def use_module(module, all_trigger):

  # if we aren't using all
  if not "install_update_all" in module:

    # if we are using a normal module
    if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1:
	        filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"
	        # grab the author
		        author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")
		except TypeError: author = "Invalid"
	        # grab the description
	        description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")
		# grab install type
	        install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

	        # grab repository location
	        repository_location = module_parser(filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")

		# here we check if we need to do x86 or x64
		if module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION") != None:
			# grab architecture
			print module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION")
			arch_detect = arch()
			if "64bit" in arch_detect:
				repository_location = module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION")

	        # grab install path
	        base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
	        install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
	        module_split = module.split("/")
	        module_split = module_split[1]
	        install_location = base_install + "/" + module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/"
    while 1:

	# if we aren't doing update/install all
	if int(all_trigger) == 0:
	        prompt = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
	        # exit if we need to
	        if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit": break
	        # show the help menu
	        if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

	        if prompt == "show modules": print_warning("In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

		# if we are searching for something
		if "search " in prompt: search(prompt)

        	# options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
        	# if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each time
        	if prompt.lower() == "show options":
        		print "Module options (%s):" % module

            	# if we are using a normal module
            	if module != "modules/install_update_all":
                	print "\n\n"
			print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        	# if we are setting the command now
        	if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
        		# need to grab the options
            		set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
            		# here we rewrite the options for the menu          
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE": install_type = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION": repository_location = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION": install_location = set_breakout[2]

	if int(all_trigger) == 1: prompt = "run"

	# if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do an upgrade
	if prompt.lower() == "run":

	        # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything else

		if os.path.isdir(install_location):
			print_status("Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
			prompt = "update"
			print_status("Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
			prompt = "install"

	# check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after commands need to be run
        if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES": 
		if prompt.lower() == "update":
	        	prompt = "install"

        # if we are updating the tools
        if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":

            # move to the location
            if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

		    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":
			    # special metasploit voodoo needed here
		    	    if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/msfconsole"):
				cwd = os.getcwd()
				print_status("Needing to perform special Metasploit voodoo to get launcher to work.. Wait for another bundle install...")
				subprocess.Popen("cd /%s;bundle install;rm -rf /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.*/bin/msf*" % (install_location), shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Sacrifice to the ruby Gods complete. MSF should now work outside of the msf directory structure..")

                    # check launcher
		    launcher(filename, install_location)
                    # special for Metasploit
	            if "metasploit" in filename:
			if prompt == "update":
				print_status("Ensuring libgmp-dev is installed for ffi...")
				subprocess.Popen("apt-get --force-yes -y install libgmp-dev", shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Updating gem packages for Metasploit....")
				subprocess.Popen("cd %s;bundle update;bundle install" % (install_location), shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Killing ruby gem launchers as this breaks launchers...")
				subprocess.Popen("rm /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.*/bin/msf*", shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Finished updating Metasploit.... Enjoy!")

                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":

		    # check launcher
		    launcher(filename, install_location)		

            if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                print_error("The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

        # if we want to install it
        if prompt.lower() == "install":

                # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, CUSTOM, BSD!!!! WOW!!, ETC
                ostype = profile_os()

                # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module) 
                    from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need 
                    arch_modules = module_parser(filename, "ARCHLINUX")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module)) 

                if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module) 
                    from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need 
                    openbsd_modules = module_parser(filename, "OPENBSD")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module)) 

                print_status("Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location, shell=True).wait()

                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
		    print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)

		# if we are using svn
                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)

	        # if we are using file
                if install_type.lower() == "file":
                    print_status("FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                    repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                    proc = subprocess.Popen('curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)                        

                # if we are using wget
                if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                    print_status("WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better that curl -l with Sourceforge.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, repository_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)                        

	# if we update all we need to break out until finished
	if int(all_trigger) == 1: break	
def use_module(module, all_trigger):

    # if we are using a normal module
    if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1:
        filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"

        # grab the author
        author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")

        # grab the description
        description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")

        # grab install type
        install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

        # grab repository location
        repository_location = module_parser(filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")

        # grab install path
        base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
        install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
        module_split = module.split("/")
        module_split = module_split[1]
        install_location = base_install + "/" + module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/"

    while 1:

	# if we aren't doing update/install all
	if int(all_trigger) == 0:
	        prompt = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
	        # exit if we need to
	        if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit": break
	        # show the help menu
	        if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

	        if prompt == "show modules": print_warning("In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

        	# options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
        	# if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each time
        	if prompt.lower() == "show options":
        		print "Module options (%s):" % module

            	# if we are using a normal module
            	if module != "modules/install_update_all":
                	print "\n\n"
			print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        	# if we are setting the command now
        	if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
        		# need to grab the options
            		set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
            		# here we rewrite the options for the menu          
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE": install_type = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION": repository_location = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION": install_location = set_breakout[2]

	if int(all_trigger) == 1: prompt = "run"

	# if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do an upgrade
	if prompt.lower() == "run":
		if os.path.isdir(install_location):
			print_status("Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
			prompt = "update"
			print_status("Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
			prompt = "install"

        # if we are updating the tools
        if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":

            # update depend modules
            ostype = profile_os()
            if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    print_status("Updating depends for %s prior to update." % (module))
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for %s" % (module))

		    # run after commands
		    after_commands(filename, install_location)

            # move to the location
            if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    # if there were errors
                    error = proc.stderr.read().rstrip()
                    if error != "": 
                        print_error("Install did not complete. Printing error:\n" + error)
                        print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

		    # run after commands

            if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                print_error("The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

        # if we want to install it
        if prompt.lower() == "install":
                # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, CUSTOM, ETC
                ostype = profile_os()

                # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                print_status("Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location, shell=True).wait()

                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    # if there were errors
                    error = proc.stderr.read().rstrip()
		    print error
                    if error != "":
                        print_error("Install did not complete. Printing error:\n" + error)
                        print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)

	# if we update all we need to break out until finished
	if int(all_trigger) == 1: break	
                                                            if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                                                from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                                                                # grab all the modules we need
                                                                arch_modules = arch_modules + "," + module_parser(filename_short, "ARCHLINUX")                                                                                                                       # archlinux
                                                        if ostype == "OPENSBD":
                                                            if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                                                from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                                                                # grab all the modules we need
                                                                openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules + "," + module_parser(filename_short, "OPENBSD")

			# install all of the packages at once
			ostype = profile_os()
			if ostype == "DEBIAN":
				deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
	                    	print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                        if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                            arch_modules = arch_modules.replace(",", " ")
                            print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")
			if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                            openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules.replace(",", " ")
                            print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")    
			for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
	                        for name in files:
文件: framework.py 项目: Aookii/ptf
                                        module_parser(filename_short, "FEDORA")
                            # openbsd
                            if ostype == "OPENSBD":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules + "," + \
                                            filename_short, "OPENBSD")

                # install all of the packages at once
                ostype = profile_os()
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if deb_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                    arch_modules = arch_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if arch_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "FEDORA":
                    fedora_modules = fedora_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if fedora_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "OPENBSD":
文件: framework.py 项目: Aookii/ptf
def use_module(module, all_trigger):

    # if we aren't using all
    if not "install_update_all" in module:

        # if we are using a normal module
        if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1:
            filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"

