def main(): df = load_data('src/data/data.csv') with st.beta_container(): st.subheader('Gender Distribution') figure = px.sunburst(df, names=df['Gender'], parent=df['Membership Type'], value=df['Lifetime Days'].value_counts()) st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=figure)
def main(): img ='assets/logo.png') st.image(img) st.title('Data Snapshot') date = df = None load_state = st.text('Loading data.......') while True: try: df = load_data('src/data/data.csv') except Exception as e: print('File not found') continue break load_state.text('Loading data.......done!') # if st.checkbox('Member population distribution map', value=True): # with st.beta_container(): # with st.spinner('Rendering chart...'): # world_map = folium.Map(tiles="OpenStreetMap", zoom_start=105) # marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(world_map) # # for each coordinate, create circlemarker of user percent # data = df[['Latitude', 'Longitude']].dropna() # for i in range(len(data)): # lat = data.iloc[i]['Latitude'] # long = data.iloc[i]['Longitude'] # radius = 5 # popup_text = """Country : {df.iloc[i]['Country']}<br>%of Users : {}<br>""" # # popup_text = popup_text.format(df.iloc[i]['Country'], # # df.iloc[i]['Gender'] # # ) # folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, long], radius=radius, popup=popup_text, fill=True).add_to(marker_cluster) # # # call to render Folium map in Streamlit # folium_static(world_map) if st.checkbox('Show raw data', value=True): st.subheader('Raw data') st.write(df) st.subheader('Quick facts') st.markdown(f'* The Room has members in {len(df["Continent"].unique())} continents and {len(df["Country"].unique())} countries and {len(df["City"].unique())} cities around the world.') st.markdown(f'* There are {len(df["Customer Segment"].unique())} customer segments, {len(df["Membership Type"].unique())} membership types, and {len(df["Membership Level"].unique())} membership levels.') st.markdown(f'* Membership consists of {len(df[df["Gender"] == "male"])} males and {len(df[df["Gender"] == "female"])} females.')
def main(): st.title("Dashboard") pio.templates.default = "plotly_dark" date = DATA_URL = "" df = None while True: try: df = load_data(fetch_url(date)) except: date = date - timedelta(days=1) continue break df = df[df["Country_Region"] == "US"] state = st.sidebar.selectbox( "Choose state", sorted(df["Province_State"].unique().tolist())) st.subheader(state) viz = st.selectbox("Choose visualization", ["Summary", "Top Cities"]) if viz == "Summary": st.plotly_chart(state_summary(df, state)) elif viz == "Top Cities": st.plotly_chart(plot_state(df, state))
def main(): # Setting state_dim = 140 action_dim = 40 state_order = 5 action_order = 5 alpha = 0.001 # Workset smoothness time_limit = 5 # seconds train_data_path = [ 'docs/new_data/expert/data_1.csv', 'docs/new_data/expert/data_2.csv' ] m = get_reparam_multi_linear_model(state_dim, action_dim, state_order, action_order) model_filename = 'model/Multistep_linear/' m.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_filename, map_location=device)) m.eval() train_states, train_actions, info = load_data(paths=train_data_path, scaling=True, preprocess=True, history_x=state_order, history_u=action_order) scaler = (info['scale_min'].item(), info['scale_max'].item()) print('Min. state scaler: {}, Max. state scaler: {}'.format( scaler[0], scaler[1])) print('Min. action scaler: {}, Max. action scaler: {}'.format( scaler[0], scaler[1])) optimizer_mode = 'LBFGS' initial_temp = 150.0 heatup_times = [545] anneal_times = [363] target_temp = [375.0] target = generate_reference(initial_temp=initial_temp, heatup_times=heatup_times, anneal_times=anneal_times, target_temps=target_temp) target = torch.reshape(torch.tensor(target).to(device), shape=(-1, 1)).repeat( repeats=(1, state_dim)) # [908 x 140] target = (target - scaler[0]) / (scaler[1] - scaler[0] ) # Change scale into 0-1 H = 50 T = target.shape[0] history_tc = np.ones( (state_order, state_dim)) * 150 # Please fill the real data, 0~139: glass TC history_ws = np.ones( (action_order - 1, action_dim)) * 150 # Please fill the real data, 0~39: workset runner = Runner(m=m, optimizer_mode=optimizer_mode, state_scaler=scaler, action_scaler=scaler, alpha=alpha, timeout=time_limit) """x0 = torch.zeros((state_order, state_dim)).to(device) u0 = torch.zeros((action_order-1, action_dim)).to(device) us = torch.zeros((H, action_dim)).to(device) sample_predicted = m.multi_setp_prediction(x0, u0, us) print(sample_predicted.shape)""" for t in range(T - H): print("Now time [{}] / [{}]".format(t, T - H)) start = time.time() workset = runner.solve(history_tc, history_ws, target[ t:t + H, :]) # [1 x 40] torch.Tensor, use this workset to the furnace end = time.time() print('Time computation : {}'.format(end - start)) with torch.no_grad(): x0 = torch.from_numpy(history_tc).float().to(device) u0 = torch.from_numpy(history_ws).float().to(device) x0 = (x0 - scaler[0]) / (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) u0 = (u0 - scaler[0]) / (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) observed_tc = m.multi_step_prediction( x0, u0, workset).cpu().detach().numpy() # [1 x 140] observed_tc = observed_tc * (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) + scaler[0] # unscaling workset = workset * (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) + scaler[0] workset = workset.cpu().detach().numpy() # [1 x 40] numpy.array now_target = target[t, 0] * (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) + scaler[0] print('Target tc is {}'.format(now_target)) print('Average tc is {}'.format(observed_tc.mean())) print('Average ws is {}'.format(workset.mean())) history_tc = np.concatenate([history_tc[1:, :], observed_tc], axis=0) history_ws = np.concatenate([history_ws[1:, :], workset], axis=0)
def main(): pio.templates.default = 'plotly_dark' df = None while True: try: df = load_data('src/data/data.csv') except Exception as e: print('File not found') continue break granularity = st.sidebar.selectbox("Granularity", ["Worldwide", "Continent", "Country"]) if granularity == "Worldwide": viz = [ 'Global Member Distribution', 'Gender Distribution', 'Membership Type', 'Membership Level' ] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox('Choose Visualization', viz) st.title("Member Distribution") if choice == 'Global Member Distribution': conti = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby('Continent')['Gender'].value_counts()).rename( columns={'Gender': 'Numbers'}) conti = conti.unstack(level=0) conti.columns = conti.columns.droplevel([0]) conti = conti.rename_axis([None], axis=1).reset_index() with st.beta_container(): with st.spinner('Rendering chart...'): world_map = folium.Map(tiles="OpenStreetMap", zoom_start=2000) marker_cluster = MarkerCluster().add_to(world_map) data = df[['Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Country', 'Gender']].dropna() for i in range(len(data)): lat = data.iloc[i]['Latitude'] long = data.iloc[i]['Longitude'] radius = 5 # popup_text = f"Country : {data.iloc[i]['Country']}<br>%of Users : {}<br>" # popup_text = popup_text.format(data.iloc[i]['Country'], data.iloc[i]['Gender']) folium.CircleMarker(location=[lat, long], radius=radius, fill=True).add_to(marker_cluster) # call to render Folium map in Streamlit folium_static(world_map) if st.checkbox('Show raw data'): st.write(conti) expander = st.beta_expander('Analysis') expander.write( f'Africa has the highest membership rate at {round(((669+708)/1707)*100, 2)}%, followed by North America {round(((71+95)/1707)*100, 2)}%, Europe {round(((669+708)/1707)*100, 2)}%, Asia {round((20/1707)*100, 2)}% and finally Oceania {round((2/1707)*100, 2)}%' ) elif choice == 'Gender Distribution': with st.beta_container(): st.subheader('Worldwide Member Gender Distribution') data = cat_numbers(df, 'Gender') pie_chart(data, 'Gender', 'Global Member Gender Distribution') expander = st.beta_expander('Analysis') expander.write( f"The Room's membership consists of 52.1% males and 47.9% females." ) elif choice == 'Membership Type': mem = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby('Gender')['Membership Type'].value_counts()).rename( columns={'Membership Type': 'Number'}) mem = mem.unstack(level=1) mem.columns = mem.columns.droplevel([0]) mem = mem.rename_axis([None], axis=1).reset_index() mem.drop(columns='NONE') with st.beta_container(): fig =, x='Gender', y=[ 'Founding Member', 'Free Trial', 'Premium Paying', 'Staff Membership' ]) fig.update_layout(barmode='group') st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=fig) expander = st.beta_expander('Analysis') expander.write( f'A majority, 55.5%, of members hold Free Trial accounts (53.4% female and 57.3%). ' f'11.6% on the Premium Paying Plan, 20.3% are Founding Members and 12.1% are on Staff ' f'Membership.') elif choice == 'Membership Level': mlevel = pd.DataFrame( df.groupby('Membership Level')['Gender'].value_counts() ).rename(columns={'Membership Level': 'Number'}) mlevel = mlevel.unstack(level=1) mlevel.columns = mlevel.columns.droplevel([0]) mlevel = mlevel.rename_axis([None], axis=1).reset_index() mlevel['male%'] = round( mlevel['male'] / (mlevel['male'] + mlevel['female']) * 100, 2) mlevel['female%'] = round( mlevel['female'] / (mlevel['male'] + mlevel['female']) * 100, 2) with st.beta_container(): fig =, x='Membership Level', y=['female%', 'male%']) fig.update_layout( title_text="Membership Level Distribution", barmode="stack", uniformtext=dict(mode="hide", minsize=10), ) st.plotly_chart(figure_or_data=fig) expander = st.beta_expander('Analysis') expander.write( f'A majority of the members, {round(363/(363+242+200),2)*100}% are Mid-career Leaders. ' f'However, gender distribution across the membership levels is relatively even, ' f'males being dominating membership with little margin:\n ' '* Young Leader: 50.98% male and 49.02% female' '* Mid-career Leader: 51.21% male and 48.79% female' '* Senior Leader: 53.99% male and 49.02% female') if granularity == "Country": country = st.sidebar.selectbox('country', df['Country'].unique()) st.title(country) graph_type = st.selectbox("Choose visualization", [ 'Gender', 'Membership Type Distribution', 'Membership Level Distribution' ]) if graph_type == "Gender": st.subheader("Gender Distribution") with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Country'] == country], 'Gender') st.write(data) pie_chart(data, 'Gender', 'Gender Distribution') expander = st.beta_expander(f'{country} Analysis') expander.write( f'{country} has {round((data.loc[0]["Number"] / (data.loc[0]["Number"] + data.loc[1]["Number"]))*100,1)}% {data.loc[0]["Gender"]} and {round((data.loc[1]["Number"] / (data.loc[0]["Number"] + data.loc[1]["Number"]))*100,1)}% {data.loc[1]["Gender"]} membership.' ) # exp_data(f'{country}', data) elif graph_type == "Membership Type Distribution": st.subheader("Membership Type Distribution") with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Country'] == country], 'Membership Type') pie_chart(data, 'Membership Type', 'Membership Type Distribution') elif graph_type == "Membership Level Distribution": st.subheader("Membership Level Distribution") with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Country'] == country], 'Membership Level') pie_chart(data, 'Membership Level', 'Membership Level Distribution') elif granularity == "Continent": continent = st.sidebar.selectbox('continent', df['Continent'].dropna().unique()) st.title(continent) graph_type = st.selectbox("Choose visualization", [ 'Gender', 'Membership Type Distribution', 'Membership Level Distribution' ]) if graph_type == "Gender": st.subheader("Gender Distribution") with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Continent'] == continent], 'Gender') pie_chart(data, 'Gender', 'Gender Distribution') elif graph_type == "Membership Type Distribution": with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Continent'] == continent], 'Membership Type') pie_chart(data, 'Membership Type', 'Membership Type Distribution') elif graph_type == "Membership Level Distribution": with st.beta_container(): data = cat_numbers(df[df['Continent'] == continent], 'Membership Level') pie_chart(data, 'Membership Level', 'Membership Level Distribution')
