    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        pygame.display.set_caption('Cataclysm: Looming Darkness')
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((854, 480), pygame.ANYFORMAT)
        self.TileManager = TileManager()
        self.ItemManager = ItemManager()
        self.RecipeManager = RecipeManager(
        )  # contains all the known recipes in the game. for reference.
        self.FontManager = FontManager()
        self.player = Player(
            str(first_name) + str(last_name)
        )  # recieves updates from server. the player and all it's stats. #TODO: name and password.
        self.localmap = None
        self.hotbars = []
        self.hotbars.insert(0, Hotbar(self.screen, 10, 10))

        # insert buttons when we open a screen and destroy them when we leave it.
        self.buttons = []
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (50,50,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (150,50,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (150,150,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (50,150,50,50)))
        self.textboxes = []
        self.listboxes = []
class Client(MastermindClientTCP): # extends MastermindClientTCP
    def find_player_in_localmap(self):
        for tile in self.localmap:
            if(tile['creature'] is not None):
                if(tile['creature'].name == self.player.name):
                    return tile['creature']
            print('couldn\'t find player')

    def convert_chunks_to_localmap(self, list_of_chunks):
        tiles = []
        for chunk in list_of_chunks:
            for tile in chunk.tiles:
                tiles.insert(len(tiles), tile)
        #print('length of returned localmap: ' + str(len(tiles)))
        return tiles

    def lerp(self, start, end, t):
        return start + t * (end-start)

    def lerp_point(self, p0, p1, t):
        return (int(self.lerp(p0[0], p1[0], t)), int(self.lerp(p0[1], p1[1], t)))

    def diagonal_distance(self, p0, p1):
        dx = p1[0] - p0[0]
        dy = p1[1] - p0[1]
        return max(abs(dx), abs(dy))

    def line(self, p0, p1):
        points = []
        diagonal_distance = self.diagonal_distance(p0, p1)
        for step in range(diagonal_distance):
            points.append(self.lerp_point(p0, p1, step/diagonal_distance))
        return points # so now we have a set of points along a line.

    def trim_localmap(self, origin_position, radius=10):
        #print('origin_position: ' + str(origin_position))
        # origin_position = origin_position # store the player position for fov origin
        # convert chunks to grid
        level = defaultdict(dict)
        light_map = defaultdict(dict)
        for tile in self.localmap[:]: # we only need the tiles around radius.
            if int(tile['position'].x) < origin_position.x-radius or int(tile['position'].x) > origin_position.x+radius+1:
            elif int(tile['position'].y) < origin_position.y-radius or int(tile['position'].y) > origin_position.y+radius+1:
                level[str(tile['position'].x)][str(tile['position'].y)] = tile['terrain'].impassable # so either remove a tile or figure out if it's impassable.
                #light_map = [str(tile['position'].x)][str(tile['position'].y)] = tile['lumens']
        # draw a line to each edge of the viewport using grid_edges
        #x's include top row and bottom rows
        #y's include min and max of viewport.
        grid_edges = []
        # now we have a level grid. let's get our edges so we can plot lines from origin to edge.
        for x in range(origin_position.x-radius, origin_position.x+radius+1): # X
            grid_edges.append((x, origin_position.y-radius))
            grid_edges.append((x, origin_position.y+radius))
        for y in range(origin_position.y-radius, origin_position.y+radius+1): # Y
            grid_edges.append((origin_position.x-radius, y))
            grid_edges.append((origin_position.x+radius, y))
        #print('grid_edges: ' + str(len(grid_edges)))

        tiles_to_keep = []
        #now we need to remove tiles which are out of our field of view.
        for destination in grid_edges:
            for point in self.line((origin_position.x, origin_position.y), destination):
                if level[str(point[0])][str(point[1])] == True: # (impassable)
                    tiles_to_keep.append(point) # do this to keep the blocking wall visible.
                    break # hit a wall. move on to the next ray.