            # grab the author
                author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")

            except TypeError:
                author = "Invalid"

            # grab the description
            description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")

            # grab install type
            install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

            # grab repository location
            repository_location = module_parser(
                filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")
	    # custom work for zaproxy
            if "zaproxy" in repository_location: repository_location = zaproxy()

            # here we check if we need to do x86 or x64
            if module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION") != "":
                # grab architecture
                arch_detect = arch()
                if "64bit" in arch_detect:
                    repository_location = module_parser(
                        filename, "X64_LOCATION")

            # grab install path
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
            module_split = module.split("/")
            module_split = module_split[1]
            install_location = base_install + "/" + \
                module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/"

        while 1:

            # if we aren't doing update/install all
            if int(all_trigger) == 0:
                    prompt = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC +
                                       "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
                except EOFError:
                    prompt = "back"

                # exit if we need to
                if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit":
                # show the help menu
                if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

                if prompt == "show modules":
                        "In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

                # if we are searching for something
                if "search " in prompt:

                # options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
                # if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each
                # time
                if prompt.lower() == "show options":
                    print("Module options (%s):" % module)

                # if we are using a normal module
                if module != "modules/install_update_all":

                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location)

                # if we are setting the command now
                if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
                    # need to grab the options
                    set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
                    # here we rewrite the options for the menu
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE":
                        install_type = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION":
                        repository_location = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION":
                        install_location = set_breakout[2]

            if int(all_trigger) == 1:
                prompt = "run"

            # if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do
            # an upgrade
            if prompt.lower() == "run":

                # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything
                # else

                if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        "Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
                    prompt = "update"
                        "Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
                    prompt = "install"

            # check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain
            # files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after
            # commands need to be run
            if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES":
                if prompt.lower() == "update":
                    prompt = "install"

            # if we are updating the tools
            if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":
	      # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
	      if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):

                # move to the location
                if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                    if install_type.lower() == "git":
                            "Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                        proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (
                            install_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                        # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                        # run after things are updated
                        update_counter = 0
                        if not "Already up-to-date." in proc.communicate()[0]:
                            if not "metasploit" in filename:
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                update_counter = 1
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

                        # run after commands
                        if prompt != "update":
                            if update_counter == 0:
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                            # special metasploit voodoo needed here
                            if check_kali() != "Kali":
                                if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/msfconsole"):
                                    cwd = os.getcwd()
                                        "Needing to perform special Metasploit voodoo to get launcher to work.. Wait for another bundle install...")
                                    subprocess.Popen("cd %s;rm Gemfile.lock;bundle install;rm -rf /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.*/bin/msf*" % (
                                        install_location), shell=True).wait()
                                        "Sacrifice to the ruby Gods complete. MSF should now work outside of the msf directory structure..")

                        # check launcher
                        launcher(filename, install_location)

                        # special for Metasploit
                        if profile_os() == "DEBIAN":
                            if check_kali() != "Kali":
                                if "metasploit" in filename:
                                    if prompt == "update":
                                            "Ensuring libgmp-dev is installed for ffi...")
                                            "apt-get --force-yes -y install libgmp-dev", shell=True).wait()
                                            "Updating gem packages for Metasploit....")
                                        subprocess.Popen("cd %s;bundle update;bundle install" % (
                                            install_location), shell=True).wait()
                                            "Finished updating Metasploit.... Enjoy!")

                    if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                            "Updating the tool, be patient while svn pull is initiated.")
                        proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (
                            install_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                        # here we do some funky stuff to store old revisions
                            if not os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                filewrite = file(
                                    install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage", "w")

                            if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                cmp = file(install_location +
                                           "/.goatsvn_storage", "r").read()
                                # if we are at a new revision
                                if cmp != proc.communicate()[0]:
                                    # change prompt to something other than
                                    # update
                                    prompt = "goat"
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                        # run after commands
                        if prompt != "update":
                            after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        # check launcher
                        launcher(filename, install_location)

                    print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                    subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

                if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        "The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

            # if we want to install it
            if prompt.lower() == "install":
	      # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
	      if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):

                # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, FEDORA, CUSTOM, BSD!!!! WOW!!, ETC
                ostype = profile_os()

                # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                        "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)

                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                        "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    # do some stuff to add metasploit
                    #if "metasploit" in filename:
                    #    if check_kali() != "Kali":
                    #        print_status(
                    #            "Installing additional ruby2 libraries for MSF...")
                    #        subprocess.Popen(
                    #            "echo y | apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng;apt-get update;apt-get --force-yes -y install ruby2.2 ruby2.2-dev", shell=True).wait()

                # if OSTYPE is ARCHLINUX
                if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                        "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    arch_modules = module_parser(filename, "ARCHLINUX")
                        "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                # if OSTYPE is FEDORA
                if ostype == "FEDORA":
                        "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    fedora_modules = module_parser(filename, "FEDORA")
                        "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                # if OSTYPE is OPENBSD
                if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                        "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    openbsd_modules = module_parser(filename, "OPENBSD")
                        "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    "Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" %
                                 install_location, shell=True).wait()

                # if we are using git
                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                        "GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
                    print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (
                        repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    launcher(filename, install_location)

                # if we are using svn
                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                        "SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (
                        repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    launcher(filename, install_location)

                # if we are using file
                if install_type.lower() == "file":
                        "FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                    repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                    proc = subprocess.Popen('curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (
                        install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    launcher(filename, install_location)

                # if we are using wget
                if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                        "WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better than curl -l with recursive URLs.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, repository_location),
                                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    launcher(filename, install_location)

                print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

            # if we update all we need to break out until finished
            if int(all_trigger) == 1:
def use_module(module, all_trigger):
    prompt = ("")
    # if we aren't using all
    if not "install_update_all" in module and not "update_installed" in module and not "__init__" in module and not "custom_list" in module:

        # set terminal title
        set_title("ptf - %s" % module)

        # if we are using a normal module
        if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(
                all_trigger) == 2:
            filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"

            # grab the author
                author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")

            except TypeError:
                author = "Invalid"

            # grab the description
            description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")

            # grab install type
            install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

            # if were are tool depends for other modules prior to install
            tool_depend = module_parser(filename, "TOOL_DEPEND")
            # if the module path is wrong, throw a warning
            if not os.path.isfile(tool_depend + ".py"):
                if len(tool_depend) > 1:
                        "Tool depend: " + tool_depend +
                        " not found. Ensure the module is pointing to a module location."

