def test_king_cant_capture(self): """ Test a few scenarios where the king cannot capture another piece. Expected result is piece next to king cannot be captured and will not be in legal moves list. :return: """ # Test scenario where opponent piece backing up other opponent piece. board = ChessBoard() start_position = 'd4' capture_position = 'd5' board[start_position] = King(Color.WHITE) board['e4'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) board[capture_position] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) expected_legal_moves = ['c3', 'c5', 'd5', 'e3', 'e5'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves(start_position) legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_legal_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected move list does not match actual move list') # Test king has piece of same color directly in front of it board = ChessBoard() board['d4'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['d5'] = Pawn(Color.WHITE) expected_legal_moves = ['c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'd3', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d4') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_legal_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected move list does not match actual move list')
def test_is_not_stalemate(self): """ Configure board where white player has one legal move. Expected result is stalemate has not occurred. :return: """ # Try for king board = ChessBoard() board['a8'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['c1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['d7'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertFalse(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should not result in stalemate') # Try for piece other than king board = ChessBoard() board['a8'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['b1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['d7'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['f2'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertFalse(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should not result in stalemate')
def test_king_capture(self): """ Move king to square right next to piece of opposing color with nothing backing it up. Expected result is position with opponent piece is in legal move list and piece is captured when king moves to that position. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() start_position = 'd4' capture_position = 'e4' board[start_position] = King(Color.WHITE) board[capture_position] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) expected_legal_moves = ['c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'd5', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5'] possible_moves = board.get_legal_moves(start_position) possible_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_legal_moves, possible_moves, 'Expected move list does not match actual move list') # Move king to capture a piece move_result = board.move_piece(start_position, capture_position) message = 'King should have captured piece on ' + capture_position + ' square' self.assertIsInstance(board[capture_position], King, message) # Test move result expected_move_result = { start_position: None, capture_position: King(Color.WHITE) } self.assertDictEqual(expected_move_result, move_result, 'Expected move result does not match actual')
def test_piece_pinned(self): """ Test moving a piece of every type that is the same color as king but pinned by opponents piece. Expected result is legal move list for piece should be empty. :return: """ # Pawn pined board = ChessBoard() board['c3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['d4'] = Pawn(Color.WHITE) board['f6'] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d4') self.assertListEqual([], legal_moves, 'Piece should not have any legal moves.') # Rook pined board = ChessBoard() board['c3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['d4'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['f6'] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d4') self.assertListEqual([], legal_moves, 'Piece should not have any legal moves.') # Knight pined board = ChessBoard() board['c3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['d4'] = Knight(Color.WHITE) board['f6'] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d4') self.assertListEqual([], legal_moves, 'Piece should not have any legal moves.') # Bishop pined board = ChessBoard() board['c3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['c5'] = Bishop(Color.WHITE) board['c6'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('c5') self.assertListEqual([], legal_moves, 'Piece should not have any legal moves.') # Queen kinda pined board = ChessBoard() board['c3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['c4'] = Queen(Color.WHITE) board['c6'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('c4') self.assertListEqual(['c5', 'c6'], legal_moves, 'Legal moves dont match expected moves.')
