 def test_label_io(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "I LOVE ADB"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     written = io.write_label(label)
     retrieved = io.read_label(written.id)
     self.assertEqual(label.id, retrieved.id)
     self.assertEqual(label.value, retrieved.value)
    def test_relation_io(self):
        io = Io()
        value = "You spin my head right ground right ground"
        label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
        label = io.write_label(label)
        prop_value = True
        property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.BOOL, label, prop_value,
        property = io.write_property(property)
        node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
        node2 = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
        written1 = io.write_node(node)
        written2 = io.write_node(node2)
        relation = Relationship(cfg.INV_ID, False, written1, written2, label,
                                property, None, None, None, None)
        written = io.write_relation(relation)
        retrieved = io.read_relation(written.id)

        written1 = io.read_node(written1.id)
        written2 = io.read_node(written2.id)

        self.assertEqual(retrieved.label.value, value)
        self.assertEqual(retrieved.next_prop.value, prop_value)
        self.assertEqual(retrieved.first_node.id, written1.id)
        self.assertEqual(retrieved.second_node.id, written2.id)
        self.assertEqual(written2.next_rel, retrieved.id)
        self.assertEqual(written1.next_rel, retrieved.id)
 def test_string_property_io(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "I LOVE ADB"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     label = io.write_label(label)
     property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.STRING, label, value,
     written = io.write_property(property)
     retrieved = io.read_property(written.id)
     self.assertEqual(property.id, retrieved.id)
     self.assertEqual(property.value, retrieved.value)
     self.assertEqual(property.type.value, retrieved.type.value)
     self.assertEqual(property.label.value, retrieved.label.value)
     self.assertEqual(property.next_prop, retrieved.next_prop)
 def test_get_nodes_io(self):
     io = Io()
     nodes = []
     for i in range(0, 10):
         value = "Macarena"
         label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
         label = io.write_label(label)
         node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, None, None)
         node = io.write_node(node)
     node_list = io.get_nodes_by_id(set(nodes))
     for id, node in enumerate(node_list):
         self.assertEqual(node.id, nodes[id])
         self.assertEqual(node.label.value, "Macarena")
 def test_node_io(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "Graph DB is AWESOME"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     prop_value = True
     property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.BOOL, label, prop_value,
     node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, cfg.INV_ID)
     written = io.write_node(node)
     retrived = io.read_node(written.id)
     self.assertEqual(node.id, retrived.id)
     self.assertEqual(node.next_prop.id, retrived.next_prop.id)
     self.assertEqual(node.next_prop.label.value, property.label.value)
     self.assertEqual(node.label.value, retrived.label.value)
     self.assertEqual(node.label.id, retrived.label.id)
    def test_int_property_io(self):
        io = Io()
        value3 = "I LOVE ADB3"
        value2 = "I LOVE ADB2"
        value1 = "I LOVE ADB1"

        prop_value = 1
        label3 = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value3)
        label2 = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value2)
        label1 = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value1)

        property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.INT, label1, 1, None)
        property2 = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.INT, label2, 2, property)
        property3 = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.INT, label3, 3,

        written = io.write_property(property3)
        retrieved = io.read_property(written.id)
        self.assertEqual(property3.id, retrieved.id)
        self.assertEqual(property3.value, retrieved.value)
        self.assertEqual(property3.type.value, retrieved.type.value)
        self.assertEqual(property3.label.value, retrieved.label.value)
        self.assertEqual(property3.next_prop.id, retrieved.next_prop.id)
 def test_multirelation_deletion(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "You spin my head right ground right ground"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     label = io.write_label(label)
     prop_value = True
     property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.BOOL, label, prop_value,
     property = io.write_property(property)
     node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
     node2 = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
     written_node1 = io.write_node(node)
     written_node2 = io.write_node(node2)
     relation1 = Relationship(cfg.INV_ID, False, written_node1,
                              written_node2, label, property, None, None,
                              None, None)
     relation2 = Relationship(cfg.INV_ID, False, written_node1,
                              written_node2, label, property, None, None,
                              None, None)
     written_rel1 = io.write_relation(relation1)
     written_rel2 = io.write_relation(relation2)
     retrived = io.get_relations_by_id([written_rel1.id, written_rel2.id])
     self.assertEqual(len(retrived), 0)
 def test_node_deletion(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "Graph DB is AWESOME"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     prop_value = True
     property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.BOOL, label, prop_value,
     node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, cfg.INV_ID)
     written = io.write_node(node)
     retrieved = io.get_nodes_by_id([written.id])
     self.assertEqual(len(retrieved), 0)
class GraphEngine:
    The graph database engine that performs operations on data stored in the database. 
        _lb_cache (dict): A label cache that contains all labels in the graph database.
            Has the following format:
            {'label.value': 'label'}.
        _index (dict): An index that improves the speed of data retrieval. Is built on label and at least one property.
            Has the following format:
            {'node.label.id': '{'(node.next_prop.label.id, ...)': '{'(node.next_prop.value, ...)': '(node.id, ...)'}'}'}
    def __init__(self):
        self._io = Io()
        self._lb_cache = self._init_lb_cache()
        self._index = dict()

    def _init_lb_cache(self):
        Initializes the label cache.
        :return: Dictionary which has the following format:
            {'label.value': 'label'}.

        lb_cache = dict()
        for label in self._io.get_labels_by_id(set()):
            lb_cache[label.value] = label
        return lb_cache

    def create_node(self, node):
        Creates the new node.
        :param node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to a node.
        :return: Void

        label, next_prop = node

        # Before write to the storage dedupe the labels
        label = self._dedupe_label(label)
        next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(next_prop)

        created_node = self._io.write_node(Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, next_prop))
        label, next_prop = created_node.label, created_node.next_prop

        # Add new labels to the corresponding cache
        self._lb_cache[label.value] = label
        while next_prop is not None:
            self._lb_cache[next_prop.label] = next_prop.label
            next_prop = next_prop.next_prop

        # Update index (if any)
        if len(self._index) != 0:
            lookup = self._index_lookup((label, next_prop))
            for key, value in lookup.values():
                if value not in self._index[label.id][key]:
                    self._index[label.id][key][value] = list()

    def create_relationship(self, first_node, second_node, relationship):
        Creates new relationships between nodes that match 'first_node' and 'second_node'.
        :param first_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the start of a relationship.
        :param second_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the end of a relationship.
        :param relationship: A triplet (<label>, <properties>, <direction>) corresponding to a relationship.
        :return: Void
        label, next_prop, direction = relationship

        label = self._dedupe_label(label)
        next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(next_prop)

        is_directed = False
        if direction == 1:
            is_directed = True
        elif direction == -1:
            is_directed = True
            first_node, second_node = second_node, first_node

        retrieved_first_node = self._retrieve_node(first_node)
        retrieved_second_node = self._retrieve_node(second_node)

        for first in retrieved_first_node:
            for second in retrieved_second_node:
                created_relationship = self._io.write_relation(
                    Relationship(cfg.INV_ID, is_directed, first, second, label,
                                 next_prop, None, None, None, None))
                label, next_prop = created_relationship.label, created_relationship.next_prop

                # Add new labels to the corresponding cache
                self._lb_cache[label.value] = label
                while next_prop is not None:
                    self._lb_cache[next_prop.label] = next_prop.label
                    next_prop = next_prop.next_prop

    def create_index(self, node):
        Creates index on nodes that have label and properties in accordance with the provided template.
        :param node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the template based on which index will be created.
        :return: Void

        label, next_prop = node

        label = self._dedupe_label(label)
        next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(next_prop)
        key_property = tuple(self._unroll_next_prop(next_prop).keys())

        retrieved_node = self._retrieve_node((label, next_prop))

        if label.id not in self._index:
            self._index[label.id] = dict()
        self._index[label.id][key_property] = dict()

        for ind_node in retrieved_node:
            properties = self._unroll_next_prop(ind_node.next_prop)

            key_value = list()
            for k in key_property:
            key_value = tuple(key_value)

            if key_value not in self._index[label.id][key_property]:
                self._index[label.id][key_property][key_value] = list()

    def delete_node(self, node):
        Deletes all nodes that match 'node'.
        :param node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to a node.
        :return: Void

        retrieved_node = self._retrieve_node(node)
        for ind_node in retrieved_node:

    def delete_relationship(self, first_node, second_node, relationship):
        Deletes all relationships that match 'relationship' between nodes that match 'first_node' and 'second_node'.
        :param first_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the start of a relationship.
        :param second_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the end of a relationship.
        :param relationship: A triplet (<label>, <properties>, <direction>) corresponding to a relationship.
        :return: Void