            # grab repository location
            repository_location = module_parser(filename,

            # custom work for zaproxy
            if "zaproxy" in repository_location:
                repository_location = zaproxy()

            # here we check if we need to do x86 or x64
            if module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION") != "":
                # grab architecture
                arch_detect = arch()
                if "64bit" in arch_detect:
                    repository_location = module_parser(
                        filename, "X64_LOCATION")

            # grab install path
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            strorganize_dirs = check_config("USE_DIRECTORY_ORGANIZATION=")
            install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
            module_split = module.split("/")
            module_split = module_split[1]

            if strorganize_dirs == "False":
                organize_dirs = False
                # Default to True
                organize_dirs = True

            if bool(organize_dirs) == True:
                install_location = os.path.expanduser(base_install + "/" + \
                    module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/")
                install_location = base_install + "/" + install_base_location + "/"

        while 1:

            # if we aren't doing update/install all
            if int(all_trigger) == 0:
                    prompt = input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" +
                                   bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC +
                except EOFError:
                    prompt = "back"

                # exit if we need to
                if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit":
                    return "None"

                # show the help menu
                if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

                # show modules
                if prompt == "show modules":
                        "In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

                # if we are using a module within a module we return our prompt
                if "use " in prompt:
                    return prompt

                # if we are searching for something
                if "search " in prompt:

                # options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
                # if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each time
                if prompt.lower() == "show options":
                    print("Module options (%s):" % module)

                # if we are using a normal module
                if module != "modules/install_update_all":

                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + author)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + description)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + install_type)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + repository_location)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + install_location)

                # if we are setting the command now
                if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
                    # need to grab the options
                    set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
                    # here we rewrite the options for the menu
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE":
                        install_type = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION":
                        repository_location = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION":
                        install_location = set_breakout[2]

            # tool depend is if there is a tool for example like veil that has a depend of Metasploit - can put TOOL_DEPEND = the tool or tools here
            if not "show options" in prompt.lower():
                if len(tool_depend) > 1:
                        if " " in tool_depend:
                            tool_depend = tool_depend.split(" ")
                            for tool in tool_depend:
                                use_module(tool, "1")

                        elif "," in tool_depend:
                            tool_depend = tool_depend.split(",")
                            for tool in tool_depend:
                                use_module(tool, "1")

                            use_module(tool_depend, "1")

                if len(tool_depend) < 1:
                    if int(all_trigger) == 1:
                        prompt = "run"

                    if int(all_trigger) == 2:
                        prompt = "update"

            # if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do
            # an upgrade
            if prompt.lower() == "run":

                # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything
                # else

                if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        "Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you."
                    prompt = "update"
                        "Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine"
                    prompt = "install"

            # check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain
            # files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after
            # commands need to be run
            if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES":
                if prompt.lower() == "update":
                    prompt = "install"

            # if we are updating the tools
            if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(
                    # move to the location
                    if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        if install_type.lower() == "git":
                                "Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated."
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" %

                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)

                            # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                            # run after things are updated
                            update_counter = 0
                            if not "Already up-to-date." in proc.communicate():
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                update_counter = 1
                                print_status("Tool already up-to-date!")
                                "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: "
                                + (install_location))

                            # run after commands
                            if update_counter == 0:
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                            if pexpect_check == 0:
                                    "[!] You can't use gitlab features unless you install pexpect. Please install pexpect in order to use these features. Install option: pip install python-pexpect."
                                    "Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated."
                                proc = pexpect.spawn('git -C %s pull' %
                                proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)

                                # check launcher
                                launcher(filename, install_location)

                                # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                                # run after things are updated
                                update_counter = 0
                                i = proc.expect(
                                    ['Already up-to-date!', pexpect.EOF])
                                if i == 1:
                                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                    update_counter = 1
                                elif i == 0:
                                    print_status("Tool already up-to-date!")
                                    "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: "
                                    + (install_location))

                                # run after commands
                                if update_counter == 0:
                                    after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                                "Updating the tool, be patient while svn pull is initiated."
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" %
                            # here we do some funky stuff to store old
                            # revisions
                                if not os.path.isfile(install_location +
                                    filewrite = open(
                                        install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage",

                                if os.path.isfile(install_location +
                                    cmp = open(
                                        install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage",
                                    # if we are at a new revision
                                    if cmp != proc.communicate()[0]:
                                        # change prompt to something other than
                                        # update
                                        prompt = "goat"
                                "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: "
                                + (install_location))
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)

                            # run after commands
                            if prompt != "update":
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                        subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

                    if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                            "The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!"

            # if we want to install it
            if prompt.lower() == "install":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(

                    # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, FEDORA, CUSTOM, BSD!!!! WOW!!,
                    ostype = profile_os()
                    # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                    if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                        print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " +

                        from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                        print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." %

                    # if OSTYPE is ARCHLINUX
                    if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                        print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " +
                        from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        arch_modules = module_parser(filename, "ARCHLINUX")
                        print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." %

                    # if OSTYPE is FEDORA
                    if ostype == "FEDORA":
                        print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " +
                        from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        fedora_modules = module_parser(filename, "FEDORA")
                        print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." %

                    # if OSTYPE is OPENBSD
                    if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                        print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " +
                        from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        openbsd_modules = module_parser(filename, "OPENBSD")
                        print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." %

                        "Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                    subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location,

                    # if we are using git
                    if install_type.lower() in ["git", "gitlab"]:
                        # if there are files in the install_location, we'll update.
                        if os.listdir(install_location):
                                "Installation already exists, going to git pull then run after commands.."
                            if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                                proc = pexpect.spawn('git -C %s pull' %
                                proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)
                                proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" %
                                "Finished updating the tool located in:" +
                                "%s was the selected method for installation... Using %s to install."
                                % (install_type.upper(), install_type.upper()))
                            print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                            if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                                proc = pexpect.spawn(
                                    'git clone %s %s' %
                                    (repository_location, install_location))
                                proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)
                                proc = subprocess.Popen(
                                    "git clone %s %s" %
                                    (repository_location, install_location),

                                "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: "
                                + install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using svn
                    if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                            "SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install."
                        proc = subprocess.Popen(
                            "svn co %s %s" %
                            (repository_location, install_location),
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: "
                            + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using file
                    if install_type.lower() == "file":
                            "FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install."
                        repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                        proc = subprocess.Popen(
                            'curl -k -L -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s'
                            % (install_location, repository_file,
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: "
                            + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using wget
                    if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                            "WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better than curl -l with recursive URLs."
                        proc = subprocess.Popen(
                            "cd %s && wget -q %s" %
                            (install_location, repository_location),
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: "
                            + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                    subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

            # if we update all we need to break out until finished
            if int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(all_trigger) == 2:
def handle_prompt(prompt, force=False):
    # specify no commands, if counter increments then a command was found
    base_counter = 0

    # main help menu
    if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to exit out
    if prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit" or prompt == "back":
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to see the modules
    if prompt == "show modules":
        base_counter = 1

    # list new modules
    if prompt == "show new modules":
        base_counter = 1

    # inside joke
    if prompt == "install sleeves":
        print_error("Scott White? Sleeves? F Sleeves. Scott Rules.")
        base_counter = 1

    # search functionality here
    if prompt.startswith("search"):
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to use a module
    if prompt.startswith("use"):
        base_counter = 1
        counter = 0
        prompt = prompt.split(" ")

        # do a quick sanity check to see if the module is there first
        if "install_update_all" in prompt[1] or "custom_list" in prompt[1]:
            counter = 3
                if not force:
                    install_query = input(
                        "[*] You are about to install/update everything. Proceed? [yes/no]:"
                        "[*] You are about to install/update everything. Proceed? [yes/no]:yes"
                    install_query = "yes"
            except EOFError:
                install_query = "no"
            if install_query.lower() == "yes" or install_query.lower() == "y":

                # do auto update check first

                if not "custom_list" in prompt[1]:
                    modules_path = definepath() + "/" + (prompt[1])[:-18]
                    modules_path = definepath() + "/modules/"
                # base holder for all debian packages
                deb_modules = ""
                # base holder for all arch packages
                arch_modules = ""
                # base holder for all fedora packages
                fedora_modules = ""
                # base holder for all openbsd packages
                openbsd_modules = ""

