def sendMessage(): # print response if you want flag = False path = sys._MEIPASS + "\\MyContacts.json" with open(path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f)["phones"] print("Phones -> ", data) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Whom do you want to message ?") print("Who do you wanna msg ?") a2 = SpeechRecogReg().lower() print("You said ", a2) while a2 not in data: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Could find any contact for " + a2) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Boss wanna terminate process or try again ?") answer = SpeechRecogReg() if "terminate" in answer: flag = True break if flag == True: return VoiceEngine.getVoice("What do you want to say ?") print("What do you want to say ?") msg = SpeechRecogReg() print("You said ", msg) sender(data[a2], msg) eel.show_info("Message sent successfully") VoiceEngine.getVoice(" Message sent successfully ")
def add_contacts(base_path): path = base_path + "\\MyContacts.json" with open(path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f) phone_data = data["phones"] VoiceEngine.getVoice("May I know the name of contact ?") name = SpeechRecogReg().lower() if name != None: VoiceEngine.getVoice("What is " + name + "'s contact number?") try: number = SpeechRecogReg() number_as = int(number) except: print("Not a number") return entry = {name: number} phone_data.update(entry) data.update(phone_data) with open(path, "w") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Phone Contact added successfully !")
def handleResponse(response): if response["status"] == "ok": top_articles = response["articles"] print("Number of trending articles->", len(top_articles)) for i in top_articles: print("Source: ", i["source"]["name"]) print("headline: ", i["title"]) eel.show_info(i["title"]) VoiceEngine.getVoice(i["title"]) # ask if details are required and print i["description"] eel.show_info(i["description"]) VoiceEngine.getVoice(i["description"]) # ask if in depth details are required and print i["content"] ask_for_details = SpeechRecogReg() if "get details" in ask_for_details: VoiceEngine.getVoice(i["content"]) if "stop" in ask_for_details: break # return ok else: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I think there is some error. Should I try again ?") attempt = SpeechRecogReg() if "Yes" in attempt or "try again" in attempt: return "1" return "0"
def add_email_Contact(base_path): VoiceEngine.getVoice("May I know the name of contact ?") name = SpeechRecogReg().lower() if name != None: VoiceEngine.getVoice("What is " + name + "'s mail id?") mail = SpeechRecogReg() VoiceEngine.getVoice("Mail Contact added successfully !")
def getWeatherData(): print("speak") VoiceEngine.getVoice("which City you want to search") id1 = SpeechRecogReg() eel.show_info(id1) c = print("You said ", id1) # try - except block try: url = "{}&appid=75eeb1def22ad1b37ad95298b918695c&units=metric".format( id1 ) res = requests.get(url) data = res.json() temp = str("The temperature is:"), data["main"]["temp"], str("degree celcius") description = str("It is"), data["weather"][0]["description"] """ print('Temperature : {} degree celcius'.format(temp)) print('Description : {}'.format(description)) """ VoiceEngine.getVoice(temp) VoiceEngine.getVoice(description) eel.show_info(description) except expression as identifier: VoiceEngine.getVoice("No such place found") eel.show_info("No such place found") return
def newsFeed(): VoiceEngine.getVoice("Sir, what would you like to hear ?") wish = SpeechRecogReg().lower() if "headlines" or "headline" in wish: fetchDailyNews() else: fetchQueryNews(wish) return
def main(): lastSeen = commands = [ "search google", "search youtube", "email", "message", "play music", "turn light on", ] t = threading.Thread(target=detector.detector) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() VoiceEngine() ActionDecider() eel.start_listening() VoiceEngine.getVoice("Welcome home") print("We are here") while helper.global_status_main == True: # print("code reached below point x 1") textForm = SpeechRecogInit() # print("code reached below point") if "Friday" in textForm: # eel.stop_listening() eel.show_info("Hi Boss How can I help You?") VoiceEngine.getVoice("Hi Boss! How can I help you ?") textForm = SpeechRecogReg() if textForm != "Invalid": value = ActionDecider.decideTakeAction(textForm) if value == 1: break currentTime = if (currentTime - lastSeen).seconds > 20: if detector.active_event_list != []: print("Events found = ", detector.active_event_list) while detector.active_event_list != []: event = detector.active_event_list.pop() print("Event conclude = ", detector.active_event_list) eel.show_info(event) VoiceEngine.getVoice(event) # eel.sleep(0.05) # eel.sleep(1) eel.sleep(0.05) res = t.join() return
def lightSystemCall(textForm): number = textForm[textForm.index("number") + 7:textForm.index("number") + 8] status = textForm[textForm.index("number") + 9:] path = Path(__file__).parent / "appliances.json" with as f: data = json.load(f) print("In the [Light Module]") while data["light " + number] is None: key = data["light " + number] print(key) VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I am sorry, could you please say that again or you wanna exit?") textForm = SpeechRecogReg() if "exit" in textForm: return number = textForm[textForm.index("number") + 7:textForm.index("number") + 8] status = textForm[textForm.index("number") + 9:] try: if "on" in status: url = data["light " + number] + number + "/0" # wb.get().open_new(url) response = req.get(url) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Light Turned On") print("It is now on : ", url) elif "of" or "off" in status: url = data["light " + number] + number + "/1" # wb.get().open_new(data["light " + number] + number + "/1") resonse = req.get(url) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Light Turned Off") print("It is now off:", url) except: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "Uh! I am facing some network problem. Why don't Try again later?") return
