def _get_underground_trending(args, strategy): db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id", None) limit, offset = args.get("limit"), args.get("offset") key = make_underground_trending_cache_key(strategy.version) (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, None, make_get_unpopulated_tracks(session, redis, strategy)) # Apply limit + offset early to reduce the amount of # population work we have to do if limit is not None and offset is not None: track_ids = track_ids[offset:limit + offset] tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user sorted_tracks = list(map(extend_track, sorted_tracks)) return sorted_tracks
def _get_underground_trending_with_session( session: Session, args: GetUndergroundTrendingTrackcArgs, strategy, use_request_context=True, ): current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id", None) limit, offset = args.get("limit"), args.get("offset") key = make_underground_trending_cache_key(strategy.version) (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, None, make_get_unpopulated_tracks(session, redis_conn, strategy) ) # Apply limit + offset early to reduce the amount of # population work we have to do if limit is not None and offset is not None: track_ids = track_ids[offset : limit + offset] tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track["track_id"]: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id, use_request_context) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track["owner_id"]] if user: track["user"] = user sorted_tracks = list(map(extend_track, sorted_tracks)) return sorted_tracks
def get_trending_tracks(args, strategy): """Gets trending by getting the currently cached tracks and then populating them.""" db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: current_user_id, genre, time = args.get("current_user_id"), args.get( "genre"), args.get("time", "week") time_range = "week" if time not in ["week", "month", "year"] else time key = make_trending_cache_key(time_range, genre, strategy.version) # Will try to hit cached trending from task, falling back # to generating it here if necessary and storing it with no TTL (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, None, make_generate_unpopulated_trending(session, genre, time_range, strategy)) # populate track metadata tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return sorted_tracks
def get_top_followee_windowed(type, window, args): if type != "track": raise exceptions.ArgumentError( "Invalid type provided, must be one of 'track'") valid_windows = ["week", "month", "year"] if not window or window not in valid_windows: raise exceptions.ArgumentError( f"Invalid window provided, must be one of {valid_windows}") limit = args.get("limit", 25) current_user_id = args.get("user_id") db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: followee_user_ids = session.query(Follow.followee_user_id).filter( Follow.follower_user_id == current_user_id, Follow.is_current == True, Follow.is_delete == False, ) followee_user_ids_subquery = followee_user_ids.subquery() # Queries for tracks joined against followed users and counts tracks_query = ( session.query(Track, ).join( followee_user_ids_subquery, Track.owner_id == followee_user_ids_subquery.c.followee_user_id, ).join(AggregateTrack, Track.track_id == AggregateTrack.track_id). filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, # Query only tracks created `window` time ago (week, month, etc.) Track.created_at >= text(f"NOW() - interval '1 {window}'"), ).order_by( desc(AggregateTrack.repost_count + AggregateTrack.save_count), desc(Track.track_id), ).limit(limit)) tracks_query_results = tracks_query.all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks_query_results) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) # Bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list) for track in tracks: user = users[track["owner_id"]] if user: track["user"] = user return tracks
def get_top_followee_saves(saveType, args): if saveType != 'track': raise exceptions.ArgumentError( "Invalid type provided, must be one of 'track'") limit = args.get('limit', 25) current_user_id = get_current_user_id() db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: # Construct a subquery of all followees followee_user_ids = (session.query(Follow.followee_user_id).filter( Follow.follower_user_id == current_user_id, Follow.is_current == True, Follow.is_delete == False)) followee_user_ids_subquery = followee_user_ids.subquery() # Construct a subquery of all saves from followees aggregated by id save_count = (session.query( Save.save_item_id, func.count(Save.save_item_id).label( response_name_constants.save_count)).join( followee_user_ids_subquery, Save.user_id == followee_user_ids_subquery.c.followee_user_id).filter( Save.is_current == True, Save.is_delete == False, Save.save_type == saveType, ).group_by(Save.save_item_id).order_by( desc(response_name_constants.save_count)).limit(limit)) save_count_subquery = save_count.subquery() # Query for tracks joined against followee save counts tracks_query = (session.query(Track, ).join( save_count_subquery, Track.track_id == save_count_subquery.c.save_item_id).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, )) tracks_query_results = tracks_query.all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks_query_results) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track['track_id'], tracks)) # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get('with_users', False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list) for track in tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return tracks
def get_playlist_tracks(args): playlists = [] current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") limit = args.get("limit") offset = args.get("offset") db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: try: playlist_id = args.get("playlist_id") playlist = ( session .query(Playlist) .filter( Playlist.is_current == True, Playlist.playlist_id == playlist_id ) .first() ) if playlist is None: return None playlist_track_ids = [track_id['track'] for track_id in playlist.playlist_contents['track_ids']] if limit and offset: playlist_track_ids = playlist_track_ids[offset:offset+limit] playlist_tracks = ( session .query(Track) .filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.track_id.in_(playlist_track_ids) ) .all() ) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(playlist_tracks) tracks = populate_track_metadata( session, playlist_track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_dict = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} playlist_tracks = [] for track_id in playlist_track_ids: playlist_tracks.append(tracks_dict[track_id]) return playlist_tracks except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: pass return playlists
def _get_user_listening_history(session: Session, args: GetUserListeningHistoryArgs): user_id = args["user_id"] current_user_id = args["current_user_id"] limit = args["limit"] offset = args["offset"] if user_id != current_user_id: return [] listening_history_results = (session.query( UserListeningHistory.listening_history).filter( UserListeningHistory.user_id == current_user_id)).scalar() if not listening_history_results: return [] # add query pagination listening_history_results = listening_history_results[offset:offset + limit] track_ids = [] listen_dates = [] for listen in listening_history_results: track_ids.append(listen["track_id"]) listen_dates.append(listen["timestamp"]) track_results = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.track_id.in_(track_ids))).all() track_results_dict = { track_result.track_id: track_result for track_result in track_results } # sort tracks in listening history order sorted_track_results = [] for track_id in track_ids: if track_id in track_results_dict: sorted_track_results.append(track_results_dict[track_id]) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(sorted_track_results) # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) for idx, track in enumerate(tracks): track[response_name_constants.activity_timestamp] = listen_dates[idx] return tracks
