        #     # Append
        #     children.append(new_node)

        # Loop through children
        for child in children:
            # Child is on the closed list
            if closed_list.get(child.id, None) is not None:
                # if child in closed_list:

            # Child already computed
            if second_open_queue.get(child.id, None) is not None:
                # result = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == child, open_queue))
                # if len(result) > 0:

            # Create the f, g, and h values
            r = haversine((values_matrix[0][child.position.x], values_matrix[1][child.position.y]),
                           values_matrix[1][current_node.position.y])) * 1000  # in metres
            child.g = current_node.g + r

            # distance to end is total distance - distance from start
            distance_to_end = distance_target - child.g
            # distance_to_end = haversine((values_matrix[0][child.position.x], values_matrix[1][child.position.y]),
            #                             (values_matrix[0][end_node.position.x],
            #                              values_matrix[1][end_node.position.y])) * 1000  # in metres

            child.h = abs(_compute_h(distance_to_end=distance_to_end, genome=genome, type_astar=type_astar,
                                     current_position=child.position, K=K, pre_matrix=pre_matrix, x_value=x_value,
                                     if type_astar == 1 else None))

            total_g_normalised = _standard_normalisation(old_value=child.g, old_min=0, old_max=distance_target + 100,
                                                         new_min=0, new_max=10)
            # now higher is the most attractive
            child.f = -(total_g_normalised + child.h)
            # child.f = -child.h

            # Child is already in the open list
            # result = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == child, open_queue))
            # if len(result) > 0 and child.g > result[0].g:
            #     continue
            res = second_open_queue.get(child.id, None)
            # if res is not None:
            #     print("S")
            if res is not None and child.g > res:

            # print(child)
            # Add the child to the open list
            # open_list.append(child)
            heapq.heappush(open_queue, (child.f, child))
            second_open_queue.update({child.id: child.g})
def random_walk_weighted_fitness(apf, start, distance_target, pre_matrix,
                                 genome, K):
    Generate the trajectory using the random walk weighted (fitness attraction based)
    From the starting point it finds the neighbour nodes
    it checks if they are road
    compute fitness the trajectory would have if moving in that location
    get the precomputed attraction for all the nodes remaining
    combine fitness and attraction
    normalise values to be probabilities
    compute the random next node
    move to the chosen node
    :param apf: artificial potential field, needed to check the neighbour node
    :param start: starting point
    :param distance_target: how many timestep max to generate
    :param pre_matrix: preloaded attraction values
    :param genome: multiplier for the attraction
    :param K: constant for the coulomb equation
    :return: list of nodes -> final trajectory
    # start from the first point
    final_trajectory = [start]

    current_node = start
    # generate distance_target steps
    for step in range(distance_target):
        time_start = time.time()
        # Generate children
        points = list_neighbours(x_value=current_node.x,
        points_on_the_street = pre_matrix.keep_only_points_on_street(

        total_charges = []
        for node in points_on_the_street:
            tra_moved_so_far = copy.deepcopy(final_trajectory)

            total_charge, _ = compute_fintess_trajectory(

        total_charges_attraction = [
            for node in points_on_the_street

        total_charges = np.array([
                    old_value=el) for el in total_charges
        total_charges_attraction = np.array([
                    old_value=el) for el in total_charges_attraction
        real_total_charge = (total_charges * total_charges_attraction).tolist()
        real_total_charge_normalised = [
                    new_max=10) for el in real_total_charge
        total_charges = np.array([
            el / sum(real_total_charge_normalised)
            for el in real_total_charge_normalised

        # random walk, select randomly where to go
        current_node = np.random.choice(a=points_on_the_street,

    return final_trajectory