def test_bishop_checkmate(self): """ Test that a queen will put a king of the opposite color in checkmate :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a8'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['a6'] = Knight(Color.BLACK) board['b6'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['c6'] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(board.is_checkmate(Color.WHITE), 'King should be in checkmate')
def test_king_perform_castle(self): """ Perform castle to left and right with black king and white king. Expected result is king is moved two places to the left or right and the rook in that direction is moved on the other side of the king. :return: """ castle_expected_result = { Color.WHITE: [{ 'king_move': ('e1', 'c1'), 'rook_move': ('a1', 'd1') }, { 'king_move': ('e1', 'g1'), 'rook_move': ('h1', 'f1') }], Color.BLACK: [{ 'king_move': ('e8', 'c8'), 'rook_move': ('a8', 'd8') }, { 'king_move': ('e8', 'g8'), 'rook_move': ('h8', 'f8') }] } for color, left_right_castle in castle_expected_result.items(): for castle_info in left_right_castle: with self.subTest(color=color, castle_info=castle_info): board = ChessBoard() king_start, king_end = castle_info['king_move'] rook_start, rook_end = castle_info['rook_move'] board[king_start] = King(color) board[rook_start] = Rook(color) move_result = board.move_piece(king_start, king_end) self.assertEqual(Type.KING, board[king_end].type, 'King should have moved two spaces') self.assertEqual(Type.ROOK, board[rook_end].type, 'Rook should be on other side of king') self.assertIsNone(board[rook_start], 'Rook should have been moved') expected_result = { king_start: None, king_end: King(color), rook_start: None, rook_end: Rook(color), } self.assertDictEqual( expected_result, move_result, 'Expected move result does not match actual')
def test_is_stalemate(self): """ Test case where it is a players move and they have no valid moves left. Expected result is a stalemate has occurred. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['b4'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['c2'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['c4'] = Bishop(Color.WHITE) is_stalemate = board.is_stalemate(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(is_stalemate, 'Board configuration should result in stalemate')
def test_king_legal_moves(self): """ Move a king to each corner and one middle square. Expected result is that all the possible moves match the expected list. :return: """ start_positions = { Color.WHITE: { 'a1': ['a2', 'b1', 'b2'], 'a8': ['a7', 'b7', 'b8'], 'h1': ['g1', 'g2', 'h2'], 'h8': ['g7', 'g8', 'h7'], 'd4': ['c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'd3', 'd5', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5'] }, Color.BLACK: { 'a1': ['a2', 'b1', 'b2'], 'a8': ['a7', 'b7', 'b8'], 'h1': ['g1', 'g2', 'h2'], 'h8': ['g7', 'g8', 'h7'], 'd4': ['c3', 'c4', 'c5', 'd3', 'd5', 'e3', 'e4', 'e5'] } } for color, positions in start_positions.items(): for start_position, expected_moves in positions.items(): with self.subTest(color=color, start_position=start_position, expected_moves=expected_moves): board = ChessBoard() board[start_position] = King(color) possible_moves = board.get_legal_moves(start_position) possible_moves.sort() message = 'Expected move list does not match actual move list' self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, possible_moves, message)
def test_king_movement_adjusted_after_right_rook_moves(self): """ Move the queen side rook for white and black player Expected result is king can no longer castle queen side. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() king_positions = {Color.WHITE: 'e1', Color.BLACK: 'e8'} rook_positions = {Color.WHITE: ('h1', 'h2'), Color.BLACK: ('a8', 'a7')} expected_directions = { MoveDirection.FORWARD: 1, MoveDirection.F_RIGHT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.RIGHT: 1, MoveDirection.B_RIGHT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.BACKWARD: 1, MoveDirection.B_LEFT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.LEFT: 2, MoveDirection.F_LEFT_DIAG: 1 } for color in [Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE]: with self.subTest(color=color, king_pos=king_positions[color], rook_pos=rook_positions[color]): king_pos = king_positions[color] rook_start, rook_end = rook_positions[color] board[king_pos] = King(color) board[rook_start] = Rook(color) board.move_piece(rook_start, rook_end) self.assertDictEqual(expected_directions, board[king_pos].move_directions, 'Incorrect move_directions')
