def operate(client, user_info): dic = {"1": upload, "2": download, "3": view_file, "4": switch} info = """------Operation instruction------ 1: Uploading files 2: Download the file 3: View the files under the directory 4: Switch directory operation 5、Sign out """ while True: client_show("%s" % info, "info") choice = input("|--Input Your Choice Operate>>>:").strip() if choice == "1": upload(client, user_info) continue if choice == "2": download(client, user_info) continue if choice == "3": view_file(client, user_info) continue if choice == "4": switch(client, user_info) continue if choice == "5": break else: client_show("|--Input Error....", "error")
def register(client): name = input("|--Input Your Username>>>:").strip() pswd = input("|--Input Your Password>>>:").strip() com = "register+" + name + "+" + pswd if com_parse(client, com): client_show("|--Register Success....", "info") user_info = name + "+" + pswd operate(client, user_info) else: client_show("|--Register Error....", "error")
def login(client): name = input("|--Input Your Username>>>:").strip() pswd = input("|--Input Your Password>>>:").strip() user_info = name + "+" + pswd com = "login+" + user_info if com_parse(client, com): client_show("|--Login Success....", "info") operate(client, user_info) else: client_show("|--Login Error....", "error")
def register(client, data): name = input("Input Your register username>>>:").strip() pawd = input("Input Your register password>>>:").strip() com = "register+" + name + "+" + pawd if com_parse(client, com): user_info = name + "+" + pawd client_show("User[%s] Register Success...." % name, "info") operate(client, user_info, name) else: client_show("User[%s] Register Error...." % name, "error")
def view_file(client, user_info, name): command = "view+" + user_info client.sendall(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) data = client.recv(1024) res = eval(str(data, encoding="utf-8")) if len(res) == 0: client_show("no file in the current directory....", "info") else: for i in res: client_show("%s " % i, "info")
def login(client, data): name = input("Input Your Login username>>>:").strip() pawd = input("Input Your Login password>>>:").strip() user_info = name + "+" + pawd com = "login+" + name + "+" + pawd if com_parse(client, com): client_show("User[%s] login success...." % name, "info") operate(client, user_info, name) else: client_show("User[%s] login error...." % name, "error")
def upload(client, user_info, name): client_show("---- uploading file ----", "info") dic = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(updir): for i, j in enumerate(files): k = i + 1 dic[k] = j client_show("%s: %s" % (k, j), "info") choice = input("Input uploading file number>>>:").strip() command = "upload+" + user_info client.send(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) res = client.recv(1024) if str(res, encoding="utf-8") == "True": dir = os.path.join(updir, dic[int(choice)]) f = open(dir, "rb") data = length = str(len(data)) command2 = "uploadfile+" + user_info + "+" + length + "+" + dic[int( choice)] client.send(command2.encode("utf-8")) client.recv(1024) client.sendall(data) time.sleep(1) client_show("file upload success....", "info") f.close() else: client_show("file upload error....", "error")
def download(client, user_info): dic = {} command = "download+" + user_info client.sendall(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) data = client.recv(4069) res = eval(str(data, encoding="utf-8")) if len(res) == 0: client_show("|--There is no file in the current directory....", "info") else: for i, j in enumerate(res): k = i + 1 dic[k] = j client_show("%s:%s" % (k, j), "info") choice = input("|--Input file number>>>:").strip() cm = dic[int(choice)] client.sendall(bytes(cm, encoding="utf-8")) client_show("|--Ready to start downloading files....", "info") dir = os.path.join(updir, dic[int(choice)]) res = str(client.recv(1024).decode()).split("+") res_length = res[0] or_md5 = res[1] length = 0 f = open(dir, "wb") m = hashlib.md5() while length < int(res_length): if int(res_length) - length > 1024: size = 1024 else: size = int(res_length) - length data = client.recv(size) length += len(data) m.update(data) f.write(data) progressbar(length, int(res_length)) else: new_md5 = m.hexdigest() f.close() if new_md5 == or_md5: client_show("|--The file download success....", "info") return True else: client_show("|--The file download failure....", "error") return False
def main_func(client): data = "FTP connect success......" info = """ ------- SelectFTP User login Interface ------- 1: user landing 2: user registration 3: user exit """ while True: client_show("%s" % info, "info") choice = input("Input user choice>>>:").strip() if choice == "1": login(client, data) continue if choice == "2": register(client, data) continue if choice == "3": quit() else: client_show("Input error,plaese again....", "error")
