def pickleload(filepath, variables): d = {} if filepath[-2:] != '.p': filepath = filepath + '.p' try: with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp: alldata = pickle.load(fp) except IOError as e: raise KnownError('Could not find file %s' % (filepath), e) except pickle.UnpicklingError as e: raise KnownError( 'File %s is not a valid Pickle file and cannot be loaded.' % (filepath), e) # Check if requested variables are available and load them to dict d if variables is None: variables = alldata.keys() d = alldata else: for key in variables: # verify that requested key exists, else raise an exception if key not in alldata: raise KnownError('Could not load variable %s from file %s' % (key, file)) # load data d[key] = alldata[key] # convert instances to functions __convertfunction(d, variables) return d
def run(self): if self.input.v('Av') is None: raise KnownError( 'Reference level runs, but cannot find Av.\n' 'Check if this variable is provided by the module that promisses this and if it is not deleted ' )'Running module ReferenceLevel') # Init jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x') kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z') self.G = self.input.v('G') self.bottomBC = self.input.v('BottomBC') self.z = np.linspace(0, 1, np.minimum(kmax, 100)) self.xaxis = self.input.v('grid', 'axis', 'x', x=np.linspace(0, 1, jmax + 1)) self.Av = np.real(self.input.v('Av', x=self.xaxis, z=self.z, f=0)) self.H = self.input.v('H', x=self.xaxis) self.sf = np.real(self.input.v('Roughness', x=self.xaxis, z=0, f=0)) B = self.input.v('B', x=self.xaxis) # Construct reference level by stepping from x=0 towards x=L R = np.zeros((jmax + 1)) x = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), 'x')[:, 0, 0] dx = x[1:] - x[0:-1] R[0] = 0. for j in range(0, jmax): c = self.uSolver(j, R[j]) * B[j] b = self.uSolver2(j, R[j]) * B[j] * dx[j] a = self.uSolver3(j, R[j]) * B[j] * (dx[j]**2) Rx_all = np.roots([a, b, c, self.Q]) for Rx in Rx_all: if np.imag(Rx) == 0: Rx = np.real(Rx) break R[j + 1] = R[j] + Rx * dx[j] # if self.input.v('zeta1', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0) is not None: # R = R+self.input.v('zeta1', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)-self.input.v('zeta1','river', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0) # Compute convergence self.difference = np.linalg.norm( R - self.input.v('R', range(0, jmax + 1)), np.inf) d = {} d['R'] = np.maximum(R, -self.H + 0.2) return d
def availability(self, F, T, G, alpha1, alpha2): """Calculates the solution to the bed-evolution equation: the erodibility and availability of sediment Parameters: F - diffusive coefficient in the availability equation that goes with a_x T - coefficient (advective, diffusive and stokes) in the availability equation that goes with a Returns: a - availability of sediment f - erodibility of sediment """ ################################################################################################################ ## Init ################################################################################################################ jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x') B = self.input.v('B', range(0, jmax + 1), 0, 0) x = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input, 'x')[:, 0, 0] dx = x[1:] - x[:-1] ################################################################################################################ ## Solution to bed-evolution equation ################################################################################################################ ## analytical solution if np.all(G == 0): P = np.zeros(jmax+1) else: P = integrate.cumtrapz(G / (F - 10 ** -6) * np.exp(integrate.cumtrapz(T / F, dx=dx, axis=0, initial=0)), dx=dx, axis=0, initial=0) exponent = np.exp(-integrate.cumtrapz(T / F, dx=dx, axis=0, initial=0)) # Boundary conditions (analytical solution) # BC 1: total amount of sediment in the system if self.input.v('sedbc') == 'astar': astar = self.input.v('astar') k = (astar * np.trapz(B, dx=dx, axis=0) / np.trapz(B * exponent, dx=dx, axis=0)) # BC 2: concentration at the seaward boundary elif self.input.v('sedbc') == 'csea': csea = self.input.v('csea') c000 = alpha1[0] k = csea / c000 * (self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', 0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', 0)) # BC 3: incorrect boundary description else: from src.util.diagnostics.KnownError import KnownError raise KnownError('incorrect seaward boundary type (sedbc) for sediment module') # final solution (analytical) f0uncap = (k - P) * exponent ## Check if f<1 everywhere, # if not compute numerical solution instead with a time-stepping routine that maximises f at 1. if all(f0uncap < 1): f0 = f0uncap else: f0, Smod = self.availability_numerical(np.real(T), np.real(F), np.real(f0uncap), k, alpha1, alpha2, G) ## compute derivative if np.all(G == 0) and all(f0uncap < 1): f0x = -T / F * f0uncap # only use analytical derivative in case with no fluvial source of sediment and f<1; else not reliable. else: f0x = ny.derivative(f0, 'x', self.input.slice('grid')) return f0uncap, f0, f0x
