def test_unzip (self) : pat = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (os.path.split (__file__) [0], "temp_zip22")) patl = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (os.path.split (__file__) [0], "temp_zip22log")) fLOG (__file__, self._testMethodName, OutputPrint = __name__ == "__main__", LogPath = patl) if not os.path.exists(pat): os.mkdir(pat) z = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (os.path.split (__file__) [0], "data", "")) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) assert os.path.exists (os.path.join (pat, "test_file_nrt.txt")) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) z = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (os.path.split (__file__) [0], "data", "test_log_nrt.gz")) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) assert os.path.exists (os.path.join (pat, "test_log_nrt.txt")) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) fLOG("A") z = os.path.abspath(os.path.join (os.path.split (__file__) [0], "data", "")) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) fLOG("B") f = os.path.join (pat, "tsv_error__.txt") if not os.path.exists (f): raise FileNotFoundError(f) f = os.path.join (pat, "tsv_file__.txt") if not os.path.exists (f): raise FileNotFoundError(f) fLOG("C ** ",z) unz = unzip (z, path_unzip = pat) fLOG("***",unz) assert len(unz)>0 fLOG("D") r = removedirs (pat, silent = True) if len (r) > 1 : raise Exception("pattern: " + pat + "\n" + "\n".join(r))
def test_full_documentation (self) : fLOG (__file__, self._testMethodName, OutputPrint = __name__ == "__main__") path = os.path.split(__file__)[0] temp = os.path.join(path, "temp_doc") if os.path.exists (temp) : removedirs(temp) assert not os.path.exists(temp) os.mkdir(temp) file = os.path.join(path, "..", "..", "..", "pyquickhelper") fLOG(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(file))) assert os.path.exists(file) sysp = os.path.join(file, "_doc", "sphinxdoc","source") assert os.path.exists(sysp) sys.path.insert (0,sysp) del sys.path [0] synchronize_folder (sysp, temp, filter = lambda c: "__pycache__" not in c and "pyquickhelper" not in c) shutil.copy(os.path.join(file, "README.rst"), temp) # copy the files project_var_name = "pyquickhelper" issues = [ ] store_obj = { } utils_sphinx_doc.prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation ( store_obj, file, temp, subfolders = [ ("src/" + project_var_name, project_var_name), ], silent = True, rootrep = ("_doc.sphinxdoc.source.%s." % (project_var_name,), ""), optional_dirs = [], mapped_function = [ (".*[.]tohelp$", None) ], issues = issues) fLOG("end of prepare_file_for_sphinx_help_generation") files = [ #os.path.join(temp, "index_ext-tohelp.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "index_function.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "glossary.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "index_class.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "index_module.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "index_property.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "index_method.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "all_example.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "all_example_otherpageofexamples.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "all_FAQ.rst"), os.path.join(temp, "all_example_pagewithanaccentinthetitle.rst"), ] for f in files : if not os.path.exists(f) : raise FileNotFoundError(f + "\nabspath: " + os.path.abspath(f)) if "all_example_otherpageofexamples" in f : with open(f, "r", encoding="utf8") as ff : content = if "This example is exactly the same as the previous" not in content: raise Exception("file " + f + " is empty:\n" + content) if "all_example_pagewithanaccentinthetitle" in f : with open(f, "r", encoding="utf8") as ff : content = if "Same page with an accent." not in content: raise Exception("file " + f + " is empty:\n" + content) with open(os.path.join(temp, "all_FAQ.rst"), "r") as f : contentf = assert "How to activate the logs?" in contentf assert "_le-" not in contentf assert "_lf-" not in contentf assert "__!LI!NE!__" not in contentf with open(files[0],"r",encoding="utf8") as f : for f in ["fix_incomplete_references"] : func = [ _ for _ in issues if _[0] == f and "" not in _[1]] if len(func) > 0 : fLOG(func) mes = "\n".join ( [_[1] for _ in func ]) stk = [ ] for k,v in store_obj.items () : if isinstance(v,list) : for o in v : stk.append ( "storedl %s=%s " % (k,o.rst_link()) ) else : stk.append ( "stored %s=%s " % (k,v.rst_link()) ) mes += "\nstored:\n" + "\n".join ( sorted(stk)) raise Exception("issues detected for function " + f + "\n" + mes) exclude = os.path.join(temp, "pyquickhelper","helpgen","") with open(exclude, "r") as f : content = assert "### # -- HELP END EXCLUDE --" not in content assert "### class useless_class_UnicodeStringIOThreadSafe (str) :" not in content assert '### elif strow.startswith("@ingroup") :' in content