def reconstruct(sampler, model, evaluation_params):
    # Load data
    data_path = evaluation_params['test_data']
    song_names = evaluation_params['test_songs']
    tempos = evaluation_params['test_tempos']
    instruments = evaluation_params['test_instruments']
    batch_size = evaluation_params['batch_size']
    data = load_data(data_path, batch_size, song_names, instruments, tempos)

    # Reconstruct specified song
    reconstruction_params = evaluation_params['reconstruction']
    song_id = reconstruction_params['song_name']
    temperature = evaluation_params['temperature']
    attach_method = reconstruction_params['attach_method']
    reconstruction_path = reconstruction_params['reconstruction_path']
    song = data.dataset.get_tensor_by_name(song_id)
    # Generate reconstruction from the samples
    reconstructed = sampler.reconstruct(model, song, temperature)
    # Reconstruct into midi form
    I, tempo = data.dataset.get_aux_by_names(song_id)
    programs = instrument_representation_to_programs(I, attach_method)

    rolls_to_midi(reconstructed, programs, reconstruction_path, song_id, tempo,
                  24, 84, 128, 0.5)

    print('Saved reconstruction for %s' % song_id)
def generate_midi(sampler, model, evaluation_params):
    generate_path = 'midi_generate'
    song_id = 'g'
    temperature = evaluation_params['temperature']
    glow_z = np.random.randn(1, 128, 1, 1)
    generated = sampler.generate(model, glow_z, temperature)
    generated = generated.cpu()
    tempo = 120
    attach_method = '1hot-category'
    I = np.zeros((4, 16))
    I[0, 0] = 1
    I[1, 3] = 1
    I[2, 4] = 1
    I[3, 2] = 1
    programs = instrument_representation_to_programs(I, attach_method)
    def load_rolls(self, path, name, save_preprocessed_midi):

        #try loading the midi file
        #if it fails, return all None objects
            mid = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(path + name)
        except (ValueError, EOFError, IndexError, OSError, KeyError,
                ZeroDivisionError, AttributeError) as e:
            exception_str = 'Unexpected error in ' + name + ':\n', e, sys.exc_info(
            return None, None, None, None, None, None

        #determine start and end of the song
        #if there are tempo changes in the song, only take the longest part where the tempo is steady
        #this cuts of silent starts and extended ends
        #this also makes sure that the start of the bars are aligned through the song
        tempo_change_times, tempo_change_bpm = mid.get_tempo_changes()
        song_start = 0
        song_end = mid.get_end_time()
        #there will always be at least one tempo change to set the first tempo
        #but if there are more than one tempo changes, that means that the tempos are changed
        if len(tempo_change_times) > 1:
            longest_part = 0
            longest_part_start_time = 0
            longest_part_end_time = song_end
            longest_part_tempo = 0
            for i, tempo_change_time in enumerate(tempo_change_times):
                if i == len(tempo_change_times) - 1:
                    end_time = song_end
                    end_time = tempo_change_times[i + 1]
                current_part_length = end_time - tempo_change_time
                if current_part_length > longest_part:
                    longest_part = current_part_length
                    longest_part_start_time = tempo_change_time
                    longest_part_end_time = end_time
                    longest_part_tempo = tempo_change_bpm[i]
            song_start = longest_part_start_time
            song_end = longest_part_end_time
            tempo = longest_part_tempo
            tempo = tempo_change_bpm[0]

        #cut off the notes that are not in the longest part where the tempo is steady
        for instrument in mid.instruments:
            new_notes = []  #list for the notes that survive the cutting
            for note in instrument.notes:
                #check if it is in the given range of the longest part where the tempo is steady
                if note.start >= song_start and note.end <= song_end:
                    #adjust to new times
                    note.start -= song_start
                    note.end -= song_start
            instrument.notes = new_notes

        #(descending) order the piano_rolls according to the number of notes per track
        number_of_notes = []
        piano_rolls = [i.get_piano_roll(fs=100) for i in mid.instruments]
        for piano_roll in piano_rolls:
        permutation = np.argsort(number_of_notes)[::-1]
        mid.instruments = [mid.instruments[i] for i in permutation]

        quarter_note_length = 1. / (tempo / 60.)
        #fs is is the frequency for the song at what rate notes are picked
        #the song will by sampled by (0, song_length_in_seconds, 1./fs)
        #fs should be the inverse of the length of the note, that is to be sampled
        #the value should be in beats per seconds, where beats can be quarter notes or whatever...
        fs = 1. / (quarter_note_length * 4. / self.smallest_note)

        total_ticks = math.ceil(song_end * fs)

        #assemble piano_rolls, velocity_rolls and held_note_rolls
        piano_rolls = []
        velocity_rolls = []
        held_note_rolls = []
        max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list = []
        for instrument in mid.instruments:
            piano_roll = np.zeros((total_ticks, 128))

            #counts how many notes are played at maximum for this instrument at any given tick
            #this is used to determine the depth of the velocity_roll and held_note_roll
            concurrent_notes_count = np.zeros((total_ticks, ))

