def xtest_property_coalescer_perf_test():
    from src.single_node_coalescer import coalesce
    import os
    import json
    import datetime

    # get a timestamp
    t1 = datetime.datetime.now()

    # get the path to the test file
    test_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'InputJson_1.1','EdgeIDAsStrAndPerfTest.json')

    # open the file and load it
    with open(test_filename,'r') as tf:
        incoming = json.load(tf)
        incoming = incoming['message']

    # call function that does property coalesce
    coalesced = coalesce(incoming, method='property')

    # get the amount of time it took
    diff = datetime.datetime.now() - t1

    # it should be less than this
    assert(diff.seconds < 120)
def xtest_killer_graphbased():
    fn = f'InputJson_1.2/killer.json'
    testfilename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),fn)
    with open(testfilename,'r') as tf:
        answerset = json.load(tf)
        answerset = answerset['message']
    newset = snc.coalesce(answerset,method='graph')
    rs = newset['results']
def test_big_graphbased():
    fn = f'{input_dir}/bigger_new.json'
    testfilename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),fn)
    with open(testfilename,'r') as tf:
        answerset = json.load(tf)
        answerset = answerset['message']
    newset = snc.coalesce(answerset,method='graph')
    rs = newset['results']
def xtest_big_graphbased():
    """This input is over the github file size limit, so removing the test.  But it's good for profiling"""
    fn = f'{input_dir}/workflowb_strider_out.json'
    testfilename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),fn)
    with open(testfilename,'r') as tf:
        answerset = json.load(tf)
        answerset = answerset['message']
    newset = snc.coalesce(answerset,method='graph')
    rs = newset['results']
def test_graph_coalesce():
    """Make sure that results are well formed."""
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    testfilename = os.path.join(dir_path, jsondir, 'famcov_new.json')
    with open(testfilename, 'r') as tf:
        answerset = json.load(tf)
        answerset = answerset['message']
    #Some of these edges are old, we need to know which ones...
    original_edge_ids = set(
        [eid for eid, _ in answerset['knowledge_graph']['edges'].items()])
    #now generate new answers
    newset = snc.coalesce(answerset, method='graph', return_original=False)
    kgnodes = set(
        [nid for nid, n in newset['knowledge_graph']['nodes'].items()])
    kgedges = newset['knowledge_graph']['edges']
    for r in newset['results']:
        #Make sure each result has at least one extra node binding
        nbs = r['node_bindings']
        extra_node = False
        for qg_id, nbk in nbs.items():
            if qg_id.startswith('extra'):
                extra_node = True
            #Every node binding should be found somewhere in the kg nodes
            for nb in nbk:
                assert nb['id'] in kgnodes
                #And each of these nodes should have a name
                assert 'name' in newset['knowledge_graph']['nodes'][nb['id']]
        #We are no longer updating the qgraph.
#        assert extra_node
#make sure each new result has an extra edge
        nbs = r['edge_bindings']
        extra_edge = False
        for qg_id, nbk in nbs.items():
            if qg_id.startswith('extra'):
                extra_edge = True
                #check that the edges have the provenance we need
                #Every node binding should be found somewhere in the kg nodes
                for nb in nbk:
                    eedge = kgedges[nb['id']]
                    if nb['id'] in original_edge_ids:
                    keys = [
                        a['attribute_type_id'] for a in eedge['attributes']
                        values = set(
                            flatten([a['value'] for a in eedge['attributes']]))
                        assert False
                    ac_prov = set(
                        ['infores:aragorn', 'infores:automat-robokop'])
                    assert len(values.intersection(ac_prov)) == 2
                    assert len(values) > len(ac_prov)
def test_graph_coalesce_strider():
    """Make sure that results are well formed."""
    dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    testfilename = os.path.join(dir_path, jsondir, 'strider_relay_mouse.json')
    with open(testfilename, 'r') as tf:
        answerset = json.load(tf)
        answerset = answerset['message']
    newset = snc.coalesce(answerset, method='graph', return_original=False)
    for r in newset['results']:
        nbs = r['node_bindings']
        extra = False
        for nb in nbs:
            if nb.startswith('extra'):
                extra = True
        assert extra
def xtest_property_coalescer_why_no_coalesce():
    from src.single_node_coalescer import coalesce
    import os
    import json
    import datetime

    # get the path to the test file
    test_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),'InputJson_1.1','test_property.json')

    # open the file and load it
    with open(test_filename,'r') as tf:
        incoming = json.load(tf)
        incoming = incoming['message']

    # call function that does property coalesce
    coalesced = coalesce(incoming, method='all')
def test_missing_node_norm():
    from src.single_node_coalescer import coalesce
    import datetime

    # get a timestamp
    t1 = datetime.datetime.now()

    # get the path to the test file
    test_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
                                 jsondir, 'graph_named_thing_issue.json')

    # open the file and load it
    with open(test_filename, 'r') as tf:
        incoming = json.load(tf)
        incoming = incoming['message']

    # call function that does property coalesce
    coalesced = coalesce(incoming, method='graph')

    # get the amount of time it took
    diff = datetime.datetime.now() - t1

    # it should be less than this
    assert (diff.seconds < 60)
async def coalesce_handler(request: PDResponse, method: MethodName):
    """ Answer coalesce operations. You may choose all, property, graph. """

    # convert the incoming message into a dict
    in_message = request.dict()

    # save the logs for the response (if any)
    if 'logs' not in in_message or in_message['logs'] is None:
        in_message['logs'] = []

    # these timestamps are causing json serialization issues in call to the normalizer
    # so here we convert them to strings.
    for log in in_message['logs']:
        log['timestamp'] = str(log['timestamp'])

    # make sure there are results to coalesce
    # 0 results is perfectly legal, there's just nothing to do.
    if 'results' not in in_message[
            'message'] or in_message['message']['results'] is None or len(
                in_message['message']['results']) == 0:
        status_code = 200
        logger.error(f"No results to coalesce")
        # in_message['logs'].append(create_log_entry(f'No results to coalesce', "WARNING"))
        return JSONResponse(content=in_message, status_code=status_code)

    elif 'knowledge_graph' not in in_message['message'] or in_message[
            'message']['knowledge_graph'] is None or len(
                in_message['message']['knowledge_graph']) == 0:
        # This is a 422 b/c we do have results, but there's no graph to use.
        status_code = 422
        logger.error(f"No knowledge graph to coalesce")
        # in_message['logs'].append(create_log_entry(f'No knowledge graph to coalesce', "ERROR"))
        return JSONResponse(content=in_message, status_code=status_code)

    # init the status code
    status_code: int = 200

    # get the message to work on
    coalesced = in_message['message']

        # call the operation with the message in the request message
        coalesced = coalesce(coalesced, method=method)

        # turn it back into a full trapi message
        in_message['message'] = coalesced

        # import json
        # with open('ac_out_attributes.json', 'w') as tf:
        #     tf.write(json.dumps(in_message, default=str))

        # # Normalize the data
        # coalesced = normalize(in_message)
        # # save the response in the incoming message
        # in_message['message'] = coalesced['message']

    except Exception as e:
        # put the error in the response
        status_code = 500
        logger.exception(f"Exception encountered {str(e)}")
        # in_message['logs'].append(create_log_entry(f'Exception {str(e)}', "ERROR"))

    # return the result to the caller
    return JSONResponse(content=in_message, status_code=status_code)