    def get_nearby_vertices_classical(self, tree, x_new):
        Get nearby vertices to new vertex and their associated costs, number defined by rewire count
        Classical cost calculation for nearby vertices. It only uses the segment cost between near and new vertex.
        :param tree: tree in which to search
        :param x_new: vertex around which to find nearby vertices
        :return: list of nearby vertices and their costs, sorted in ascending order by cost
        X_near = self.nearby(tree, x_new, self.current_rewire_count(tree))
        L_near = [(segment_cost(x_near, x_new), x_near) for x_near in X_near]

        return L_near
 def rewire(self, tree, x_new, L_near):
     Rewire tree to shorten edges if possible
     Only rewires vertices according to rewire count
     :param tree: int, tree to rewire
     :param x_new: tuple, newly added vertex
     :param L_near: list of nearby vertices used to rewire
     for c_near, x_near in L_near:
         curr_cost = path_cost(self.trees[tree].E, self.x_init, x_near)
         tent_cost = path_cost(self.trees[tree].E, self.x_init, x_new) + segment_cost(x_new, x_near)
         if tent_cost < curr_cost and self.X.collision_free(x_near, x_new, self.r):
             self.trees[tree].E[x_near] = x_new
    def get_nearby_vertices(self, tree, x_init, x_new):
        Get nearby vertices to new vertex and their associated costs, number defined by rewire count
        :param tree: tree in which to search
        :param x_init: starting vertex used to calculate path cost
        :param x_new: vertex around which to find nearby vertices
        :return: list of nearby vertices and their costs, sorted in ascending order by cost
        X_near = self.nearby(tree, x_new, self.current_rewire_count(tree))
        L_near = [(x_near, path_cost(self.trees[tree].E, x_init, x_near) +
                   segment_cost(x_near, x_new)) for x_near in X_near]
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker

        return L_near
    def get_nearby_vertices_better(self, tree, x_init, x_new):
        Get nearby vertices to new vertex and their associated path costs from the root of tree
        as if new vertex is connected to each one separately.

        Effectively makes rewire() redundant. However, it produces much better paths in shorter time.
        :param tree: tree in which to search
        :param x_init: starting vertex used to calculate path cost
        :param x_new: vertex around which to find nearby vertices
        :return: list of nearby vertices and their costs, sorted in ascending order by cost
        X_near = self.nearby(tree, x_new, self.current_rewire_count(tree))
        L_near = [(path_cost(self.trees[tree].E, x_init, x_near) +
                   segment_cost(x_near, x_new), x_near) for x_near in X_near]
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker