def get_streams_and_format(self): stdout, stderr, returnstatus = sp(["ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_format", "-show_streams", self.path]) streams = [] # list of all streams in the video (each is a dictionary of settings) _format = {} # dictionary of video format settings in_stream = False in_format = False stream = None if returnstatus == 0: for line in stdout.split('\n'): if "[STREAM]" in line: in_stream = True stream = {} elif "[/STREAM]" in line: streams.append(stream) in_stream = False elif in_stream: attribute, value = line.split("=") stream[attribute] = value elif "[FORMAT]" in line: in_format = True elif "[/FORMAT]" in line: self.format = _format in_format = False elif in_format: attribute, value = line.split("=") _format[attribute] = value else: continue self.stream_descriptions = streams return returnstatus
def extract_subtitles(self, forcenew=False): if self._subtitles_extracted and (not forcenew): return 0 if not os.path.exists(conf.dirs.subtitles): os.makedirs(conf.dirs.subtitles) stdout, stderr, returnstatus = sp(['ffmpeg', '-y', "-i", self.path, '-f', 'srt', "-map", "0:0", "-vsync", "0", self.raw_subtitles_path]) if returnstatus == 0: with open(self.subtitles_path, 'w') as f: f.write("subtitle_number,start_time,end_time,subtitle\n") sub_number = start_time = end_time = subtitle = "" with open(self.raw_subtitles_path, 'r') as f2: lines = for line in lines.split("\n"): if " --> " in line: start_time, end_time = line.replace(",", ".").split(" --> ") elif "AM" in line or "PM" in line: subtitle = line.replace(",", "").replace("\n", "") else: try: sub_number = int(line) except ValueError: # blank line f.write("{},{},{},{}\n".format(sub_number, start_time, end_time, subtitle)) sub_number = start_time = end_time = subtitle = "" self._subtitles_extracted = True return returnstatus
def extract_packet_stats(self, entries="pts_time,dts_time,size,pos,flags", forcenew=False): if self._packets_extracted and (not forcenew): return 0 if not os.path.exists(conf.dirs.packet_stats): os.makedirs(conf.dirs.packet_stats) stdout, stderr, returnstatus = sp(['ffprobe', "-loglevel", "panic", "-of", "csv=p=0", "-select_streams", "v", "-show_packets", "-show_entries", "packet=" + entries, self.path]) if returnstatus == 0: with open(self.packet_stats_path, 'w') as f: f.write(entries + "\n") f.write(stdout) self._packets_extracted = True return returnstatus
def upload_vid_metadata_to_db(self, file_loc="fs"): # Get metadata information uuid = f"'{uuid4()!s}'" # generate a hash for this file try: stdout, stderr, returncode = sp([os.path.join(conf.dirs.scripts, ""), self.path, "7"]) hash = stdout[:32] except: hash = -1 file_md5_chunk_7mb = f"'{hash!s}'" if "Gambir" not in self.basename: camera_name = "_".join(self.basename.split("_")[:2]) else: camera_name = "_".join(("-".join(self.basename.split("-")[:3]), self.basename.split("-")[3][0])) camera_id = f"'{self.dbio.get_camera_id(camera_name)[0][0][0]}'" subs = self.get_subtitles().split("\n") time_start_subtitles = f"'{subs[1].split(',')[3]}'" time_end_subtitles = f"'{subs[-3].split(',')[3]}'" file_location = f"'{file_loc}'" file_path = f"'{self.path}'" file_name = f"'{self.basename}'" # frame stats # prepend uuid to file logger.debug("creating uuid column in frame stats file") new_frame_stats_file = f'{conf.dirs.frame_stats}{}_uuid.csv' sp(['sed', f's/^/{uuid[1:-1]},/', self.frame_stats_path], stdout=open(new_frame_stats_file, 'w'), stderr=None) # packet stats # prepend uuid to file logger.debug("creating uuid column in packet stats file") new_packet_stats_file = f'{conf.dirs.packet_stats}{}_uuid.csv' sp(['sed', f's/^/{uuid[1:-1]},/', self.packet_stats_path], stdout=open(new_packet_stats_file, 'w'), stderr=None) # subtitles # prepend uuid to file logger.debug("creating uuid column in subtitles file") new_subtitles_file = f'{conf.dirs.subtitles}{}_uuid.csv' sp(['sed', f's/^/{uuid[1:-1]},/', self.subtitles_path], stdout=open(new_subtitles_file, 'w'), stderr=None) # copy to db self.dbio.insert_into_table("raw", "video_metadata", ("id", "file_md5_chunk_7mb", "file_name", "camera_id", "time_start_subtitles", "time_end_subtitles", "file_location", "file_path"), (uuid, file_md5_chunk_7mb, file_name, camera_id, time_start_subtitles, time_end_subtitles, file_location, file_path)) self.dbio.copy_file_to_table("raw", "frame_stats", new_frame_stats_file) self.dbio.copy_file_to_table("raw", "subtitles", new_subtitles_file) self.dbio.copy_file_to_table("raw", "packet_stats", new_packet_stats_file)
def extract_frame_stats(self, entries="key_frame,pkt_pts_time,pkt_dts_time,best_effort_timestamp_time,pkt_size,pict_type," + "coded_picture_number", forcenew=False): if self._frames_extracted and (not forcenew): logger.debug("frames already extracted") return 0 if not os.path.exists(conf.dirs.frame_stats): os.makedirs(conf.dirs.frame_stats) # Note: Tried redirecting subprocess stdout directly to file but it was ~20s slower. stdout, stderr, returnstatus = sp(['ffprobe', "-loglevel", "panic", "-of", "csv=p=0", "-select_streams", "v", "-show_frames", "-show_entries", "frame=" + entries, self.path]) if returnstatus == 0: with open(self.frame_stats_path, 'w') as f: f.write(entries + "\n") f.write(stdout) self._frames_extracted = True return returnstatus
def check_for_errors(self, etypes=('Tuncating packet', 'non monotonically increasing dts', 'Read error', 'no frame', 'SPS decoding failure'), forcenew=False): if self._errors_checked and (not forcenew): return 0 if not os.path.exists(conf.dirs.errors): os.makedirs(conf.dirs.errors) stdout, stderr, returnstatus = sp(['ffmpeg', '-v', 'error', '-i', self.path, '-vsync', '0', '-f', 'null', '-']) if returnstatus == 0: counts = [0] * len(etypes) for line in stderr.split("\n"): for i, etype in enumerate(etypes): if etype in line: counts[i] += 1 continue with open(self.errors_path, "w") as f: f.write(",".join(etypes) + "\n" + ",".join([str(cnt) for cnt in counts])) self._errors_checked = True return returnstatus