def test_king_movement_adjusted_after_moving(self): """ Move a king of each color Expected result is king cannot move left or right two squares once it has moved. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() positions = {Color.WHITE: ('e1', 'e2'), Color.BLACK: ('e8', 'e7')} expected_directions = { MoveDirection.FORWARD: 1, MoveDirection.F_RIGHT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.RIGHT: 1, MoveDirection.B_RIGHT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.BACKWARD: 1, MoveDirection.B_LEFT_DIAG: 1, MoveDirection.LEFT: 1, MoveDirection.F_LEFT_DIAG: 1 } for color in [Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE]: with self.subTest(color=color, movement=positions[color]): start_pos, end_pos = positions[color] board[start_pos] = King(color) board.move_piece(start_pos, end_pos) self.assertDictEqual(expected_directions, board[end_pos].move_directions, 'Incorrect move_directions')
def test_empty_fen(self): """ Create fen object without supplying a FEN string Expect default chess board :return: """ fen = Fen() expected_board = { 'a1': Rook(Color.WHITE), 'b1': Knight(Color.WHITE), 'c1': Bishop(Color.WHITE), 'd1': Queen(Color.WHITE), 'e1': King(Color.WHITE), 'f1': Bishop(Color.WHITE), 'g1': Knight(Color.WHITE), 'h1': Rook(Color.WHITE), 'a2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'b2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'c2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'd2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'e2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'f2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'g2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'h2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'a8': Rook(Color.BLACK), 'b8': Knight(Color.BLACK), 'c8': Bishop(Color.BLACK), 'd8': Queen(Color.BLACK), 'e8': King(Color.BLACK), 'f8': Bishop(Color.BLACK), 'g8': Knight(Color.BLACK), 'h8': Rook(Color.BLACK), 'a7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'b7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'c7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'd7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'e7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'f7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'g7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'h7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), } self.assertEqual(expected_board, fen.board)
def test_rook_checkmate(self): """ Test that a rook will put a king of the opposite color in checkmate :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a3'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['a5'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) board['b8'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(board.is_checkmate(Color.WHITE), 'King should be in checkmate')
def test_king_castle_legal_move(self): """ Place king on starting square and rooks of the same color on their starting squares. Expected result is that queen side and king side castling is listed in legal moves list. :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['a8'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) board['e8'] = King(Color.BLACK) # Try with just one rook. expected_legal_moves = { 'e1': ['c1', 'd1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2'], 'e8': ['c8', 'd7', 'd8', 'e7', 'f7', 'f8'], } for position, expected_moves in expected_legal_moves.items(): with self.subTest(position=position, expected_moves=expected_moves): legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves(position) legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Castle move should be in legal move list') # Try with both rooks. board['h1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['h8'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) expected_legal_moves = { 'e1': ['c1', 'd1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2', 'g1'], 'e8': ['c8', 'd7', 'd8', 'e7', 'f7', 'f8', 'g8'], } for position, expected_moves in expected_legal_moves.items(): with self.subTest(position=position, expected_moves=expected_moves): legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves(position) legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Castle move should be in legal move list')
def test_pawn_checkmate(self): """ Test that a pawn will put a king of the opposite color in checkmate :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['a2'] = Pawn(Color.WHITE) board['b1'] = Bishop(Color.WHITE) board['b2'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) board['c3'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(board.is_checkmate(Color.WHITE), 'King should be in checkmate')
def test_knight_checkmate(self): """ Test that a knight will put a king of the opposite color in checkmate :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['b4'] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) board['c5'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) board['d1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['e3'] = Knight(Color.BLACK) board['f3'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(board.is_checkmate(Color.WHITE), 'King should be in checkmate')
