def __init__(self, config_path, args, working_dir, temp_dir, avoid_output=False): """ Inits the pipeline, by calling the constructors of all modules mentioned in the config. :param config_path: path to the config :param args: arguments which were provided to the and are specified in the config file :param working_dir: the current working dir usually the place where the sits :param working_dir: the directory where to put temporary files during the execution :param avoid_output: if this is true, all modules (renderers and writers) skip producing output. With this it is possible to debug \ properly. """ Utility.working_dir = working_dir config_parser = ConfigParser(silent=True) config = config_parser.parse(Utility.resolve_path(config_path), args) # Setup pip packages specified in config SetupUtility.setup_pip(config["setup"]["pip"] if "pip" in config["setup"] else []) if avoid_output: GlobalStorage.add_to_config_before_init("avoid_output", True) Utility.temp_dir = Utility.resolve_path(temp_dir) os.makedirs(Utility.temp_dir, exist_ok=True) self.modules = Utility.initialize_modules(config["modules"])
# Read args argv = sys.argv batch_index_file = None if( '--debug' in argv): pydevd_pycharm.settrace('localhost', port=1234, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True) if "--batch-process" in argv: batch_index_file = argv[argv.index("--batch-process") + 1] argv = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:]# +["/Users/Tjoun/BlenderProc/resources/Shapenet.v2" "/Users/Tjoun/BlenderProc/examples/OneObj/output"] working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility # Setup general required pip packages e.q. pyyaml SetupUtility.setup_pip([]) from src.main.Pipeline import Pipeline from src.utility.Utility import Utility config_path = argv[0] temp_dir = argv[1] if batch_index_file == None: pipeline = Pipeline(config_path, argv[2:], working_dir, temp_dir) else: with open(Utility.resolve_path(batch_index_file), "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines:
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["Pillow", "opencv-contrib-python"]) import os from math import tan import bpy import cv2 import numpy as np from src.main.GlobalStorage import GlobalStorage from src.renderer.RendererInterface import RendererInterface from src.utility.BlenderUtility import load_image from src.utility.SGMUtility import fill_in_fast from src.utility.SGMUtility import resize from src.utility.Utility import Utility class StereoGlobalMatchingWriter(RendererInterface): """ Writes depth image generated from the stereo global matching algorithm to file **Configuration**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type
import os from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any, Set, Tuple from collections import defaultdict from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["h5py"]) import numpy as np import csv import math import json import bpy import mathutils import h5py from src.utility.BlenderUtility import load_image from src.utility.MathUtility import MathUtility from src.utility.Utility import Utility from src.utility.CameraUtility import CameraUtility class WriterUtility: @staticmethod def load_registered_outputs(keys: Set[str]) -> Dict[str, List[np.ndarray]]: """ Loads registered outputs with specified keys :param keys: set of output_key types to load :return: dict of lists of raw loaded outputs. Keys can be 'distance', 'colors', 'normals' """
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["scikit-image"]) import datetime from itertools import groupby import csv import json import os import shutil import numpy as np from skimage import measure import bpy from src.utility.Utility import Utility class CocoWriterUtility: @staticmethod def write(output_dir: str, mask_encoding_format="rle", supercategory="coco_annotations", append_to_existing_output=False, segmap_output_key="segmap", segcolormap_output_key="segcolormap", rgb_output_key="colors"): """ Writes coco annotations in the following steps: 1. Locate the seg images 2. Locate the rgb maps 3. Locate the seg mappings 4. Read color mappings
def extract(mesh_objects: [MeshObject], compare_angle_degrees: float = 7.5, compare_height: float = 0.15, up_vector_upwards: bool = True, height_list_path: str = None, new_name_for_object: str = "Floor", should_skip_if_object_is_already_there: bool = False) -> [MeshObject]: """ Extracts floors in the following steps: 1. Searchs for the specified object. 