def view_selected_team_pokemon(team_id: int = Route(), team_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=6), pokeapi_id: int = Route()): """ Returns the pokemon view page for pokemon selected on the previous pokemon select page. """ team = Team.query.get(team_id) # Check is to prevent users from accessing the endpoint by manually entering the url if it's not their team if current_user.is_authenticated and == team.owner_id: form = ConfirmForm() pokemon_api_data = Pokemon.get_pokemon_data(pokeapi_id) ability_data = [ Pokemon.get_pokemon_ability_data(ability["ability"]["url"]) for ability in pokemon_api_data["abilities"] ] return render_template("pokemon_view.html", data=[pokemon_api_data, ability_data], form=form, team=team, team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index, pokeapi_id=pokeapi_id, type="team-selected") else: flash("You do not have permission to change this pokemon.") return redirect(request.referrer)
def view_selected_pokemon(pokeapi_id): """ Returns the pokedex entry page for the pokemon selected on the previous pokemon list page. """ pokemon_api_data = Pokemon.get_pokemon_data(pokeapi_id) ability_data = [ Pokemon.get_pokemon_ability_data(ability["ability"]["url"]) for ability in pokemon_api_data["abilities"] ] return render_template("pokemon_view.html", data=[pokemon_api_data, ability_data], pokeapi_id=pokeapi_id, type="pokedex")
def get_pokemon_move_list(team_id: int = Route(), team_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=6), pokemon_move_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=4)): """ Returns the move list page for a pokemon on a team. """ team_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon.query.get((team_id, team_index)) # Check is to prevent users from accessing the endpoint by manually entering the url if it's not their team if current_user.is_authenticated and == # Get current move as the back button on the template will need a different url if the current move is empty current_move = Pokemon_Moves.query.filter_by(, pokemon_move_index=pokemon_move_index).first() # Get the Pokemons currently learned moves so that they can be excluded from the move list move_set = Pokemon_Moves.query.filter_by( Pokemon_Moves.pokemon_move_index).all() move_list = Move.get_move_list( Pokemon.get_pokemon_data(team_pokemon.pokeapi_id), move_set) return render_template("move_select.html", move_list=move_list, team_pokemon=team_pokemon, current_move=current_move, team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index, pokemon_move_index=pokemon_move_index) else: flash("You do not have permission to change this move.") return redirect(request.referrer)
def get_view_pokemon_list(): """ Returns the pokemon list page for looking up a pokemons pokedex entry without needing to create a team. """ api_data = Pokemon.get_pokedex_list() return render_template("pokemon_select.html", data=api_data, type="pokedex")
def view_team_pokemon(team_id: int = Route(), team_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=6)): """ Returns the pokemon view page for a pokemon on a team. """ form = RemovePokemonForm() team = Team.query.get(team_id) team_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon.query.get((team_id, team_index)) # If pokemon slot is empty skip the pokemon view and go to the pokemon list page to select a pokemon if not team_pokemon: return redirect( url_for("pokemon.get_team_pokemon_list", team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index)) else: pokemon_api_data = Pokemon.get_pokemon_data(team_pokemon.pokeapi_id) # Get the pokemons currently assigned moves and insert null entries for move slots that are empty move_set = Pokemon_Moves.query.filter_by( Pokemon_Moves.pokemon_move_index).all() move_set_dict = pokemon_moves_schema.dump(move_set) indices = [move.pokemon_move_index for move in move_set] for i in range(4): if i + 1 not in indices: move_set_dict.insert(i, None) ability_data = [ Pokemon.get_pokemon_ability_data(ability["ability"]["url"]) for ability in pokemon_api_data["abilities"] ] data = [pokemon_api_data, ability_data] return render_template("pokemon_view.html", data=data, form=form, moves=move_set_dict, team_pokemon=team_pokemon, team=team, team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index, type="team")
