def test_is_null_throws_error_on_invalid_value(value: str):
    Tests that the `is_null()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with an invalid value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentNullError):
        # Act
def test_does_not_contain_throw_error_on_invalid_value(value: str, contains: str):
    Tests that the `does_not_contain()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when the value contains specified value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_is_longer_or_equal_throws_error_on_shorter_length(value: str, min_length: int):
    Tests that the `is_longer_or_equal()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a shorter length.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_does_not_have_length_throws_error_on_equal_length(value: str, length: int):
    Tests that the `does_not_have_length()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a equal length.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_does_not_end_with_throws_error_on_invalid_value(value: str, ends_with: str):
    Tests that the `does_not_end_with()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when the value ends with the specified value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_starts_with_throws_error_on_invalid_value(value: str, starts_with: str):
    Tests that the `starts_with()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when the value does not start with the specified value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_is_not_regex_match_throws_error_on_matching_pattern(value: str, pattern: str):
    Tests that the `is_not_regex_match()` method throws an ArgumentPatternError
    when the value matches the specified pattern.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentPatternError):
        # Act
def test_is_not_in_set_case_insensitive_throws_error_on_matching_set(value: str, set: list):
    Tests that the `is_not_in_set_case_insensitive()` method throws an ArgumentError when its value is present
    in the supplied set, case insensitive.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_is_null_throws_error_on_whitespace_value():
    Tests that the `is_null()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a whitespace value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentNullError):
        # Act
def test_is_not_null_or_whitespace_throw_error_on_empty_value():
    Tests that the `is_not_null_or_whitespace()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a whitespace value.
    # Arrange
    value = EMPTY_STRING
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_is_not_null_or_empty_throw_error_on_null_value():
    Tests that the `is_not_null_or_empty()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a None (Null) value.
    # Arrange
    value = None
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_does_not_equal_throws_error_on_equal_value():
    Tests that the `does_not_equal()` method throws an ArgumentError
    when the value is equal to the specified value.
    # Arrange
    value = 'Hello World!'
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Assert
    with pytest.raises(ArgumentError):
        # Act
def test_is_not_in_set_case_insensitive_accepts_value_not_in_set(value: str, set: list):
    Tests that the `is_not_in_set_case_insensitive()` method accepts when its value is not present
    in the supplied set, case insensitive.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should be in the set `{set}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_is_not_null_or_whitespace_accepts_valid_value(value: str):
    Tests that the `is_not_null_or_whitespace()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a valid value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except (ArgumentError, ArgumentNullError):'`{value}` should not have been None (Null) or empty, but an error occurred instead.')
def test_does_not_end_with_accepts_valid_value(value: str, ends_with: str):
    Tests that the `does_not_end_with()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when the value does not end with the specified value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should not end with `{ends_with}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_is_null_or_empty_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `is_null_or_empty()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = EMPTY_STRING
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.is_null_or_empty()

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator
def test_does_not_contain_accepts_valid_value(value: str, contains: str):
    Tests that the `does_not_contain()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when the value does not contain specified value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should not contain `{contains}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_is_not_regex_match_accepts_not_matching_pattern(value: str, pattern: str):
    Tests that the `is_not_regex_match()` method does not throw an ArgumentPatternError
    when the value does not match the specified pattern.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentPatternError:'`{value}` should match the pattern `{pattern}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_is_not_null_or_whitespace_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `is_not_null_or_whitespace()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = 'test'
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.is_not_null_or_whitespace()

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator
def test_is_in_set_accepts_value_in_set(value: str, set: list):
    Tests that the `is_in_set()` method does not throw an ArgumentError when its value is present
    in the supplied set.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should be in the set `{set}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_is_shorter_than_accepts_shorter_length(value: str, max_length: int):
    Tests that the `is_shorter_than()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a shorter length.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should be shorter than `{max_length}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_prnt_get_value_returns_value(value):
    Tests if the parent `get_value()` method returns the value saved in the validator.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    actual = validator.get_value()

    # Assert
    assert actual == value
    assert actual is value
    assert type(actual) == type(value)
def test_is_longer_or_equal_accepts_equal_length(value: str, min_length: int):
    Tests that the `is_longer_or_equal()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a equal length.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should be longer or equal to `{min_length}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_does_not_have_length_accepts_notequal_length(value: str, length: int):
    Tests that the `does_not_have_length()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a not equal length.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should not have the length `{length}`, but an error occurred.')
def test_equals_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `equals()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = 'test'
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.equals(value)

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator
def test_is_null_accepts_null_value():
    Tests that the `is_null()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a None (Null) value.
    # Arrange
    value = None
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentNullError:'`{value}` should have been None (Null), but an error occurred instead.')
def test_is_null_or_whitespace_accepts_whitespace_value():
    Tests that the `is_not_null_or_whitespace()` method does not throw an ArgumentError
    when it is supplied with a whitespace value.
    # Arrange
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    # Assert
    except ArgumentError:'`{value}` should have been None (Null), empty or whitespace, but an error occurred instead.')
def test_is_shorter_than_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `is_shorter_than()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = 'test'
    max_length = 10
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.is_shorter_than(max_length)

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator
def test_has_length_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `has_length()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = 'test'
    length = 4
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.has_length(length)

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator
def test_is_longer_or_equal_returns_validator_self():
    Tests if the `is_longer_or_equal()` validator method returns itself after the validation is performed,
    so that additional validations can be performed.
    # Arrange
    value = 'test'
    min_length = 2
    validator = StringValidator(value, 'value')

    # Act
    validator_returned = validator.is_longer_or_equal(min_length)

    # Assert
    assert validator_returned is validator