class Blackjack: def __init__(self): self.__hands = [[], []] self.__account = 100 self.__bet = self.__account + 1 self.__playerValue = 0 self.__dealerValue = 0 self.__deck = Deck() def playGame(self): user = "******" while self.__account > 0 and user == "y": # Resetting values and lists for each game self.__playerValue = 0 self.__dealerValue = 0 self.__bet = self.__account + 1 self.__hands[0] = [] self.__hands[1] = [] self.__betting() self.__dealCards() self.__playerTurn() if self.__playerValue <= 21: self.__dealerTurn() if self.__playerValue <= 21 and self.__dealerValue <= 21: self.__determineWinner() if self.__account > 0: print("Your account balance is $", self.__account) user = str.lower( input("Would you like to play again? (Y or N) ")) if user != "y": break print("Thank you for playing!") print("Final balance = $", self.__account) def __betting(self): print("Your current balance is $", self.__account) if self.__account >= 5: while self.__bet > self.__account or self.__bet < 5: self.__bet = int( input( "Your bet must be between $5 and your account balance.\nHow much would you like" " to bet? ")) else: print("The your bet is ", self.__account) self.__bet = self.__account def __dealCards(self): self.__deck.shuffle() for i in range(2): self.__hands[0].append(self.__deck.draw()) self.__hands[1].append(self.__deck.draw()) print("The dealers second card is: ", self.__hands[1][1], '\n') def __playerTurn(self): print("Your Hand:", '\n', self.__hands[0][0], '\n', self.__hands[0][1], '\n') self.__getPlayerValue() hit = "" while hit == "": hit = str(input("Press ENTER to hit or type anything to stay")) print('\n') if hit == "": self.__hands[0].append(self.__deck.draw()) self.__playerValue += self.__hands[0][len(self.__hands[0]) - 1].getCardValue() if self.__playerValue <= 21: print("Your Hand:") for i in range(len(self.__hands[0])): print(self.__hands[0][i]) print('\n') else: print("You bust!", '\n') print("Your Hand:") for i in range(len(self.__hands[0])): print(self.__hands[0][i]) print('\n') self.__account -= self.__bet break def __dealerTurn(self): self.__dealerValue = 0 print("Dealer's Hand:") print(self.__hands[1][0]) print(self.__hands[1][1], '\n') self.__getDealerValue() while self.__dealerValue < 17: print("Dealer takes a card") time.sleep(1) self.__hands[1].append(self.__deck.draw()) self.__dealerValue += self.__hands[1][len(self.__hands[1]) - 1].getCardValue() if self.__dealerValue <= 21: print("Dealer holds", '\n') else: print("Dealer busts", '\n') self.__account += self.__bet def __determineWinner(self): print("Dealer's Hand:") for i in range(len(self.__hands[1])): print(self.__hands[1][i]) print('\n') if self.__playerValue > self.__dealerValue: print("You win!") print('\n') self.__account += self.__bet elif self.__playerValue == self.__dealerValue: print("It's a tie!") print('\n') elif self.__playerValue < self.__dealerValue: print("You lost!") print('\n') self.__account -= self.__bet def __playAgain(self): print("Your account balance is $", self.__account) if self.__account > 0: user = str.lower("Would you like to play again? (Y or N)") if user != "y": print("Thank you for playing!") print("Final balance = $", self.__account) def __getPlayerValue(self): for i in range(len(self.__hands[0])): self.__playerValue += self.__hands[0][i].getCardValue() return self.__playerValue def __getDealerValue(self): for i in range(len(self.__hands[1])): self.__dealerValue += self.__hands[1][i].getCardValue() return self.__dealerValue
class Game: """An object describing the game state.""" def __init__(self, terminal): self._terminal = terminal self._deck = Deck() self._pyramid = Pyramid(self._deck) self._revealed_cards = [self._deck.draw()] self._game_state = GameState.RUNNING def run(self): """Runs the game.""" with self._terminal.fullscreen(): self.render() with self._terminal.cbreak(): key = "" while key.lower() != 'q': key = self._terminal.inkey() self.handle_key(key) def handle_key(self, key): if self._game_state is not GameState.RUNNING: return has_changes = False if == "KEY_LEFT": self._pyramid.left() has_changes = True elif == "KEY_RIGHT": self._pyramid.right() has_changes = True elif == "KEY_UP": self._pyramid.up() has_changes = True elif == "KEY_DOWN": self._pyramid.down() has_changes = True elif key.lower() == "d": has_changes = self.handle_draw() elif == "KEY_ENTER": has_changes = self.handle_enter() if has_changes: print(self._terminal.clear()) elif key.lower() == " ": has_changes = self.handle_space() if has_changes: print(self._terminal.clear()) if has_changes: self.render() def render(self): self.render_undealt() self.render_pyramid() self.render_revealed() self.render_instructions() def