                # first we install all depends for all applications
                    "We are going to first install all prereqs using apt before installing.."
                    "Cycling through modules and grabbing requirements...")

                for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
                    for name in files:
                        if "custom_list" in prompt[
                                1] and name[:-3] not in open(definepath() +
                                                             "/" + prompt[1] +
                        # join the structure
                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                        # strip un-needed files
                        if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(
                        ) and include_module(
                        ) and ".py" in filename and not ".pyc" in filename and not ignore_update_all_module(
                            print("!!!***!!!installing deps for module: " +
                            # shorten it up a little bit
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            # update depend modules
                            filename_short = str(filename_short)
                            ostype = profile_os()

                            if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short and not "custom_list" in filename:
                                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    deb_modules = deb_modules + "," + module_parser(
                                        filename_short, "DEBIAN")

                            # archlinux
                            if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short and not "custom_list" in filename:
                                    from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    arch_modules = ""
                                    arch_modules = arch_modules + "," + \
                                            filename_short, "ARCHLINUX")
                            # fedora
                            if ostype == "FEDORA":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short and not "custom_list" in filename:
                                    from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    fedora_modules = fedora_modules + "," + \
                                        module_parser(filename_short, "FEDORA")
                            # openbsd
                            if ostype == "OPENSBD":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short and not "custom_list" in filename:
                                    from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules + "," + \
                                            filename_short, "OPENBSD")

                # install all of the packages at once
                ostype = profile_os()

                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if deb_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                    arch_modules = arch_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if arch_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "FEDORA":
                    fedora_modules = fedora_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if fedora_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                    openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if openbsd_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
                    for name in files:
                        if "custom_list" in prompt[
                                1] and name[:-3] not in open(definepath() +
                                                             "/" + prompt[1] +
                        # join the structure
                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                        if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(
                        ) and include_module(
                        ) and ".py" in filename and not ".pyc" in filename and not "install_update_all" in filename and not "__init__" in filename and not "custom_list" in filename:
                            # strip un-needed files
                            # if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):
                            # shorten it up a little bit
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            filename_short = filename_short.replace(".py", "")
                            # check if empty directory - if so purge it before
                            # anything else
                            print_status("Installing and/or updating: " +
                            # run the module for install
                            use_module(filename_short, "1")
                            # sleep a sec

                # clear the screen
                    """ _   _            _      _   _            ____  _                  _"""
                    """| | | | __ _  ___| | __ | |_| |__   ___  |  _ \| | __ _ _ __   ___| |_"""
                    """| |_| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / | __| '_ \ / _ \ | |_) | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __|"""
                    """|  _  | (_| | (__|   <  | |_| | | |  __/ |  __/| | (_| | | | |  __/ |_ """
                    """|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\  \__|_| |_|\___| |_|   |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|\n\n"""
                    "All finished installing/and or updating.. All shiny again.\n"

                    "Alright boss. Not installing right now. Tell me when. I want that shiny. I want it now."

        if "update_installed" in prompt[1]:
            counter = 3
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            for dir in os.listdir(base_install):  # ptes dir
                # ignore PTF directory
                if not 'ptf' == dir and not os.path.isfile(dir):
                    for subdir in os.listdir(os.path.join(base_install,
                                                          dir)):  # module
                        # Ignore normal files
                        if not os.path.isfile(subdir):
                            module = "modules/%s/%s" % (dir, subdir)
                            # If the install file and install directory differ, search the correct file
                            if (not os.path.isfile(module + '.py')):
                                install_file = find_containing_file(
                                    "modules/%s" % dir, subdir)
                                module = "modules/%s/%s" % (dir, install_file)
                            # Only update if we have an install file
                            if not 'None' in module:
                                print(("Updating %s") % module)
                                use_module(module, 2)

        if os.path.isfile(definepath() + "/" + prompt[1] + ".py"):
            counter = 1

        if counter == 1:
            while 1:
                    module = use_module(prompt[1], "0")
                    if "use " in module:
                        prompt = module.split(" ")
                except Exception:

        if counter == 0:
            print_error("Module name was not found, try retyping it again.")

    # if blanks are used
    if prompt == "":
        base_counter = 1

    if base_counter == 0:
            "Command was not found, try help or ? for more information.")
def use_module(module, all_trigger):

    # if we aren't using all
    if not "install_update_all" in module and not "update_installed" in module and not "__init__" in module:

        # set terminal title
        set_title("ptf - %s" % module)

        # if we are using a normal module
        if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(all_trigger) == 2:
            filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"

            # grab the author
                author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")

            except TypeError:
                author = "Invalid"

            # grab the description
            description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")

            # grab install type
            install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

            # if were are tool depends for other modules prior to install
            tool_depend = module_parser(filename, "TOOL_DEPEND")

            # grab repository location
            repository_location = module_parser(
                filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")

            # custom work for zaproxy
            if "zaproxy" in repository_location:
                repository_location = zaproxy()

            # here we check if we need to do x86 or x64
            if module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION") != "":
                # grab architecture
                arch_detect = arch()
                if "64bit" in arch_detect:
                    repository_location = module_parser(
                        filename, "X64_LOCATION")

            # grab install path
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
            module_split = module.split("/")
            module_split = module_split[1]
            install_location = os.path.expanduser(base_install + "/" + \
                module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/")

        while 1:

            # if we aren't doing update/install all
            if int(all_trigger) == 0:
                    prompt = input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC +
                                       "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
                except EOFError:
                    prompt = "back"

                # exit if we need to
                if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit":
                    return "None"

                # show the help menu
                if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

                # show modules
                if prompt == "show modules":
                        "In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

                # if we are using a module within a module we return our prompt
                if "use " in prompt:
                    return prompt

                # if we are searching for something
                if "search " in prompt:

                # options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
                # if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each
                # time
                if prompt.lower() == "show options":
                    print("Module options (%s):" % module)

                # if we are using a normal module
                if module != "modules/install_update_all":

                        bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author)
                        bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description)
                        bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " +
                          bcolors.ENDC + repository_location)
                        bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location)

                # if we are setting the command now
                if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
                    # need to grab the options
                    set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
                    # here we rewrite the options for the menu
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE":
                        install_type = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION":
                        repository_location = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION":
                        install_location = set_breakout[2]

            # tool depend is if there is a tool for example like veil that has a depend of Metasploit - can put TOOL_DEPEND = the tool or tools here
            if len(tool_depend) > 1:
                    if " " in tool_depend:
                        tool_depend = tool_depend.split(" ")
                        for tool in tool_depend: use_module(tool, "1")

                    elif "," in tool_depend:
                        tool_depend = tool_depend.split(",")
                        for tool in tool_depend: use_module(tool, "1")

                    else: use_module(tool_depend, "1")
                except: pass

            if int(all_trigger) == 1:
                prompt = "run"

            if int(all_trigger) == 2:
                prompt = "update"

            # if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do
            # an upgrade
            if prompt.lower() == "run":

                # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything
                # else

                if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        "Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
                    prompt = "update"
                        "Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
                    prompt = "install"

            # check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain
            # files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after
            # commands need to be run
            if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES":
                if prompt.lower() == "update":
                    prompt = "install"