def run(self):'Running module StaticAvailability') ################################################################################################################ ## Init ################################################################################################################ jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x') kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z') fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f') c0 = self.input.v('hatc0', 'a', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) c1_a0 = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) c1_a0x = self.input.v('hatc1', 'ax', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) if isinstance(c1_a0x, bool): c1_a0x = np.zeros((jmax + 1, kmax + 1, fmax + 1)) d = {} c0_int = ny.integrate(c0, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) B = self.input.v('B', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], [0]) u0 = self.input.v('u0', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) zeta0 = self.input.v('zeta0', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], range(0, fmax + 1)) Kh = self.input.v('Kh', range(0, jmax + 1), [0], [0]) ################################################################################################################ ## Second order closure ################################################################################################################ u1 = self.input.v('u1', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) d['T'] = {} d['F'] = {} T0 = 0 F0 = 0 ## Transport T ############################################################################################ ## T.1. - u0*c1_a0 # Total c1a_f0 = c1_a0 T0 += ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0, c1a_f0, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) # Decomposition for submod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc1', 'a'): if submod == 'erosion': for subsubmod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc1', 'a', 'erosion'): c1_a0_comp = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', submod, subsubmod, range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) c1a_f0_comp_res = c1_a0_comp d['T'] = self.dictExpand( d['T'], subsubmod, ['TM' + str(2 * n) for n in range(0, fmax + 1) ]) # add submod index to dict if not already # transport with residual availability for n in range(0, fmax + 1): tmp = np.zeros(c1a_f0_comp_res.shape, dtype=complex) tmp[:, :, n] = c1a_f0_comp_res[:, :, n] tmp = ny.integrate( ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0, tmp, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T'][subsubmod]['TM' + str(2 * n)] += tmp else: c1_a0_comp = self.input.v('hatc1', 'a', submod, range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) c1a_f0_comp_res = c1_a0_comp d['T'] = self.dictExpand( d['T'], submod, ['TM' + str(2 * n) for n in range(0, fmax + 1) ]) # add submod index to dict if not already # transport with residual availability for n in range(0, fmax + 1): tmp = np.zeros(c1a_f0_comp_res.shape, dtype=complex) tmp[:, :, n] = c1a_f0_comp_res[:, :, n] tmp = ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0, tmp, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T'][submod]['TM' + str(2 * n)] += tmp ## T.2. - u1*c0 # Total T0 += ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u1, c0, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) # Decomposition for submod in self.input.getKeysOf('u1'): u1_comp = self.input.v('u1', submod, range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) d['T'] = self.dictExpand( d['T'], submod, ['TM' + str(2 * n) for n in range(0, fmax + 1) ]) # add submod index to dict if not already # transport with residual availability for n in range(0, fmax + 1): tmp = np.zeros(u1_comp.shape, dtype=complex) tmp[:, :, n] = u1_comp[:, :, n] if submod == 'stokes': tmp = ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(tmp, c0, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T'][submod] = self.dictExpand( d['T'][submod], 'TM' + str(2 * n), ['return', 'drift']) d['T'][submod]['TM0']['return'] += tmp else: tmp = ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(tmp, c0, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T'][submod]['TM' + str(2 * n)] += tmp ## T.5. - u0*c0*zeta0 # Total T0 += ny.complexAmplitudeProduct( ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0[:, [0], :], c0[:, [0], :], 2), zeta0, 2) # Decomposition uzeta = ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0[:, [0], :], zeta0, 2) d['T'] = self.dictExpand( d['T'], 'stokes', ['TM' + str(2 * n) for n in range(0, fmax + 1)]) # transport with residual availability for n in range(0, fmax + 1): tmp = np.zeros(c0[:, [0], :].shape, dtype=complex) tmp[:, :, n] = c0[:, [0], n] tmp = ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(uzeta, tmp, 2)[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T']['stokes']['TM' + str(2 * n)]['drift'] += tmp ## T.6. - u1riv*c2rivriv c2 = self.input.v('hatc2', 'a', 'erosion', 'river_river', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) u1riv = self.input.v('u1', 'river', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) if u1riv is not None: d['T'] = self.dictExpand( d['T'], 'river_river', 'TM0') # add submod index to dict if not already tmp = ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u1riv, c2, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) if any(abs(tmp[:, 0, 0])) > 10**-14: d['T']['river_river']['TM0'] = tmp[:, 0, 0] T0 += tmp ## T.7. - diffusive part # Total c0x = self.input.d('hatc0', 'a', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1), dim='x') T0 += -Kh * ny.integrate(c0x, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) c2x = self.input.d('hatc2', 'a', 'erosion', 'river_river', range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1), dim='x') T0 += -Kh * ny.integrate(c2x, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) # Decomposition d['T'] = self.dictExpand(d['T'], 'diffusion_tide', ['TM0']) d['T'] = self.dictExpand(d['T'], 'diffusion_river', ['TM0']) # transport with residual availability tmp = -(Kh * ny.integrate(c0x, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T']['diffusion_tide']['TM0'] = tmp tmp = -(Kh * ny.integrate(c2x, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['T']['diffusion_river']['TM0'] = tmp ## Diffusion F ############################################################################################ ## F.1. - u0*C1ax*f0 # Total F0 += ny.integrate(ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(u0, c1_a0x, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) # Decomposition for submod in self.input.getKeysOf('hatc1', 'ax'): c1_ax0_comp = self.input.v('hatc1', 'ax', submod, range(0, jmax + 1), range(0, kmax + 1), range(0, fmax + 1)) d['F'] = self.dictExpand( d['F'], submod, ['FM' + str(2 * n) for n in range(0, fmax + 1) ]) # add submod index to dict if not already # transport with residual availability for n in range(0, fmax + 1): tmp = np.zeros(u0.shape, dtype=complex) tmp[:, :, n] = u0[:, :, n] tmp = ny.integrate( ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(tmp, c1_ax0_comp, 2), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid'))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['F'][submod]['FM' + str(2 * n)] += tmp ## F.3. - diffusive part # Total F0 += -Kh * ny.integrate(c0, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) F0 += -Kh * ny.integrate(c2, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')) # Decomposition d['F'] = self.dictExpand(d['F'], 'diffusion_tide', ['FM0']) d['F'] = self.dictExpand(d['F'], 'diffusion_river', ['FM0']) # transport with residual availability tmp = -(Kh * ny.integrate(c0, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['F']['diffusion_tide']['FM0'] = tmp tmp = -(Kh * ny.integrate(c2, 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')))[:, 0, 0] if any(abs(tmp)) > 10**-14: d['F']['diffusion_river']['FM0'] = tmp ## Solve ################################################################################################ ## Add all mechanisms & compute a0c from src.DataContainer import DataContainer dc = DataContainer(d) dc.merge(self.input.slice('grid')) T_til = np.real(dc.v('T', range(0, jmax + 1))) F_til = np.real(dc.v('F', range(0, jmax + 1))) # DEBUG: CHECKS IF COMPOSITE T, F == total T, F # print np.max(abs((dc.v('T', range(0, jmax+1))-T0[:, 0, 0])/(T0[:, 0, 0]+10**-10))) # print