2. Splits the surfaces which point upwards at a specified level away. :param mesh_objects: Objects to where all polygons will be extracted. :param compare_angle_degrees: Maximum difference between the up vector and the current polygon normal in degrees. :param compare_height: Maximum difference in Z direction between the polygons median point and the specified height of the room. :param up_vector_upwards: If this is True the `up_vec` points upwards -> [0, 0, 1] if not it points downwards: [0, 0, -1] in world coordinates. This vector is used for the `compare_angle_degrees` option. :param height_list_path: Path to a file with height values. If none is provided, a ceiling and floor is automatically detected. \ This might fail. The height_list_values can be specified in a list like fashion in the file: [0.0, 2.0]. \ These values are in the same size the dataset is in, which is usually meters. The content must always be \ a list, e.g. [0.0]. :param new_name_for_object: Name for the newly created object, which faces fulfill the given parameters. :param should_skip_if_object_is_already_there: If this is true no extraction will be done, if an object is there, which has the same name as name_for_split_obj, which would be used for the newly created object. :return: The extracted floor objects. """ # set the up_vector up_vec = mathutils.Vector([0, 0, 1]) if not up_vector_upwards: up_vec *= -1.0 height_list = [] if height_list_path is not None: height_file_path = Utility.resolve_path(height_list_path) with open(height_file_path) as file: import ast height_list = [float(val) for val in ast.literal_eval(] object_names = [ for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects if obj.type == "MESH"] def clean_up_name(name: str): """ Clean up the given name from Floor1 to floor :param name: given name :return: str: cleaned up name """ name = ''.join([i for i in name if not i.isdigit()]) # remove digits name = name.lower().replace(".", "").strip() # remove dots and whitespace return name object_names = [clean_up_name(name) for name in object_names] if should_skip_if_object_is_already_there and new_name_for_object.lower() in object_names: # if should_skip is True and if there is an object, which name is the same as the one for the newly # split object, than the execution is skipped return [] newly_created_objects = [] for obj in mesh_objects: obj.edit_mode() bm = obj.mesh_as_bmesh() bpy.ops.mesh.select_all(action='DESELECT') if height_list: counter = 0 for height_val in height_list: counter = FloorExtractor.select_at_height_value(bm, height_val, compare_height, up_vec, compare_angle_degrees, obj.get_local2world_mat()) if counter: obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED') else: from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["scikit-learn"]) from sklearn.cluster import MeanShift, estimate_bandwidth # no height list was provided, try to estimate them on its own # first get a list of all height values of the median points, which are inside of the defined # compare angle range list_of_median_poses = [FloorExtractor._get_median_face_pose(f, obj.get_local2world_mat())[2] for f in bm.faces if FloorExtractor._check_face_angle(f, obj.get_local2world_mat(), up_vec, compare_angle_degrees)] if not list_of_median_poses: print("Object with name: {} is skipped no faces were relevant, try with " "flipped up_vec".format(obj.get_name())) list_of_median_poses = [FloorExtractor._get_median_face_pose(f, obj.get_local2world_mat())[2] for f in bm.faces if FloorExtractor._check_face_angle(f, obj.get_local2world_mat(), -up_vec, compare_angle_degrees)] if not list_of_median_poses: print("Still no success for: {} skip object.".format(obj.get_name())) bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='OBJECT') bpy.ops.object.select_all(action='DESELECT') continue successful_up_vec = -up_vec else: successful_up_vec = up_vec list_of_median_poses = np.reshape(list_of_median_poses, (-1, 1)) if np.var(list_of_median_poses) < 1e-4: # All faces are already correct height_value = np.mean(list_of_median_poses) else: ms = MeanShift(bandwidth=0.2, bin_seeding=True) # if the up vector is negative the maximum value is searched if up_vector_upwards: height_value = np.min(ms.cluster_centers_) else: height_value = np.max(ms.cluster_centers_) counter = FloorExtractor.select_at_height_value(bm, height_value, compare_height, successful_up_vec, compare_angle_degrees, obj.get_local2world_mat()) if counter: obj.update_from_bmesh(bm) bpy.ops.mesh.separate(type='SELECTED') selected_objects = bpy.context.selected_objects if selected_objects: if len(selected_objects) == 2: selected_objects = [o for o in selected_objects if o !=] selected_objects[0].name = new_name_for_object newly_created_objects.append(MeshObject(selected_objects[0])) else: raise Exception("There is more than one selection after splitting, this should not happen!") else: raise Exception("No floor object was constructed!") obj.object_mode() return newly_created_objects
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["scikit-image", "opencv-contrib-python"]) import datetime from itertools import groupby import csv import json import os import shutil import numpy as np from skimage import measure from typing import List import cv2 import bpy from src.utility.Utility import Utility from src.utility.LabelIdMapping import LabelIdMapping class CocoWriterUtility: @staticmethod def write(output_dir: str, instance_segmaps: List[np.ndarray] = [], instance_attribute_maps: List[dict] = [], colors: List[np.ndarray] = [], color_file_format: str = "PNG", mask_encoding_format="rle", supercategory="coco_annotations", append_to_existing_output: bool = True, segmap_output_key="segmap", segcolormap_output_key="segcolormap",
