def currscript_gradient(sensorloc): #Same as above,
    i = 0
    gradient = 0
    for ele in avgspace_some:
        curr_obj = ops.optsenpmt(ele,no_sensors,dim,alpha,sigma)
        i += 1
    return 0-gradient/i
def currscript_score(sensorloc): #To give a score function handle to the PSOSOLVER so that it can just ask for the value at a given SENSORLOC
    # and not bother about the parameters. It also helps calculate the expectation.
    i = 0
    print ('score called            ')
    score = 0
    gradient = 0
    for ele in avgspace_some:
        curr_obj = ops.optsenpmt(ele,no_sensors,dim,alpha,sigma)
        score += curr_obj.score(sensorloc)
        # print(curr_obj.score(sensorloc));
    return 0 - score / i