        for tiles in self.localmap[:]: # iterate a copy to remove correctly.
            for point in tiles_to_keep:
                if tiles['position'].x == point[0] and tiles['position'].y == point[1]:
        #print('len of new localmap:' + str(len(self.localmap)))

    def draw_view_at_position(self, draw_position):
        #TODO: lerp the positions of creatures from one frame to the next.
        self.screen.fill((55, 55, 55)) # clear screen between frames
        self.trim_localmap(draw_position) # update field of view and lighting

        # at this point the localmap should've been trimmed of unseeable tiles. draw what's left at position.
        for tile in self.localmap: # draw the localmap for the controlling player.
            terrain = tile['terrain']
            position = tile['position'] # Position(x, y, z)
            creature = tile['creature'] # Creature()
            furniture = tile['furniture'] # Furniture()
            items = tile['items'] # list [] of Item()
            light_intensity = tile['lumens']
            fg = self.TileManager.TILE_TYPES[terrain.ident]['fg']
            bg = self.TileManager.TILE_TYPES[terrain.ident]['bg']

            x = draw_position.x - position.x - 9 # offset to put position in middle of viewport
            y = draw_position.y - position.y - 9 # offset to put position in middle of viewport

            x = x * -1 # x needs to be flipped to display to make 0,0 top left (maps are loaded row, column top to bottom)
            y = y * -1 # y needs to be flipped to display correctly.

            # first blit terrain
            if(bg is not None):
                self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[bg], (x*24, y*24)) # blit background of the terrain
            if(fg is not None):
                self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[fg], (x*24, y*24)) # blit foreground of the terrain

            # then blit furniture
            if(furniture is not None):
                fg = self.TileManager.TILE_TYPES[furniture.ident]['fg']
                self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[fg], (x*24, y*24))

            # then blit items (if there is a pile of items check and see if any are blueprints. if so show those.)
            if(len(items) > 0):
                for item in items:
                    # always show blueprints on top.
                    if(isinstance(item, Blueprint)):
                        fg = self.TileManager.TILE_TYPES[items[0].ident]['fg']
                        self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[fg], (x*24, y*24))

                    # only display the first item for now
                    fg = self.TileManager.TILE_TYPES[items[0].ident]['fg']
                    self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[fg], (x*24, y*24))

            # then blit vehicles

            # then blit player and creatures and monsters (all creature types)
            if(creature is not None):
                self.screen.blit(self.TileManager.TILE_MAP[creature.tile_id], (x*24, y*24)) # TODO: need to build it if the player is wearing clothes, etc...

            # darken based on lumen level of the tile
            # light_intensity # 10 is max light level although lumen level may be higher.
            light_intensity = min(int((255-(light_intensity*25))/3), 255)
            light_intensity = max(light_intensity, 0)
            #print(light_intensity, end=',')
            self.screen.fill((light_intensity, light_intensity, light_intensity), rect=(x*24, y*24, 24, 24), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_SUB)

            # render debug text
            #myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("monospace", 8)
            #label = myfont.render(str(position.x)+','+str(position.y), 1, (255,255,0))
            #self.screen.blit(label, (x*24, y*24))

            # then blit weather. Weather is the only thing above players and creatures.
            #TODO: blit weather

        for hotbar in self.hotbars: #draw the hotbars

        for button in self.buttons: #draw the buttons

        for listbox in self.listboxes: #draw the listboxes

        for textbox in self.textboxes: #draw the textboxes

    def __init__(self, first_name, last_name):
        pygame.display.set_caption('Cataclysm: Looming Darkness')
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((854, 480), pygame.ANYFORMAT)
        self.TileManager = TileManager()
        self.ItemManager = ItemManager()
        self.RecipeManager = RecipeManager() # contains all the known recipes in the game. for reference.
        self.FontManager = FontManager()
        self.player = Player(str(first_name) + str(last_name)) # recieves updates from server. the player and all it's stats. #TODO: name and password.
        self.localmap = None
        self.hotbars = []
        self.hotbars.insert(0, Hotbar(self.screen, 10, 10))

