def testParseCssInfo():

    testFile = "test/testData/formatting.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)

    # TODO this is clearly nonsense
    expectedText = [
        '* Question with bold',
        '** one <span style="font-weight:700;"> Bold </span>one',
        '** <span style="font-weight:700;"> All bold </span>',
        '** One <span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Underlined </span>one',
        '** One <span style="font-weight:700;font-style:italic;"> Italics </span>one',
        '** One <span style="color:#ff0000;"> Red </span>one',
        '** One <span style="color:#0000ff;"> Blue </span>one',
        '** One <span style="color:#00ff00;"> Green </span>one',
        '** One <span style="color:#ff00ff;"> Pink </span>one',
        '** One <span style="vertical-align:super;"> superscript </span> one',
        '** One <span style="vertical-align:sub;"> subscript </span> one'
    # print(orgData.get("data"))
    data = orgData.get("data")
    dataLength = len(expectedText)

    i = 0
    while True:
        if data[i] == expectedText[0]:
        i += 1

    # print((orgData.get("data")[i:dataLength+i]))
    assert (orgData.get("data")[i:dataLength + i] == expectedText)
def testUnicodeIsRespected():
    testFile = "test/testData/imageInQuestionBug.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)
    assert (orgData.get("data")[1].strip() == "** Réponse 1")
def testCommentLineWithBulletPoint():

    testFile = "test/testData/commentBulletPointLine.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =
    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)

    assert (orgData.get("data")[2] == "# type = Cloze")
def testParseNewGoogleDocToOrgFile():

    testFile = "test/testData/testDeckNewFormat.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    expectedData = ['* Question', '** Reply']
    orgPage = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)["data"]
    assert (orgPage == expectedData)
def testParseImagesInGoogleDocs():
    testFile = "test/testData/image_data.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    expectedData = ['* Picture example!', '** Before  [image=] after # height=95.70px, width=114.50px']
    orgPage = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)["data"]
    assert(orgPage == expectedData)
def testParseGoogleDocToOrgFile():

    testFile = "test/testData/remote_deck_test.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    expectedData = ['Test', '# Test', '* Level 1', '** Level 2', '*** Level 3', '**** Level 4', '* Level 1.1', '** Level 2.1']
    orgPage = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)["data"]
    assert(orgPage == expectedData)
def testImageParsing_multipleImagesPerAQuestion():

    testFile = "test/testData/double.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)

    assert(orgData.get("data")[-2] == '**  [image=image-2] # height=461.33px, width=624.00px')
    assert(orgData.get("data")[-1] == '**  [image=image-3] # height=461.33px, width=624.00px')
def testImageParsing_bugWhereImageIsInsertedTwice():

    testFile = "test/testData/double.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)

    # print(orgData.get("data"))
    assert(orgData.get("data") == ['* Question', '** <b> Text 1 </b>', '**  [image=image-1] # height=215.04px, width=218.50px', '* Question 2', '** Text 2', '**  [image=image-2] # height=461.33px, width=624.00px', '**  [image=image-3] # height=461.33px, width=624.00px'])
def testEmptyBulletPoint():

    #this will break the cloze otherwise
    testFile = "test/testData/formatting.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)
    # print(orgData.get("data")[-2:])

    assert (orgData.get("data")[-2:] == ['* Empty Question', '** '])
def testMultiLineComment_noQuestionAfter():

    testFile = "test/testData/multilineComments_noQuestionAfter.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =
    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)
    data = orgData.get("data")

    assert (len(data) == 2)
    for line in data:
        if "Question in multiline comments" in line:
            assert (False)
def testParseCssInfo():

    testFile = "test/testData/formatting.html"
    with open(testFile, "r") as f:
        testFileData =

    orgData = _generateOrgListFromHtmlPage(testFileData)

    # TODO this is clearly nonsense
    expectedText = ['* Question with bold', '** one <span style="font-weight:700;"> Bold </span>one', '** <span style="font-weight:700;"> All bold </span>', '** One <span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Underlined </span>one', '** One <span style="font-weight:700;font-style:italic;"> Italics </span>one', '** One <span style="color:#ff0000;"> Red </span>one', '** One <span style="color:#0000ff;"> Blue </span>one', '** One <span style="color:#00ff00;"> Green </span>one', '** One <span style="color:#ff00ff;"> Pink </span>one']
    # print(orgData.get("data")[-11:-2])
    assert(orgData.get("data")[-11:-2] == expectedText)