def get_trending_tracks(args): limit, offset, current_user_id = args.get("limit"), args.get( "offset"), args.get("current_user_id") db = get_db_read_replica() time = args.get('time') query_time = None if time not in ["day", "week", "month", "year"] else time with db.scoped_session() as session: def get_unpopulated_trending(): trending_tracks = generate_trending(session, query_time, args.get('genre', None), limit, offset) track_scores = [ z(time, track) for track in trending_tracks['listen_counts'] ] sorted_track_scores = sorted(track_scores, key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True) track_ids = [track['track_id'] for track in sorted_track_scores] tracks = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, track_ids) return (tracks, track_ids) # get scored trending tracks, either # through cached redis value, or through `get_unpopulated_trending` cache_keys = {"genre": args.get("genre"), "time": args.get("time")} key = extract_key(f"generated-trending:{request.path}", cache_keys.items()) (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache(key, SCORES_CACHE_DURATION_SEC, get_unpopulated_trending) # populate track metadata tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return sorted_tracks
def get_tracks(): tracks = [] db = get_db() with db.scoped_session() as session: # Create initial query base_query = session.query(Track) base_query = base_query.filter(Track.is_current == True) # Conditionally process an array of tracks if "id" in request.args: # Retrieve argument from flask request object # Ensures empty parameters are not processed track_id_str_list = request.args.getlist("id") track_id_list = [] try: track_id_list = [int(y) for y in track_id_str_list] # Update query with track_id list base_query = base_query.filter( Track.track_id.in_(track_id_list)) except ValueError as e: logger.error("Invalid value found in track id list", exc_info=True) raise e # Allow filtering of tracks by a certain creator if "user_id" in request.args: user_id = request.args.get("user_id", type=int) base_query = base_query.filter(Track.owner_id == user_id) if "min_block_number" in request.args: min_block_number = request.args.get("min_block_number", type=int) base_query = base_query.filter( Track.blocknumber >= min_block_number) whitelist_params = [ 'created_at', 'create_date', 'release_date', 'blocknumber', 'track_id' ] base_query = parse_sort_param(base_query, Track, whitelist_params) query_results = paginate_query(base_query).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(query_results) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) return api_helpers.success_response(tracks)
def search_track_tags(session, args): """ Gets the tracks with a given tag Args: session: sqlalchemy db session instance args: dict of arguments args.search_str: string the tag search string args.current_user_id: id | null The user id making the query args.limit: number the query limit of number of returns tracks args.offset: number the query offset for results Returns: list of tracks sorted by play count """ track_ids = (session.query(TagTrackUserMatview.track_id).filter( TagTrackUserMatview.tag == args["search_str"].lower()).all()) # track_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list track_ids = [i[0] for i in track_ids] tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(track_ids), ).all()) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_play_counts = get_track_play_counts(session, track_ids) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, args["current_user_id"]) for track in tracks: track_id = track["track_id"] track[response_name_constants.play_count] = track_play_counts.get( track_id, 0) play_count_sorted_tracks = sorted( tracks, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.play_count], reverse=True) # Add pagination parameters to track and user results play_count_sorted_tracks = play_count_sorted_tracks[slice( args["offset"], args["offset"] + args["limit"], 1)] return play_count_sorted_tracks
def get_save_tracks(args): user_id = args.get("user_id") current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") limit = args.get("limit") offset = args.get("offset") filter_deleted = args.get("filter_deleted") db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: base_query = (session.query(Track, Save.created_at).join( Save, Save.save_item_id == Track.track_id).filter( Track.is_current == True, Save.user_id == user_id, Save.is_current == True, Save.is_delete == False, Save.save_type == SaveType.track, )) # Allow filtering of deletes if filter_deleted: base_query = base_query.filter(Track.is_delete == False) base_query = base_query.order_by(Save.created_at.desc(), Track.track_id.desc()) query_results = add_query_pagination(base_query, limit, offset).all() if not query_results: return [] tracks, save_dates = zip(*query_results) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in tracks: user = users[track["owner_id"]] if user: track["user"] = user for idx, track in enumerate(tracks): track[response_name_constants.activity_timestamp] = save_dates[idx] return tracks
def get_remix_track_parents(args): """Fetch remix parents for a given track. Args: args:dict args.track_id: track id args.limit: limit args.offset: offset args.with_users: with users args.current_user_id: current user ID """ track_id = args.get("track_id") current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") limit = args.get("limit") offset = args.get("offset") db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: def get_unpopulated_remix_parents(): base_query = ( session.query(Track) .join( Remix, and_( Remix.parent_track_id == Track.track_id, Remix.child_track_id == track_id, ), ) .filter(Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False) .order_by(desc(Track.created_at), desc(Track.track_id)) ) tracks = add_query_pagination(base_query, limit, offset).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids) key = make_cache_key(args) (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, UNPOPULATED_REMIX_PARENTS_CACHE_DURATION_SEC, get_unpopulated_remix_parents, ) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) return tracks
def get_trending_tracks(args): (limit, offset) = get_pagination_vars() current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) db = get_db_read_replica() time = args.get('time') # Identity understands allTime as millennium. # TODO: Change this in query_time = time if time == 'allTime': query_time = 'millennium' with db.scoped_session() as session: trending_tracks = generate_trending(get_db_read_replica(), query_time, args.get('genre', None), limit, offset) track_scores = [ z(time, track) for track in trending_tracks['listen_counts'] ] sorted_track_scores = sorted(track_scores, key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True) track_ids = [track['track_id'] for track in sorted_track_scores] tracks = session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(track_ids)).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return sorted_tracks
