def pickup(self): indexes = adjacent_items(player.loc.col, player.loc.row) if len(indexes) == 0: message("You don't see anything around you.") return "no turn" elif len(indexes) > 0: n = 0 if len(indexes) > 1: options = [area.items[x]["item"].name.capitalize() for x in indexes] n ='Pick what up?', options, 40, area.con, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) if n == "exit": return "no turn" item = area.items[indexes[n]] held = player.inv.pick_up(item) if held != '': # Picked it up with an empty hamd/mouth. message("You pick up the " + item["item"].name + " with your " + held + ".", lt.yellow) area.items.pop(indexes[n]) return "took turn" else: # Hands/mouth are full. part_list = [] options = [] # Presents a modified version of the self.drop menu. for key, value in player.inv.holding_slots.iteritems(): item_name = value["item"].name.capitalize() part_list.append(key) text = item_name + ' {' + key + '}' options.append(text) key ="You can't grab anything else! What do you want to drop?", options, MENU_WIDTH, area.con, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) if key == 'exit': return "no turn" else: choice = part_list[key] player.inv.drop(choice, area.items) # Need to repeat the ["inv"].pick_up() call, because the first must have failed: player.inv.pick_up(item) area.items.pop(indexes[n]) message("You drop the " + item["item"].name + " and pick up the " + item["item"].name, lt.yellow) return "took turn"
def drop(self): options = [] part_list = [] for key, value in player.inv.holding_slots.iteritems(): item_name = 'Nothing' if value: item_name = value["item"].name.capitalize() part_list.append(key) text = item_name + ' {' + key + '}' options.append(text) key ='Drop what?', options, 40, area.con, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT) if key == 'exit': return "no turn" else: choice = part_list[key] if player.inv.holding_slots[choice] is not None: item_name = player.inv.holding_slots[choice]["item"].name message("You drop the " + item_name + ".", lt.yellow) player.inv.drop(choice, area.items) return "took turn" else: message("You're not holding anything with that.", lt.yellow) return "no turn"