def setup_exception_handler(self, exc): chained_exc = util.chain_exc( exc, f"preparing to run {self.pod.full_name}.", util.PodRuntimeError) self.pod.deactivate(chained_exc) self.tear_down() raise exc # include in production, or just for debugging?
def runtime_exception_handler(self, exc): """Handler which is called if an exception is raised during the POD's execution (including setup and clean up). """ chained_exc = util.chain_exc(exc, f"running {self.pod.full_name}.", util.PodExecutionError) self.pod.deactivate(chained_exc) self.tear_down() raise exc # include in production, or just for debugging?
def load_ds(self, var): """Top-level method to load dataset and parse metadata; spun out so that child classes can modify it. Calls child class :meth:`read_dataset`. """ try: ds = self.read_dataset(var) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, (f"loading " f"dataset for {var.full_name}."), util.DataPreprocessEvent) var.log.debug("Read %d mb for %s.", ds.nbytes / (1024 * 1024), var.full_name) try: ds = self.parser.parse(var, ds) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, (f"parsing file " f"metadata for {var.full_name}."), util.DataPreprocessEvent) return ds
def write_ds(self, var, ds): """Top-level method to write out processed dataset; spun out so that child classes can modify it. Calls child class :meth:`write_dataset`. """ path_str = util.abbreviate_path(var.dest_path, self.WK_DIR, '$WK_DIR')"Writing %d mb to %s", ds.nbytes / (1024 * 1024), path_str) try: ds = self.clean_output_attrs(var, ds) ds = self.log_history_attr(var, ds) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, (f"cleaning attributes to " f"write data for {var.full_name}."), util.DataPreprocessEvent) try: self.write_dataset(var, ds) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, f"writing data for {var.full_name}.", util.DataPreprocessEvent) del ds # shouldn't be necessary
def process_ds(self, var, ds): """Top-level method to apply selected functions to dataset; spun out so that child classes can modify it. """ for f in self.functions: try: var.log.debug("Calling %s on %s.", f.__class__.__name__, var.full_name) ds = f.process(var, ds) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, (f"Preprocessing on {var.full_name} " f"failed at {f.__class__.__name__}."), util.DataPreprocessEvent) return ds
def process_ds(self, var, ds): """Top-level method to call the :meth:`~PreprocessorFunctionBase.process` of each included PreprocessorFunction on the Dataset *ds*. Spun out into its own method so that child classes can modify it. """ for f in self.functions: try: var.log.debug("Calling %s on %s.", f.__class__.__name__, var.full_name) ds = f.process(var, ds) except Exception as exc: raise util.chain_exc(exc, (f"Preprocessing on {var.full_name} " f"failed at {f.__class__.__name__}."), util.DataPreprocessEvent) return ds
def pre_run_setup(self): """Extra code only applicable in frepp cooperative mode. If this code is called, all the POD's model data has been generated. Write a placeholder directory to POD_OUT_DIR, so if frepp invokes the MDTF package again while we're running, only our results will be written to the overall output. """ super(GfdlDiagnostic, self).pre_run_setup() config = core.ConfigManager() frepp_mode = config.get('frepp', False) if frepp_mode and not os.path.exists(self.POD_OUT_DIR): try: gfdl_util.make_remote_dir(self.POD_OUT_DIR, log=self.log) self._has_placeholder = True except Exception as exc: chained_exc = util.chain_exc(exc, (f"Making output directory at " f"{self.POD_OUT_DIR}."), util.PodRuntimeError) self.deactivate(chained_exc)
def runtime_exception_handler(self, exc): chained_exc = util.chain_exc(exc, f"running {self.pod.full_name}.", util.PodExecutionError) self.pod.deactivate(chained_exc) self.tear_down() raise exc # include in production, or just for debugging?