def main(): # parse out whether we want a digestible output (json, xml) digest_type = None if "--digest" in sys.argv: if "json" in sys.argv: print("[*] outputting results in json digestible format") digest_type = "json" elif "xml" in sys.argv: print( "[*] sorry, only json digestible output is supported at the moment (--digest json)" ) exit(0) if len(sys.argv) < 2: kernelpop() elif "-e" in sys.argv[1:3] and len(sys.argv) > 2: kernelpop(mode="exploit", exploit=sys.argv[2], digest=digest_type) elif "-i" in sys.argv[1:3]: color_print( "[*] please note, vulnerability detection is not as accurate by uname alone", color="yellow") color_print( "\tconsider running locally on the machine to be tested to get a more accurate reading", color="yellow") uname = input("Please enter uname: ") if "darwin" in str(uname).lower(): color_print("[!] macs require additional input", color="yellow") osx_ver = input( "[*] Please enter the OSX `ProductVersion`. It is found in 2nd line of output of `sw_vers` command: " ) if len(str(osx_ver).split(".")) != 3: color_print( "[-] OSX version input is not correct (Major.Minor.Release i.e 10.9.5)", color="red") exit(1) kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, osx_ver=osx_ver, digest=digest_type) else: kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, digest=digest_type) # if only --digest <option> is passed elif "--digest" in sys.argv[1:3]: kernelpop(digest=digest_type) else: color_print("[!] please format your arguments properly", color="yellow") color_print(USAGE_STRING) color_print("[-] closing ...", color="red")
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: kernelpop() # brute force all discovered exploits elif sys.argv[1] == "-b": kernelpop(mode="brute-enumerate") #elif sys.argv[1] == "-be": # just asking for uncontrolled crashes.. # kernelpop(mode="brute-exploit") elif sys.argv[1] == "-e" and len(sys.argv) > 2: kernelpop(mode="exploit", exploit=sys.argv[2]) elif sys.argv[1] == "-i": uname = input("Please enter uname: ") kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: kernelpop() # brute force all discovered exploits elif sys.argv[1] == "-b": kernelpop(mode="brute-enumerate") elif sys.argv[1] == "-e" and len(sys.argv) > 2: kernelpop(mode="exploit", exploit=sys.argv[2]) elif sys.argv[1] == "-i": uname = input("Please enter uname: ") if "darwin" in str(uname).lower(): color_print("[!] macs require additional input", color="yellow") osx_ver = input("[*] Please enter the OSX `ProductVersion`. It is found in 2nd line of output of `sw_vers` command: ") if len(str(osx_ver).split(".")) != 3: color_print("[-] OSX version input is not correct (Major.Minor.Release i.e 10.9.5)", color="red") exit(1) kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, osx_ver=osx_ver) else: kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname) else: color_print("[!] please format your arguments properly", color="yellow") color_print(USAGE_STRING) color_print("[-] closing ...", color="red")
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: kernelpop() # brute force all discovered exploits elif sys.argv[1] == "-b": kernelpop(mode="brute-enumerate") elif sys.argv[1] == "-i": uname = input("Please enter uname: ") kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname)
def test_write_exploit_source(self): test_exploit = CVE20080600() kernelpop(mode="dump",, digest=None) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(test_exploit.source_c_path)) if os.path.exists(test_exploit.source_c_path): os.remove(test_exploit.source_c_path)
def main(): color_print(HEADER, color="blue", bold=True) # parse out whether we want a digestible output (json, xml) digest_type = None if "--digest" in sys.argv: digest_index = sys.argv.index("--digest") try: digest_type = str(sys.argv[digest_index + 1]) except IndexError: color_print("[!] please enter a digest output type", color="red") exit(1) if digest_type == "json": color_print("[*] outputting results in json digestible format", color="blue") digest_type = "json" else: color_print( "[*] sorry, only json digestible output is supported at the moment (--digest json)", color="red") exit(0) # delete the options from sys.argv del sys.argv[digest_index] del sys.argv[digest_index] playground_path = PLAYGROUND_PATH if "-p" in sys.argv: playground_index = sys.argv.index("-p") new_playground = str(sys.argv[playground_index + 1]) color_print( "[*] setting PLAYGROUND_PATH to ({})".format(new_playground), color="blue") playground_path = new_playground if playground_path == new_playground: color_print("\t[+] PLAYGROUND_PATH={}".format(playground_path), color="green") else: color_print("\t[!] could not set PLAYGROUND_PATH", color="red") # first delete deletes -p, second delete deletes the path del sys.argv[playground_index] del sys.argv[playground_index] # running the show if len(sys.argv) < 2: kernelpop(playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) elif "-e" in sys.argv[1:3] and len(sys.argv) > 2: # dump the exploit source to disk if "-d" in sys.argv: kernelpop(mode="dump", exploit=sys.argv[2], playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) pass else: kernelpop(mode="exploit", exploit=sys.argv[2], playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) elif "-i" in sys.argv[1:3] or "-u" in sys.argv[1:3]: color_print( "[*] please note, vulnerability detection is not as accurate by uname alone", color="yellow") color_print( "\tconsider running locally on the machine to be tested to get a more accurate reading", color="yellow") if "-i" in sys.argv[1:3]: uname = input("Please enter uname: ") if "darwin" in str(uname).lower(): color_print("[!] macs require additional input", color="yellow") osx_ver = input( "[*] Please enter the OSX `ProductVersion`. It is found in 2nd line of output of `sw_vers` command: " ) if len(str(osx_ver).split(".")) != 3: color_print( "[-] OSX version input is not correct (Major.Minor.Release i.e 10.9.5)", color="red") exit(1) kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, osx_ver=osx_ver, playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) else: kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) else: # support for command line input of uname with '-u' flag uname = " ".join(sys.argv[2:]) if "darwin" in str(uname).lower(): color_print( "[!] cannot enumerate mac from uname alone...please use interactive-mode (-i)", color="red") exit(1) color_print("[*] processing uname: {}".format(uname), color="yellow") kernelpop(mode="input", uname=uname, playground=playground_path, digest=digest_type) else: color_print("[!] please format your arguments properly", color="yellow") color_print(USAGE_STRING) color_print("[-] closing ...", color="red")