activation_function_hidd takes values "tanh", "relu" "leaky relu", "sigmoid" ''' # Setting the Franke's function poly_deg = 5 N = 30 seed = 2021 alpha = 0.001 lamb = 0.0 min_size = 5 #size of each minibatch n_epochs = 1000 #number of epochs eta = 0.001 # learning rate # Setting Data franke_data = Data() franke_data.set_grid_franke_function(N,N,False) franke_data.set_franke_function() franke_data.add_noise(alpha, seed) # Scaling data franke_data.data_scaling() activation_function_hidd = "tanh" # -----------------------------------------------NN--------------------------------------------- franke_data.design_matrix(poly_deg) franke_data.test_train_split(0.2) n_hidd_layers = 1 nodes_in_hidd_layers = [50]
plt.subplot(1, 5, i + 1) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(image,, interpolation='nearest') plt.title("Label: %d" %[random_indices[i]]) # Splitting into the test and train datasets X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = train_test_split(inputs, labels, train_size=0.8, test_size=0.2) n_inputs, n_features = X_train.shape # Converting into the one-hot representation digits = Data() Y_train_onehot, Y_test_onehot = digits.to_categorical_numpy( Y_train), digits.to_categorical_numpy(Y_test) # For SGD epochs = 100 batch_size = 50 eta = 0.01 lamb = 0.0 n_categories = 10 #For the GD n_iterations = 100000 # user defined option option = "SGD"
The output of the program is two grid search files for the test and training MSE and R2, as well as a print of the optimal values. """ np.random.seed(2020) #values to perform gridsearch on depth_values = np.linspace(1,15,15) lambda_values = np.hstack((np.array([0.0]), np.logspace(-6,2,9))) #values to extract from gridsearch min_mse_test, min_r2_test, min_mse_train, min_r2_train = 1000, 0, 0, 0 # Setting up the dataset bind_eng = Data() bind_eng.set_binding_energies("mass16.txt") # Tracing the article nuclei bind_eng.find_indeces() # Getting the total binding energies bind_eng.z_flat = bind_eng.z_flat*bind_eng.A_numpy # Scaling the data bind_eng.data_scaling() # Creating the design matrix. Workaround to create the XGB and DT design matrices poly_deg = 1 bind_eng.design_matrix(poly_deg)
from random import random, seed from src.data_processing import Data from src.regression_methods import Fitting from src.statistical_functions import * np.random.seed(2020) """ The folowing program performs the Decision Tree analysis. The user may change the depth_values to change the maximum depth of the tree, as well as changing the lambda_values to change the pruning parameter. The output of the program is two grid search files for the test and training MSE and R2, as well as a print of the optimal values. """ # Setting up the dataset bind_eng = Data() bind_eng.set_binding_energies("mass16.txt") # Scaling the data bind_eng.data_scaling() # Creating the design matrix poly_deg = 1 bind_eng.design_matrix(poly_deg) deleted_matrix = np.delete(bind_eng.X, 0, 1) bind_eng.X = deleted_matrix bind_eng.test_train_split(0.2) # All we can use now is bind_eng.X_test, bind_eng.X_train, bind_eng.z_test, bind_eng.z_train
The folowing program performs the linear regression analysis with three options - OLS, Ridge and LASSO The user might selesct one of the options by varying the regression_method variable taking values "OLS", "Ridge", "LASSO" and switch one of the resampling options on by choosing between "cv" and "no resampling" for the resampling_method variable. The output of the program is two grid search files for the test and training MSE and R2. """ seed = 2020 minimization_method = "matrix_inv" # this option is kept as "matrix_inv" for the whole analysis regression_method = "Ridge" # "OLS", "Ridge", "LASSO" resampling_method = "no resampling" # "cv" or "no resampling" lamb = 0.001 # Setting up the dataset bind_eng = Data() bind_eng.set_binding_energies("mass16.txt") # Scaling the data bind_eng.data_scaling() # Setting matrices and arrays for the grid search num_poly = 23 poly_deg_array = np.linspace(1, num_poly, num_poly, dtype = int) lambda_array = [ 0, 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1.0] num_lambda = len(lambda_array) MSE_test = np.zeros((num_poly, num_lambda)) MSE_train = np.zeros((num_poly, num_lambda)) R2_test = np.zeros((num_poly, num_lambda)) R2_train = np.zeros((num_poly, num_lambda))
from src.data_processing import Data from src.regression_methods import Fitting from src.statistical_functions import * """ Program to find the optimal parameters for the XGBoost method, by doing a gridsearch over the three included parameters; lambda, learning rate and max. depth. Last loop is commented out, but is used to find all three optimal parameters. Then the optimal learning rate is used to obtain files for plotting. """ np.random.seed(2020) # Setting up the dataset bind_eng = Data() bind_eng.set_binding_energies("mass16.txt") bind_eng.z_flat = bind_eng.z_flat * bind_eng.A_numpy #to get the total binding energy # Scaling the data bind_eng.data_scaling() # Creating the design matrix poly_deg = 1 bind_eng.design_matrix(poly_deg) deleted_matrix = np.delete(bind_eng.X, 0, 1) bind_eng.X = deleted_matrix bind_eng.test_train_split(0.2)