from collections import defaultdict from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["imageio"]) import bpy import bmesh import mathutils from mathutils import Vector import numpy as np import imageio from src.utility.Utility import Utility def local_to_world(cords, world): """ Returns a cords transformed to the given transformation world matrix :param cords: coordinates a tuple of 3 values for x,y,z :param world: world matrix <- transformation matrix """ return [world @ Vector(cord) for cord in cords] def get_bounds(obj): """ :param obj: a mesh object :return: [8x[3xfloat]] the object aligned bounding box coordinates in world coordinates """ return local_to_world(obj.bound_box, obj.matrix_world)
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["scipy"]) import cv2 import numpy as np from scipy import stats from src.main.Module import Module from src.utility.PostProcessingUtility import PostProcessingUtility class OilPaintFilter(Module): """ Applies the oil paint filter on a single channel image (or more than one channel, where each channel is a replica of the other). This could be desired for corrupting rendered depth maps to appear more realistic. Also trims the redundant channels if they exist. **Configuration**: .. list-table:: :widths: 25 100 10 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Description - Type * - filter_size - Mode filter size, should be an odd number. Default: 5 - int * - edges_only - If true, applies the filter on the edges only. For RGB images, they should be represented in uint8 arrays. Default: True
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip(["opencv-contrib-python", "pypng==0.0.20"]) import json import os import glob import numpy as np import shutil from typing import List import png import cv2 import bpy from mathutils import Matrix from src.utility.BlenderUtility import get_all_blender_mesh_objects from src.utility.Utility import Utility from src.utility.PostProcessingUtility import PostProcessingUtility from src.utility.WriterUtility import WriterUtility class BopWriterUtility: """ Saves the synthesized dataset in the BOP format. The dataset is split into chunks which are saved as individual "scenes". For more details about the BOP format, visit the BOP toolkit docs: """ @staticmethod def _load_json(path, keys_to_int=False): """Loads content of a JSON file. From the BOP toolkit (
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip( ["scikit-image", "pypng==0.0.20", "scipy==1.2.2", "matplotlib==2.2.4"]) import os import sys from random import choice from typing import List import bpy import numpy as np from mathutils import Matrix, Vector from src.utility.CameraUtility import CameraUtility from src.utility.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject from src.utility.Utility import Utility class BopLoader: @staticmethod def load(bop_dataset_path: str, temp_dir: str, sys_paths: list, model_type: str = "", cam_type: str = "", split: str = "test", scene_id: int = -1, obj_ids: list = [], sample_objects: bool = False, num_of_objs_to_sample: int = None, obj_instances_limit: int = -1,
from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip([ "git+", "git+" ]) import glob import json import os import random from datetime import datetime from typing import List, Tuple import bpy import mathutils import numpy as np import torch from human_body_prior.body_model.body_model import BodyModel from src.utility.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject from src.utility.Utility import Utility from src.utility.loader.ObjectLoader import ObjectLoader class AMASSLoader: """ AMASS is a large database of human motion unifying 15 different optical marker-based motion capture datasets by representing them within a common framework and parameterization. All of the mocap data is convereted into realistic 3D human meshes represented by a rigged body model called SMPL, which provides a standard skeletal representation as well as a fully rigged surface mesh. Warning: Only one part of the AMASS database is currently supported by the loader! Please refer to the AMASSLoader example for more information about the currently supported datasets. Any human pose recorded in these motions could be reconstructed using the following parameters: `"sub_dataset_identifier"`, `"sequence id"`, `"frame id"` and `"model gender"` which will represent the pose, these parameters specify the exact pose to be generated based on the selected mocap dataset and motion category recorded in this dataset. Note: if this module is used with another loader that loads objects with semantic mapping, make sure the other
from src.utility.MathUtility import MathUtility from src.utility.SetupUtility import SetupUtility SetupUtility.setup_pip( ["scikit-image", "pypng==0.0.20", "scipy", "matplotlib", "pytz"]) import os import sys from random import choice from typing import List import bpy import numpy as np from mathutils import Matrix, Vector from src.utility.CameraUtility import CameraUtility from src.utility.MeshObjectUtility import MeshObject from src.utility.Utility import Utility from src.utility.MathUtility import MathUtility class BopLoader: @staticmethod def load(bop_dataset_path: str, temp_dir: str, sys_paths: list, model_type: str = "", cam_type: str = "", split: str = "test", scene_id: int = -1, obj_ids: list = [], sample_objects: bool = False,