            #keys is a tuple of the form (tick_start_of_the_note, pitch)
            #this uniquely identifies a note since there can be no two notes
            # playing on the same pitch for the same instrument
            note_to_velocity_dict = dict()

            #keys is a tuple of the form (tick_start_of_the_note, pitch)
            #this uniquely identifies a note since there can be no two notes playing
            # on the same pitch for the same instrument
            note_to_duration_dict = dict()

            for note in instrument.notes:
                note_tick_start = note.start * fs
                note_tick_end = note.end * fs
                absolute_start = int(round(note_tick_start))
                absolute_end = int(round(note_tick_end))
                decimal = note_tick_start - absolute_start
                #see if it starts at a tick or not
                #if it doesn't start at a tick (decimal > 10e-3) but is longer than one tick, include it anyways
                if decimal < 10e-3 or absolute_end - absolute_start >= 1:
                    piano_roll[absolute_start:absolute_end, note.pitch] = 1
                    concurrent_notes_count[absolute_start:absolute_end] += 1

                    #save information of velocity and duration for later use
                    #this can not be done right now because there might be no ordering in the notes
                                           note.pitch)] = note.velocity
                        note.pitch)] = absolute_end - absolute_start

            max_concurrent_notes = int(np.max(concurrent_notes_count))

            velocity_roll = np.zeros((total_ticks, max_concurrent_notes))
            held_note_roll = np.zeros((total_ticks, max_concurrent_notes))

            for step, note_vector in enumerate(piano_roll):
                pitches = list(note_vector.nonzero()[0])
                sorted_pitches_from_highest_to_lowest = sorted(pitches)[::-1]
                for voice_number, pitch in enumerate(
                    if (step, pitch) in note_to_velocity_dict.keys():
                                      voice_number] = note_to_velocity_dict[(
                                          step, pitch)]
                    if (step, pitch) not in note_to_duration_dict.keys():
                        #if the note is in the dictionary, it means that it is the start of the note
                        #if its not the start of a note, it means it is held
                        held_note_roll[step, voice_number] = 1


        #get the program numbers for each instrument
        #program numbers are between 0 and 127 and have a 1:1 mapping to the instruments described in settings file
        programs = [i.program for i in mid.instruments]

        #we may want to override the maximal_number_of_voices_per_track
        # if the following tracks are all silent it makes no sense to exclude
        # voices from the first instrument and then just have a song with 1 voice
        override_max_notes_per_track_list = [
            for _ in max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list
        silent_tracks_if_we_dont_override = self.max_voices - \
        sum([min(self.max_voices_per_track, x) if x > 0 else 0
             for x in max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list[:self.max_voices]])

        for voice in range(
            if silent_tracks_if_we_dont_override > 0 and \
                max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list[voice] > self.max_voices:
                additional_voices = min(silent_tracks_if_we_dont_override,
                                        max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list[voice] - \
                override_max_notes_per_track_list[voice] += additional_voices
                silent_tracks_if_we_dont_override -= additional_voices

        #chose the most important piano_rolls
        #each of them will be monophonic
        chosen_piano_rolls = []
        chosen_velocity_rolls = []
        chosen_held_note_rolls = []
        chosen_programs = []
        max_song_length = 0

        #go through all pianorolls in the descending order of the total notes they have
        for batch in zip(piano_rolls, velocity_rolls, held_note_rolls,
                         programs, max_concurrent_notes_per_track_list,
            piano_roll = batch[0]
            velocity_roll = batch[1]
            held_note_roll = batch[2]
            program = batch[3]
            max_concurrent_notes = batch[4]
            override_max_notes_per_track = batch[5]
            #see if there is actually a note played in that pianoroll
            if max_concurrent_notes > 0:

                #skip if you only want monophonic instruments and there are more than 1 notes played at the same time
                if self.include_only_monophonic_instruments:
                    if max_concurrent_notes > 1:
                    monophonic_piano_roll = piano_roll
                    #append them to the chosen ones
                    if len(chosen_piano_rolls) < self.max_voices:
                        if monophonic_piano_roll.shape[0] > max_song_length:
                            max_song_length = monophonic_piano_roll.shape[0]

                    #limit the number of voices per track by the minimum of the actual
                    # concurrent voices per track or the maximal allowed in the settings file
                    for voice in range(
                        #Take the highest note for voice 0, second highest for voice 1 and so on...
                        monophonic_piano_roll = np.zeros(piano_roll.shape)
                        for step in range(piano_roll.shape[0]):
                            #sort all the notes from highest to lowest
                            notes = np.nonzero(piano_roll[step, :])[0][::-1]
                            if len(notes) > voice:
                                monophonic_piano_roll[step, notes[voice]] = 1

