def libq(ir) -> str:
    """Dump IR to a compilable C++ program with libq."""

    res = ('// This file was generated by qc.dump_to_file()\n\n' +
           '#include <math.h>\n' + '#include <stdio.h>\n\n' +
           '#include "libq.h"\n\n' + 'int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {\n\n')

    total_regs = 0
    for regs in ir.regset:
        total_regs += regs[1]
    res += f'  libq::qureg* q = libq::new_qureg(0, {total_regs});\n\n'

    total_regs = 0
    for regs in ir.regset:
        for r in regs[2].val:
            if r == 1:
                res += f'  libq::x({total_regs}, q);\n'
            total_regs += 1
    res += '\n'

    for op in ir.gates:

        if op.is_gate():
            res += f'  libq::{op.name}('

            if op.is_single():
                res += f'{op.idx0}'
                if op.val is not None:
                    res += ', {}'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val, 'M_PI'))
                res += ', q);\n'

            if op.is_ctl():
                res += f'{op.ctl}, {op.idx1}'
                if op.val is not None:
                    res += ', {}'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val, 'M_PI'))
                res += ', q);\n'

    res += '\n  libq::flush(q);\n'
    res += '  libq::print_qureg(q);\n'
    res += '  libq::delete_qureg(q);\n'
    res += '  return EXIT_SUCCESS;\n'
    res += '}\n'
    return res
 def test_pi_fractions(self) -> None:
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(-3 * math.pi / 2), '-3*pi/2')
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(3 * math.pi / 2), '3*pi/2')
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(-3 * math.pi), '-3*pi')
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(math.pi * 3), '3*pi')
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(math.pi / 3), 'pi/3')
     self.assertEqual(helper.pi_fractions(math.pi / -2), '-pi/2')
def latex(ir) -> str:
    """Minimal Dumper to quantikz Latex Format."""

    # First let's create a matrix according to circuit size,
    # before populating it with gates or lines.
    larr = []
    for q in range(ir.nregs):
        for g in range(ir.ngates + 1):

    depth = 0
    for op in ir.gates:
        for r in range(ir.nregs):
            larr[r][depth] = '\\qw&'

        if op.is_gate():
            parm = ''
            name = op.name
            name = name.replace('_adj', '^\dagger')
            if op.name == 'h':
                name = 'H'
            if op.name == 'cu1' or op.name == 'u1':
                name = ''
            if op.val is not None:
                parm = '({})'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val, '\pi'))
            if op.is_single():
                larr[op.idx0][depth] = '\\gate{}{}{}&'.format(
                    '{', name + parm, '}')
                depth = depth + 1
            if op.is_ctl():
                larr[op.ctl][depth] = '\\ctrl{}{}{}&'.format(
                    '{', op.idx1 - op.ctl, '}')
                larr[op.idx1][depth] = '\\gate{}{}{}&'.format(
                    '{', name + parm, '}')
                depth = depth + 1

            #if op.val is not None:
            #  res += '({})'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val))
            #if op.is_single():
            #  res += f' {reg2str(ir, op.idx0)};\n'
            #if op.is_ctl():
            #  res += f' {reg2str(ir, op.ctl)},{reg2str(ir, op.idx1)};\n'

    res = "\\begin{qcc}\n"
    for q in range(ir.nregs):
        for d in range(depth):
            res += larr[q][d]
        res += '\\\\ \n'

    res += "\\end{qcc}"
    return res
文件: ir.py 项目: xbe/qcc
 def __str__(self):
     s = ''
     if self.is_single():
         s = '{}({})'.format(self.name, self.idx0)
     if self.is_ctl():
         s = '{}({}, {})'.format(self.name, self.ctl, self.idx1)
     if self._val:
         s += '({})'.format(helper.pi_fractions(self.val))
     if self.is_section():
         s += '|-- {} ---'.format(self.name)
     if self.is_end_section():
         s += ''
     return s
def qasm(ir) -> str:
    """Dump IR in qasm format."""

    res = 'OPENQASM 2.0;\n'
    for regs in ir.regset:
        res += f'qreg {regs[0]}[{regs[1]}];\n'
    res += '\n'

    for op in ir.gates:
        if op.is_gate():
            res += op.name
            if op.val is not None:
                res += '({})'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val))
            if op.is_single():
                res += f' {reg2str(ir, op.idx0)};\n'
            if op.is_ctl():
                res += f' {reg2str(ir, op.ctl)},{reg2str(ir, op.idx1)};\n'
    return res
def cirq(ir) -> str:
    """Dump IR to a Cirq Python file."""

    res = ('# This file was generated by qc.dump_to_file()\n\n' +
           'import cirq\n' + 'import cmath\n' + 'from cmath import pi\n' +
           'import numpy as np\n\n')

    res += 'qc = cirq.Circuit()\n\n'
    res += f'r = cirq.LineQubit.range({ir.nregs})\n'
    res += '\n'

    op_map = {'h': 'H', 'x': 'X', 'y': 'Y', 'z': 'Z', 'cx': 'CX', 'cz': 'CZ'}

    for op in ir.gates:
        if op.is_gate():
            if op.name == 'u1':
                res += 'm = np.array([(1.0, 0.0), (0.0, '
                res += f'cmath.exp(1j * {helper.pi_fractions(op.val)}))])\n'
                res += f'qc.append(cirq.MatrixGate(m).on(r[{op.idx0}]))\n'

            if op.name == 'cu1':
                res += 'm = np.array([(1.0, 0.0), (0.0, '
                res += f'cmath.exp(1j * {helper.pi_fractions(op.val)}))])\n'
                res += ('qc.append(cirq.MatrixGate(m).controlled()' +
                        f'(r[{op.idx0}], r[{op.idx1}]))\n')

            if op.name == 'cv':
                res += 'm = np.array([(1+1j, 1-1j), (1-1j, 1+1j)]) * 0.5\n'
                res += ('qc.append(cirq.MatrixGate(m).controlled()' +
                        f'(r[{op.idx0}], r[{op.idx1}]))\n')

            if op.name == 'cv_adj':
                res += 'm = np.array([(1+1j, 1-1j), (1-1j, 1+1j)]) * 0.5\n'
                res += ('qc.append(cirq.MatrixGate(' +
                        'np.conj(m.transpose())).controlled()' +
                        f'(r[{op.idx0}], r[{op.idx1}]))\n')

            op_name = op_map[op.name]
            res += f'qc.append(cirq.{op_name}('

            if op.is_single():
                res += f'r[{op.idx0}]'
                if op.val is not None:
                    res += ', {}'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val))
                res += '))\n'

            if op.is_ctl():
                res += f'r[{op.ctl}], r[{op.idx1}]'
                if op.val is not None:
                    res += ', {}'.format(helper.pi_fractions(op.val))
                res += '))\n'

    res += 'sim = cirq.Simulator()\n'
    res += 'print(\'Simulate...\')\n'
    res += 'result = sim.simulate(qc)\n'
    res += 'res_str = str(result)\n'
    res += 'print(res_str.encode(\'utf-8\'))\n'

    return res