def main_func(client, data): dic = {"1": login, "2": register, "3": quit} info = """|------User Login Interface------ 1: Land 2: Register 3: Sign out """.format(data) while True: client_show("%s" % info, "info") choice = input("|--Input Your Choice>>>:").strip() if choice == "1": login(client) continue if choice == "2": register(client) continue if choice == "3": quit() continue else: client_show("|--Input Error....", "error")
def operate(client, user_info, name): info = """------[%s]operation command ------ 1: uploading file 2: download file 3: exit operation """ % name while True: client_show("%s " % info, "info") choice = input("Input Your operation>>>:").strip() if choice == "0": break if choice == "1": upload(client, user_info, name) continue if choice == "2": download(client, user_info, name) continue if choice == "3": break else: client_show("Input error....", "error")
def view_file(client, user_info): command = "view+" + user_info client.sendall(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) dirs = client.recv(1024) if dirs.decode() == "False": dir = [] else: dir = eval(str(dirs, encoding="utf-8")) files = client.recv(1024) file = eval(str(files, encoding="utf-8")) client.sendall("true".encode("utf-8")) storage = str(client.recv(1024).decode()) if len(file) == 0 and len(dir) == 0: client_show("|--There is no file in the current directory....", "info") else: client_show( "|--The current directory contains the following file content....", "info") client_show("|--Disk size:%skb" % storage, "info") for j in dirs: client_show("|--Directory:%s" % j, "info") for i in file: client_show("|--File:%s" % i, "info")
def upload(client, user_info): client_show("|--Files under the current directory....", "info") dic = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk(updir): for i, j in enumerate(files): k = i + 1 dic[k] = j client_show("%s:%s" % (k, j), "info") choice = input("|--Input upload file number>>>:").strip() if choice.isdigit() and 0 < int(choice) <= len(dic): command = "upload+" + user_info + "+" + dic[int(choice)] client.sendall(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) res = client.recv(1024) if str(res, encoding="utf-8") == "True": dir = os.path.join(updir, dic[int(choice)]) f = open(dir, "rb") md5 = hashlib.md5() length = os.stat(dir).st_size client.send(str(length).encode()) sign = client.recv(1024).decode() if sign == "ok": data = md5.update(data) client.sendall(data) f.close() client.send(md5.hexdigest().encode()) res_sign = client.recv(1024) if res_sign == b'True': client_show("|--The file upload success....", "info") elif res_sign == b'False': client_show("\|--The file upload failure....", "error") exit() elif sign == "no": client_show("|--The disk is not space....", "error") exit() else: client_show("|--Input Error....", "error")
def switch(client, user_info): command = ["ls", "cd"] client_show("%s" % command, "info") c = input("Input Your Command>>>:").strip() if c == "ls": view_file(client, user_info) elif c == "cd": cm = "cd+" + user_info client.sendall(cm.encode("utf-8")) dirs = eval(client.recv(1024).decode()) if len(dirs) != 0: for j in dirs: client_show("|--dirname:%s" % j, "info") choice = input("|--Input directory name>>>:").strip() if choice in dirs: client.sendall(choice.encode("utf-8")) sign = client.recv(1024).decode() if sign == "True": client_show( "|-- %s Directory switching success...." % choice, "info") else: client_show( "|-- %s Directory switching failure...." % choice, "error") else: client_show("|--Input Error....", "info") client.sendall("error".encode("utf-8")) exit() else: client_show("|--No any diretory....", "error") else: client_show("|--Input Error....", "error") exit()
def download(client, user_info, name): client_show("---- downloading file ----", "info") dic = {} command = "download+" + user_info client.sendall(bytes(command, encoding="utf-8")) data = client.recv(4096) res = eval(str(data, encoding="utf-8")) if len(res) == 0: client_show("no file in the current directory....", "info") else: for i, j in enumerate(res): k = i + 1 dic[k] = j client_show("%s:%s " % (k, j), "info") choice = input("Input downloading file number>>>:").strip() command2 = "downloadfile+" + user_info + "+" + dic[int(choice)] client.send(bytes(command2, encoding="utf-8")) client_show("ready to start downloading files....", "info") dir = os.path.join(updir, dic[int(choice)]) res_length = str(client.recv(1024).decode()) length = 0 f = open(dir, "wb") while length < int(res_length): if int(res_length) - length > 1024: size = 1024 else: size = int(res_length) - length data = client.recv(size) length += len(data) f.write(data) if length == int(res_length): time.sleep(1) client_show("file downloading success....", "info") f.close() else: client_show("file downloading error....", "error")
def quit(): client_show("Exit SelectFTP Success....", "info") exit()