            # if we are updating the tools
            if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):
                    # move to the location
                    if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        if install_type.lower() == "git":
                            print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)

                            # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                            # run after things are updated
                            update_counter = 0
                            if not "Already up-to-date." in proc.communicate():
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                update_counter = 1
                            else: print_status("Tool already up-to-date!")
                            print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

                            # run after commands
                            #if prompt != "update":
                            if update_counter == 0:
                                    after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                                "Updating the tool, be patient while svn pull is initiated.")
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (
                                install_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                            # here we do some funky stuff to store old
                            # revisions
                                if not os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                    filewrite = open(
                                        install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage", "w")

                                if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                    cmp = open(install_location +
                                               "/.goatsvn_storage", "r").read()
                                    # if we are at a new revision
                                    if cmp != proc.communicate()[0]:
                                        # change prompt to something other than
                                        # update
                                        prompt = "goat"
                                "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)

                            # run after commands
                            if prompt != "update":
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)

                        print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                        #macos has a different command for updatedb
                        if os_profile == "MACOS":
                            print('os is macos')
                            subprocess.Popen("/usr/libexec/locate.updatedb", shell=True).wait()
                        #    subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

                    if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                            "The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

            # if we want to install it
            if prompt.lower() == "install":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):

                    # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, FEDORA, CUSTOM, BSD!!!! WOW!!,
                    ostype = profile_os()
                    # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                    if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                            "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)

                        from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                            "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    # if OSTYPE is ARCHLINUX
                    if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                            "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                        from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        arch_modules = module_parser(filename, "ARCHLINUX")
                            "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    # if OSTYPE is FEDORA
                    if ostype == "FEDORA":
                            "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                        from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        fedora_modules = module_parser(filename, "FEDORA")
                            "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    # if OSTYPE is OPENBSD
                    if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                            "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                        from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        openbsd_modules = module_parser(filename, "OPENBSD")
                            "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                    # if OSTYPE is MACOS
                    if ostype == "MACOS":
                        print_status('Preparing dependencies for module: ' + module)
                        from src.platforms.macOS import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        macos_modules = module_parser(filename, "MACOS")
                            'Pre-reqs for %s have been installed.' % (module)

                        "Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                    subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" %
                                     install_location, shell=True).wait()

                    # if we are using git
                    if install_type.lower() == "git":
                        # if there are files in the install_location, we'll update.
                        if os.listdir(install_location):
                            print_status("Installation already exists, going to git pull then run after commands..")
                            subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            print_status("Finished updating the tool located in:" + install_location)
                            print_status("GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
                            print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using svn
                    if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                            "SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                        proc = subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (
                            repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using file
                    if install_type.lower() == "file":
                            "FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                        repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                        proc = subprocess.Popen('curl -k -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (
                            install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    # if we are using wget
                    if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                            "WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better than curl -l with recursive URLs.")
                        proc = subprocess.Popen(
                            "cd %s && wget -q %s" % (
                                install_location, repository_location),
                                                stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    print_status("Running updatedb to tidy everything up.")
                    subprocess.Popen("updatedb", shell=True).wait()

            # if we update all we need to break out until finished
            if int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(all_trigger) == 2:
def handle_prompt(prompt, force=False):
    # specify no commands, if counter increments then a command was found
    base_counter = 0

    # main help menu
    if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to exit out
    if prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit" or prompt == "back":
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to see the modules
    if prompt == "show modules":
        base_counter = 1

    # list new modules
    if prompt == "show new modules":
        base_counter = 1

    # inside joke
    if prompt == "install sleeves":
        print_error("Scott White? Sleeves? F Sleeves. Scott Rules.")
        base_counter = 1

    # search functionality here
    if prompt.startswith("search"):
        base_counter = 1

    # if we want to use a module
    if prompt.startswith("use"):
        base_counter = 1
        counter = 0
        prompt = prompt.split(" ")

        # do a quick sanity check to see if the module is there first
        if "install_update_all" in prompt[1]:
            counter = 3
                if not force:
                    install_query = input(
                        "[*] You are about to install/update everything. Proceed? [yes/no]:")
                    print("[*] You are about to install/update everything. Proceed? [yes/no]:yes")
                    install_query = "yes"
            except EOFError:
                install_query = "no"
            if install_query.lower() == "yes" or install_query.lower() == "y":

                # do auto update check first

                modules_path = definepath() + "/" + (prompt[1])[:-18]
                # base holder for all debian packages
                deb_modules = ""
                # base holder for all arch packages
                arch_modules = ""
                # base holder for all fedora packages
                fedora_modules = ""
                # base holder for all openbsd packages
                openbsd_modules = ""

                # first we install all depends for all applications
                    "We are going to first install all prereqs using apt before installing..")
                    "Cycling through modules and grabbing requirements...")

                for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
                    for name in files:
                            # join the structure
                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                        # strip un-needed files
                        if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename) and include_module(filename) and ".py" in filename and not ".pyc" in filename:
                            print("!!!***!!!installing deps for module: " + filename)
                            # shorten it up a little bit
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            # update depend modules
                            filename_short = str(filename_short)
                            ostype = profile_os()

                            if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    deb_modules = deb_modules + "," + module_parser(filename_short, "DEBIAN")

                            # archlinux
                            if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    arch_modules = ""
                                    arch_modules = arch_modules + "," + \
                                            filename_short, "ARCHLINUX")
                            # fedora
                            if ostype == "FEDORA":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    fedora_modules = fedora_modules + "," + \
                                        module_parser(filename_short, "FEDORA")
                            # openbsd
                            if ostype == "OPENSBD":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules + "," + \
                                            filename_short, "OPENBSD")

                # install all of the packages at once
                ostype = profile_os()

                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if deb_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                    arch_modules = arch_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if arch_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "FEDORA":
                    fedora_modules = fedora_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if fedora_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                    openbsd_modules = openbsd_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    if openbsd_modules != "":
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
                    for name in files:
                        # join the structure
                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                        if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename) and include_module(filename) and ".py" in filename and not ".pyc" in filename and not "install_update_all" in filename and not "__init__" in filename:
                            # strip un-needed files
                            # if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):
                            # shorten it up a little bit
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            filename_short = filename_short.replace(".py", "")
                            # check if empty directory - if so purge it before
                            # anything else
                            print_status("Installing and/or updating: " + filename_short)
                            # run the module for install
                            use_module(filename_short, "1")
                            # sleep a sec

                # clear the screen
                print ("\n")
                print (
                    """ _   _            _      _   _            ____  _                  _""")
                print (
                    """| | | | __ _  ___| | __ | |_| |__   ___  |  _ \| | __ _ _ __   ___| |_""")
                print (
                    """| |_| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / | __| '_ \ / _ \ | |_) | |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ __|""")
                print (
                    """|  _  | (_| | (__|   <  | |_| | | |  __/ |  __/| | (_| | | | |  __/ |_ """)
                print (
                    """|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\  \__|_| |_|\___| |_|   |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|\__|\n\n""")
                    "All finished installing/and or updating.. All shiny again.\n")

                    "Alright boss. Not installing right now. Tell me when. I want that shiny. I want it now.")

        if "update_installed" in prompt[1]:
            counter = 3
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            for dir in os.listdir(base_install): # ptes dir
            # ignore PTF directory
                if not 'ptf' == dir  and not os.path.isfile(dir):
                    for subdir in os.listdir(os.path.join(base_install, dir)): # module
                        # Ignore normal files
                        if not os.path.isfile(subdir):
                            module = "modules/%s/%s"%(dir,subdir)
                            # If the install file and install directory differ, search the correct file
                            if(not os.path.isfile(module + '.py')):
                                install_file = find_containing_file("modules/%s"%dir,subdir)
                                module = "modules/%s/%s"%(dir,install_file)
                            # Only update if we have an install file
                            if not 'None' in module:
                                print ("Updating %s") % module
                                use_module(module, 2)

        if os.path.isfile(definepath() + "/" + prompt[1] + ".py"):
            counter = 1

        if counter == 1:
            while 1:
                    module = use_module(prompt[1], "0")
                    if "use " in module:
                        prompt = module.split(" ")
                    else: break
                except Exception: break

        if counter == 0:
            print_error("Module name was not found, try retyping it again.")