def play(): bundle_dir = sys._MEIPASS path = bundle_dir + "\\user-settings.json" with open(path, "r") as f: data = json.load(f)["music-library-path"] eel.show_info("Which song do you wanna play ?") VoiceEngine.getVoice("Which song do you wanna play ?") filename = SpeechRecogReg() eel.show_info("You said ", filename) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Playing " + filename) # x = input("Enter song name ") s = vlc.MediaPlayer(data + filename + ".mp3") s.audio_set_volume(35) stopper = SpeechRecogReg() while "terminate" not in stopper: print("Listening ") eel.show_info("Listening") stopper = SpeechRecogReg() if "volume up" in stopper: s.audio_set_volume(50) if "pause" in stopper: s.audio_set_mute(True) if "continue" in stopper: s.audio_set_mute(False) if "volume down" in stopper: s.audio_set_volume(35) print("You said ", stopper) s.stop() return "session ended"
def configuration(): base_path = get_path() VoiceEngine.getVoice("Which setting do you want to configure?") choice_answer = SpeechRecogReg() if "email" or "mail" in choice_answer: add_contacts(base_path) elif "phone" in choice_answer: add_email_Contact(base_path) elif "music" or "library" in choice_answer: change_music_library(base_path) elif "user" or "name" in choice_answer: change_user_name(base_path)
def youTubeSearcher(): url = "" print("what to search on youtube ?") audio2345 = SpeechRecogReg() print("You searched ", audio2345) try: get = audio2345 get.replace(" ", "+") print("Search String ", get) wb.get().open_new(playOnYoutube(get)) except Exception as e: print("failed".format(e))
def mailer(): path = sys._MEIPASS + "\\user-settings.json" print("path->", path) user_emailId = "*****@*****.**" user_password = "******" with open(path) as f: data = json.load(f) user_emailId = data["emailId"] user_password = data["password"] print(user_emailId, user_password) print("[send mail]") id1 = SpeechRecogReg().lower() print("You said ", id1) if "mail" in id1: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Whom do you want to mail ?") print("Whom do you want to mail ? ") id1 = SpeechRecogReg() print("you said ", id1) l = [] with open(sys._MEIPASS + "\\MyContacts.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f)["emails"] for i in id1.split(" and "): if data[i.lower()] != None: l.append(data[i.lower()]) else: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Could not find email for ", i) VoiceEngine.getVoice("What's the message boss ?") message = SpeechRecogReg() s = smtplib.SMTP("", 587) s.starttls() VoiceEngine.getVoice("Sending email, give me some time") eel.show_info("Sending . . .") print("Sending . . .") try: for recipientEmailId in l: s.login(user_emailId, user_password) s.sendmail(user_emailId, recipientEmailId, message) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Sent to " + recipientEmailId) print("Sent to ", recipientEmailId) except: print("exception occurred") VoiceEngine.getVoice( "Boss, I am facing some issues. Why don't we try again later?" ) s.quit() VoiceEngine.getVoice("Done Task") print("Done task")
def googleSearcher(): url = "" print("search ") audio2345 = SpeechRecogReg() print("You searched ", audio2345) try: get = audio2345 # .replace(" ","+") print("Search String = ", get) # wb.get().open_new(get) answer = getGoogleAnswer(get) print("Answer is " + answer) eel.show_info(answer) VoiceEngine.getVoice(answer) except Exception as e: print("failed".format(e))
def decideTakeAction(textForm): print("You said", textForm) if "Google" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("I understand you want to Search Google") googleSearcher() elif "date" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("I understand you want to know date and time") VoiceEngine.getVoice("The date and time is") timedate() elif "YouTube" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("I understand you want to search youtube") youTubeSearcher() elif "download music" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I understand you want to download music. Let me process . . ." ) VoiceEngine.getVoice("Which song you wanna download ?") search_string = SpeechRecogReg() print("Your search string is ", search_string) eel.show_info("Your search string is ", search_string) search_url = playOnYoutube(search_string) ydl = YouTubeDownloader(search_string) print("object created") VoiceEngine.getVoice("downloading file. . .please wait !") # del ydl elif "email" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("I understand you want to send an Email") mailer() # Calls Email elif "text" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("I understand you want to send text Messages") sendMessage() # Calls PhoneText elif "reset security system" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I understand you want to reset the Security System") # Call Reset Security System elif "light" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I understand you want to turn the lights off") lightSystemCall(textForm) # Call a simple web api elif "kill yourself" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Alight I am gonna rest now! Bye Bye") return 1 elif "play music" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Which song maester?") # play() elif "weather" in textForm: VoiceEngine.getVoice("Yo Boss Gimme a second") getWeatherData() elif "news" in textForm: newsFeed() else: VoiceEngine.getVoice( "I am sorry I cannot do that ! But you can teach me how") eel.stop_listening() return