def get_team_pokemon_list(team_id: int = Route(), team_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=6)): """ Returns the pokemon list page for a team pokemon slot. """ team = Team.query.get(team_id) # Get current pokemon as the back button on the template will need a different url if the current pokemon is empty current_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon.query.get((team_id, team_index)) # Check is to prevent users from accessing the endpoint by manually entering the url if it's not their team if current_user.is_authenticated and == team.owner_id: api_data = Pokemon.get_pokedex_list() return render_template("pokemon_select.html", data=api_data, current_pokemon=current_pokemon, team=team, team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index, type="team") else: flash("You do not have permission to change this pokemon.") return redirect(request.referrer)
def seed_db(): """ Custom flask db command to seed tables with fake data for testing """ users = [] for i in range(5): user = User() user.username = f"Test User {i + 1}" = f"test{i + 1}" user.password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash("123456").decode("utf-8") db.session.add(user) users.append(user) db.session.commit() team_list = [] for i in range(10): team = Team() = f"Team {i + 1}" # Make sure there is always at least 1 public/private team if i == 8: team.is_private = False elif i == 9: team.is_private = True else: team.is_private = random.choice([True, False]) owner = random.choice(users) team.owner_id = owner.teams.append(team) team_list.append(team) db.session.commit() pokemon_list = [] for team in team_list: number_of_pokemon = random.randint(0, 6) for i in range(number_of_pokemon): pokemon = Pokemon() pokemon.pokemon_id = random.randint(1, 898) pokemon.pokeapi_id = pokemon.pokemon_id pokemon.pokemon_name = f"Random Name {i + 1}" if pokemon.pokeapi_id not in [ pokemon.pokeapi_id for pokemon in pokemon_list ]: db.session.add(pokemon) pokemon_list.append(pokemon) team_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon() team_pokemon.team_id = team_pokemon.team_index = i + 1 team_pokemon.pokeapi_id = pokemon.pokemon_id team.team_pokemon.append(team_pokemon) db.session.commit() move_list = [] for team in team_list: number_of_moves = random.randint(0, 4) for team_pokemon in team.team_pokemon: for i in range(number_of_moves): move = Move() move.move_id = random.randint(1, 826) move.move_name = f"Random Move {i + 1}" if move.move_id not in [move.move_id for move in move_list]: db.session.add(move) move_list.append(move) pokemon_move = Pokemon_Moves() pokemon_move.team_pokemon_id = pokemon_move.pokeapi_id = team_pokemon.pokemon.pokeapi_id pokemon_move.pokemon_move_index = i + 1 pokemon_move.move_id = move.move_id db.session.add(pokemon_move) db.session.commit() print("TABLES SEEDED")
def edit_team_slot_pokemon(team_id: int = Route(), team_index: int = Route(min_int=1, max_int=6), pokeapi_id: int = Route()): """ Adds a new pokemon to a team or updates an existing pokemon, when updating all child entries are deleted. """ team = Team.query.get(team_id) # Check is to prevent users from accessing the endpoint by manually entering the url if it's not their team if current_user.is_authenticated and == team.owner_id: form = ConfirmForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # Create new entry if pokemon not already in database pokemon = Pokemon.query.get(pokeapi_id) if not pokemon: pokemon_api_data = Pokemon.get_pokemon_data(pokeapi_id) pokemon = Pokemon() pokemon.pokeapi_id = pokeapi_id pokemon.pokemon_id = int( pokemon_api_data["species"]["url"].replace( "", "").replace("/", "")) pokemon.pokemon_name = pokemon_api_data["name"] db.session.add(pokemon) db.session.commit() # Create new entry if there is no existing team_pokemon for this team id and team index, # otherwise update the existing entry team_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon.query.filter_by( team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index).first() if not team_pokemon: new_team_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon() new_team_pokemon.team_id = team_id new_team_pokemon.team_index = team_index new_team_pokemon.pokeapi_id = pokeapi_id team.team_pokemon.append(new_team_pokemon) else: teams_pokemon = Teams_Pokemon.query.filter_by( team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index) data = { "team_id": team_id, "team_index": team_index, "pokeapi_id": pokemon.pokeapi_id } teams_pokemon.update( teams_pokemon_schema.load(data, partial=True)) # Delete the saved moves of the old pokemon pokemon_moves = Pokemon_Moves.query.filter_by( team_pokemon_id=teams_pokemon[0].id) for move in pokemon_moves: db.session.delete(move) db.session.commit() return redirect( url_for("pokemon.view_team_pokemon", team_id=team_id, team_index=team_index)) else: flash("You do not have permission to change this pokemon.") return redirect(request.referrer)