def get_trending_tracks(args): (limit, offset) = get_pagination_vars() current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) db = get_db_read_replica() time = args.get('time') with db.scoped_session() as session: trending_tracks = generate_trending(get_db_read_replica(), time, args.get('genre', None), limit, offset) track_scores = [ z(time, track) for track in trending_tracks['listen_counts'] ] sorted_track_scores = sorted(track_scores, key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True) track_ids = [track['track_id'] for track in sorted_track_scores] tracks = session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(track_ids)).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track['track_id']: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return sorted_tracks
def get_remix_track_parents(track_id, args): db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: base_query = (session.query(Track).join( Remix, and_(Remix.parent_track_id == Track.track_id, Remix.child_track_id == track_id)).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False).order_by( desc(Track.created_at), desc(Track.track_id))) tracks = paginate_query(base_query).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks) return tracks
def _get_trending_tracks_with_session(session: Session, args: GetTrendingTracksArgs, strategy: BaseTrendingStrategy): current_user_id, genre, time = ( args.get("current_user_id"), args.get("genre"), args.get("time", "week"), ) time_range = "week" if time not in ["week", "month", "year", "allTime" ] else time key = make_trending_cache_key(time_range, genre, strategy.version) # Will try to hit cached trending from task, falling back # to generating it here if necessary and storing it with no TTL (tracks, track_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, None, make_generate_unpopulated_trending(session, genre, time_range, strategy), ) # populate track metadata tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) tracks_map = {track["track_id"]: track for track in tracks} # Re-sort the populated tracks b/c it loses sort order in sql query sorted_tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in sorted_tracks: user = users[track["owner_id"]] if user: track["user"] = user return sorted_tracks
def get_feed(): feed_results = [] db = get_db() # Current user - user for whom feed is being generated current_user_id = get_current_user_id() with db.scoped_session() as session: # Generate list of users followed by current user, i.e. 'followees' followee_user_ids = (session.query(Follow.followee_user_id).filter( Follow.follower_user_id == current_user_id, Follow.is_current == True, Follow.is_delete == False).all()) followee_user_ids = [f[0] for f in followee_user_ids] # Query playlists posted by followees, sorted and paginated by created_at desc created_playlists_query = (session.query(Playlist).filter( Playlist.is_current == True, Playlist.is_private == False, Playlist.playlist_owner_id.in_(followee_user_ids)).order_by( desc(Playlist.created_at))) created_playlists = paginate_query(created_playlists_query, False).all() # get track ids for all tracks in playlists playlist_track_ids = set() for playlist in created_playlists: for track in playlist.playlist_contents["track_ids"]: playlist_track_ids.add(track["track"]) # get all track objects for track ids playlist_tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.track_id.in_(playlist_track_ids)).all()) playlist_tracks_dict = { track.track_id: track for track in playlist_tracks } # get all track ids that have same owner as playlist and created in "same action" # "same action": track created within [x time] before playlist creation tracks_to_dedupe = set() for playlist in created_playlists: for track_entry in playlist.playlist_contents["track_ids"]: track = playlist_tracks_dict.get(track_entry["track"]) if not track: return api_helpers.error_response( "Something caused the server to crash.") max_timedelta = datetime.timedelta( minutes=trackDedupeMaxMinutes) if (track.owner_id == playlist.playlist_owner_id) and \ (track.created_at <= playlist.created_at) and \ (playlist.created_at - track.created_at <= max_timedelta): tracks_to_dedupe.add(track.track_id) tracks_to_dedupe = list(tracks_to_dedupe) # Query tracks posted by followees, sorted & paginated by created_at desc # exclude tracks that were posted in "same action" as playlist created_tracks_query = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.owner_id.in_(followee_user_ids), Track.track_id.notin_(tracks_to_dedupe)).order_by( desc(Track.created_at))) created_tracks = paginate_query(created_tracks_query, False).all() # extract created_track_ids and created_playlist_ids created_track_ids = [track.track_id for track in created_tracks] created_playlist_ids = [ playlist.playlist_id for playlist in created_playlists ] # query items reposted by followees, sorted by oldest followee repost of item; # paginated by most recent repost timestamp # exclude items also created by followees to guarantee order determinism repost_subquery = (session.query(Repost).filter( Repost.is_current == True, Repost.is_delete == False, Repost.user_id.in_(followee_user_ids), or_( and_(Repost.repost_type == RepostType.track, Repost.repost_item_id.notin_(created_track_ids)), and_(Repost.repost_type == RepostType.track, Repost.repost_item_id.notin_( created_playlist_ids)))).subquery()) repost_query = (session.query( repost_subquery.c.repost_item_id, repost_subquery.c.repost_type, func.min(repost_subquery.c.created_at).label("min_created_at") ).group_by( repost_subquery.c.repost_item_id, repost_subquery.c.repost_type).order_by("min_created_at desc")) followee_reposts = paginate_query(repost_query, False).all() # build dict of track id -> oldest followee repost timestamp from followee_reposts above track_repost_timestamp_dict = {} playlist_repost_timestamp_dict = {} for (repost_item_id, repost_type, oldest_followee_repost_timestamp) in followee_reposts: if repost_type == RepostType.track: track_repost_timestamp_dict[ repost_item_id] = oldest_followee_repost_timestamp elif repost_type in (RepostType.playlist, RepostType.album): playlist_repost_timestamp_dict[ repost_item_id] = oldest_followee_repost_timestamp # extract reposted_track_ids and reposted_playlist_ids reposted_track_ids = list(track_repost_timestamp_dict.keys()) reposted_playlist_ids = list(playlist_repost_timestamp_dict.keys()) # Query tracks reposted by followees, excluding tracks already fetched from above reposted_tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.track_id.in_(reposted_track_ids), Track.track_id.notin_(created_track_ids)).order_by( desc(Track.created_at)).all()) # Query playlists reposted by followees, excluding playlists already fetched from above reposted_playlists = (session.query(Playlist).filter( Playlist.is_current == True, Playlist.is_private == False, Playlist.playlist_id.in_(reposted_playlist_ids), Playlist.playlist_id.notin_(created_playlist_ids)).all()) # Combine created + reposted track and playlist lists tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(created_tracks + reposted_tracks) playlists = helpers.query_result_to_list(created_playlists + reposted_playlists) # define top level feed activity_timestamp to enable sorting # activity_timestamp: created_at if item created by followee, else reposted_at for track in tracks: if track["owner_id"] in followee_user_ids: track[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp] = track["created_at"] else: track[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp] = track_repost_timestamp_dict[ track["track_id"]] for playlist in playlists: if playlist["playlist_owner_id"] in followee_user_ids: playlist[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp] = playlist["created_at"] else: playlist[response_name_constants.activity_timestamp] = \ playlist_repost_timestamp_dict[playlist["playlist_id"]] # bundle peripheral info into track and playlist objects track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) playlist_ids = list( map(lambda playlist: playlist["playlist_id"], playlists)) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) playlists = populate_playlist_metadata( session, playlist_ids, playlists, [RepostType.playlist, RepostType.album], [SaveType.playlist, SaveType.album], current_user_id) # build combined feed of tracks and playlists unsorted_feed = tracks + playlists # sort feed based on activity_timestamp sorted_feed = sorted(unsorted_feed, key=lambda entry: entry[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp], reverse=True) # truncate feed to requested limit (limit, _) = get_pagination_vars() feed_results = sorted_feed[0:limit] return api_helpers.success_response(feed_results)