        # insert buttons when we open a screen and destroy them when we leave it.
        self.buttons = []
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (50,50,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (150,50,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (150,150,50,50)))
        #self.buttons.insert(0, Button(self.screen, 'BUTTON!', (120,120,120), (50,150,50,50)))
        self.textboxes = []
        self.listboxes = []
        #self.listboxes.insert(0, ListBox(self.screen, (0,0,0), (160, 50, 200,200)))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 0', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 1', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 2', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 3', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 4', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 5', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 6', Item('brewing_cookbook')))
        #self.listboxes[0].add(Listbox_item('item 7', Item('brewing_cookbook')))

        #self.messageBox = MessageBox()
        # print('TILE_MAP size: ' + str(len(TILE_MAP)))

    def open_crafting_menu(self):
        #TODO: allow passing a string to skip to the choose direction part.
        list_of_known_recipes = []
        for key, value in self.RecipeManager.RECIPE_TYPES.items(): #TODO: Don't just add them all. Pull them from creature.known_recipes
        crafting_menu = Crafting_Menu(self.screen, list_of_known_recipes, (0, 0, 854, 480), self.FontManager)
        self.screen.fill((55, 55, 55), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_SUB) # darken the screen to indicate an action is required.

        # work out the internal list of UI_components so we can iterate them if needed.
        _listboxes = []
        _textboxes = []
        _buttons = []
        for UI_component in crafting_menu.UI_components:
            UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.

            if(isinstance(UI_component, ListBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, TextBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, Button)):

        # now that we've drawn the crafting menu we need to wait until the player clicks a UI_component or clicks to craft.
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event queue so we can wait for player feedback.
        sidebar_components = []
        while True:
            for UI_component in crafting_menu.UI_components:
                UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.
            for component in sidebar_components:
            pygame.display.flip() # flip the screen after we've .draw() the UI_components
            event = pygame.event.wait() # wait for player input.
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP):
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                for button in _buttons:
                    if pos[0] >= button.x and pos[0] <= button.x + button.width:
                        if pos[1] >= button.y and pos[1] <= button.y + button.height:
                            button.on_clicked(event.button, pos[0] - button.x, pos[1] - button.y)
                            if(button.command == 'craft'):
                                # close the crafting window and bring up a directional window

                                # if player clicked the craft button then we need to close the menu and get a direction.
                                # open up the directional menu and wait for a input
                                w = int(client.screen.get_width()/2)
                                h = int(client.screen.get_height()/2)
                                directional_menu = Directional_choice(client.screen, (w, h)) # draw it at center of screen.
                                while True:
                                    client.screen.blit(directional_menu.surface, (100,100))
                                    pygame.display.flip() # now we have a fully built frame, display it
                                    event = pygame.event.wait()
                                    if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
                                        if event.key == pygame.K_KP2:
                                            return crafting_menu.sidebar['result'], 'south'
                                        if event.key == pygame.K_KP8:
                                            return crafting_menu.sidebar['result'], 'north'
                                        if event.key == pygame.K_KP4:
                                            return crafting_menu.sidebar['result'], 'west'
                                        if event.key == pygame.K_KP6:
                                            return crafting_menu.sidebar['result'], 'east'

                            elif(button.command.split('_')[0] == 'skill'):
                                # TODO: a skill button was pressed. handle it.
                                # load button.command.split('_')[1]

                for listbox in _listboxes:
                    if pos[0] >= listbox.x and pos[0] <= listbox.x + listbox.width:
                        if pos[1] >= listbox.y and pos[1] <= listbox.y + listbox.height:
                            item_clicked = listbox.on_clicked(event.button, pos[0] - listbox.x, pos[1] - listbox.y)
                            # fill the Sidebar with the relavent info when we click a listbox item
                            crafting_menu.sidebar = {} # reset the sidebar.
                            for key, value in item_clicked.reference_object.items():
                                crafting_menu.sidebar[key] = value