def test_different_board_setups(self): """ Create Fen object using empty board, middle game, end game Expect board config to match expected value :return: """ # Empty board fen_str = '8/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 w - -' expected_board1 = {} fen = Fen(fen_str) self.assertEqual(expected_board1, fen.board) # Partial game fen_str = 'r2qkbnr/2pp1ppp/b1n5/1N2p3/4P1Q1/8/PPPP1PPP/R1B1K1NR w KQkq -' expected_board2 = { 'a1': Rook(Color.WHITE), 'c1': Bishop(Color.WHITE), 'e1': King(Color.WHITE), 'g1': Knight(Color.WHITE), 'h1': Rook(Color.WHITE), 'a2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'b2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'c2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'd2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'f2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'g2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'h2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'a8': Rook(Color.BLACK), 'd8': Queen(Color.BLACK), 'e8': King(Color.BLACK), 'f8': Bishop(Color.BLACK), 'g8': Knight(Color.BLACK), 'h8': Rook(Color.BLACK),'c7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'd7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'f7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'g7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'h7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'a6': Bishop(Color.BLACK), 'c6': Knight(Color.BLACK), 'e5': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'b5': Knight(Color.WHITE), 'e4': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'g4': Queen(Color.WHITE) } fen = Fen(fen_str) self.assertEqual(expected_board2, fen.board) # End game fen_str = '5rk1/7p/8/4p1p1/2nP4/2PB4/bP4QP/2K4R w - -' expected_board3 = { 'c1': King(Color.WHITE), 'h1': Rook(Color.WHITE), 'b2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'g2': Queen(Color.WHITE), 'h2': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'c3': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'd3': Bishop(Color.WHITE), 'd4': Pawn(Color.WHITE), 'a2': Bishop(Color.BLACK), 'c4': Knight(Color.BLACK), 'e5': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'g5': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'h7': Pawn(Color.BLACK), 'f8': Rook(Color.BLACK), 'g8': King(Color.BLACK) } fen = Fen(fen_str) self.assertEqual(expected_board3, fen.board)
def test_queen_checkmate(self): """ Test that a queen will put a king of the opposite color in checkmate :return: """ board = ChessBoard() board['d6'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['c5'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) board['e5'] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) board['a5'] = Bishop(Color.WHITE) board['d5'] = Queen(Color.WHITE) board['d2'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['g6'] = Knight(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_checkmate(Color.BLACK), 'King should be in checkmate')
def test_can_castle(self): """ Test that a king can perform a castle :return: """ board = ChessBoard() # Check from white perspective board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['h1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.can_castle(Color.WHITE, MoveDirection.LEFT), 'King should be able to castle') self.assertTrue(board.can_castle(Color.WHITE, MoveDirection.RIGHT), 'King should be able to castle') # Check from black perspective board['a8'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) board['e8'] = King(Color.BLACK) board['h8'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) self.assertTrue(board.can_castle(Color.BLACK, MoveDirection.LEFT), 'King should be able to castle') self.assertTrue(board.can_castle(Color.BLACK, MoveDirection.RIGHT), 'King should be able to castle')
def test_pawn_check(self): """ Test that a pawn will put a king of the opposite color in check :return: """ piece_positions = [('c2', 'b1'), ('a2', 'b1')] for positions in piece_positions: pawn_position, king_position = positions with self.subTest(pawn_position=pawn_position, king_position=king_position): board = ChessBoard() board[pawn_position] = Pawn(Color.BLACK) board[king_position] = King(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_check(Color.WHITE), 'Pawn should put king in check')
def test_bishop_check(self): """ Test that a bishop will put a king of the opposite color in check :return: """ piece_positions = [('a1', 'h8'), ('a8', 'h1'), ('h8', 'a1'), ('h1', 'a8')] for positions in piece_positions: bishop_position, king_position = positions with self.subTest(bishop_position=bishop_position, king_position=king_position): board = ChessBoard() board[bishop_position] = Bishop(Color.BLACK) board[king_position] = King(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_check(Color.WHITE), 'Bishop should put king in check')