def track_search_query( session, search_str, limit, offset, is_auto_complete, current_user_id, only_downloadable, ): res = sqlalchemy.text( # pylint: disable=C0301 f""" select track_id, b.balance, b.associated_wallets_balance, u.is_saved from ( select distinct on (owner_id) track_id, owner_id, is_saved, total_score from ( select track_id, owner_id, is_saved, ( (:similarity_weight * sum(score)) + (:title_weight * similarity(coalesce(title, ''), query)) + (:user_name_weight * similarity(coalesce(user_name, ''), query)) + (:repost_weight * log(case when (repost_count = 0) then 1 else repost_count end)) + (case when (lower(query) = coalesce(title, '')) then :title_match_boost else 0 end) + (case when (lower(query) = handle) then :handle_match_boost else 0 end) + (case when (lower(query) = user_name) then :user_name_match_boost else 0 end) { '+ (case when (is_saved) then :current_user_saved_match_boost else 0 end)' if current_user_id else "" } ) as total_score from ( select d."track_id" as track_id, d."word" as word, similarity(d."word", :query) as score, d."track_title" as title, :query as query, d."user_name" as user_name, d."handle" as handle, d."repost_count" as repost_count, d."owner_id" as owner_id { ',s."user_id" is not null as is_saved' if current_user_id else ", false as is_saved" } from "track_lexeme_dict" d { "left outer join (select save_item_id, user_id from saves where saves.save_type = 'track' " + "and saves.is_current = true " + "and saves.is_delete = false and saves.user_id = :current_user_id )" + " s on s.save_item_id = d.track_id" if current_user_id else "" } { 'inner join "tracks" t on t.track_id = d.track_id' if only_downloadable else "" } where (d."word" % lower(:query) or d."handle" = lower(:query) or d."user_name" % lower(:query)) { "and (>>'is_downloadable')::boolean is True" if only_downloadable else "" } ) as results group by track_id, title, query, user_name, handle, repost_count, owner_id, is_saved ) as results2 order by owner_id, total_score desc ) as u left join user_balances b on u.owner_id = b.user_id order by total_score desc limit :limit offset :offset; """ ) track_result_proxy = session.execute( res, params={ "query": search_str, "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "title_weight": search_title_weight, "repost_weight": search_repost_weight, "similarity_weight": search_similarity_weight, "current_user_id": current_user_id, "user_name_weight": search_user_name_weight, "title_match_boost": search_title_exact_match_boost, "handle_match_boost": search_handle_exact_match_boost, "user_name_match_boost": search_user_name_exact_match_boost, "current_user_saved_match_boost": current_user_saved_match_boost, }, ) track_data = track_result_proxy.fetchall() track_cols = track_result_proxy.keys() # track_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list track_ids = [track[track_cols.index("track_id")] for track in track_data] saved_tracks = { track[0] for track in track_data if track[track_cols.index("is_saved")] } tracks = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, track_ids, True) # TODO: Populate track metadata should be sped up to be able to be # used in search autocomplete as that'll give us better results. if is_auto_complete: # fetch users for tracks track_owner_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["owner_id"], tracks)) users = get_unpopulated_users(session, track_owner_ids) users_dict = {user["user_id"]: user for user in users} # attach user objects to track objects for i, track in enumerate(tracks): user = users_dict[track["owner_id"]] # Add user balance balance = track_data[i][1] associated_balance = track_data[i][2] user[response_name_constants.balance] = balance user[ response_name_constants.associated_wallets_balance ] = associated_balance track["user"] = user else: # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) # Preserve order from track_ids above tracks_map = {} for t in tracks: tracks_map[t["track_id"]] = t tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] tracks_response = { "all": tracks, "saved": list(filter(lambda track: track["track_id"] in saved_tracks, tracks)), } return tracks_response
def get_remixes_of(args): track_id = args.get("track_id") current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") limit, offset = args.get("limit"), args.get("offset") db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: def get_unpopulated_remixes(): # Fetch the parent track to get the track's owner id parent_track_res = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, [track_id], False, False) if not parent_track_res or parent_track_res[0] is None: raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Invalid track_id provided") parent_track = parent_track_res[0] track_owner_id = parent_track['owner_id'] # Create subquery for save counts for sorting save_count_subquery = create_save_count_subquery( session, SaveType.track) # Create subquery for repost counts for sorting repost_count_subquery = create_repost_count_subquery( session, RepostType.track) # Get the 'children' remix tracks # Use the track owner id to fetch reposted/saved tracks returned first base_query = ( session.query( Track ) .join( Remix, and_( Remix.child_track_id == Track.track_id, Remix.parent_track_id == track_id ) ).outerjoin( Save, and_( Save.save_item_id == Track.track_id, Save.save_type == SaveType.track, Save.is_current == True, Save.is_delete == False, Save.user_id == track_owner_id ) ).outerjoin( Repost, and_( Repost.repost_item_id == Track.track_id, Repost.user_id == track_owner_id, Repost.repost_type == RepostType.track, Repost.is_current == True, Repost.is_delete == False ) ).outerjoin( repost_count_subquery, repost_count_subquery.c['id'] == Track.track_id ).outerjoin( save_count_subquery, save_count_subquery.c['id'] == Track.track_id ) .filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False ) # 1. Co-signed tracks ordered by save + repost count # 2. Other tracks ordered by save + repost count .order_by( desc( # If there is no "co-sign" for the track (no repost or save from the parent owner), # defer to secondary sort case( [ (and_(Repost.created_at == None, Save.created_at == None), 0), ], else_=( func.coalesce(repost_count_subquery.c.repost_count, 0) + \ func.coalesce(save_count_subquery.c.save_count, 0) ) ) ), # Order by saves + reposts desc( func.coalesce(repost_count_subquery.c.repost_count, 0) + \ func.coalesce(save_count_subquery.c.save_count, 0) ), # Ties, pick latest track id desc(Track.track_id) ) ) (tracks, count) = add_query_pagination(base_query, limit, offset, True, True) tracks = tracks.all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids, count) key = make_cache_key(args) (tracks, track_ids, count) = use_redis_cache(key, UNPOPULATED_REMIXES_CACHE_DURATION_SEC, get_unpopulated_remixes) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) return {'tracks': tracks, 'count': count}