                sidebar_components = []
                count = 1 # start after the main textbox.
                w = int(client.screen.get_width())
                h = int(client.screen.get_height())
                for key, value in crafting_menu.sidebar.items():
                    if(key == 'components'):
                        #_surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(key))
                        #sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-288, 72+(count*12), w, h-72), _surface))
                        count = count + 1
                        for dict_or_list in value:
                            if(type(dict_or_list) == list): # this is a OR list of components
                                for item in dict_or_list:
                                    _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(item['amount']))
                                    sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-268, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                                    _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(item['ident'])+str('    OR'))
                                    sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-248, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                                    count = count + 1
                                _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(dict_or_list['amount']))
                                sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-268, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                                _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(dict_or_list['ident'])+str('    AND'))
                                sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-248, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                                count = count + 1

                        _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(key))
                        sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-288, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                        _surface = self.FontManager.convert_string_to_surface(str(value))
                        sidebar_components.append(TextBox(self.screen, (0,0,200), (w-168, 72+(count*12), w, 8), _surface))
                        count = count + 1 #crafting menu takes up the whole screen, don't need pos unless that changes.

    def open_movement_menu(self, pos, tile):
        movement_menu = Movement_menu(client.screen, (pos[0], pos[1], 72, 144), client.FontManager)

        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event queue so we can wait for player feedback.
        _listboxes = []
        _textboxes = []
        _buttons = []

        for UI_component in movement_menu.UI_components:
            UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.

            if(isinstance(UI_component, ListBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, TextBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, Button)):

        print('len of _listboxes', end = ': ')

        print('opening movement menu')
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event queue so we can wait for player feedback.
        clicked = ''
        while clicked == '':
            for UI_component in movement_menu.UI_components:
                UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.

            pygame.display.flip() # flip the screen after we've .draw() the UI_components
            event = pygame.event.wait() # wait for player input.
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP):
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                for listbox in _listboxes:
                    if pos[0] >= listbox.x and pos[0] <= listbox.x + listbox.width:
                        if pos[1] >= listbox.y and pos[1] <= listbox.y + listbox.height:
                            item_clicked = listbox.on_clicked(event.button, pos[0] - listbox.x, pos[1] - listbox.y)
                            if(item_clicked == None):
                                print('movement_menu selected: ' + str(item_clicked.text))
                                clicked = item_clicked.text

        if(clicked == 'move'):
            print('clicked move. sending command')
            _command = Command(client.player.name, 'calculated_move', (tile['position'].x, tile['position'].y, tile['position'].z)) # send calculated_move action to server and give it the position of the tile we clicked.
            return _command

    def open_super_menu(self, pos, tile):
        super_menu = Super_menu(client.screen, tile, (pos[0], pos[1], 72, 144), client.FontManager) # initialize it.
        self.screen.fill((55, 55, 55), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_SUB) # darken the screen to indicate an action is required.
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event queue so we can wait for player feedback.
        _listboxes = []
        _textboxes = []
        _buttons = []
        for UI_component in super_menu.UI_components:
            UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.

            if(isinstance(UI_component, ListBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, TextBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, Button)):

        clicked = ''
        while clicked == '':
            pygame.display.flip() # flip the screen after we've .draw() the UI_components
            event = pygame.event.wait() # wait for player input.
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP):
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                for listbox in _listboxes:
                    if pos[0] >= listbox.x and pos[0] <= listbox.x + listbox.width:
                        if pos[1] >= listbox.y and pos[1] <= listbox.y + listbox.height:
                            item_clicked = listbox.on_clicked(event.button, pos[0] - listbox.x, pos[1] - listbox.y)
                            if(item_clicked == None):
                                #user clicked an empty spot.
                                clicked = item_clicked.text

        if clicked == 'Movement':
            return client.open_movement_menu(pos, tile) # pass back the results of the movement window. returned as command 'calculated_move'
        elif clicked == 'Terrain':
            return client.open_terrain_menu(pos)
        elif clicked == 'Creature':
        elif clicked == 'Items':
            # TODO: I assume the player wants to look at the items to decide what to take.

    def open_equipment_menu(self):
        self.screen.fill((55, 55, 55), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_SUB) # darken the screen to indicate an action is required.
        equipment_menu = Equipment_Menu(self.screen, (0, 0, 400, 496), self.FontManager, self.player.body_parts)

        # work out the internal list of UI_components so we can iterate them if needed.
        _listboxes = []
        _textboxes = []
        _buttons = []
        _equipment_buttons = []
        for UI_component in equipment_menu.UI_components:
            UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.

            if(isinstance(UI_component, ListBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, TextBox)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, Button)):
            elif(isinstance(UI_component, Equipment_Button)):

        # clicking on a area where an item is equipped.
        #  with no item 'grabbed' and no item in slot.
        #   open menu > equip/wear item -> parse_items_for_equippable_locations()[] -> click_item() -> wear_item()
        # with item 'grabbed' and no item in slot
        #  check_equippable() -> wear/weild item
        # with no item 'grabbed' and item in slot
        #  'grab' item
        # with item grabbed and item in slot
        #  swap()?
        # with item 'grabbed' and cursor outside equipment screen.
        #  drop() item on ground relative the the position of the equipment screen (drop right on screen drops right of player)
        # click a container with an item 'grabbed'
        #  put() item in container. (containers can only hold empty containers. or closed containers.)

        # now that we've drawn the equipment menu we need to wait until the player clicks a UI_component.
        pygame.event.clear() # clear the event queue so we can wait for player feedback.
        sidebar_components = []
        _grabbed = self.player.grabbed
        while True:
            self.screen.blit(equipment_menu.surface, (equipment_menu.x, equipment_menu.y))
            for UI_component in equipment_menu.UI_components:
                UI_component.draw() # blit them to the screen.
            pygame.display.flip() # flip the screen after we've .draw() the UI_components
            event = pygame.event.wait() # wait for player input.
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
                # dragging from somwhere. we need to keep drawing so handle that
                # wait until we let go of the mouse and handle it.
            elif(event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP):
                # we clicked somewhere while the equipment screen is up.
                # if we clicked an equipment tile we need to open a sub-menu for options for that the item can do. (activate, equip, etc..)
                pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
                for UI_component in equipment_menu.UI_components:
                    if pos[0] >= UI_component.position[0] and pos[0] <= UI_component.position[0] + 24:
                        if pos[1] >= UI_component.position[1] and pos[1] <= UI_component.position[1] + 24:
                            print('clicked', UI_component )
                            if(_grabbed is None): # the temporary spot where the cursor is holding the item.
                                _grabbed = UI_component.item
                                UI_component.item = None # this only happens locally for now. the server doesn't care about the item on the cursor.
                            else: # we are holding an item
                                if(UI_component.item is None):
                                    UI_component.item = _grabbed
                                    _grabbed = None # place the item into the blank spot.
                                    #TODO: tell the server to move the item server-side

                                    _tmp1 = UI_component.item # swap the items.
                                    _tmp2 = _grabbed
                                    UI_component.item = _tmp2
                                    _grabbed = _tmp1
                                    _tmp1 = None
                                    _tmp2 = None

                                    #_grabbed = _tmp1
                                    #TODO: tell the server to swap the items server-side
                                    _player_requesting = self.players[data.ident]
                                    _item = data.args[0] # the item we are moving.
                                    _from_type = data.args[1] # creature.held_item, creature.held_item.container, bodypart.equipped, bodypart.equipped.container, position, blueprint
                                    _from_list = [] # the object list that contains the item. parse the type and fill this properly.
                                    _to_list = data.args[2] # the list the item will end up. passed from command.
                                    _position = Position(data.args[3], data.args[4], data.args[5]) # pass the position even if we may not need it.

                                    _command = Command(self.player.name, 'move_item', (tile['position'].x, tile['position'].y, tile['position'].z)) # send calculated_move action to server and give it the position of the tile we clicked.
                                    return _command

            elif(event.type == pygame.KEYUP):
                # when we want to do something with the keyboard.
                if event.key == pygame.K_m:
                    #(m)ove an item
                elif(event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE): # close the menu