render_instructions(self): term = self._terminal with term.location(0, 8): print("See {term.bold}{term.normal} for rules!".format( term=term)) with term.location(0, 10): print("• {term.bold}'D'{term.normal} to draw a card".format( term=term)) with term.location(0, 11): print("• {term.bold}Space{term.normal} to select two cards".format( term=term)) with term.location(0, 12): print("• {term.bold}Enter{term.normal} to clear with drawn card". format(term=term)) with term.location(0, 13): print("• {term.bold}Arrows{term.normal} to move around".format( term=term)) with term.location(0, 14): print("• {term.bold}'Q'{term.normal} to quit".format(term=term)) if self._game_state is not GameState.RUNNING: with term.location(0, term.height - 2): print( "You've won!" if self._game_state is GameState.WON else "You've lost! You must clear the pyramid before going through the deck next time." ) def render_undealt(self): term = self._terminal number_remaining = self._deck.len() formatted_remaining = (" " if number_remaining < 10 else "") + str(number_remaining) with term.location(1, 0): print("{}┌──────┐{}".format( + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(1, 1): print("{}│ │{}".format( + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(1, 2): print("{}│ {} │{}".format( + term.on_white, formatted_remaining, term.normal)) with term.location(1, 3): print("{}│ │{}".format( + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(1, 4): print("{}└──────┘{}".format( + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(0, 5): print(term.normal + "cards left") def render_card(self, card, column, row, card_state): term = self._terminal if card: suit = card.suit if card_state is CardState.HIDDEN: color = elif card_state is CardState.SELECTED: color = elif card_state is CardState.HIGHLIGHTED: color = term.cyan + term.bold else: color = if suit is Suit.CLUB or suit is Suit.SPADE else with term.location(column, row + 0): print("{}┌──────┐{}".format(color + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(column, row + 1): print("{}│ │{}".format(color + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(column, row + 2): print("{}│ {} │{}".format( color + term.on_white, str(card) if card_state is not CardState.HIDDEN else " ", term.normal)) with term.location(column, row + 3): print("{}│ │{}".format(color + term.on_white, term.normal)) with term.location(column, row + 4): print("{}└──────┘{}".format(color + term.on_white, term.normal) + term.normal) def render_pyramid(self): term = self._terminal dimensions = (34, 12) origin = (int((term.width - 8) / 2), term.height - dimensions[1] - 1) for (row, cards) in enumerate(self._pyramid.rows): row_h_offset = int((dimensions[0] - len(cards) * 9) / 2) row_v_offset = row * 2 for (card_index, card) in enumerate(cards): card_h_offset = row_h_offset + 9 * card_index self.render_card(card, origin[0] + card_h_offset, origin[1] + row_v_offset, self._pyramid.card_state_at(row, card_index)) def render_revealed(self): term = self._terminal for (i, card) in enumerate(self._revealed_cards): with term.location(0, 20): self.render_card(card, 20 + i, 0, CardState.NORMAL) with term.location(20, 5): print("↑ drawn cards") def handle_draw(self): card = self._deck.draw() if card: self._revealed_cards.append(card) else: self._game_state = GameState.LOST return True def handle_enter(self): highlighted_card = self._pyramid.highlighted_card() if highlighted_card.value is Value.KING: self._pyramid.clear_highlighted_card() if (self._pyramid.highlighted_row, self._pyramid.highlighted_column) == (0, 0): self._game_state = GameState.WON return True top_revealed = self._revealed_cards.pop() if top_revealed.value.is_valid_pair(highlighted_card.value): self._pyramid.clear_highlighted_card() if (self._pyramid.highlighted_row, self._pyramid.highlighted_column) == (0, 0): self._game_state = GameState.WON return True else: # reappend self._revealed_cards.append(top_revealed) return False def handle_space(self): if len(self._pyramid.selected_cards) > 1: return False if not self._pyramid.selected_cards: self._pyramid.selected_cards.append( (self._pyramid.highlighted_row, self._pyramid.highlighted_column)) return True card1 = self._pyramid.selected_cards[0] card2 = (self._pyramid.highlighted_row, self._pyramid.highlighted_column) if card1 == card2: self._pyramid.selected_cards = [] return True if self._pyramid.rows[card1[0]][card1[1]].value.is_valid_pair( self._pyramid.rows[card2[0]][card2[1]].value): self._pyramid.clear_card(card1[0], card1[1]) self._pyramid.clear_card(card2[0], card2[1]) self._pyramid.selected_cards = [] if card1 == (0, 0) or card2 == (0, 0): self._game_state = GameState.WON return True else: return False