async def handle_unstuck(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Unstucks a player": args = msg.split() if len(args) < 2: await txt_channel.send("Usage: !unstuck <character>") return False player = args[1] API.dc_player(player) old_map = DatabaseHandler.get_map(player) if not old_map: await txt_channel.send("User not found") return False henesys = 100000000 new_map_response = DatabaseHandler.set_map(player, henesys, old_map) await txt_channel.send(new_map_response)
async def handle_unban(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Unbans a player": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) < 2: # spirit_logger.warn(f"{author} has made and invalid !unban command attempt: {msg}") await txt_channel.send("Usage: !unban <player>") return False player = args[1] m = DatabaseHandler.unban_account(player) await txt_channel.send(m) return True
async def handle_ban(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Ban a player": args = msg.split() if len(args) < 3: await txt_channel.send("Usage: !ban <character> <reason>") return False player = args[1] reason_list = args[2:] reason = " ".join(reason_list) API.dc_player(player) s = DatabaseHandler.ban_account(player, reason) await txt_channel.send(s) return True
async def handle_ranking(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Shows the rankings": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) < 2: await txt_channel.send("Usage: !rankings <category>") # TODO: Add category list return False category = args[1] # Optional ASCII-check for rank type (comment out if undesired) if not utils.is_ascii(category): await txt_channel.send( "Invalid characters detected in rank category!") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} used a command with non-ASCII characters: {msg}") return False elif category[ 1] == ":" or ":" in category: # checks for Discord emoji in message await txt_channel.send( "Are you trying to send a Discord emoji? :liar:") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} may have tried to send a Discord emoji: {msg}") return False table, result = DatabaseHandler.get_rankings(category) if "column" in str( table ): # checks if the word "column" is in the table this means the column was not found await txt_channel.send("Can't find the category") return False elif not result: await txt_channel.send(config.DATABASE_OFFLINE_MESSAGE) return False e = discord.Embed(title=f"Rankings by {category}", colour=config.EMBED_COLOR) e.set_thumbnail(url=config.ICON_URL) for x in range(5): name = table[x]["name"] rank_type = table[x][category] job = utils.get_job_by_id(table[x]["job"]) e.add_field( name=f"{utils.get_ordinal_number(x + 1)}. {name} ({job})", value=f"{category}: {rank_type}", inline=False) await txt_channel.send(embed=e) return True
async def handle_give_vp(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Gives a player votepoints": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) < 3: # await txt_channel.send("Usage: !givevp <name> <amount>") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} has made and invalid !givevp command attempt: {msg}" ) return False player = args[1] vp = int(args[2]) r = API.give_vp(player, vp) if "Server is" or "found" in r: r = DatabaseHandler.give_vp(player, vp) await txt_channel.send(r) return True
async def handle_setgmlevel(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Makes a player a gm": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) < 3: # spirit_logger.warn(f"{author} has made and invalid !getgmlevel command attempt: {msg}") await txt_channel.send("Usage: !setgmlevel <player> <level>") return False player = args[1] level = int(args[2]) r = API.set_gm_level(player, level) if "Successfully" in r: await txt_channel.send(r) return True else: e = DatabaseHandler.set_gm_level(player, level) await txt_channel.send(e) return True
async def handle_guild(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Shows guild info": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) <= 1: await txt_channel.send("Usage: !guild <name>") return False guild_name = args[1] # Optional ASCII-check for guild name (comment out if undesired) # Since GMS should only have ASCII names if not utils.is_ascii(guild_name): await txt_channel.send("Invalid characters detected in guild name!" ) spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} used a command with non-ASCII characters: {msg}") return False elif guild_name[ 1] == ":" or ":" in guild_name: # checks for Discord emoji in message await txt_channel.send( "Are you trying to send a Discord emoji? :liar:") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} may have tried to send a Discord emoji: {msg}") return False rows, result = DatabaseHandler.get_guild_info(guild_name) if not result: # If the result is false the database is offline await txt_channel.send(config.DATABASE_OFFLINE_MESSAGE) return False elif len(rows) == 0: await txt_channel.send("Guild not found") return False # rows[0] because no two guilds will have the same name guild_info = rows[0] guild = guild_info["name"] guild_leader = guild_info["leader"] logo = guild_info["logo"] logo_color = guild_info["logoColor"] logo_bg = guild_info["logoBG"] logo_bg_color = guild_info["logoBGColor"] notice = guild_info["notice"] gp = guild_info["GP"] alliance_id = guild_info["allianceId"] guild_img = utils.get_guild_logo( guild_mark_id=logo, guild_mark_color_id=logo_color, guild_background_id=logo_bg, guild_background_color_id=logo_bg_color) e = discord.Embed(title="Guild info", colour=config.EMBED_COLOR) e.set_footer(text=config.SERVER_NAME, icon_url=config.ICON_URL) e.set_thumbnail(url=guild_img) e.add_field(name="Name", value=guild, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Leader", value=DatabaseHandler.get_character_name(guild_leader), inline=True) e.add_field(name="Alliance", value=DatabaseHandler.get_alliance_name(alliance_id), inline=True) e.add_field(name="Notice", value=notice, inline=True) await txt_channel.send(embed=e) return True
async def handle_character(client, txt_channel, author, msg, message) \ -> "Shows character info": args = msg.split(" ") if len(args) <= 1: await txt_channel.send("Usage: !character <name>") return False character_name = args[1] # Optional ASCII-check for char name (comment out if undesired) # Since GMS should only have ASCII names if not utils.is_ascii(character_name): await txt_channel.send( "Invalid characters detected in character name!") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} used a command with non-ASCII characters: {msg}") return False elif character_name[ 1] == ":" or ":" in character_name: # checks for Discord emoji in message await txt_channel.send( "Are you trying to send a Discord emoji? :liar:") spirit_logger.warn( f"{author} may have tried to send a Discord emoji: {msg}") return False rows, result = DatabaseHandler.get_character_stats(character_name) # A tuple is returned, result being false means the database is off and vice versa if not result: await txt_channel.send(config.DATABASE_OFFLINE_MESSAGE) return False elif len(rows) == 0: await txt_channel.send("Character not found") return False # It is always 0, cause no two characters should have the same name. char = rows[0] id = char["id"] name = char["name"] level = char["level"] job = char["job"] meso = char["meso"] rank = char["rank"] face = char["face"] hair = char["hair"] skin = char[ "skincolor"] # Other Databases may have this column named "skin", rename accordingly guildid = char["guildid"] fame = char["fame"] # rebirths = char["reborns"] # Other Databases may have this column named "rebirths", rename accordingly character_img = DatabaseHandler.get_character_look( id, hair, face, skin) # sends the hair, face and skin id's # character_img is a link from API that lets us draw any character given the correct params guild_name = DatabaseHandler.get_guild_name(guildid) e = discord.Embed(title="Character stats", colour=config.EMBED_COLOR) e.set_thumbnail(url=character_img) e.set_footer(text=config.SERVER_NAME, icon_url=config.ICON_URL) e.add_field(name="Name", value=name, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Level", value=level, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Job", value=utils.get_job_by_id(job), inline=True) e.add_field(name="Guild", value=guild_name, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Rank", value=rank, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Meso", value=meso, inline=True) e.add_field(name="Fame", value=fame, inline=True) # e.add_field(name="Rebirths", value=rebirths, inline=True) await txt_channel.send(embed=e) return True