                        #append them to the chosen ones
                        if len(chosen_piano_rolls) < self.max_voices:
                                held_note_roll[:, voice])
                            if monophonic_piano_roll.shape[0] > max_song_length:
                                max_song_length = monophonic_piano_roll.shape[
                    if len(chosen_piano_rolls) == self.max_voices:

        assert (len(chosen_piano_rolls) == len(chosen_velocity_rolls))
        assert (len(chosen_piano_rolls) == len(chosen_held_note_rolls))
        assert (len(chosen_piano_rolls) == len(chosen_programs))

        #do the unrolling and prepare for model input
        if len(chosen_piano_rolls) > 0:

            song_length = max_song_length * self.max_voices

            #prepare Y
            #Y will be the target notes
            Y = np.zeros((song_length, chosen_piano_rolls[0].shape[1]))
            #unroll the pianoroll into one matrix
            for i, piano_roll in enumerate(chosen_piano_rolls):
                for step in range(piano_roll.shape[0]):
                    Y[i + step * self.max_voices, :] += piano_roll[step, :]
            #assert that there is always at most one note played
            for step in range(Y.shape[0]):
                assert (np.sum(Y[step, :]) <= 1)
            #cut off pitch values which are very uncommon
            #this reduces the feature space significantly
            Y = Y[:, self.low_crop:self.high_crop]
            #append silent note if desired
            #the silent note will always be at the last note
            if self.include_silent_note:
                Y = np.append(Y, np.zeros((Y.shape[0], 1)), axis=1)
                for step in range(Y.shape[0]):
                    if np.sum(Y[step]) == 0:
                        Y[step, -1] = 1
                #assert that there is now a 1 at every step
                for step in range(Y.shape[0]):
                    assert (np.sum(Y[step, :]) == 1)

            #unroll the velocity roll
            #V will only have shape (song_length,) and it's values will be between 0 and 1 (divide by MAX_VELOCITY)
            V = np.zeros((song_length, ))
            for i, velocity_roll in enumerate(chosen_velocity_rolls):
                for step in range(velocity_roll.shape[0]):
                    if velocity_roll[step] > 0:
                        velocity = self.velocity_threshold + \
                        (velocity_roll[step] / self.max_velocity) * (1.0 - self.velocity_threshold)
                        # a note is therefore at least 0.1*max_velocity loud
                        # but this is good, since we can now more clearly distinguish between silent or played notes
                        assert (velocity <= 1.0)
                        V[i + step * self.max_voices] = velocity

            #unroll the held_note_rolls
            #D will only have shape (song_length,) and it's values will be  0 or 1 (1 if held)
            #it's name is D for Duration to not have a name clash with the history (H)
            D = np.zeros((song_length, ))
            for i, held_note_roll in enumerate(chosen_held_note_rolls):
                for step in range(held_note_roll.shape[0]):
                    D[i + step * self.max_voices] = held_note_roll[step]

            instrument_feature_matrix = mf.programs_to_instrument_matrix(
                chosen_programs, self.instrument_attach_method,

            if self.attach_instruments:
                instrument_feature_matrix = np.transpose(
                            song_length // self.max_voices))
                Y = np.append(Y, instrument_feature_matrix, axis=1)
            X = Y

            if save_preprocessed_midi:
                mf.rolls_to_midi(Y, chosen_programs,
                                 'preprocess_midi_data/' + t + '/', name,
                                 tempo, self.low_crop, self.high_crop,
                                 self.num_notes, self.velocity_threshold, V, D)

            #split the song into chunks of size output_length or input_length
            #pad them with silent notes if necessary
            if self.input_length > 0:

                #split X
                padding_length = self.input_length - (X.shape[0] %
                if self.input_length == padding_length:
                    padding_length = 0
                #pad to the right..
                X = np.pad(X, ((0, padding_length), (0, 0)),
                           constant_values=(0, 0))
                if self.include_silent_note:
                    X[-padding_length:, -1] = 1
                number_of_splits = X.shape[0] // self.input_length
                X = np.split(X, number_of_splits)
                X = np.asarray(X)

            if self.output_length > 0:
                #split Y
                padding_length = self.output_length - (Y.shape[0] %
                if self.output_length == padding_length:
                    padding_length = 0

                #pad to the right..
                Y = np.pad(Y, ((0, padding_length), (0, 0)),
                           constant_values=(0, 0))
                if self.include_silent_note:
                    Y[-padding_length:, -1] = 1
                number_of_splits = Y.shape[0] // self.output_length
                Y = np.split(Y, number_of_splits)
                Y = np.asarray(Y)

                #split V
                #pad to the right with zeros..
                V = np.pad(V, (0, padding_length),
                number_of_splits = V.shape[0] // self.output_length
                V = np.split(V, number_of_splits)
                V = np.asarray(V)

                #split D
                #pad to the right with zeros..
                D = np.pad(D, (0, padding_length),
                number_of_splits = D.shape[0] // self.output_length
                D = np.split(D, number_of_splits)
                D = np.asarray(D)

            return X, Y, instrument_feature_matrix, tempo, V, D
            return None, None, None, None, None, None