def get_remixable_tracks(args): """Gets a list of remixable tracks""" db = get_db_read_replica() limit = args.get("limit", 25) current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id", None) StemTrack = aliased(Track) with db.scoped_session() as session: # Subquery to get current tracks that have stems remixable_tracks_subquery = (session.query(Track).join( Stem, Stem.parent_track_id == Track.track_id).join( StemTrack, Stem.child_track_id == StemTrack.track_id).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.is_delete == False, StemTrack.is_current == True, StemTrack.is_unlisted == False, StemTrack.is_delete == False, ).distinct(Track.track_id).subquery()) track_alias = aliased(Track, remixable_tracks_subquery) count_subquery = session.query( AggregateTrack.track_id.label("id"), (AggregateTrack.repost_count + AggregateTrack.save_count).label("count"), ).subquery() query = (session.query( track_alias, count_subquery.c["count"], decayed_score(count_subquery.c["count"], track_alias.created_at).label("score"), ).join( count_subquery, count_subquery.c["id"] == track_alias.track_id, ).order_by(desc("score"), desc(track_alias.track_id)).limit(limit)) results = query.all() tracks = [] for result in results: track = result[0] score = result[-1] track = helpers.model_to_dictionary(track) track["score"] = score tracks.append(track) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) # Get user specific data for tracks tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) else: # Remove the user from the tracks tracks = [{key: val for key, val in dict.items() if key != "user"} for dict in tracks] return tracks
def get_trending_playlists(args, strategy): """Returns Trending Playlists. Checks Redis cache for unpopulated playlists.""" db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id", None) with_tracks = args.get("with_tracks", False) time = args.get("time") limit, offset = args.get("limit"), args.get("offset") key = make_trending_cache_key(time, strategy.version) # Get unpopulated playlists, # cached if it exists. (playlists, playlist_ids) = use_redis_cache( key, None, make_get_unpopulated_playlists(session, time, strategy)) # Apply limit + offset early to reduce the amount of # population work we have to do if limit is not None and offset is not None: playlists = playlists[offset:limit + offset] playlist_ids = playlist_ids[offset:limit + offset] # Populate playlist metadata playlists = populate_playlist_metadata( session, playlist_ids, playlists, [RepostType.playlist, RepostType.album], [SaveType.playlist, SaveType.album], current_user_id) trimmed_track_ids = None for playlist in playlists: playlist["track_count"] = len(playlist["tracks"]) playlist["tracks"] = playlist["tracks"][:PLAYLIST_TRACKS_LIMIT] # Trim track_ids, which ultimately become added_timestamps # and need to match the tracks. trimmed_track_ids = { track["track_id"] for track in playlist["tracks"] } playlist_track_ids = playlist["playlist_contents"]["track_ids"] playlist_track_ids = list( filter(lambda track_id: track_id["track"] in trimmed_track_ids, playlist_track_ids)) playlist["playlist_contents"]["track_ids"] = playlist_track_ids playlists_map = { playlist['playlist_id']: playlist for playlist in playlists } if with_tracks: # populate track metadata tracks = [] for playlist in playlists: playlist_tracks = playlist["tracks"] tracks.extend(playlist_tracks) track_ids = [track["track_id"] for track in tracks] populated_tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) # Add users if necessary add_users_to_tracks(session, populated_tracks, current_user_id) # Re-associate tracks with playlists # track_id -> populated_track populated_track_map = { track["track_id"]: track for track in populated_tracks } for playlist in playlists_map.values(): for i in range(len(playlist["tracks"])): track_id = playlist["tracks"][i]["track_id"] populated = populated_track_map[track_id] playlist["tracks"][i] = populated playlist["tracks"] = list(map(extend_track, playlist["tracks"])) # re-sort playlists to original order, because populate_playlist_metadata # unsorts. sorted_playlists = [ playlists_map[playlist_id] for playlist_id in playlist_ids ] # Add users to playlists user_id_list = get_users_ids(sorted_playlists) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for playlist in sorted_playlists: user = users[playlist['playlist_owner_id']] if user: playlist['user'] = user # Extend the playlists playlists = list(map(extend_playlist, playlists)) return sorted_playlists
def test_populate_track_metadata(app): """Tests that populate_track_metadata works after aggregate_user refresh""" with app.app_context(): db = get_db() test_entities = { 'tracks': [{ "track_id": 1, "owner_id": 1 }, { "track_id": 2, "owner_id": 1 }, { "track_id": 3, "owner_id": 2 }, { "track_id": 4, "owner_id": 2 }, { "track_id": 5, "owner_id": 2 }, { "track_id": 6, "owner_id": 2 }, { "track_id": 7, "owner_id": 3 }, { "track_id": 8, "owner_id": 3 }, { "track_id": 9, "owner_id": 3 }, { "track_id": 10, "is_unlisted": True, "owner_id": 3 }], 'users': [{ 'user_id': 1, 'handle': 'user1' }, { 'user_id': 2, 'handle': 'user2' }, { 'user_id': 3, 'handle': 'user3' }, { 'user_id': 4, 'handle': 'user4' }], 'reposts': [{ "repost_item_id": 1, "repost_type": 'track', "user_id": 2 }, { "repost_item_id": 1, "repost_type": 'track', "user_id": 3 }, { "repost_item_id": 2, "repost_type": 'track', "user_id": 1 }], 'saves': [{ "save_item_id": 1, "save_type": 'track', "user_id": 2 }, { "save_item_id": 1, "save_type": 'track', "user_id": 3 }, { "save_item_id": 3, "save_type": 'track', "user_id": 2 }, { "save_item_id": 3, "save_type": 'track', "user_id": 1 }], 'follows': [{ "follower_user_id": 1, "followee_user_id": 2 }, { "follower_user_id": 1, "followee_user_id": 3 }] } populate_mock_db(db, test_entities) with db.scoped_session() as session: session.execute("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW aggregate_track") track_ids = [1, 2, 3] tracks = [ { "track_id": 1 }, { "track_id": 2 }, { "track_id": 3 }, ] tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, None) assert len(tracks) == 3 assert tracks[0]['track_id'] == 1 assert tracks[0][response_name_constants.repost_count] == 2 assert tracks[0][response_name_constants.save_count] == 2 assert tracks[0][response_name_constants.play_count] == 0 assert tracks[1]['track_id'] == 2 assert tracks[1][response_name_constants.repost_count] == 1 assert tracks[1][response_name_constants.save_count] == 0 assert tracks[1][response_name_constants.play_count] == 0 assert tracks[2]['track_id'] == 3 assert tracks[2][response_name_constants.repost_count] == 0 assert tracks[2][response_name_constants.save_count] == 2 assert tracks[2][response_name_constants.play_count] == 0 curr_track_ids = [1, 2, 3] curr_tracks = [{"track_id": 1}, {"track_id": 2}, {"track_id": 3}] tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, curr_track_ids, curr_tracks, 1) assert len(tracks) == 3 assert tracks[0]['track_id'] == 1 repost_user_ids = [ repost['user_id'] for repost in tracks[0][response_name_constants.followee_reposts] ] repost_user_ids.sort() assert repost_user_ids == [2, 3] save_user_ids = [ save['user_id'] for save in tracks[0][response_name_constants.followee_saves] ] save_user_ids.sort() assert save_user_ids == [2, 3] assert tracks[0][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_reposted] == False assert tracks[0][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_saved] == False assert tracks[1]['track_id'] == 2 assert tracks[1][response_name_constants.followee_reposts] == [] assert tracks[1][response_name_constants.followee_saves] == [] assert tracks[1][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_reposted] == True assert tracks[1][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_saved] == False assert tracks[2]['track_id'] == 3 assert tracks[2][response_name_constants.followee_reposts] == [] save_user_ids = [ save['user_id'] for save in tracks[2][response_name_constants.followee_saves] ] save_user_ids.sort() assert save_user_ids == [2] assert tracks[2][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_reposted] == False assert tracks[2][ response_name_constants.has_current_user_saved] == True