    # if blanks are used
    if prompt == "":
        base_counter = 1

    if base_counter == 0:
            "Command was not found, try help or ? for more information.")
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            # update depend modules
                            ostype = profile_os()
                            if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                                if not "install_update_all" in filename_short:
                                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                                    # grab all the modules we need
                                    deb_modules = deb_modules + "," + module_parser(
                                        filename_short, "DEBIAN")

                # install all of the packages at once
                ostype = profile_os()
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
                    print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

                for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
                    for name in files:
                        # join the structure
                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                        # strip un-needed files
                        if not "__init__.py" in filename:
                            # shorten it up a little bit
                            filename_short = filename.replace(
                                os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                            filename_short = filename_short.replace(".py", "")
                            # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything else
                            print_status("Installing and/or updating: " +
	            			# strip un-needed files
	            			if not "__init__.py" in filename:
		                			# shorten it up a little bit
		                			filename_short = filename.replace(os.getcwd() + "/", "")
							# update depend modules
							ostype = profile_os()
							if ostype == "DEBIAN":
					                	from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    						# grab all the modules we need
                    						deb_modules = deb_modules + "," + module_parser(filename_short, "DEBIAN")

			# install all of the packages at once
			ostype = profile_os()
			if ostype == "DEBIAN":
				deb_modules = deb_modules.replace(",", " ")
	                    	print_status("Finished updating depends for modules.")

			for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(modules_path):
	                        for name in files:
                                        # join the structure
                                        filename = os.path.join(path, name)
                                        # strip un-needed files
                                        if not "__init__.py" in filename:
                                                        # shorten it up a little bit
                                                        filename_short = filename.replace(os.getcwd() + "/", "")
                                                        filename_short = filename_short.replace(".py", "")
                                                        print_status("Installing and/or updating: " + filename_short)
                                                        # run the module for install
                                                        use_module(filename_short, "1")
							# sleep a sec
文件: framework.py 项目: H1d3r/ptf
def use_module(module, all_trigger):
    prompt = ("")
    # if we aren't using all
    if not "install_update_all" in module and not "update_installed" in module and not "__init__" in module and not "custom_list" in module:
        # set terminal title
        set_title("ptf - %s" % module)
        # if we are using a normal module
        if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(all_trigger) == 2:
            filename = discover_module_filename(module)
            module = filename_to_module(filename)
            # grab the author
                author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")
            except TypeError:
                author = "Invalid"
            # grab the description
            description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")
            # grab install type
            install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")
            # if were are tool depends for other modules prior to install
            tool_depend = module_parser(filename, "TOOL_DEPEND")
            # Since unicorn requires metasploit to be installed in order to generate the payloads,
            # by default PTF will install or update metasploit.
            # Here it will ask what the user wants to do for if they already have msf installed
            # If they do, it will skip, else it will install
            if 'metasploit' in tool_depend and 'unicorn' in module:
                print_warning("Unicorn requires Metasploit Framework to be installed.")
                # Check if metasploit is installed
                if os.path.isdir("/opt/metasploit-framework/") or os.path.isdir("/usr/share/metasploit-framework/"):
                    print_info("Seems like you have Metasploit Framework already installed. Will skip installation.")
                    tool_depend = ""
                    #install_unicorn = input("Do you want to update metasploit? (y/n) (default is yes) ").lower()
                    # Do we want to update metasploit now or later
                    # If yes, then this will run as this part never existed
                    #if install_unicorn == 'y':
                    #    print_info("Once you enter run, update, install or upgrade I will install metasploit for you")
                    #    pass
                    # If we do not want to update, then it will skip metasploit update
                    #elif install_unicorn == 'n':
                    #    print_info("Skipping metasploit installation/update")
                    #    tool_depend = ""
			            # If we enter anything but 'y' or 'n', it will continue like normal
                        #print_info("No input detected. I will continue as normal and update metasploit")
		            # If metasploit is not installed, then we will run as this part never existed
                    print_warning("Metasploit Framework is NOT installed. Installing it for you..")
            # if the module path is wrong, throw a warning
                if not os.path.isfile(tool_depend + ".py"):
                    if len(tool_depend) > 1: print_warning("Tool depend: " + tool_depend + " not found. Ensure the module is pointing to a module location.")
            except TypeError: pass

            # grab repository location
            repository_location = module_parser(filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")

            # custom work for zaproxy
            if "zaproxy" in repository_location: repository_location = zaproxy()

            # here we check if we need to do x86 or x64
            if module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION") != "":
                # grab architecture
                arch_detect = arch()
                if "64bit" in arch_detect:
                    repository_location = module_parser(filename, "X64_LOCATION")

            # grab install path
            base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
            strorganize_dirs = check_config("USE_DIRECTORY_ORGANIZATION=")
            install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
            module_split = module.split("/")
            module_split = module_split[1]

            if strorganize_dirs == "False":
                organize_dirs = False
                # Default to True
                organize_dirs = True

            if bool(organize_dirs) == True: install_location = os.path.expanduser(base_install + "/" + module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/")
                install_location = base_install + "/" + install_base_location + "/"

        while 1:

            # if we aren't doing update/install all
            if int(all_trigger) == 0:
                    prompt = input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
                    info("Options after module has been chosen")
                except EOFError as eof:
                    prompt = "back"

                # exit if we need to
                if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit":
                    return "None"

                # show the help menu
                if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

                # show modules
                if prompt == "show modules": print_warning("In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

                # if we are using a module within a module we return our prompt
                if "use " in prompt:
                    return prompt

                # if we are searching for something
                if "search " in prompt:
                    if search(prompt):

                if prompt == "" or len(prompt) < 1:
                    print("[*] No prompt given, type help, back, show options, or run to proceed.")