np.max(abs((dc.v('F', range(0, jmax+1))-F0[:, 0, 0])/(F0[:, 0, 0]+10**-10))) integral = -ny.integrate(T_til / (F_til - 10**-6), 'x', 0, range(0, jmax + 1), self.input.slice('grid')) if self.input.v('Qsed') is None: G = 0 else: G = self.input.v('Qsed') / B[-1, 0, 0] P = ny.integrate(G / (F_til - 10**-6) * np.exp(-integral), 'x', 0, range(0, jmax + 1), self.input.slice('grid')) ################################################################################################################ # Boundary condition 1 ################################################################################################################ if self.input.v('sedbc') == 'astar': astar = self.input.v('astar') k = astar * ny.integrate(B[:, 0, 0], 'x', 0, jmax, self.input.slice('grid')) / ny.integrate( B[:, 0, 0] * np.exp(integral), 'x', 0, jmax, self.input.slice('grid')) f0 = (k - P) * np.exp(integral) f0x = (-T_til * f0 - G) / (F_til - 10**-6) ################################################################################################################ # Boundary condition 2 ################################################################################################################ elif self.input.v('sedbc') == 'csea': csea = self.input.v('csea') c000 = np.real(c0_int[0, 0, 0]) k = csea / c000 * (self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', 0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', 0)) f0 = (k - P) * np.exp(integral) f0x = (-T_til * f0 - G) / (F_til - 10**-6) else: from src.util.diagnostics.KnownError import KnownError raise KnownError( 'sediment boundary sedbc not known: use astar or csea') ################################################################################################################ # Store in dict ################################################################################################################ d['a'] = f0 d['c0'] = c0 * f0.reshape((jmax + 1, 1, 1)) d['c1'] = c1_a0 * f0.reshape((jmax + 1, 1, 1)) + c1_a0x * f0x.reshape( (jmax + 1, 1, 1)) d['c2'] = c2 * f0.reshape((jmax + 1, 1, 1)) return d
def profileSelection(self, uabs, uabsH, order): """ Go through a menu with turbulence profiles and roughness parameters. Selects the correct one based on the input Then determines the coefficients and prepares the functions for the eddy viscosity and Roughness Parameters: uabs (array) - approximation of the absolute depth-averaged velocity (at the current order) uabsH (array) - approximation of the absolute depth-averaged velocity * depth (at the current order) order (int or None) - current order of the calculation Returns: prepared functions for Av and the roughness parameter of choice. Also returns the type of boundary condition """ # Init jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x') fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f') if order < 1: Avmin = self.Avmin # Make a new data container with the roughness parameter with the depth-scaling param n incorporated data = self.input.slice('grid') data.addData('coef', self.input.v(self.roughnessParameter)) roughness = self.input.slice('grid') roughness.addData('Roughness', UniformX('x', data, self.n).function) ################################################################################################################ # Select the correct profile and roughness parameter: # 1. Uniform # 1a. uniform + sf0 (linear) # 1b. uniform + z0*(non-linear) ################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################ ## case 1a: uniform + sf0 (linear) ################################################################################################################ if self.roughnessParameter == 'sf0': ## 1. Eddy viscosity Av0 = np.zeros((jmax + 1, fmax + 1), dtype=complex) # truncated model if order == None: depth = np.zeros((jmax+1, fmax+1), dtype=complex) depth[:, 0] = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', range(0,jmax+1)) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', range(0,jmax+1)) i = 0 while self.input.v('zeta'+str(i)) and i <= self.truncationorder: depth += self.input.v('zeta'+str(i), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1)) for submod in self.ignoreSubmodule: try: depth -= self.input.v('zeta'+str(i), submod, range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1)) except: pass i += 1 Av0[:, :] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1), 0, [0]) * depth # Leading order elif order == 0: depth = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', x=0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', x=0) Av0[:, 0] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1)) * depth # Higher orders else: depth = self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1)) for submod in self.ignoreSubmodule: try: depth -= self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), submod, range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1)) except: pass Av0[:, :] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape((jmax+1, 1)) * self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1)) # background eddy viscosity if order < 1: # i.e. None or 0 Av0[:, 0] = np.maximum(Av0[:, 0], Avmin) # adjust time dependence (NB no risk of negative eddy viscosity if zeta < H+R) Av0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*Av0[:, 1:] # put data in output variables data = self.input.slice('grid') data.addData('coef', Av0) if order == 0: Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 1.).function else: Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 0.).function ## 2. Roughness if order == 0 or order==None: sf0 = np.zeros((jmax + 1, fmax + 1)) sf0[:, 0] = roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax+1)) dataRough = self.input.slice('grid') dataRough.addData('coef', sf0) roughness = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], dataRough, 0.).function else: roughness = 0. ## 3. Boundary type BottomBC = 'PartialSlip' # No iteration required unless the reference level is computed if self.referenceLevel == 'False': self.difference = 0. ################################################################################################################ ## case 1b: constant + z0* (non-linear) ################################################################################################################ elif self.roughnessParameter in ['z0*']: # 1. prepare coefficients z0st = roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1)) Cd_div_k2 = (((1. + z0st) * np.log(1. / z0st + 1) - 1) ** -2.).reshape(jmax + 1, 1) Av0 = 0.10 / 0.636 * Cd_div_k2 * uabsH[:, 0, :] sf0 = 0.22 / 0.636 * Cd_div_k2 * uabs[:, 0, :] # background eddy viscosity if order < 1: # i.e. None or 0 Av0[:, 0] = np.maximum(Av0[:,0], self.Avmin) depth = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', x=0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', x=0) sf0[:, 0] = np.maximum(sf0[:,0], self.Avmin*2/depth) # minimum sf = 2*Avmin/H (relation from case 1a) # remove time dependence if required Av0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*Av0[:, 1:] sf0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*sf0[:, 1:] # correct possible negative eddy viscosity Av0 = self.positivity_correction('Av', Av0, order, False) sf0 = self.positivity_correction('Roughness', sf0, order, False) sf0t = ny.invfft2(sf0, 1, 90) Av0t = ny.invfft2(Av0, 1, 90) ind = 0 while (sf0t<0).any() and ind < 50: sf0 = self.positivity_correction('Roughness', sf0, order, False) sf0t = ny.invfft2(sf0, 1, 90) ind += 1 if ind == 50: raise KnownError('sf not sufficiently corrected for positivity') ind = 0 while (Av0t<0).any() and ind < 50: Av0 = self.positivity_correction('Av', Av0, order, False) Av0t = ny.invfft2(Av0, 1, 90) ind += 1 if ind == 50: raise KnownError('Av not sufficiently corrected for positivity') # 2. prepare smaller DataContainers data = self.input.slice('grid') data.addData('coef', Av0) dataRough = self.input.slice('grid') dataRough.addData('coef', sf0) # 3. prepare functions Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 0.).function roughness = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], dataRough, 0.).function BottomBC = 'PartialSlip' else: raise KnownError('Combination of turbulence profile and roughness parameter is not implemented') return Av, roughness, BottomBC
def run(self): measurementset = self.input.v('measurementset') data = self.input.getKeysOf('experimentdata') calib_param = ny.toList(self.input.v('calibration_parameter')) label = ny.toList(self.input.v('label')) unit_temp = ny.toList(self.input.v('unit')) unit = [] for u in unit_temp: if u == '-': unit.append('') else: unit.append('($' + u + '$)') if len(calib_param) == 1: param_range = [[]] elif len(calib_param) == 2: param_range = [[], []] else: raise KnownError( 'ManualCalibration not implemented for calibration with more than 3 parameters.' ) # inital loop to determine the parameter ranges for i, dat in enumerate(data): dc = self.input.v('experimentdata', dat) for j in range(0, len(calib_param)): param_range[j].append(dc.v(calib_param[j])) for j in