def save(self, ratingModel): if not isinstance(ratingModel, RatingModel): raise ValueError("ratingModel should be of type RatingModel") query = 'INSERT INTO Rating (id, id_Recipe, id_User, value) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' newItemId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(ratingModel)) return self.getById(newItemId)
def save(self, cartModel): if not isinstance(cartModel, CartModel): raise ValueError("cartModel should be of type cartModel") query = 'INSERT INTO Cart (id, id_User, totalCost) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' cartId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(cartModel)) if cartId: return self.getById(cartId) else: raise Exception("Could not save cart")
def save(self, commentModel): if not isinstance(commentModel, CommentModel): raise ValueError("commentModel should be of type CommentModel") query = 'INSERT INTO Comment (id, id_Recipe, id_User, text) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' newCommandId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(commentModel)) if newCommandId: return self.getById(newCommandId) else: raise Exception("Could not save commend")
def save(self, cartItemModel): if not isinstance(cartItemModel, CartItemModel): raise ValueError("cartItemModel should be of type CartItemModel") query = 'INSERT INTO CartItem (id, id_Ingredient, id_Cart, multiplier, subCost) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' newItemId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(cartItemModel)) if newItemId: return self.getById(newItemId) else: raise Exception("Could not save ingredient to cart")
def save(self, commandsModel): if not isinstance(commandsModel, CommandModel): raise ValueError("commandsModel should be of type CommandModel") query = 'INSERT INTO Command (id, id_Cart, creationDate, arrivalDate) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)' newCommand = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(commandsModel)) if newCommand: return self.getById(newCommand) else: raise Exception("Could not add newCommand")
def save(self, likeRecipeModel): if not isinstance(likeRecipeModel, LikeRecipeModel): raise ValueError( "likeRecipeModel should be of type LikeRecipeModel") query = 'INSERT INTO LikeRecipe (id, id_Recipe, id_User) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' newLikeRecipe = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(likeRecipeModel)) if newLikeRecipe: return self.getById(newLikeRecipe) else: raise Exception("Could not like this recipe")
def save(self, ingredientModel): if not isinstance(ingredientModel, IngredientModel): raise ValueError( "ingredientModel should be of type IngredientModel") query = 'INSERT INTO Ingredient (id, id_IngredientType, id_QuantityUnit, name, baseCost, baseQuantity) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' ingredientId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(ingredientModel)) if ingredientId: return self.getById(ingredientId) else: raise Exception("Could not save ingredient")
def save(self, recipeIngredientModel, autocommit=True): if not isinstance(recipeIngredientModel, RecipeIngredientModel): raise ValueError( "recipeIngredientModel should be of type RecipeIngredientModel" ) query = 'INSERT INTO RecipeIngredient (id, id_Recipe, id_Ingredient, id_QuantityUnit, totalQuantity) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)' newRecipeId = db.create(query, self._mapper.to_tuple(recipeIngredientModel), autocommit=autocommit) if newRecipeId: return self.getById(newRecipeId) else: raise Exception("Could not save ingredient to cart")