                # if we are using a normal module
                if module != "modules/install_update_all":
                  if "show options" in prompt:

                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location)
                    print(bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location)

                # if we are setting the command now
                if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
                    # need to grab the options
                    set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
                    # here we rewrite the options for the menu
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE":
                        install_type = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION":
                        repository_location = set_breakout[2]
                    if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION":
                        install_location = set_breakout[2]

            # tool depend is if there is a tool for example like veil that has a depend of Metasploit - can put TOOL_DEPEND = the tool or tools here
            if not "show options" in prompt.lower():
                if len(tool_depend) > 1:
                        if " " in tool_depend:
                            tool_depend = tool_depend.split(" ")
                            for tool in tool_depend: use_module(tool, "1")

                        elif "," in tool_depend:
                            tool_depend = tool_depend.split(",")
                            for tool in tool_depend: use_module(tool, "1")

                            use_module(tool_depend, "1")
                    except: pass

                if len(tool_depend) < 1:
                        if int(all_trigger) == 1:
                            prompt = "run"

                        if int(all_trigger) == 2:
                            prompt = "update"

            # if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do
            # an upgrade
            if prompt.lower() == "run":

                # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything
                # else

                if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                    print_status("Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
                    prompt = "update"
                    print_status("Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
                    prompt = "install"

            def log_output():
                # Log proc output into the log file
                def check_io():
                    output = ""
                    while True:
                        output = proc.stdout.readline().decode()
                        output = output.replace("\n","")
                        if output:
                    if output != "":
                        while proc.poll() is None:

            # check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain
            # files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after
            # commands need to be run
            if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES":
                if prompt.lower() == "update":
                    prompt = "install"
            # if we are updating the tools
            if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):
                    # move to the location
                    if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        if install_type.lower() == "git":
                            msg = "Updating %s, be patient while git pull is initiated" % module
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                            output = (proc.communicate()[0]).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)
                            # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                            # run after things are updated
                            update_counter = 0
                            if not "Already up-to-date." in proc.communicate():
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                update_counter = 1
                                print_status("Tool already up-to-date!")
                                log("Tool already up-to-date")
                            msg = "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + install_location
                            # run after commands
                            if update_counter == 0:
                                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                        if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                           if pexpect_check == 0:
                                print("[!] You can't use gitlab features unless you install pexpect. Please install pexpect in order to use these features. Install option: pip install python-pexpect.")
                            print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                            proc = pexpect.spawn('git -C %s pull' % (install_location))
                            proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)
                            # here we check to see if we need anything we need to
                            # run after things are updated
                            update_counter = 0
                            i = proc.expect(['Already up-to-date!', pexpect.EOF])
                            if i == 1:
                                after_commands(filename, install_location)
                                update_counter = 1
                            elif i == 0:
                                print_status("Tool already up-to-date!")
                            print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                            # run after commands
                            if update_counter == 0:
                                    after_commands(filename, install_location)
                        if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                            print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while svn pull is initiated.")
                            proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (install_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                            # here we do some funky stuff to store old
                            # revisions
                                if not os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                    filewrite = open(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage", "w")
                                if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/.goatsvn_storage"):
                                    cmp = open(install_location +
                                               "/.goatsvn_storage", "r").read()
                                    # if we are at a new revision
                                    if cmp != proc.communicate()[0]:
                                        # change prompt to something other than
                                        # update
                                        prompt = "goat"
                            print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                            # check launcher
                            launcher(filename, install_location)
                            # run after commands
                            if prompt != "update": after_commands(filename, install_location)

                    if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                        print_error("The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")
            # if we want to install it
            if prompt.lower() == "install":
                # if we are using ignore modules then don't process
                if not "__init__.py" in filename and not ignore_module(filename):
                    # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, FEDORA, CUSTOM, BSD!!!! WOW!!,
                    ostype = profile_os()
                    # Global msg for below preparing dependencies for module
                    msg_prep_dpns = "Preparing dependencies for module: " + module
                    msg_prep_reqs = "Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % module
                    # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                    if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                        from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    # if OSTYPE is ARCHLINUX
                    if ostype == "ARCHLINUX":
                        from src.platforms.archlinux import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        arch_modules = module_parser(filename, "ARCHLINUX")
                    # if OSTYPE is FEDORA
                    if ostype == "FEDORA":
                        from src.platforms.fedora import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        fedora_modules = module_parser(filename, "FEDORA")
                    # if OSTYPE is OPENBSD
                    if ostype == "OPENBSD":
                        from src.platforms.openbsd import base_install_modules
                        # grab all the modules we need
                        openbsd_modules = module_parser(filename, "OPENBSD")

                    msg = "Making the appropriate directory structure first"
                    subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location, shell=True).wait()
                    # if we are using git
                    if install_type.lower() in ["git","gitlab"]:
                        # if there are files in the install_location, we'll update.
                        if os.listdir(install_location):
                            msg = "Installation already exists, going to git pull then run after commands.."
                            if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                                proc = pexpect.spawn('git -C %s pull' % (install_location))
                                proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)
                                subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()

                            msg = "Finished updating the tool located in:" + install_location
                            msg = "%s was the selected method for installation... Using %s to install." % (install_type.upper(), install_type.upper())
                            print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                            info("Installing now.. be patient...")
                            if install_type.lower() == "gitlab":
                                proc = pexpect.spawn('git clone --depth=1 %s %s' % (repository_location, install_location))
                                proc.sendline('%s' % password_gitlab)
                                proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone --depth=1 %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            msg = "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                    # if we are using svn
                    if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                        print_status("SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                        subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (
                            repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                            "Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    # if we are using file
                    if install_type.lower() == "file":
                        print_status("FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                        repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                        subprocess.Popen('curl -k -L -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (
                            install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    # if we are using wget
                    if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                        print_status("WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better than curl -l with recursive URLs.")
                        subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, repository_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                        launcher(filename, install_location)
                        after_commands(filename, install_location)
                    # if we are using tags
                    if install_type.lower() == "tags":
                        print_status("GitHub TAGS method used, will pull the latest version of the tool/project and download each time.")
                        owner = module_parser(filename, "OWNER")
                        repo = module_parser(filename,  "REPOHOME")
                        repo_filename = module_parser(filename, "FILENAME")
                        download_url = get_latest_tag(owner, repo, repo_filename)
                        print("Latest version found: " + download_url)
                        print("Pulling latest version from GitHub tags...")
                        subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, download_url), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                        print_status("Finished installation! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)

            # if we update all we need to break out until finished
            if int(all_trigger) == 1 or int(all_trigger) == 2:
文件: framework.py 项目: kussic/ptf
def use_module(module, all_trigger):

  # if we aren't using all
  if not "install_update_all" in module:

    # if we are using a normal module
    if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1:
	        filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"
	        # grab the author
		        author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")
		except TypeError: author = "Invalid"
	        # grab the description
	        description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")
		# grab install type
	        install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

	        # grab repository location
	        repository_location = module_parser(filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")
	        # grab install path
	        base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
	        install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
	        module_split = module.split("/")
	        module_split = module_split[1]
	        install_location = base_install + "/" + module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/"
    while 1:

	# if we aren't doing update/install all
	if int(all_trigger) == 0:
	        prompt = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
	        # exit if we need to
	        if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit": break
	        # show the help menu
	        if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

	        if prompt == "show modules": print_warning("In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

		# if we are searching for something
		if "search " in prompt: search(prompt)

        	# options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
        	# if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each time
        	if prompt.lower() == "show options":
        		print "Module options (%s):" % module

            	# if we are using a normal module
            	if module != "modules/install_update_all":
                	print "\n\n"
			print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        	# if we are setting the command now
        	if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
        		# need to grab the options
            		set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
            		# here we rewrite the options for the menu          
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE": install_type = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION": repository_location = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION": install_location = set_breakout[2]

	if int(all_trigger) == 1: prompt = "run"

	# if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do an upgrade
	if prompt.lower() == "run":

	        # check if empty directory - if so purge it before anything else

		if os.path.isdir(install_location):
			print_status("Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
			prompt = "update"
			print_status("Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
			prompt = "install"

	# check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after commands need to be run
        if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES": 
		if prompt.lower() == "update":
	        	prompt = "install"

        # if we are updating the tools
        if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":

            # move to the location
            if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

		    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":
			    # special metasploit voodoo needed here
		    	    if os.path.isfile(install_location + "/msfconsole"):
				cwd = os.getcwd()
				print_status("Needing to perform special Metasploit voodoo to get launcher to work.. Wait for another bundle install...")
				subprocess.Popen("cd /%s;bundle install;rm -rf /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.*/bin/msf*" % (install_location), shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Sacrifice to the ruby Gods complete. MSF should now work outside of the msf directory structure..")

