def daemonize_script(self, script, args): """Call MaxiNet Script (non-blocking) Args: cmd: name of script to call """ cmd = Tools.get_script_dir()+script+" "+args p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True) atexit.register(p.terminate)
def script_check_output(self, cmd): """Call MaxiNet Script and return output Args: cmd: name of script to call Returns: Shell output of script """ # Prefix command by our worker directory cmd = Tools.get_script_dir() + cmd return self.check_output(cmd)
# This limitation does (of course) NOT hold for links between switches. # # Dynamic adding and removing of nodes also does not work when using the # UserSwitch. import time from src.mininet.topo import Topo from src.mininet.node import OVSSwitch from src.maxinet.Frontend import maxinet_main from import Tools # create topology topo = Topo() topo.addHost("h1", ip=Tools.makeIP(1), mac=Tools.makeMAC(1)) topo.addHost("h2", ip=Tools.makeIP(2), mac=Tools.makeMAC(2)) topo.addSwitch("s1", dpid=Tools.makeDPID(1)) topo.addLink("h1", "s1") topo.addLink("h2", "s1") # start cluster cluster = maxinet_main.Cluster(minWorkers=2, maxWorkers=2) # start experiment with OVSSwitch on cluster exp = maxinet_main.Experiment(cluster, topo, switch=OVSSwitch) exp.setup() print "waiting 5 seconds for routing algorithms on the controller to converge" time.sleep(5)
def start(self, ip, port, password, retry=float("inf")): """Start WorkerServer and ssh daemon and connect to nameserver.""""Cleaning previously created interfaces...") print subprocess.check_output(["mn", "-c"]).strip()"starting up and connecting to %s:%d" % (ip, port)) #store for reconnection attempts self._ip = ip self._port = port self._password = password #Pyro4.config.HMAC_KEY = password tries=1 self._ns = None while not self._ns: try: self._ns = Pyro4.locateNS(ip, port, hmac_key=password) except Pyro4.errors.NamingError: if tries < retry: self.logger.warn("Unable to locate Nameserver. Trying again in 5 seconds...") time.sleep(5) tries += 1 else: self.logger.error("Unable to locate Nameserver.") sys.exit() self.config = Pyro4.Proxy(self._ns.lookup("config")) self.config._pyroHmacKey=password self.ip = self.config.get_worker_ip(self.get_hostname()) if(not self.ip): self.ip = Tools.guess_ip() if not self.config.has_section(self.get_hostname()): self.config.add_section(self.get_hostname()) self.config.set(self.get_hostname(), "ip", self.ip) self.logger.warn("""FrontendServer did not know IP of this host (check configuration for hostname). Guessed: %s""" % self.ip)"configuring and starting ssh daemon...") self.sshManager = SSH_Manager(folder=self.ssh_folder, ip=self.ip, port=self.config.get_sshd_port(), user=self.config.get("all", "sshuser")) self.sshManager.start_sshd() self._pyrodaemon = Pyro4.Daemon(host=self.ip) self._pyrodaemon._pyroHmacKey=password uri = self._pyrodaemon.register(self) self._ns.register(self._get_pyroname(), uri) uri = self._pyrodaemon.register(self.mnManager) self._ns.register(self._get_pyroname()+".mnManager", uri) uri = self._pyrodaemon.register(self.sshManager) self._ns.register(self._get_pyroname()+".sshManager", uri) atexit.register(self._stop)"looking for manager application...") manager_uri = self._ns.lookup("MaxiNetManager") if(manager_uri): self._manager = Pyro4.Proxy(manager_uri) self._manager._pyroHmacKey=self._password"signing in...") if(self._manager.worker_signin(self._get_pyroname(), self.get_hostname())):"done. Entering requestloop.") self._started = True self._looping_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._pyrodaemon.requestLoop) self._looping_thread.daemon = True self._looping_thread.start() else: self.logger.error("signin failed.") else: self.logger.error("no manager found.")
# emulated hosts. # import subprocess from src.mininet.node import OVSSwitch from src.mininet.topo import Topo from src.maxinet.Frontend import maxinet_main from import Tools topo = Topo() topo.addSwitch("s1") topo.addSwitch("s2") topo.addHost("h1", ip=Tools.makeIP(1), mac=Tools.makeMAC(1)) topo.addHost("h2", ip=Tools.makeIP(2), mac=Tools.makeMAC(2)) topo.addLink("h1", "s1") topo.addLink("s1", "s2") topo.addLink("h2", "s2") cluster = maxinet_main.Cluster() # we need to add the root node after the simulation has started as we do # not know which worker id the frontend machine will get. Therefore we # need a dynamic topology which is only supported in openvswitch exp = maxinet_main.Experiment(cluster, topo, switch=OVSSwitch) exp.setup() # Start ssh servers h1 = exp.get("h1")