def test_rook_check(self): """ Test that a rook will put a king of the opposite color in check :return: """ piece_positions = [('a1', 'a8'), ('a1', 'h1'), ('a8', 'a1'), ('a8', 'h8'), ('h8', 'a8'), ('h8', 'h1'), ('h1', 'a1'), ('h1', 'h8')] for positions in piece_positions: rook_position, king_position = positions with self.subTest(rook_position=rook_position, king_position=king_position): board = ChessBoard() board[rook_position] = Rook(Color.BLACK) board[king_position] = King(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_check(Color.WHITE), 'Rook should put king in check')
def test_queen_check(self): """ Test that a queen will put a king of the opposite color in check :return: """ piece_positions = [('a1', 'a8'), ('a1', 'h1'), ('a1', 'h8'), ('a8', 'a1'), ('a8', 'h8'), ('a8', 'h8'), ('h8', 'a1'), ('h8', 'a8'), ('h8', 'h1'), ('h1', 'a1'), ('h1', 'a8'), ('h1', 'h8')] for positions in piece_positions: queen_position, king_position = positions with self.subTest(queen_position=queen_position, king_position=king_position): board = ChessBoard() board[queen_position] = Queen(Color.BLACK) board[king_position] = King(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_check(Color.WHITE), 'Queen should put king in check')
def test_knight_check(self): """ Test that a knight will put a king of the opposite color in check :return: """ piece_positions = [('a1', 'b3'), ('a1', 'c2'), ('d4', 'e6'), ('d4', 'f5'), ('d4', 'f3'), ('d4', 'e2'), ('d4', 'c2'), ('d4', 'b3'), ('d4', 'b5'), ('d4', 'c6')] for positions in piece_positions: knight_position, king_position = positions with self.subTest(knight_position=knight_position, king_position=king_position): board = ChessBoard() board[knight_position] = Knight(Color.BLACK) board[king_position] = King(Color.WHITE) self.assertTrue(board.is_check(Color.WHITE), 'Knight should put king in check')
def test_king_cant_put_self_in_check(self): """ Place king in middle square. Place rook of opposing color on an immediate front right diagonal square. Expected result is the space directly to the right and in front of king is not in legal moves list. :return: """ color_group = [(Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK), (Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE)] for group in color_group: with self.subTest(group=group): board = ChessBoard() king_color, rook_color = group board['d4'] = King(king_color) board['e5'] = Rook(rook_color) expected_moves = ['c3', 'c4', 'd3', 'e5'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d4') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual( expected_moves, legal_moves, 'King should not be able to put self in check')
def test_cannot_castle(self): """ Test cases where a king cannot castle. Expected result is king cannot castle through check, from check, into check, after moving, if the rook has moved. :return: """ # Check case where king would pass through check board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['d5'] = Rook(Color.BLACK) expected_moves = ['e2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # King in check board.move_piece('d5', 'e5') expected_moves = ['d1', 'd2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # King ends in check board.move_piece('e5', 'c5') expected_moves = ['d1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Check after king moves board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board.move_piece('e1', 'd1') expected_moves = ['c1', 'c2', 'd2', 'e1', 'e2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('d1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Check after left rook moves board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board.move_piece('a1', 'b1') expected_moves = ['d1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Check after right rook moves board = ChessBoard() board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['h1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board.move_piece('h1', 'h2') expected_moves = ['d1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Check with both rooks after right rook moves board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['h1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board.move_piece('h1', 'h2') expected_moves = ['c1', 'd1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Check with both rooks after right rook moves board = ChessBoard() board['a1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board['e1'] = King(Color.WHITE) board['h1'] = Rook(Color.WHITE) board.move_piece('a1', 'b1') expected_moves = ['d1', 'd2', 'e2', 'f1', 'f2', 'g1'] legal_moves = board.get_legal_moves('e1') legal_moves.sort() self.assertListEqual(expected_moves, legal_moves, 'Expected moves does not match actual') # Confirm cannot castle even if king and rooks back in starting positions fen = Fen('r3k2r/8/8/8/8/8/8/8 b - -') board = ChessBoard(fen) can_castle_left = board.can_castle(Color.BLACK, MoveDirection.LEFT) can_castle_right = board.can_castle(Color.BLACK, MoveDirection.RIGHT) self.assertFalse(can_castle_left, 'King should not be able to castle left') self.assertFalse(can_castle_right, 'King should not be able to castle right')