def _decode_one(self, val): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): for i in range(len(val)): val[i] = self._decode_one(val[i]) return val elif isinstance(val, dict): return self._decoder(val) elif isinstance(val, str): if val.startswith("<PINTQUANT>"): val = re.sub("<PINTQUANT>", "", val) return elif val.startswith("<RELATIVISM-PROGRAM>"): return RelGlobals.get_rel_instance() elif val.startswith("<RELOBJFILE>"): val = re.sub("<RELOBJFILE>", "", val) obj = self.load(val, join_path(self.current_path, val, is_dir=True)) self.need_parent.append(obj) return obj elif val.startswith("<RELSET>"): filename = re.sub("<RELSET>", "", val) fullpath = join_path(self.current_path, filename, ext=RelContainer.setfile_extension) with open(fullpath, "r") as f: data = f.readlines() mod_name = data.pop(0).strip() clss_name = data.pop(0).strip() mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) clss = getattr(mod, clss_name) val = json.loads("\n".join(data)) if isinstance(val, dict): for k, v in val.items(): val[k] = clss.load(clss, v) elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): for i in range(len(val)): val[i] = clss.load(clss, val[i]) else: raise UnexpectedIssue("this really shouldnt happen") elif val.startswith("<RELOBJ>"): val = re.sub("<RELOBJ>", "", val) ind = val.index(";") class_data, val = val[:ind], val[ind + 1:] mod_name, clss_name = class_data.split(",") mod = importlib.import_module(mod_name) clss = getattr(mod, clss_name) val = json.loads(val) return clss.load(clss, val) return val
def get_datafile_fullpath(self): """ fullpath of datafile """ return join_path(self.get_data_dir(), self.get_data_filename(), ext=self.datafile_extension)
def validate_child_name(self, child, new_name): if new_name in self.projects: err_mess("Project named '{0}' already exists!".format(new_name)) return False if new_name == "see": err_mess("'see' is a protected keyword. Choose another name") return False # if no path, we have to wait until after path is selected to check. # this is verified in create_proj() if child.path is not None: newpath = join_path(child.path, child.get_data_filename(new_name), is_dir=True) if os.path.exists(newpath): err_mess( "Something already exists at path '{0}'".format(newpath)) return False # update projects file try: del self.projects[] except KeyError: pass self.projects[new_name] = child.get_data_dir() self.write_proj_file() return True
def update_recents(self): """ update recents arr to include last arr """ recents_dir = self.get_path("recents", "dir") os.rename( self.get_path(self.get_data_filename(), "wav"), join_path(recents_dir, str(time.time_ns()), ext=".wav") )
def rename(self, name=None): """ cat: meta dev: call this method via super, and implement renaming of files other than datafile and its self.path directory """ old_name = if old_name is not None: old_data_dir = self.get_data_dir() old_datafile_name = self.get_data_filename() if name is None: p("Give this {0} a name".format(self.reltype)) name = inpt("obj") else: name = inpt_validate(name, 'obj') # validate if hasattr(self.parent, "validate_child_name"): if self.parent.validate_child_name(self, name): = name info_block("Named '{0}'".format(name)) else: err_mess("Invalid name") self.rename() else: if Settings.is_debug(): show_error( AttributeError( "Parent obj '{0}' does not have validate_child_name". format(self.parent))) else: try: log_err( "Parent object type {0} has no 'validate_child_name' method" .format(self.parent.reltype)) except AttributeError: log_err( "Parent object '{0}' of '{1}' has no 'validate_child_name' method" .format(self.parent, self)) = name info_block("Named '{0}'".format(name)) # if actual renaming and not an initial naming if old_name is not None: new_data_dir = self.get_data_dir() # rename dir os.rename(old_data_dir, new_data_dir) # rename datafile (which is in newdatadir now) old_datafile = join_path(new_data_dir, old_datafile_name, ext=self.datafile_extension) new_datafile = self.get_datafile_fullpath() os.rename(old_datafile, new_datafile)
def __init__(self, reldata_dir, proj_filename): section_head("Initializing Program") RelGlobals.set_rel_instance(self) self.relfile_path = join_path(reldata_dir, proj_filename) # set default output self.output = "Built-in Output" self.reltype = "Program" # maps name : path to that proj's datafile self.projects = self.read_proj_file() self.current_open_proj = None
def see_proj(self, proj_name, proj_path): info_block("Previewing Project '{0}'".format(proj_name)) fullpath = join_path( proj_path, proj_name + ".Project." + RelSavedObj.datafile_extension) with open(fullpath, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) info_title("Path: " + data["path"]) info_line("Audio file: " + str(data["file"])) info_line("Children:") children = [ re.sub(r"<.*>", "", i).split(".") for i in data["children"] ] children = ["{0} '{1}'".format(i[1], i[0]) for i in children] info_list(children)
def load(self, filename, directory=""): """ load and return object from a file """ prev_path = self.current_path self.current_path = directory path = join_path(directory, filename + "." + RelSavedObj.datafile_extension) with open(path, "r") as f: attrs = json.load(f, object_hook=self._decoder) attrs["mode"] = "load" self.current_path = prev_path mod = importlib.import_module(attrs.pop("__module__")) obj_class = getattr(mod, attrs.pop("__class__")) obj = obj_class(**attrs) for i in self.need_parent: i.parent = obj self.need_parent = [] return obj
def get_path(self, filename, extension="obj"): """ get path to a file or dir args: extension: "obj" for datafile_extension, "dir" for directory, or "wav" """ is_dir = False if extension == "obj": extension = self.datafile_extension elif extension in ("wav", ): pass elif extension == "dir": is_dir = True extension = None else: raise UnexpectedIssue( "Unrecognized extension '{0}'. Add it in RelObject.get_path". format(extension)) path = join_path(self.get_data_dir(), filename, ext=extension, is_dir=is_dir) return path
### Initialize import os, time, sys SESS_START = time.time() from src.utility import suppress_output from src.path import join_path from src.output_and_prompting import style with style("cyan, bold"): print("\n***** RELATIVISM *****\n") # paths RELATIVISM_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) RELDATA_DIR = join_path(RELATIVISM_DIR, "data/", is_dir=True) os.makedirs(RELDATA_DIR, exist_ok=True) ERROR_LOG = join_path(RELDATA_DIR, "errors.log") DATA_FILE = join_path(RELDATA_DIR, "data.json") SETTINGS_FILE = join_path(RELDATA_DIR, "settings.json") PROJFILE_NAME = "projects.relativism-data" # parameters MAX_SESS_LOGS = 20 from src.relativism import * from src.debug import * from src.output_and_prompting import * from src.globals import RelGlobals, Settings, init_globals, save_globals
def get_setfile_fullpath(self, attr_name, path): return join_path( path, self.get_set_filename(attr_name) + "." + self.setfile_extension)
def get_data_dir(self): """ get the directory of this object's files """ return join_path(self.path, self.get_data_filename(), is_dir=True)