def __init__(self, save_location="data/tweets.json"): super().__init__() self.save_location = save_location self.count = 0 self.analyser = MoodAnalyser() self.db = DataBase() self.max_tweets = 10000 print("Listener created")
class Listener(StreamListener): # get a dictionary with keys for the twitter api # fr = open('config/config.json') # api_data = json.loads( # fr.close() def __init__(self, save_location="data/tweets.json"): super().__init__() self.save_location = save_location self.count = 0 self.analyser = MoodAnalyser() self.db = DataBase() self.max_tweets = 10000 print("Listener created") def on_data(self, data): print("tweets receiving..") tweets = json.loads(data) try: if self.db.fetch_number_of_tweets() != self.max_tweets: timestamp = tweets["timestamp_ms"] tweet = tweets["text"] userData = tweets["user"] user = userData["screen_name"] if tweet.startswith("RT @") or tweet.startswith("@"): return True if '"' in tweet: tweet.replace('"', "") if '"' in user: user.replace('"', "") self.db.insert_tweet(tweet, user, timestamp) else: # self.on_disconnect() self.analyser.start_up() return False except KeyError as e: print(e) def save_tweets(self): print("Saving tweets to tweets.json") f = open(os.path.dirname(__file__) + self.save_location, "w") f.write(jsonstruct.encode(self.tweets)) f.close() # def create_tweet(self, status): # return print(Tweet(status.text.encode("utf8"), str(status.created_at), status.user.screen_name)) def on_error(self, status_code): sys.stderr.write("Error:" + str(status_code) + "\n") return False def on_limit(self, track): sys.stderr.write(track + "\n") return def on_timeout(self): sys.stderr.write("Timeout, sleeping for 60 seconds ...\n") time.sleep(60) return def on_disconnect(self): print("Disconnected") Stream.disconnect() return