        retrieved_relationship = self._retrieve_relationship(
            first_node, second_node, relationship)
        for ind_relationship_id in [
                for _, _, relationship_id in retrieved_relationship

    def match_pattern(self, nodes, relationships):
        Matches the pattern that contain several nodes and relationships connecting them.
        :param nodes: List of pairs (<label>, <properties>) for each node.
        :param relationships: List of triplets (<label>, <properties>, <direction>) for each relation.
            Must be provided if 'nodes' contain more than one node.
        :return: Dictionary which has the following format:
            {'idx of the obj': 'nodes'}

        retrieved_node = dict()
        if len(nodes) == 1:
            retrieved_node[0] = self._retrieve_node(nodes.pop())
            iterator = iter(nodes)
            for nodes, relationship in zip(zip(iterator, iterator),
                # For now assume that this chain contains only one relationship
                first_node, second_node = nodes
                retrieved_relationship = self._retrieve_relationship(
                    first_node, second_node, relationship)
                retrieved_node[0] = [
                    first_node for first_node, _, _ in retrieved_relationship
                retrieved_node[1] = [
                    second_node for _, second_node, _ in retrieved_relationship

        return retrieved_node

    def _index_lookup(self, node):
        Finds the pointer to the index record corresponding to a node. 
        :param node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to a node.
        :return: Dictionary which has the following format:
            {'(node.next_prop.label.id, ...)': '(node.next_prop.value, ...)'}
        label, next_prop = node

        conformity = dict()
        while next_prop is not None:
            if label.id in self._index:
                keys = self._index[label.id].keys()
                for key in keys:
                    if next_prop.label.id in key:
                        if key not in conformity:
                            conformity[key] = dict()
                        conformity[key][next_prop.label.id] = next_prop.value
            next_prop = next_prop.next_prop

        result = dict()
        for key, value in conformity.items():
            keys = value.keys()
            if set(key) == set(keys):
                result[key] = tuple([value[k] for k in list(key)])

        return result

    def _retrieve_relationship(self, first_node, second_node, relationship):
        Retrieves all relationships that match 'relationship' between nodes that match 'first_node' and 'second_node'.
        :param first_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the start of a relationship OR
            list of already retrieved nodes.
        :param second_node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to the node at the end of a relationship OR
            list of already retrieved nodes.
        :param relationship: A triplet (<label>, <properties>, <direction>) corresponding to a relationship.
        :return: List of triplets (<first_node>, <second_node>, <relationship_id>).

        label, next_prop, direction = relationship
        label = self._dedupe_label(label)
        next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(next_prop)
        rel_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(next_prop)

        is_directed = False
        if direction == 1:
            is_directed = True
        elif direction == -1:
            is_directed = True
            first_node, second_node = second_node, first_node

        retrieved_first_node = dict()
        if type(first_node) is tuple:
            for first in self._retrieve_node(first_node):
                retrieved_first_node[first.id] = first
            for first in first_node:
                retrieved_first_node[first.id] = first

        second_label = second_next_prop = second_properties = None
        retrieved_second_node = dict()
        if type(second_node) is tuple:
            second_label, second_next_prop = second_node

            second_label = self._dedupe_label(second_label)
            second_next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(second_next_prop)
            second_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(second_next_prop)
            for second in second_node:
                retrieved_second_node[second.id] = second

        retrieved_relationship = list()
        for _, first in retrieved_first_node.items():
            first_next_rel = first.next_rel
            while first_next_rel is not None:
                if type(first_next_rel) is not Relationship:
                    first_next_rel = self._io.read_relation(first_next_rel)

                appropriate = first_next_rel.label.id == label.id
                appropriate = appropriate and (
                    (is_directed and
                     (not first_next_rel.is_directed
                      or first_next_rel.first_node == first.id)) or
                    (not is_directed and not first_next_rel.is_directed))

                first_next_rel_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(
                appropriate = appropriate and (
                    first_next_rel.next_prop is None or
                    (first_next_rel_properties is not None
                     and all(first_next_rel_properties[k] == v
                             for k, v in rel_properties.items())))

                if appropriate:
                    second = None
                    if len(retrieved_second_node) != 0:
                        if first_next_rel.second_node in retrieved_second_node:
                            second = retrieved_second_node[
                        second = self._io.read_node(
                        retrieved_second_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(

                        if second.label.id != second_label.id or (not (
                                second_next_prop is None or
                            (retrieved_second_properties is not None
                             and all(retrieved_second_properties[k] == v
                                     for k, v in second_properties.items())))):
                            second = None

                    if second is not None:
                            (first, second, first_next_rel.id))
                first_next_rel = first_next_rel.first_next_rel

        return retrieved_relationship

    def _retrieve_node(self, node):
        Retrieves all nodes that match 'node' from the persistent storage.
        :param node: A pair (<label>, <properties>) corresponding to a node.
        :return: List of all nodes that match 'node'.

        label, next_prop = node

        label = self._dedupe_label(label)
        next_prop = self._dedupe_next_prop(next_prop)

        nodes_to_retrieve = set()

        # Perform lookup to find indexes
        if len(self._index) != 0:
            lookup = self._index_lookup(node)
            if len(lookup) != 0:
                key, value = lookup.popitem()
                nodes_to_retrieve = self._index[label.id][key][value]

                if not nodes_to_retrieve:
                    return list()

        retrieved_nodes = self._io.get_nodes_by_id(nodes_to_retrieve)

        # Filter the retrieved nodes
        node_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(next_prop)

        filtered_retrieved_nodes = list()
        for retrieved_node in retrieved_nodes:
            if retrieved_node.label.id == label.id:
                retrieved_node_properties = self._unroll_next_prop(

                if next_prop is None or (
                        retrieved_node_properties is not None
                        and all(retrieved_node_properties[k] == v if k in
                                retrieved_node_properties else False
                                for k, v in node_properties.items())):
        return filtered_retrieved_nodes

    def _unroll_next_prop(next_prop):
        Unrolls the chain of properties starting from the provided link 'next_prop'.
        :param next_prop: The first link in the chain which should be be unrolled.
        :return: Dictionary which has the following format:
            {'next_prop.label.id': 'next_prop.value'}

        properties = dict()
        while next_prop is not None:
            properties[next_prop.label.id] = next_prop.value
            next_prop = next_prop.next_prop
        return properties

    def _dedupe_next_prop(self, next_prop):
        Resolves duplicate labels of each property in the chain starting from 'next_prop'.
        :param next_prop: The first property in the chain the labels of which should be be deduped.
        :return: Property.

        saved_pointer = next_prop
        while next_prop is not None:
            next_prop.label = self._dedupe_label(next_prop.label)
            next_prop = next_prop.next_prop
        return saved_pointer

    def _dedupe_label(self, label):
        Resolves duplicate labels.
        :param label: A label to be deduped.
        :return: Label.

        return self._lb_cache[
            label.value] if label.value in self._lb_cache else label
 def __init__(self):
     self._io = Io()
     self._lb_cache = self._init_lb_cache()
     self._index = dict()
 def test_big_store_io(self):
     io = Io()
     store = "ADB is THE BEST COURSE in the entire Innopolis University"
     pointer = io.write_store(store)
     retrieved = io.read_store(pointer)
     self.assertEqual(store, retrieved)
 def test_del_relation(self):
     io = Io()
     value = "You spin my head right ground right ground"
     label = Label(cfg.INV_ID, value)
     label = io.write_label(label)
     prop_value = True
     property = Property(cfg.INV_ID, PropertyType.BOOL, label, prop_value,
     property = io.write_property(property)
     node = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
     node2 = Node(cfg.INV_ID, label, property, None)
     written1 = io.write_node(node)
     written2 = io.write_node(node2)
     relation = Relationship(cfg.INV_ID, False, written1, written2, label,
                             property, None, None, None, None)
     written = io.write_relation(relation)
     retrived = io.get_relations_by_id([written.id])
     node1 = io.read_node(written1.id)
     node2 = io.read_node(written2.id)
     self.assertEqual(len(retrived), 0)
     self.assertEqual(node1.next_rel is None, True)
     self.assertEqual(node2.next_rel is None, True)
 def test_store_io(self):
     io = Io()
     store = "ADB is THE BEST COURSE"
     pointer = io.write_store(store)
     retrieved = io.read_store(pointer)
     self.assertEqual(store, retrieved)