def test_playfield(self):
        """.playfield should return the Cell's playfield and reject assignment."""
        pf = PlayField(2, 3)
        c = pf.get_cell(1, 2)
        assert c.playfield is pf

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            c.playfield = PlayField(5, 5)
    def test_position(self):
        """.position should return an (x, y) tuple of ints and reject assignment."""
        pf = PlayField(5, 5)
        c = pf.get_cell(x=2, y=3)

        assert c.position == (2, 3)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            # Should not accept reassignment of .position
            c.position = 2, 2
    def test_tick(self):
        """Ticking the playfield should tick entities within it."""
        mob = Mobile(size=4, sigil=Sigil("X"), base_move_cost=50)
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)
        mob.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        a = mob.cooldown
        b = mob.cooldown

        assert a > b
        assert a == b + 1
    def test_get_cells(self):
        """Method should return a List of Cell objects, and if a range,
        is specified, should only return the specified selection."""
        pf = PlayField(5, 5)

        # Total cells in a 5x5 field should be 25
        all_cells = pf.get_cells()
        assert len(all_cells) == 25

        assert len(pf.get_cells([(2, 4), (1, 1), (2, 3)])) == 3
        assert sum(
            map(lambda x: isinstance(x, Cell),
                pf.get_cells([(2, 4), (1, 1), (2, 3)])))
    def test_shape(self):
        """Getter should return (width, height) and .shape should reject assignment."""
        pf = PlayField(width=9, height=4)
        assert pf.shape == (9, 4)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            pf.width = 2

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            pf.height = 3

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            pf.shape = (2, 3)
    def test_playfield(self):
        ent = Entity(size=5, sigil=Sigil("4"))
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        assert isinstance(ent.playfield, PlayField)
        assert ent in pf.entities
    def test_drawables(self):
        ent1 = Static(4, Sigil("X", priority=4))
        ent2 = Entity(3, Sigil("y"))
        ent3 = Entity(3, Sigil("z"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        ent1.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 0, pf)

        # Extract the characters from the resulting dicts for comparison
        chars = [row["character"] for row in pf.drawables()]

        # The high priority X should render, and not the lower priority y
        assert "X" in chars
        assert "y" not in chars
 def get_playfield(self, interface, player_character: Mobile):
     """Instantiates a new Playfield using the topography and entities generated by this class."""
     height, width = self.walls.shape
     return PlayField(width=width, height=height,
    def test_cell(self):
        """Test getter and setter for parent cell"""
        ent = Entity(size=5, sigil=Sigil("4"))
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 3, pf)

        assert isinstance(ent.cell, Cell)
        assert ent in ent._parent_cell.contents
    def test_sigils(self):
        # Test that .sigils returns the highest priority sigils in a cell
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent = Entity(4, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Entity(4, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(4, Sigil("C", priority=2))

        # Introduce three passable entities, one with a lower priority
        ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        sigs: List[Sigil] = pf.get_cell(2, 2).sigils

        # Assert that the two highest, but not the one lowest, are returned by .sigil
        assert ent.sigil in sigs
        assert ent2.sigil in sigs
        assert ent3.sigil not in sigs
    def test_entities(self):
        """Tests .entities, which returns a list of all entities in the field."""
        e1 = Mobile(4, Sigil("A"))
        e2 = Entity(4, Sigil("B"))
        e3 = Static(4, Sigil("C"))
        pf = PlayField(10, 10)

        e1.introduce_at(1, 2, pf)
        e2.introduce_at(5, 3, pf)
        e3.introduce_at(9, 5, pf)

        assert e1 in pf.entities
        assert e2 in pf.entities
        assert e3 in pf.entities

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            # Rejects assignment.
            pf.entities = [e2]
    def test_statics(self):
        """Create three entities, of which only one is a static should appear alone in .statics."""
        ent1 = Static(2, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Mobile(3, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(4, Sigil("C"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        ent1.introduce_at(0, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 1, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)

        assert ent1 in pf.statics
        assert ent2 not in pf.statics
        assert ent3 not in pf.statics

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            # Reject assignment
            pf.statics = [ent1]
    def test_passable(self):
        """Should be passable if no entity in the cell has .passable=False"""
        ent1 = Entity(4, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Entity(3, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(3, Sigil("C"))

        pf = PlayField(3, 3)
        ent1.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        c: Cell = pf.get_cell(2, 2)
        assert c.passable

        # Making any of the contents impassible should make the cell impassable
        ent2.passable = False
        assert not c.passable

        assert c.passable
 def new_playfield(self, width: int, height: int,
                   contents: Optional[List[Tuple[int, int, Entity]]] = [],
                   player_character: Optional[Entity] = None,
                   player_spawn: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None):
     """Replace the current playfield in this interface with a new one using specified parameters."""
     pf = PlayField(width=width,
                    contents=[ent for ent in contents],
     self._pf = pf
    def test_passable(self):
        """Test getter and setter for passable"""
        ent = Entity(size=6, sigil=Sigil("r"))
        assert ent.passable  # Entities are passable by default
        ent.passable = False
        assert not ent.passable

        ent2 = Entity(size=3, sigil=Sigil("q"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        # Test that movement is blocked when destination contains an impassable entity
        ent.introduce_at(1, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        ent2.move_to(1, 2)
        assert ent2.position == (2, 2)
 def test_unhappy_path_init(self):
     # Make sure it raises exceptions when given invalid arguments
     with self.assertRaises(Exception):
         sad = PlayField(2, -5)
    def test_happy_path_init(self):
        pf = PlayField(5, 7)

        assert pf.width == 5
        assert pf.height == 7
    def test_position(self):
        ent = _get_demo_entity()
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        assert ent.playfield is pf
 def test_move_to(self):
     ent = _get_demo_entity()
     pf = PlayField(4, 4)
     ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
     ent.move_to(2, 3)
     assert ent.position == (2, 3)
    def test_introduce_at(self):
        ent = _get_demo_entity()
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 3, pf)

        assert ent in pf.entities