range(0, len(calib_param)): param_range[j] = sorted(list(set(param_range[j]))) # second loop to determine the values per parameter setting cost_range = np.nan * np.zeros([len(l) for l in param_range] + [2]) for dat in data: dc = self.input.v('experimentdata', dat) index = [ l.index(dc.v(calib_param[i])) for i, l in enumerate(param_range) ] L = dc.v('grid', 'high', 'x') H0 = dc.n('grid', 'high', 'z', x=0) dc.merge(self.input.slice(measurementset)) x_obs = dc.v(measurementset, 'x_waterlevel') / L x_ext = np.zeros(len(x_obs) + 2) x_ext[1:-1] = x_obs x_ext[0] = 0 x_ext[-1] = 1 zeta_obs = dc.v(measurementset, 'zeta', x=x_obs, z=0, f=[1, 2]) # Start fix # zeta_obs =[measurementset]['zeta']['value'][:,1:3] #fix # from copy import deepcopy #fix # newgrid = deepcopy(['zeta0']['tide']['grid']['outputgrid']) #fix # i = 0 # while i is not None: # try: # keys =['zeta'+str(i)].keys() # for key in keys: # if i<2: #['zeta'+str(i)][key]['grid'] = newgrid # else: # keys2['zeta'+str(i)][key].keys() # for key2 in keys2: #['zeta'+str(i)][key][key2]['grid'] = newgrid # i += 1 # except: # i = None # End fix zeta_mod = 0 i = 0 while True: if dc.v('zeta' + str(i), x=x_obs, z=0, f=[1, 2]) is not None: zeta_mod += dc.v('zeta' + str(i), x=x_obs, z=0, f=[1, 2]) i += 1 else: break if i > 3: break cost_range[tuple(index) + (0, )] = cost_function_DJ96( x_ext, zeta_obs[:, 0], zeta_mod[:, 0]) cost_range[tuple(index) + (1, )] = cost_function_DJ96( x_ext, zeta_obs[:, 1], zeta_mod[:, 1]) st.configure() # 1D plots if len(calib_param) == 1: try: minlocM2 = [ param_range[0][np.where( cost_range[:, 0] == np.min(cost_range[:, 0]))[0]] ] minlocM4 = [ param_range[0][np.where( cost_range[:, 1] == np.min(cost_range[:, 1]))[0]] ] except: minlocM2 = [np.nan] minlocM4 = [np.nan] print 'Minumim $M_2$: ' print calib_param[0] + ' ' + str(minlocM2[0]) print 'Minumim $M_4$: ' print calib_param[0] + ' ' + str(minlocM4[0]) if self.input.v('axis') == 'log': axis = np.log10(param_range[0]) label = '$log_{10}$($' + label[0] + '$)' + unit[0] minlocM2 = np.log10(minlocM2) minlocM4 = np.log10(minlocM4) else: axis = param_range[0] label = '$' + calib_param[0] + '$' + unit[0] plt.figure(1, figsize=(1, 1)) plt.plot(axis, cost_range[:, 0], 'k.') plt.plot(minlocM2[0], np.min(cost_range[:, 0]), 'ro') plt.xlabel(label) plt.ylabel('Cost $M_2$') plt.yticks([], []) plt.ylim(0, max(cost_range[:, 0])) plt.figure(2, figsize=(1, 1)) plt.plot(axis, cost_range[:, 1], 'k.') plt.plot(minlocM4[0], np.min(cost_range[:, 1]), 'ro') plt.xlabel(label) plt.ylabel('Cost $M_4$') plt.yticks([], []) plt.ylim(0, max(cost_range[:, 1])) # 2D plots elif len(calib_param) == 2: try: minlocM2 = [ param_range[0][np.where( cost_range[:, :, 0] == np.min(cost_range[:, :, 0]))[0]], param_range[1][np.where( cost_range[:, :, 0] == np.min(cost_range[:, :, 0]))[1]] ] minlocM4 = [ param_range[0][np.where( cost_range[:, :, 1] == np.min(cost_range[:, :, 1]))[0]], param_range[1][np.where( cost_range[:, :, 1] == np.min(cost_range[:, :, 1]))[1]] ] except: minlocM2 = [np.nan, np.nan] minlocM4 = [np.nan, np.nan] print 'Minumim $M_2$: ' print calib_param[0] + ' ' + str(minlocM2[0]) print calib_param[1] + ' ' + str(minlocM2[1]) print 'Minumim $M_4$: ' print calib_param[0] + ' ' + str(minlocM4[0]) print calib_param[1] + ' ' + str(minlocM4[1]) if self.input.v('axis') == 'log': axis1 = np.log10(param_range[0]) axis2 = np.log10(param_range[1]) label1 = '$log_{10}$($' + label[0] + '$)' + unit[0] label2 = '$log_{10}$($' + label[1] + '$)' + unit[1] minlocM2 = [np.log10(i) for i in minlocM2] minlocM4 = [np.log10(i) for i in minlocM4] else: axis1 = param_range[0] axis2 = param_range[1] label1 = '$' + label[0] + '$' + unit[0] label2 = '$' + label[1] + '$' + unit[1] plt.figure(1, figsize=(1, 1)) plt.hold(True) plt.contourf(axis1, axis2, np.transpose(cost_range[:, :, 0]), 30) plt.plot(minlocM2[0], minlocM2[1], 'ro') # plt.plot(axis1, np.log10(0.5*10**axis2*H0), 'r') plt.xlim(min(axis1), max(axis1)) plt.ylim(min(axis2), max(axis2)) # plt.plot(np.log10(0.003), np.log10(0.061), 'yo') # best Scheldt calibration # plt.plot(np.log10(0.098), np.log10(0.019), 'yo') # best Ems1981 calibration plt.title('Cost $M_2$') plt.xlabel(label1) plt.ylabel(label2) #plt.colorbar() plt.figure(2, figsize=(1, 1)) plt.hold(True) plt.plot(minlocM4[0], minlocM4[1], 'ro') plt.contourf(axis1, axis2, np.transpose(cost_range[:, :, 1]), 30) # plt.plot(axis1, np.log10(0.5*10**axis2*H0), 'r') plt.xlim(min(axis1), max(axis1)) plt.ylim(min(axis2), max(axis2)) plt.title('Cost $M_4$') plt.xlabel(label1) plt.ylabel(label2) #plt.colorbar() d = {} return d