def get_playlist_tracks(session, args): """Accepts args: { # optionally pass in full playlists to avoid having to fetch "playlists": Playlist[] # not needed if playlists are passed "playlist_ids": string[] "current_user_id": int "populate_tracks": boolean # whether to add users & metadata to tracks } Returns: { playlist_id: Playlist } """ try: playlists = args.get("playlists") if not playlists: playlist_ids = args.get("playlist_ids", []) playlists = (session.query(Playlist).filter( Playlist.is_current == True, Playlist.playlist_id.in_(playlist_ids))) playlists = list(map(helpers.model_to_dictionary, playlists)) if not playlists: return {} # track_id -> [playlist_id] track_ids_set = set() for playlist in playlists: playlist_id = playlist['playlist_id'] for track_id_dict in playlist['playlist_contents']['track_ids']: track_id = track_id_dict['track'] track_ids_set.add(track_id) playlist_tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.track_id.in_(list(track_ids_set))).all()) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(playlist_tracks) if args.get("populate_tracks"): current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, list(track_ids_set), tracks, current_user_id) add_users_to_tracks(session, tracks, current_user_id) # { track_id => track } track_ids_map = {track["track_id"]: track for track in tracks} # { playlist_id => [track]} playlists_map = {} for playlist in playlists: playlist_id = playlist["playlist_id"] playlists_map[playlist_id] = [] for track_id_dict in playlist['playlist_contents']['track_ids']: track_id = track_id_dict['track'] track = track_ids_map[track_id] playlists_map[playlist_id].append(track) return playlists_map except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound: return {}
def track_search_query(session, searchStr, limit, offset, personalized, is_auto_complete, current_user_id): if personalized and not current_user_id: return [] res = sqlalchemy.text( # pylint: disable=C0301 f""" select track_id from ( select track_id, (sum(score) + (:title_weight * similarity(coalesce(title, ''), query))) as total_score from ( select d."track_id" as track_id, d."word" as word, similarity(d."word", :query) as score, d."track_title" as title, :query as query from "track_lexeme_dict" d { 'inner join "saves" s on s.save_item_id = d.track_id' if personalized and current_user_id else "" } where d."word" % :query { "and s.save_type='track' and s.is_current=true and s.is_delete=false and s.user_id = :current_user_id" if personalized and current_user_id else "" } ) as results group by track_id, title, query ) as results2 order by total_score desc, track_id asc limit :limit offset :offset; """) track_ids = session.execute( res, { "query": searchStr, "limit": limit, "offset": offset, "title_weight": trackTitleWeight, "current_user_id": current_user_id }, ).fetchall() # track_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list track_ids = [i[0] for i in track_ids] tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(track_ids), ).all()) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) if is_auto_complete == True: # fetch users for tracks track_owner_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["owner_id"], tracks)) users = (session.query(User).filter( User.is_current == True, User.user_id.in_(track_owner_ids)).all()) users = helpers.query_result_to_list(users) users_dict = {user["user_id"]: user for user in users} # attach user objects to track objects for track in tracks: track["user"] = users_dict[track["owner_id"]] else: # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) # preserve order from track_ids above tracks = [ next(t for t in tracks if t["track_id"] == track_id) for track_id in track_ids ] return tracks
def get_tracks(args): """ Gets tracks. A note on caching strategy: - This method is cached at two layers: at the API via the @cache decorator, and within this method using the shared get_unpopulated_tracks cache. The shared cache only works when fetching via ID, so calls to fetch tracks via handle, asc/desc sort, or filtering by block_number won't hit the shared cache. These will hit the API cache unless they have a current_user_id included. """ tracks = [] db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: def get_tracks_and_ids(): if "handle" in args: handle = args.get("handle") user_id = session.query(User.user_id).filter( User.handle_lc == handle.lower()).first() args["user_id"] = user_id can_use_shared_cache = ("id" in args and not "min_block_number" in args and not "sort" in args and not "user_id" in args) if can_use_shared_cache: should_filter_deleted = args.get("filter_deleted", False) tracks = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, args["id"], should_filter_deleted) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids) (limit, offset) = get_pagination_vars() args["limit"] = limit args["offset"] = offset tracks = _get_tracks(session, args) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids) (tracks, track_ids) = get_tracks_and_ids() # bundle peripheral info into track results current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return tracks
def get_tracks(args): """ Gets tracks. A note on caching strategy: - This method is cached at two layers: at the API via the @cache decorator, and within this method using the shared get_unpopulated_tracks cache. The shared cache only works when fetching via ID, so calls to fetch tracks via handle, asc/desc sort, or filtering by block_number won't hit the shared cache. These will hit the API cache unless they have a current_user_id included. """ tracks = [] db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: def get_tracks_and_ids(): if "handle" in args: handle = args.get("handle") user_id = session.query(User.user_id).filter( User.handle_lc == handle.lower()).first() args["user_id"] = user_id can_use_shared_cache = ("id" in args and not "min_block_number" in args and not "sort" in args and not "user_id" in args) if can_use_shared_cache: should_filter_deleted = args.get("filter_deleted", False) tracks = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, args["id"], should_filter_deleted) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids) # Create initial query base_query = session.query(Track) base_query = base_query.filter(Track.is_current == True, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None) # Conditionally process an array of tracks if "id" in args: track_id_list = args.get("id") try: # Update query with track_id list base_query = base_query.filter( Track.track_id.in_(track_id_list)) except ValueError as e: logger.error("Invalid value found in track id list", exc_info=True) raise e # Allow filtering of tracks by a certain creator if "user_id" in args: user_id = args.get("user_id") base_query = base_query.filter(Track.owner_id == user_id) # Allow filtering of deletes if "filter_deleted" in args: filter_deleted = args.get("filter_deleted") if filter_deleted: base_query = base_query.filter(Track.is_delete == False) if "min_block_number" in args: min_block_number = args.get("min_block_number") base_query = base_query.filter( Track.blocknumber >= min_block_number) if "sort" in args: if args["sort"] == "date": base_query = base_query.order_by(Track.created_at.desc(), Track.track_id.desc()) elif args["sort"] == "plays": base_query = base_query.join( AggregatePlays, AggregatePlays.play_item_id == Track.track_id).order_by(AggregatePlays.count.desc()) else: whitelist_params = [ 'created_at', 'create_date', 'release_date', 'blocknumber', 'track_id' ] base_query = parse_sort_param(base_query, Track, whitelist_params) query_results = paginate_query(base_query).all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(query_results) track_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["track_id"], tracks)) return (tracks, track_ids) (tracks, track_ids) = get_tracks_and_ids() # bundle peripheral info into track results current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(tracks) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list, current_user_id) for track in tracks: user = users[track['owner_id']] if user: track['user'] = user return tracks
