def date_features(transcript, save=None): ''' Create various date/time features Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transcript['time_days'] = transcript.time / 24 transcript['date'] = transcript.signed_up + pd.to_timedelta( transcript.time_days, unit='D') transcript['day'] = transcript['weekday'] = transcript['month'] = transcript['year'] = save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def label_encode_categories(transcript, save=None): ''' Label encodes gender and id, removing previous created one hot encoding. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' le = LabelEncoder() = le.fit_transform( le.fit_transform( transcript['gender'] = transcript[['F', 'M', 'O']].idxmax(1) transcript.gender = le.fit_transform(transcript.gender) transcript = transcript.drop(['F', 'M', 'O'], axis=1) save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def overlap_offer_effect(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates overlap offer feature columns [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j] with integer value equal to the duration for which the previous offer is still valid. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' # convert required dataframe columns to dictionary of numpy arrays t = df_numpydict(transcript, ['event', 'person', 'time_days', 'duration', 'id']) overlap_offer = np.empty(transcript.shape[0], dtype=str) overlap_offer_days = np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): if t['event'][i] == 'offer received': # loop backwards through events of customer for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break if t['event'][j] == 'offer completed': break if t['event'][j] == 'offer received': days_left = t['time_days'][j] - t['time_days'][i] + t[ 'duration'][j] if days_left <= 0: continue overlap_offer_days[i] = days_left overlap_offer[i] = t['id'][j] offer_overlap_features = pd.get_dummies(overlap_offer, drop_first=True)\ .mul(overlap_offer_days, axis=0).replace(0, np.nan) transcript = try_join(offer_overlap_features, transcript) save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def last_transaction(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates last transaction in days and last amount spent features. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' t = df_numpydict(transcript, ['event', 'person', 'time_days', 'amount']) tran_index = transcript.index.to_numpy() tran_event = transcript.event.to_numpy() person = transcript.person.to_numpy() time = transcript.time_days.to_numpy() amount = transcript.amount.to_numpy() last_transaction_days = np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) last_amount = np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() # loop through each row for i in bar(t['index']): if t['event'][i] == 'offer received': # loop backwards through events of customer for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break if tran_event[j] == 'transaction': last_transaction_days[ i] = t['time_days'][i] - t['time_days'][j] last_amount[i] = amount[j] break transcript['last_transaction_days'] = last_transaction_days transcript['last_amount'] = last_amount save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def feature_cleanup(transcript, save=None): ''' Various features creation and redundant features dropped. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame Returns ------- DataFrame ''' # drop cumulative amount since equal to t-30 transcript.drop(['cum_amount'], axis=1, inplace=True) # spending during offer period - to be predicted transcript[ 'offer_spend'] = transcript.received_spend + transcript.viewed_spend # adding boolean target variable to be predicted - was offer completed? transcript['spend>required'] = (transcript.received_spend + transcript.viewed_spend\ > transcript.difficulty).astype(int) # filtering event by only offer received, data now all included in this row transcript = transcript[transcript.event == 'offer received'] # dropping original event column transcript.drop(['event'], axis=1, inplace=True) # dropping offer_id since now each row is a unique offer transcript.drop(['offer_id'], axis=1, inplace=True) # dropping joined since same as signed_up transcript.drop('joined', axis=1, inplace=True) # removing 'amount' and 'transaction' since this data related to # individual transactions transcript.drop(['amount', 'transaction'], axis=1, inplace=True) save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def to_numerical_nan(transcript, save=None): ''' Converts date and other features to numerical in preparation. Where zero values are not correctly descriptive, converts these to NaNs. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame Returns ------- DataFrame ''' # creating columns converting date time and time deltas to floats transcript['signed_up0'] = (transcript.signed_up - transcript.signed_up.max()).dt.days transcript['date0'] = ( - transcript.signed_up.max()).dt.days # replacing old date time and time delta columns with new float versions: transcript.signed_up = transcript.signed_up0 = transcript.date0 # dropping interim new columns: transcript.drop(['signed_up0', 'date0'], axis=1, inplace=True) # replacing zeros with nulls for viewed_days_left and remaining to complete, since this value # is only relevent if customer viewed offer # transcript.viewed_days_left[transcript.viewed_in_valid == 0] = np.nan transcript['remaining_to_complete'][transcript.viewed_in_valid == 0] = np.nan save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def historical_features(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates historical features. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transcript.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) hist_feature_names = [ 'hist_reward_completed', 'hist_reward_possible', 'hist_difficulty_completed', 'hist_difficulty_possible', 'hist_previous_completed', 'hist_previous_offers', 'hist_viewed_and_completed', 'hist_complete_not_viewed', 'hist_failed_complete', 'hist_viewed', 'hist_received_spend', 'hist_viewed_spend' ] hist_features = { features: np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) for features in hist_feature_names } t = df_numpydict(transcript, [ 'person', 'completed', 'reward', 'difficulty', 'viewed', 'received_spend', 'viewed_spend' ]) t = {**t, **hist_features} bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: # if different customer, break if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # looping through previous offers, if completed, make # additions to total features: if t['completed'][j] == 1: t['hist_reward_completed'][i] += t['reward'][j] t['hist_reward_possible'][i] += t['reward'][j] t['hist_difficulty_completed'][i] += t['difficulty'][j] t['hist_difficulty_possible'][i] += t['difficulty'][j] t['hist_previous_completed'][i] += 1 t['hist_previous_offers'][i] += 1 # if viewed, make additions to view features: if t['viewed'][j] == 1: t['hist_viewed_and_completed'][i] += 1 else: t['hist_complete_not_viewed'][i] += 1 # if didn't complete offer, make additions to possible # features: else: t['hist_reward_possible'][i] += t['reward'][j] t['hist_difficulty_possible'][i] += t['difficulty'][j] t['hist_previous_offers'][i] += 1 t['hist_failed_complete'][i] += 1 # if viewed, make addition to viewed if t['viewed'][j] == 1: t['hist_viewed'][i] += 1 # increment viewed and received spend t['hist_received_spend'][i] += t['received_spend'][j] t['hist_viewed_spend'][i] += t['viewed_spend'][j] for feature in hist_feature_names: transcript[feature] = t[feature] save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def time_buckets(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates time bucket fields for total transaction value within that period and which specific offer (if any) was given during that time period. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transcript.reset_index(inplace=True) day_buckets = [7, 14, 17, 21, 24, 30] # creates list of amount and offer bucket column names amount_buckets = [f'amount_{bucket}' for bucket in day_buckets] offer_buckets = [f'offer_{bucket}' for bucket in day_buckets] # instansiate a dictionaries of numpy arrays for each bucket # column name amount_buckets_dict = { bucket: np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) for bucket in amount_buckets } offer_buckets_dict = { bucket: np.full(transcript.shape[0], '') for bucket in offer_buckets } # merges both dictionaries buckets = {**amount_buckets_dict, **offer_buckets_dict} t = df_numpydict(transcript, ['person', 'time_days', 'event', 'amount', 'id']) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): # loop backwards from each row for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: # check if same person if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # if time_days is below bucket day value, increase the # amount of that bucket. Goes to next incremental bucket # amount if not below and checks again. if t['event'][j] == 'transaction': for k in day_buckets: if t['time_days'][j] <= k: amount_buckets_dict[f'amount_{k}'][i] += t['amount'][j] break # if time_days equauls bucket day value, add offer id to # that time bucket if t['event'][j] == 'offer received': for k in day_buckets: if t['time_days'][j] == k: offer_buckets_dict[f'offer_{k}'][i] = t['id'][j] break # replaces amount features with NaN if time_days is below # time bucket values. Distinguishes a zero value from an # impossible temporal value. for m, n in enumerate(day_buckets): if t['time_days'][i] < n: for z in day_buckets[m + 1:]: amount_buckets_dict[f'amount_{z}'][i] = np.nan # adds new created features to DataFrame for bucket in amount_buckets_dict: transcript[bucket] = amount_buckets_dict[bucket] for bucket in offer_buckets_dict: transcript[bucket] = offer_buckets_dict[bucket] save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def mapping_event(transcript, event=None, save=None): ''' Maps the events 'offer completed' or 'offer viewed' to the corresponding 'offer received' row of the dataset Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' t = df_numpydict(transcript, ['event', 'person', 'time_days', 'duration', 'id']) if event == 'offer completed': eventid = 'completed' event_check = 'already_completed' elif event == 'offer viewed': eventid = 'viewed' event_check = 'already_viewed' t[event_check] = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) t[eventid] = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) t[event + '_date'] = np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): if t['event'][i] == 'offer received': for j in t['index'][i + 1:]: if t[event_check][j] == 1: continue # check if still same person if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # check if period is within duration if event == 'offer completed': if t['time_days'][j] - t['time_days'][i] > t['duration'][i]: break # if offer viewed, update how many days left in the offer, update how much # remaining spending needed if t['event'][j] == event: if t['id'][j] == t['id'][i]: t[event_check][j] = 1 t[eventid][i] = 1 t[event + '_date'][i] = t['time_days'][j] break transcript[event_check] = t[event_check] transcript[eventid] = t[eventid] transcript[event + '_date'] = t[event + '_date'] match_verification(transcript, event=event) transcript.drop([event_check], axis=1, inplace=True) save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def viewed_received_spend(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates received_spend, viewed_spend, viewed_days_left, remaining_to_complete, viewed_in_valid feautures Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' t = df_numpydict(transcript, [ 'event', 'person', 'difficulty', 'time_days', 'duration', 'amount', 'id' ]) viewed_in_valid = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) received_spend = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) viewed_days_left = np.full(transcript.shape[0], 0.0) viewed_spend = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) remaining_to_complete = np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) viewed_already = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): if t['event'][i] == 'offer received': for j in t['index'][i + 1:]: # check if still same person if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # check if period is within duration if t['time_days'][j] - t['time_days'][i] > t['duration'][i]: break # if offer viewed, update how many days left in the # offer, update how much remaining spending needed if t['event'][j] == 'offer viewed': if (viewed_already[j] != 1) and (t['id'][i] == t['id'][j]): viewed_in_valid[i] = 1 if received_spend[i] <= t['difficulty'][i]: viewed_days_left[i] = t['duration'][i]\ - (t['time_days'][j] - t['time_days'][i]) remaining_to_complete[ i] = t['difficulty'][i] - received_spend[i] if remaining_to_complete[i] < 0: remaining_to_complete[i] = 0 viewed_already[j] = 1 if received_spend[i] > t['difficulty'][i]: viewed_days_left[i] = 0 remaining_to_complete[i] = 0 viewed_already[j] = 1 if t['event'][j] == 'transaction': # update spending when received but not viewed if viewed_days_left[i] <= 0: received_spend[i] += t['amount'][j] # update spending when viewed if viewed_days_left[i] > 0: viewed_spend[i] += t['amount'][j] transcript['received_spend'] = received_spend transcript['viewed_spend'] = viewed_spend transcript['viewed_days_left'] = viewed_days_left transcript['remaining_to_complete'] = remaining_to_complete transcript['viewed_in_valid'] = viewed_in_valid save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def create_transaction_ranges(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates time bucket fields for total transaction value and number of transactions going back in time from offer received. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transaction_days_range = [30, 21, 14, 7, 3, 1] hist = {} # initialsiing for m in transaction_days_range: transaction_range = f't_{m}' transaction_range_count = f'{transaction_range}c' hist[transaction_range] = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) hist[transaction_range_count] = np.zeros(transcript.shape[0]) # convert required dataframe columns to dictionary of numpy arrays t = df_numpydict(transcript, ['event', 'person', 'time_days', 'amount']) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() # loop through each row for i in bar(t['index']): if t['event'][i] == 'offer received': # loop backwards through events of customer for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # if transaction, how many days before offer received? if t['event'][j] == 'transaction': day_diff = t['time_days'][i] - t['time_days'][j] # loop through transaction day ranges and add increment transaction value and # increment transaction count for m in transaction_days_range: transaction_range = 't_' + str(m) transaction_range_count = transaction_range + 'c' if day_diff <= m: hist[transaction_range][i] += t['amount'][j] hist[transaction_range_count][i] += 1 else: break new_data = pd.DataFrame(hist)[[ 't_1', 't_3', 't_7', 't_14', 't_21', 't_30', 't_1c', 't_3c', 't_7c', 't_14c', 't_21c', 't_30c' ]] transcript = try_join(new_data, transcript) save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def column_order(transcript, save=None): ''' Removing redundant features and moving target features 'offer_spend' and 'completed' to last columns. Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transcript = transcript[[ 'person', 'age', 'income', 'signed_up', 'gender', 'id', 'rewarded', 'difficulty', 'reward', 'duration', 'mobile', 'web', 'social', 'bogo', 'discount', 'informational', 'time_days', 'day', 'weekday', 'month', 'year', 't_1', 't_3', 't_7', 't_14', 't_21', 't_30', 't_1c', 't_3c', 't_7c', 't_14c', 't_21c', 't_30c', 'last_amount', 'received_spend', 'viewed_spend', 'viewed_days_left', 'remaining_to_complete', 'viewed_in_valid', 'viewed', 'last_transaction_days', 'spend>required', 'hist_reward_completed', 'hist_reward_possible', 'hist_difficulty_completed', 'hist_difficulty_possible', 'hist_previous_completed', 'hist_previous_offers', 'hist_viewed_and_completed', 'hist_complete_not_viewed', 'hist_failed_complete', 'hist_viewed', 'hist_received_spend', 'hist_viewed_spend', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'received_0', 'received_1', 'received_2', 'received_3', 'received_4', 'received_5', 'received_6', 'received_7', 'received_8', 'received_9', 'viewed_0', 'viewed_1', 'viewed_2', 'viewed_3', 'viewed_4', 'viewed_5', 'viewed_6', 'viewed_7', 'viewed_8', 'viewed_9', 'count_0', 'count_1', 'count_2', 'count_3', 'count_4', 'count_5', 'count_6', 'count_7', 'count_8', 'count_9', 'amount_7', 'amount_14', 'amount_17', 'amount_21', 'amount_24', 'amount_30', 'offer_7', 'offer_14', 'offer_17', 'offer_21', 'offer_24', 'offer_30', 'offer_spend', 'completed', 'percentage_offer_active', 'offer_active_count', 'no_offer_count', 'offer_cum_amount', 'no_offer_cum_amount', 'amount_per_day_offer', 'amount_per_day_not_offer', ]] save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def previous_offer_features(transcript, save=None): ''' Creates previous offers historical features: offer_received_spend offer_viewed_spend offer_counts Parameters ----------- transcript: DataFrame save: string filename (default=None) if filename entered, saves output to folder '../../data/interim' Returns ------- DataFrame ''' transcript.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) offer_received_spend = [f'received_{i}' for i in list('0123456789')] offer_viewed_spend = [f'viewed_{i}' for i in list('0123456789')] offer_counts = [f'count_{i}' for i in list('0123456789')] offer_received_spend_dict = { offer: np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) for offer in offer_received_spend } offer_viwed_spend_dict = { offer: np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) for offer in offer_viewed_spend } offer_counts_dict = { offer: np.full(transcript.shape[0], np.nan) for offer in offer_counts } t = df_numpydict( transcript, ['person', 'completed', 'viewed_spend', 'received_spend', 'id']) offers = { **offer_received_spend_dict, **offer_viwed_spend_dict, **offer_counts_dict } bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in bar(t['index']): for j in t['index'][0:i][::-1]: # if different customer, break if t['person'][j] != t['person'][i]: break # looping through previous offers, if completed, make additions to total features: previous_offer = t['id'][j] if offers[f'received_{previous_offer}'][i] >= 0: offers[f'received_{previous_offer}'][i] += t['received_spend'][ j] else: offers[f'received_{previous_offer}'][i] = t['received_spend'][ j] if offers[f'viewed_{previous_offer}'][i] >= 0: offers[f'viewed_{previous_offer}'][i] += t['viewed_spend'][j] else: offers[f'viewed_{previous_offer}'][i] = t['viewed_spend'][j] if t['completed'][j]: if offers[f'count_{previous_offer}'][i] >= 1: offers[f'count_{previous_offer}'][i] += 1 else: offers[f'count_{previous_offer}'][i] = 1 for offer in offers: transcript[offer] = offers[offer] save_file(transcript, save) return transcript
def gridsearch_early_stopping(cv, X, y, folds, grid, cat_features=None, save=None): ''' Perform grid search with early stopping across folds specified by index Parameters ----------- cv: cross validation X: DataFrame or Numpy array y: DataFrame or Numpy array fold: list of fold indexes grid: parameter grid save: string, excluding file extension (default=None) saves results_df for each fold to folder '../../data/interim' ''' if np.unique(y).size <= 2: loss_function = 'Logloss' else: loss_function = 'MultiClass' # generate data folds train_X, train_y, test_X, test_y = generate_folds(cv, X, y) # iterate through specified folds for fold in folds: # assign train and test pools test_pool = Pool(data=test_X[fold], label=test_y[fold], cat_features=cat_features) train_pool = Pool(data=train_X[fold], label=train_y[fold], cat_features=cat_features) # creating results_df dataframe results_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[ 'params' + str(fold), loss_function + str(fold), 'Accuracy' + str(fold), 'iteration' + str(fold) ]) best_score = 99999 # iterate through parameter grid for params in ParameterGrid(grid): # create catboost classifer with parameter params model = CatBoostClassifier( cat_features=cat_features, early_stopping_rounds=50, task_type='GPU', custom_loss=['Accuracy'], iterations=3000, #class_weights=weights, **params) # fit model, eval_set=test_pool, verbose=400) # append results to results_df print(model.get_best_score()['validation']) results_df = results_df.append( pd.DataFrame([[ params, model.get_best_score()['validation'][loss_function], model.get_best_score()['validation']['Accuracy'], model.get_best_iteration() ]], columns=[ 'params' + str(fold), loss_function + str(fold), 'Accuracy' + str(fold), 'iteration' + str(fold) ])) # save best score and parameters if model.get_best_score( )['validation'][loss_function] < best_score: best_score = model.get_best_score( )['validation'][loss_function] best_grid = params print("Best logloss: ", best_score) print("Grid:", best_grid) save_file(results_df, save + str(fold) + '.joblib', dirName='../../models') display(results_df)