def train(config): wandb.init(project='graph_ssm', entity='sentinel',, config=config.to_dict()) # save config config.to_yaml(join(, "exp_config.yaml")) train_data_path = './docs/100_slm_data/data_1.csv' train_states, train_actions, info = load_data(train_data_path, scaling=config.scaling, action_ws=config.action_ws, preprocess=config.preprocess) test_data_path = './docs/100_slm_data/data_2.csv' test_scaler = (info['scale_min'], info['scale_max']) test_states, test_actions, info = load_data(test_data_path, scaling=config.scaling, scaler=test_scaler, action_ws=config.action_ws, preprocess=config.preprocess) state_dim = train_states.shape[1] action_dim = train_actions.shape[1] adj_xx = torch.eye(state_dim) glass_tc_pos_path = './docs/location/1_glass_Tc_r1.csv' control_tc_pos_path = './docs/location/5_controlTC_r1.csv' threshold = config.adjmat.threshold weight = config.adjmat.weight adj_xu = get_adj_matrix(glass_tc_pos_path, control_tc_pos_path, threshold, weight) a_mlp = MLP(state_dim, adj_xx.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0].size(0), **config.nn.a_mlp) b_mlp = MLP(action_dim, adj_xu.nonzero(as_tuple=True)[0].size(0), **config.nn.b_mlp) m = HyperLinearSSM(state_dim, action_dim, a_mlp, b_mlp, adj_xx, adj_xu).to(config.device) criteria = torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss() # Huberloss opt = torch.optim.Adam(m.parameters(), # setup LR scheduler use_lr_schedule = config.lr_scheduler if use_lr_schedule: scheduler_name = config.lr_scheduler.pop('name') scheduler = getattr(lr_scheduler, scheduler_name)(opt, **config.lr_scheduler.to_dict()) train_xs, train_us, train_ys = get_xuy(train_states, train_actions, config.train_time_window, config.device) test_xs, test_us, test_ys = get_xuy(test_states, test_actions, test_states.shape[0] - 1, config.device) ds = TensorDataset(train_xs, train_us, train_ys) train_loader = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=True) iters = len(train_loader) n_update = 0 min_test_loss = 100 for iter in range(config.epoch): print("Epoch [{}] / [{}]".format(iter, config.epoch)) for i, (x, u, y) in enumerate(train_loader): x = x + (torch.randn_like(x) * config.perturb_x_param).to( config.device) pred = m.rollout(x, u) pred_loss = criteria(pred, y) # Regularization loss = pred_loss # Update opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() n_update += 1 log_dict = dict() log_dict['train_loss'] = pred_loss if n_update % config.test_every == 0: m.eval() test_pred = m.rollout(test_xs, test_us) test_pred_loss = criteria(test_pred, test_ys) log_dict['test_loss'] = test_pred_loss m.train() if test_pred_loss <= min_test_loss: print("BEST model found") m.state_dict(), join(, '{}'.format(n_update))) min_test_loss = test_pred_loss if use_lr_schedule: scheduler.step(iter + i / iters) log_dict['lr'] = opt.param_groups[0]['lr'] wandb.log(log_dict), join(, ''))
def main(file_src, horizon): # Setting state_dim = 140 action_dim = 40 state_order = 5 action_order = 5 alpha = 0.001 # Workset smoothness time_limit = 5 # seconds train_data_path = [ 'docs/new_data/expert/data_1.csv', 'docs/new_data/expert/data_2.csv' ] m = get_reparam_multi_linear_model(state_dim, action_dim, state_order, action_order) model_filename = 'model/Multistep_linear/' m.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_filename, map_location=device)) m.eval() train_states, train_actions, info = load_data(paths=train_data_path, scaling=True, preprocess=True, history_x=state_order, history_u=action_order) scaler = (info['scale_min'].item(), info['scale_max'].item()) print(train_states[0].shape) print(train_actions[0].shape) print('Min. state scaler: {}, Max. state scaler: {}'.format( scaler[0], scaler[1])) print('Min. action scaler: {}, Max. action scaler: {}'.format( scaler[0], scaler[1])) validate_states, validate_actions, _ = load_data(paths=file_src, scaling=False, preprocess=True, history_x=state_order, history_u=action_order, device=device) validate_states = validate_states[0][:, :state_dim] validate_actions = validate_actions[0] print(validate_states.shape) print(validate_actions.shape) optimizer_mode = 'LBFGS' initial_temp = 150.0 heatup_times = [545] anneal_times = [363] target_temp = [375.0] target = generate_reference(initial_temp=initial_temp, heatup_times=heatup_times, anneal_times=anneal_times, target_temps=target_temp) target = torch.reshape(torch.tensor(target).to(device), shape=(-1, 1)).repeat( repeats=(1, state_dim)) # [908 x 140] target = (target - scaler[0]) / (scaler[1] - scaler[0] ) # Change scale into 0-1 H = horizon T = target.shape[0] history_tc = np.ones( (state_order, state_dim)) * 150 # Please fill the real data, 0~139: glass TC history_ws = np.ones( (action_order - 1, action_dim)) * 150 # Please fill the real data, 0~39: workset runner = Runner(m=m, optimizer_mode=optimizer_mode, state_scaler=scaler, action_scaler=scaler, alpha=alpha, timeout=time_limit) """ x0 = torch.zeros((state_order, state_dim)).to(device) u0 = torch.zeros((action_order-1, action_dim)).to(device) us = torch.zeros((H, action_dim)).to(device) sample_predicted = m.multi_setp_prediction(x0, u0, us) print(sample_predicted.shape) """ optimized_workset = [] for t in range(T - H): print("Now time [{}] / [{}]".format(t, T - H)) start = time.time() workset = runner.solve( validate_states[t:t + state_order], validate_actions[t:t + action_order - 1], target[t:t + H, :] ) # [1 x 40] torch.Tensor, use this workset to the furnace end = time.time() workset = workset * (scaler[1] - scaler[0]) + scaler[0] optimized_workset.append(workset) print('Time computation : {}'.format(end - start)) print('Target tc is {}'.format(target[t:t + H, :].mean())) print('Average ws is {}'.format(workset.mean())) optimized_workset = torch.stack(optimized_workset), 'multistep_linear_' + str(horizon) + '')
def train(config): wandb.init(project='graph_ssm', config=config.to_dict()) # save config config.to_yaml(join(, "exp_config.yaml")) train_data_path = './docs/100_slm_data/data_1.csv' train_states, train_actions, info = load_data(train_data_path, scaling=config.scaling) test_data_path = './docs/100_slm_data/data_2.csv' test_scaler = (info['scale_min'], info['scale_max']) test_states, test_actions, info = load_data(test_data_path, scaling=config.scaling, scaler=test_scaler) state_dim = train_states.shape[1] action_dim = train_actions.shape[1] adj_xx = torch.eye(state_dim) glass_tc_pos_path = './docs/location/1_glass_Tc_r1.csv' control_tc_pos_path = './docs/location/5_controlTC_r1.csv' threshold = 1200 weight = (1., 1., 10.0) adj_xu = get_adj_matrix(glass_tc_pos_path, control_tc_pos_path, threshold, weight) m = LinearSSM(state_dim, action_dim, adj_xx, adj_xu).to(config.device) criteria = torch.nn.SmoothL1Loss() # Huberloss opt = torch.optim.Adam(m.parameters(), lr=2 * 1e-4) train_xs, train_us, train_ys = get_xuy(train_states, train_actions, config.train_time_window, config.device) test_xs, test_us, test_ys = get_xuy(test_states, test_actions, test_states.shape[0] - 1, config.device) ds = TensorDataset(train_xs, train_us, train_ys) train_loader = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=config.batch_size) n_update = 0 for ep in range(config.epoch): print("Epoch [{}] / [{}]".format(ep, config.epoch)) for x, u, y in train_loader: x = x + (torch.randn_like(x) * config.perturb_x_param).to( config.device) pred = m.rollout(x, u) pred_loss = criteria(pred, y) # Regularization A_2_norm = torch.norm(m.A.weight, p=2) B_1_norm = torch.norm(m.B.weight, p=1) loss = pred_loss + B_1_norm * config.lambda_B - A_2_norm * config.lambda_A # Update opt.zero_grad() loss.backward() opt.step() n_update += 1 # Clip params m.A.clip_params(min=0.0, max=1.0) m.B.clip_params(min=0.0, max=1.0) log_dict = dict() log_dict['train_loss'] = pred_loss log_dict['A_2_norm'] = A_2_norm log_dict['B_1_norm'] = B_1_norm if n_update % config.test_every == 0: test_pred = m.rollout(test_xs, test_us) test_pred_loss = criteria(test_pred, test_ys) log_dict['test_loss'] = test_pred_loss wandb.log(log_dict), join(, ''))