def search_tags(): search_str = request.args.get("query", type=str) current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) if not search_str: raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Invalid value for parameter 'query'") user_tag_count = request.args.get("user_tag_count", type=str) if not user_tag_count: user_tag_count = "2" kind = request.args.get("kind", type=str, default="all") validSearchKinds = [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks, SearchKind.users] try: searchKind = SearchKind[kind] if searchKind not in validSearchKinds: raise Exception except Exception: return api_helpers.error_response( "Invalid value for parameter 'kind' must be in %s" % [ for k in validSearchKinds], 400) results = {} (limit, offset) = get_pagination_vars() like_tags_str = str.format('%{}%', search_str) db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks]): track_res = sqlalchemy.text(f""" select distinct(track_id) from ( select strip(to_tsvector(tracks.tags)) as tagstrip, track_id from tracks where (tags like :like_tags_query) and (is_current is true) and (is_delete is false) and (is_unlisted is false) and (stem_of is NULL) order by updated_at desc ) as t where tagstrip @@ to_tsquery(:query); """) track_ids = session.execute(track_res, { "query": search_str, "like_tags_query": like_tags_str }).fetchall() # track_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list track_ids = [i[0] for i in track_ids] tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(track_ids), ).all()) tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) track_play_counts = get_track_play_counts(track_ids) tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) for track in tracks: track_id = track["track_id"] track[response_name_constants. play_count] = track_play_counts.get(track_id, 0) play_count_sorted_tracks = \ sorted( tracks, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.play_count], reverse=True) # Add pagination parameters to track and user results play_count_sorted_tracks = \ play_count_sorted_tracks[slice(offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['tracks'] = play_count_sorted_tracks if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.users]): user_res = sqlalchemy.text(f""" select * from ( select count(track_id), owner_id from ( select strip(to_tsvector(tracks.tags)) as tagstrip, track_id, owner_id from tracks where (tags like :like_tags_query) and (is_current is true) and (is_unlisted is false) and (stem_of is NULL) order by updated_at desc ) as t where tagstrip @@ to_tsquery(:query) group by owner_id order by count desc ) as usr where usr.count >= :user_tag_count; """) user_ids = session.execute( user_res, { "query": search_str, "like_tags_query": like_tags_str, "user_tag_count": user_tag_count }).fetchall() # user_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list user_ids = [i[1] for i in user_ids] users = (session.query(User).filter( User.is_current == True, User.user_id.in_(user_ids)).all()) users = helpers.query_result_to_list(users) users = populate_user_metadata(session, user_ids, users, current_user_id) followee_sorted_users = \ sorted( users, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.follower_count], reverse=True) followee_sorted_users = \ followee_sorted_users[slice(offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['users'] = followee_sorted_users # Add personalized results for a given user if current_user_id: if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks]): # Query saved tracks for the current user that contain this tag saves_query = (session.query(Save.save_item_id).filter( Save.is_current == True, Save.is_delete == False, Save.save_type == SaveType.track, Save.user_id == current_user_id, Save.save_item_id.in_(track_ids)).all()) saved_track_ids = [i[0] for i in saves_query] saved_tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(saved_track_ids), ).all()) saved_tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(saved_tracks) for saved_track in saved_tracks: saved_track_id = saved_track["track_id"] saved_track[response_name_constants.play_count] = \ track_play_counts.get(saved_track_id, 0) saved_tracks = \ populate_track_metadata( session, saved_track_ids, saved_tracks, current_user_id) # Sort and paginate play_count_sorted_saved_tracks = \ sorted( saved_tracks, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.play_count], reverse=True) play_count_sorted_saved_tracks = \ play_count_sorted_saved_tracks[slice( offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['saved_tracks'] = play_count_sorted_saved_tracks if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.users]): # Query followed users that have referenced this tag followed_user_query = (session.query( Follow.followee_user_id).filter( Follow.is_current == True, Follow.is_delete == False, Follow.follower_user_id == current_user_id, Follow.followee_user_id.in_(user_ids)).all()) followed_user_ids = [i[0] for i in followed_user_query] followed_users = (session.query(User).filter( User.is_current == True, User.user_id.in_(followed_user_ids)).all()) followed_users = helpers.query_result_to_list(followed_users) followed_users = \ populate_user_metadata( session, followed_user_ids, followed_users, current_user_id ) followed_users_followee_sorted = \ sorted( followed_users, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.follower_count], reverse=True) followed_users_followee_sorted = \ followed_users_followee_sorted[slice( offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['followed_users'] = followed_users_followee_sorted return api_helpers.success_response(results)
def track_search_query(session, searchStr, limit, offset, personalized, is_auto_complete, current_user_id, only_downloadable): if personalized and not current_user_id: return [] res = sqlalchemy.text( # pylint: disable=C0301 f""" select track_id from ( select track_id, (sum(score) + (:title_weight * similarity(coalesce(title, ''), query))) as total_score from ( select d."track_id" as track_id, d."word" as word, similarity(d."word", :query) as score, d."track_title" as title, :query as query from "track_lexeme_dict" d { 'inner join "saves" s on s.save_item_id = d.track_id' if personalized and current_user_id else "" } { 'inner join "tracks" t on t.track_id = d.track_id' if only_downloadable else "" } where d."word" % :query { "and s.save_type='track' and s.is_current=true and " + "s.is_delete=false and s.user_id = :current_user_id" if personalized and current_user_id else "" } { "and (>>'is_downloadable')::boolean is True" if only_downloadable else "" } ) as results group by track_id, title, query ) as results2 order by total_score desc, track_id asc limit :limit offset :offset; """) track_ids = session.execute( res, { "query": searchStr, "limit": max(limit, MIN_SEARCH_LEXEME_LIMIT), "offset": offset, "title_weight": trackTitleWeight, "current_user_id": current_user_id }, ).fetchall() # track_ids is list of tuples - simplify to 1-D list track_ids = [i[0] for i in track_ids] tracks = get_unpopulated_tracks(session, track_ids, True) # TODO: Populate track metadata should be sped up to be able to be # used in search autocomplete as that'll give us better results. if is_auto_complete == True: # fetch users for tracks track_owner_ids = list(map(lambda track: track["owner_id"], tracks)) users = get_unpopulated_users(session, track_owner_ids) users_dict = {user["user_id"]: user for user in users} # attach user objects to track objects for track in tracks: track["user"] = users_dict[track["owner_id"]] tracks = populate_track_repost_counts(session, track_ids, tracks) else: # bundle peripheral info into track results tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) # Preserve order from track_ids above tracks_map = {} for t in tracks: tracks_map[t["track_id"]] = t tracks = [tracks_map[track_id] for track_id in track_ids] # Sort tracks by extra criteria for "best match" tracks.sort(key=cmp_to_key(compare_tracks)) return tracks[0:limit]