                    # check launcher
		    launcher(filename, install_location)
                    # special for Metasploit
	            if "metasploit" in filename:
			if prompt == "update":
				print_status("Ensuring libgmp-dev is installed for ffi...")
				subprocess.Popen("apt-get --force-yes -y install libgmp-dev", shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Updating gem packages for Metasploit....")
				subprocess.Popen("cd %s;bundle update;bundle install" % (install_location), shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Killing ruby gem launchers as this breaks launchers...")
				subprocess.Popen("rm /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.*/bin/msf*", shell=True).wait()
				print_status("Finished updating Metasploit.... Enjoy!")

                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":

		    # check launcher
		    launcher(filename, install_location)		

            if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                print_error("The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

        # if we want to install it
        if prompt.lower() == "install":

                # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, CUSTOM, ETC
                ostype = profile_os()

                # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                print_status("Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location, shell=True).wait()

                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
		    print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)

		# if we are using svn
                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)

	        # if we are using file
                if install_type.lower() == "file":
                    print_status("FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                    repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                    proc = subprocess.Popen('curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)                        

                # if we are using wget
                if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                    print_status("WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better that curl -l with Sourceforge.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, repository_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
		    launcher(filename, install_location)                        

	# if we update all we need to break out until finished
	if int(all_trigger) == 1: break	
文件: framework.py 项目: psc4re/ptf
def use_module(module, all_trigger):

    # if we are using a normal module
    if int(all_trigger) == 0 or int(all_trigger) == 1:
        filename = definepath() + "/" + module + ".py"

        # grab the author
	        author = module_parser(filename, "AUTHOR")

	except TypeError: author = "Invalid"

        # grab the description
        description = module_parser(filename, "DESCRIPTION")

        # grab install type
        install_type = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_TYPE")

        # grab repository location
        repository_location = module_parser(filename, "REPOSITORY_LOCATION")

        # grab install path
        base_install = check_config("BASE_INSTALL_PATH=")
        install_base_location = module_parser(filename, "INSTALL_LOCATION")
        module_split = module.split("/")
        module_split = module_split[1]
        install_location = base_install + "/" + module_split + "/" + install_base_location + "/"

    while 1:

	# if we aren't doing update/install all
	if int(all_trigger) == 0:
	        prompt = raw_input(bcolors.BOLD + "ptf:" + bcolors.ENDC + "(" + bcolors.RED + "%s" % module + bcolors.ENDC + ")>")
	        # exit if we need to
	        if prompt == "back" or prompt == "quit" or prompt == "exit": break
	        # show the help menu
	        if prompt == "?" or prompt == "help":

	        if prompt == "show modules": print_warning("In order to show modules, you must type 'back' first")

		# if we are searchign for something
		if "search " in prompt: search(prompt)

        	# options menu - was a choice here to load upon initial load of dynamically pull each time
        	# if changes are made, it makes sense to keep it loading each time
        	if prompt.lower() == "show options":
        		print "Module options (%s):" % module

            	# if we are using a normal module
            	if module != "modules/install_update_all":
                	print "\n\n"
			print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Author:         " + bcolors.ENDC + author
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "Module Description:    " + bcolors.ENDC + description
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_TYPE:           " + bcolors.ENDC + install_type 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "REPOSITORY_LOCATION:    " + bcolors.ENDC + repository_location 
                	print bcolors.BOLD + "INSTALL_LOCATION:       " + bcolors.ENDC + install_location
                	print "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

        	# if we are setting the command now
        	if prompt.lower().startswith("set"):
        		# need to grab the options
            		set_breakout = prompt.split(" ")
            		# here we rewrite the options for the menu          
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_TYPE": install_type = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "REPOSITORY_LOCATION": repository_location = set_breakout[2]
            		if set_breakout[1].upper() == "INSTALL_LOCATION": install_location = set_breakout[2]

	if int(all_trigger) == 1: prompt = "run"

	# if we are using run, check first to see if its there, if so, do an upgrade
	if prompt.lower() == "run":
		if os.path.isdir(install_location):
			print_status("Detected installation already. Going to upgrade for you.")
			prompt = "update"
			print_status("Tool not installed yet, will run through install routine")
			prompt = "install"

	# check to see if we need to bypass after commands for certain files - this is needed when using FILE and others where after commands need to be run
        if module_parser(filename, "BYPASS_UPDATE") == "YES": 
        	prompt = "install"

        # if we are updating the tools
        if prompt.lower() == "update" or prompt.lower() == "upgrade":

            # move to the location
            if os.path.isdir(install_location):
                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;git pull" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))

		    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":

                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("Updating the tool, be patient while git pull is initiated.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s;svn update" % (install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool installed under: " + (install_location))
                    # run after commands
		    if prompt != "update":

            if not os.path.isdir(install_location):
                print_error("The tool was not found in the install location. Try running install first!")

        # if we want to install it
        if prompt.lower() == "install":
                # grab the OS type, DEBIAN, CUSTOM, ETC
                ostype = profile_os()

                # if OSTYPE is DEBIAN
                if ostype == "DEBIAN":
                    print_status("Preparing dependencies for module: " + module)
                    from src.platforms.debian import base_install_modules
                    # grab all the modules we need
                    deb_modules = module_parser(filename, "DEBIAN")
                    print_status("Pre-reqs for %s have been installed." % (module))

                print_status("Making the appropriate directory structure first")
                subprocess.Popen("mkdir -p %s" % install_location, shell=True).wait()

                if install_type.lower() == "git":
                    print_status("GIT was the selected method for installation... Using GIT to install.")
		    print_status("Installing now.. be patient...")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("git clone %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)

		# if we are using svn
                if install_type.lower() == "svn":
                    print_status("SVN was the selected method for installation... Using SVN to install.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("svn co %s %s" % (repository_location, install_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)

	        # if we are using file
                if install_type.lower() == "file":
                    print_status("FILE was the selected method for installation... Using curl -o to install.")
                    repository_file = repository_location.split("/")[-1]
                    proc = subprocess.Popen('curl -A "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30" -o %s%s %s' % (install_location, repository_file, repository_location), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
                # if we are using wget
                if install_type.lower() == "wget":
                    print_status("WGET was the selected method for installation because it plays better that curl -l with Sourceforge.")
                    proc = subprocess.Popen("cd %s && wget -q %s" % (install_location, repository_location), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                    print_status("Finished Installing! Enjoy the tool located under: " + install_location)
	# if we update all we need to break out until finished
	if int(all_trigger) == 1: break