def get_repost_feed_for_user(user_id, args): feed_results = {} db = get_db_read_replica() current_user_id = args.get("current_user_id") with db.scoped_session() as session: if "handle" in args: handle = args.get("handle") user_id = session.query( User.user_id).filter(User.handle_lc == handle.lower()).first() # query all reposts by user repost_query = (session.query(Repost).filter( Repost.is_current == True, Repost.is_delete == False, Repost.user_id == user_id).order_by(desc(Repost.created_at), desc(Repost.repost_item_id), desc(Repost.repost_type))) reposts = paginate_query(repost_query).all() # get track reposts from above track_reposts = [ r for r in reposts if r.repost_type == RepostType.track ] # get reposted track ids repost_track_ids = [r.repost_item_id for r in track_reposts] # get playlist reposts from above playlist_reposts = [ r for r in reposts if r.repost_type == RepostType.playlist or r.repost_type == RepostType.album ] # get reposted playlist ids repost_playlist_ids = [r.repost_item_id for r in playlist_reposts] track_reposts = helpers.query_result_to_list(track_reposts) playlist_reposts = helpers.query_result_to_list(playlist_reposts) # build track/playlist id --> repost dict from repost lists track_repost_dict = { repost["repost_item_id"]: repost for repost in track_reposts } playlist_repost_dict = { repost["repost_item_id"]: repost for repost in playlist_reposts } # query tracks for repost_track_ids track_query = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(repost_track_ids)).order_by( desc(Track.created_at))) tracks = track_query.all() tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(tracks) # get track ids track_ids = [track["track_id"] for track in tracks] # query playlists for repost_playlist_ids playlist_query = (session.query(Playlist).filter( Playlist.is_current == True, Playlist.is_delete == False, Playlist.is_private == False, Playlist.playlist_id.in_(repost_playlist_ids)).order_by( desc(Playlist.created_at))) playlists = playlist_query.all() playlists = helpers.query_result_to_list(playlists) # get playlist ids playlist_ids = [playlist["playlist_id"] for playlist in playlists] # populate full metadata tracks = populate_track_metadata(session, track_ids, tracks, current_user_id) playlists = populate_playlist_metadata( session, playlist_ids, playlists, [RepostType.playlist, RepostType.album], [SaveType.playlist, SaveType.album], current_user_id) # add activity timestamps for track in tracks: track[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp] = track_repost_dict[ track["track_id"]]["created_at"] for playlist in playlists: playlist[response_name_constants.activity_timestamp] = \ playlist_repost_dict[playlist["playlist_id"]]["created_at"] unsorted_feed = tracks + playlists # sort feed by repost timestamp desc feed_results = sorted(unsorted_feed, key=lambda entry: entry[response_name_constants. activity_timestamp], reverse=True) if args.get("with_users", False): user_id_list = get_users_ids(feed_results) users = get_users_by_id(session, user_id_list) for result in feed_results: if 'playlist_owner_id' in result: user = users[result['playlist_owner_id']] if user: result['user'] = user elif 'owner_id' in result: user = users[result['owner_id']] if user: result['user'] = user return feed_results
def search_tags(): search_str = request.args.get("query", type=str) current_user_id = get_current_user_id(required=False) if not search_str: raise exceptions.ArgumentError("Invalid value for parameter 'query'") user_tag_count = request.args.get("user_tag_count", type=str) if not user_tag_count: user_tag_count = "2" kind = request.args.get("kind", type=str, default="all") validSearchKinds = [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks, SearchKind.users] try: searchKind = SearchKind[kind] if searchKind not in validSearchKinds: raise Exception except Exception: return api_helpers.error_response( "Invalid value for parameter 'kind' must be in %s" % [ for k in validSearchKinds], 400) results = {} (limit, offset) = get_pagination_vars() db = get_db_read_replica() with db.scoped_session() as session: if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks]): results['tracks'] = search_track_tags( session, { 'search_str': search_str, 'current_user_id': current_user_id, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset }) if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.users]): results['users'] = search_user_tags( session, { 'search_str': search_str, 'current_user_id': current_user_id, "user_tag_count": user_tag_count, 'limit': limit, 'offset': offset }) # Add personalized results for a given user if current_user_id: if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.tracks]): # Query saved tracks for the current user that contain this tag track_ids = [track['track_id'] for track in results['tracks']] track_play_counts = { track['track_id']: track[response_name_constants.play_count] for track in results['tracks'] } saves_query = (session.query(Save.save_item_id).filter( Save.is_current == True, Save.is_delete == False, Save.save_type == SaveType.track, Save.user_id == current_user_id, Save.save_item_id.in_(track_ids)).all()) saved_track_ids = [i[0] for i in saves_query] saved_tracks = (session.query(Track).filter( Track.is_current == True, Track.is_delete == False, Track.is_unlisted == False, Track.stem_of == None, Track.track_id.in_(saved_track_ids), ).all()) saved_tracks = helpers.query_result_to_list(saved_tracks) for saved_track in saved_tracks: saved_track_id = saved_track["track_id"] saved_track[response_name_constants.play_count] = \ track_play_counts.get(saved_track_id, 0) saved_tracks = \ populate_track_metadata( session, saved_track_ids, saved_tracks, current_user_id) # Sort and paginate play_count_sorted_saved_tracks = \ sorted( saved_tracks, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.play_count], reverse=True) play_count_sorted_saved_tracks = \ play_count_sorted_saved_tracks[slice( offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['saved_tracks'] = play_count_sorted_saved_tracks if (searchKind in [SearchKind.all, SearchKind.users]): # Query followed users that have referenced this tag user_ids = [user['user_id'] for user in results['users']] followed_user_query = (session.query( Follow.followee_user_id).filter( Follow.is_current == True, Follow.is_delete == False, Follow.follower_user_id == current_user_id, Follow.followee_user_id.in_(user_ids)).all()) followed_user_ids = [i[0] for i in followed_user_query] followed_users = get_unpopulated_users(session, followed_user_ids) followed_users = \ populate_user_metadata( session, followed_user_ids, followed_users, current_user_id ) followed_users_followee_sorted = \ sorted( followed_users, key=lambda i: i[response_name_constants.follower_count], reverse=True) followed_users_followee_sorted = \ followed_users_followee_sorted[slice( offset, offset + limit, 1)] results['followed_users'] = followed_users_followee_sorted return api_helpers.success_response(results)