def setUp(self) -> None: ngen = 25 popsize = 4 self.sres = SRES( cost_fun, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=[8.324, 7.335], lb=[0.1, 0.1], ub=[10, 10], childrate=7 ) self.sres.setSeed(4)
def do_estimation(ngen: int = 50, popsize: int = 50, starting_set=None): sres = SRES( cost_function=cost_fun_mean_squared, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=starting_set if starting_set is not None else np.random.normal(5, 0.1, len(r.freeParameters())), lb=[0.01] * len(r.freeParameters()), ub=[10] * len(r.freeParameters()), childrate=7, ) return
def test_sres(self): sres = SRES(dim=2) @sres.COST_FUNCTION_CALLBACK def cost_fun(x, f, g): sim = generateData(x.contents[0], x.contents[1]) cost = 0 for i in range(10): cost += (EXP_DATA[i] - sim[i])**2 f.contents.value = cost sres.cost_function = cost_fun
def do_estimation(ngen: int = 50, popsize: int = 50) -> Tuple[ List[float], np.ndarray, np.ndarray, List[str], Dict[str, float], float]: sres = SRES( cost_function=cost_fun, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=[8.3434, 6.342, 3.765], lb=[0.001] * len(r.freeParameters()), ub=[100] * len(r.freeParameters()), childrate=7, ) results = best = dict( zip(r.freeParameters(), results["best_solution"]) ) objective_val = results["best_cost"] trace = results["trace"] x_sim, y_sim, sel = get_data(**best) return trace, x_sim, y_sim, sel, best, objective_val
# using this # how to implement *f = cost? # and this: print("sadfasd") f = cost """ This callback thing isn't working. Relook atht docs. If no, is there a way I can wrap the generation of this function in another function? """ if __name__ == "__main__": from sres_capi import * sres = SRES() esparam = sres._makeESParameter() stats = sres._makeESStatistics() pop = sres._makeESPopulation() # costFun = sres.getCostFunPtr() trsf = sres._getTransformFun(2) # DoubleArrayLen2 = ct.c_double * 2 pop_size = 30 seed = 0 gamma = 0.85 alpha = 0.2 varalphi = 1 retry = 10
""" optimum at (3.0, 0.5) = 0 :param position: :return: """ x, y = position return (1.5 - x + x * y)**2 + (2.25 - x + x * y**2)**2 + (2.625 - x + x * y**3)**2 def cost_fun(parameters): return beale([parameters.contents[0], parameters.contents[1]]) if __name__ == "__main__": ngen = 25 popsize = 4 seed = 0 cb = SRES.callback(2)(cost_fun) sres = SRES(cb, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=[8.324, 7.335], lb=[0.1, 0.1], ub=[10, 10], childrate=7) print(
def setUp(self) -> None: self.sres = SRES(ngen=100, lb=[0.01] * 2, ub=[10] * 2, seed=1234)
class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.sres = SRES(ngen=100, lb=[0.01] * 2, ub=[10] * 2, seed=1234) def test_makeESParameter(self): cptr = self.sres._makeESParameter() self.assertIsNotNone(cptr) # free the pointer self.sres._freeESParameter(cptr) def test_makeESStatistics(self): cptr = self.sres._makeESStatistics() self.assertIsNotNone(cptr) self.sres._freeESStatistics(cptr) def test_makeESPopulation(self): cptr = self.sres._makeESPopulation() self.assertIsNotNone(cptr) self.sres._freeESPopulation(cptr) def test_makeCostFunPtr(self): cptr = self.sres.getCostFunPtr() self.assertIsNotNone(cptr) self.sres.freeCostFunPtr(cptr) def test_how_to_make_array_using_ctypes(self): DoubleArrayLen2 = ct.c_double * 2 print(DoubleArrayLen2) arr = DoubleArrayLen2(*[0.1, 0.1]) print(arr) def test_ESInitialWithPtrFitnessFcn(self): esparam = self.sres._makeESParameter() stats = self.sres._makeESStatistics() pop = self.sres._makeESPopulation() costFun = self.sres.getCostFunPtr() trsf = self.sres._getTransformFun() # DoubleArrayLen2 = ct.c_double * 2 seed = 0 gamma = 0.85 alpha = 0.2 varalphi = 1 retry = 10 es = 0 miu = 30 lamb = 200 gen = 1750 ptr = self.sres.ESInitialWithPtrFitnessFcn( seed, # unsigned int seed, esparam, # ESParameter **param, trsf, # ESfcnTrsfm *trsfm, costFun, # ESfcnFG* fg, es, # int es, 0, # int constraint, 2, # int dim, DoubleArrayLen2(10.0, 10.0), # double *ub, DoubleArrayLen2(0.1, 0.1), # double *lb, miu, # int miu, lamb, # int lambda, gen, # int gen, gamma, # double gamma, alpha, # double alpha, varalphi, # double varphi, retry, # int retry, stats, # ESPopulation **population pop, # ESStatistics **stats ) self.sres._freeESParameter(esparam) self.sres._freeESStatistics(stats) self.sres._freeESPopulation(pop) self.sres.freeCostFunPtr(costFun) self.sres.freeTransformFun(trsf) def test(self): MODEL = """ model newModel r1: A => B; k1*A; r2: B => A; k2*B; A = 10; B = 0.1; k1 = 0.1; k2 = 0.1; end """ import tellurium as te model = te.loada(MODEL) print(model.getGlobalParameterIds())
class SRESTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: ngen = 25 popsize = 4 self.sres = SRES( cost_fun, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=[8.324, 7.335], lb=[0.1, 0.1], ub=[10, 10], childrate=7 ) self.sres.setSeed(4) def tearDown(self) -> None: pass def test_best_value(self): """TEST_F(CCSRESTests, TestGetBestValue) { SRES *sres = SRES_newSRES(cost, 10, 50, s, l, u, 2, 7); SRES_setSeed(sres, 4); SRES_fit(sres); double best; SRES_getBestFitnessValue(sres, &best); double x = 8.0722599999999995e-11; ASSERT_NEAR(x, best, 0.001); SRES_deleteSRES(sres); }""" results = self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0056368571769424e-07, results["bestFitness"], places=5) def testSizeOfHOF(self): self.assertEqual(18, self.sres._getSizeOfHallOfFame(self.sres._obj)) def test_hof(self): hof = self.sres.getHallOfFame() alwaysDecreasing = True for i in range(1, len(hof)): if hof[i] > hof[i-1]: alwaysDecreasing = False break self.assertTrue(alwaysDecreasing) def test_getSol(self): self.assertAlmostEqual(3, self.sres.getSolution()[0], places=2) self.assertAlmostEqual(0.5, self.sres.getSolution()[1], places=2)
def test_sres_alg_using_version_of_ESStep_that_takes_double_pointers(self): """ We need double pointers as input to ESInit but since pointers in ESStep. In attempt to debug the memory related issues in test_sres_alg_using_dereferencing_pointer_functions we rewrote the ESStep function in C so that it takes double pointers. :return: """ sres = SRES() param = sres._makeESParameter() stats = sres._makeESStatistics() population = sres._makeESPopulation() trsfm = sres._getTransformFun(2) # seed = ct.c_int32(0) gamma = ct.c_double(0.85) alpha = ct.c_double(0.2) retry = ct.c_int32(10) es = ct.c_int32(1) constraint = ct.c_int32(0) dim = ct.c_int32(2) varphi = ct.c_double(1.0) ngen = ct.c_int32(50) miu = 5 lambda_ = 5 # How to verify that this works? ub = ct.pointer(sres.DoubleArrayLen2(10.0, 10.0)) # double *ub, lb = ct.pointer(sres.DoubleArrayLen2(0.01, 0.01)) # double *lb, ESfcnFG_TYPE = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None, ct.POINTER(ct.c_double * 2), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) def cost_fun(x, f, g): sim = generateData(x.contents[0], x.contents[1]) cost = 0 for i in range(10): cost += (EXP_DATA[i] - sim[i])**2 cost_dbl_ptr = ct.pointer(ct.c_double(cost)) # copy the value from Python to C. If we don't do this, the value gets deleted. ct.memmove( ct.cast(f, ct.c_void_p).value, ct.cast(cost_dbl_ptr, ct.c_void_p).value, ct.sizeof(ct.c_double)) f = ESfcnFG_TYPE(cost_fun) sres.ESInitial(seed, param, trsfm, f, es, constraint, dim, ub, lb, miu, lambda_, ngen, gamma, alpha, varphi, retry, population, stats) curgen = 0 while curgen < 1000: sres._ESStep(sres.derefESPopulation(population), sres.derefESParameter(param), sres.derefESStatistics(stats), 0.45) curgen += 1
def test_sres_alg_using_dereferencing_pointer_functions(self): """ We need double pointers as input to ESInit but since pointers in ESStep. This version attempts to create double pointers in make* functions and then dereference them in using deref* function calls. The actual dereferencing happens on the C end :return: """ sres = SRES() param = sres._makeESParameter() stats = sres._makeESStatistics() population = sres._makeESPopulation() trsfm = sres._getTransformFun(2) # seed = ct.c_int32(0) gamma = ct.c_double(0.85) alpha = ct.c_double(0.2) retry = ct.c_int32(10) es = ct.c_int32(1) constraint = ct.c_int32(0) dim = ct.c_int32(2) varphi = ct.c_double(1.0) ngen = ct.c_int32(50) miu = 5 lambda_ = 5 # How to verify that this works? ub = ct.pointer(sres.DoubleArrayLen2(10.0, 10.0)) # double *ub, lb = ct.pointer(sres.DoubleArrayLen2(0.1, 0.1)) # double *lb, ESfcnFG_TYPE = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None, ct.POINTER(ct.c_double * 2), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) def cost_fun(x, f, g): print("From Python : Hello") sim = generateData(x.contents[0], x.contents[1]) cost = 0 for i in range(10): cost += (EXP_DATA[i] - sim[i])**2 cost_dbl_ptr = ct.pointer(ct.c_double(cost)) # copy the value from Python to C. If we don't do this, the value gets deleted. ct.memmove( ct.cast(f, ct.c_void_p).value, ct.cast(cost_dbl_ptr, ct.c_void_p).value, ct.sizeof(ct.c_double)) print("From Python: Call to sres.ESInitial") sres.ESInitial(seed, param, trsfm, ESfcnFG_TYPE(cost_fun), es, constraint, dim, ub, lb, miu, lambda_, ngen, gamma, alpha, varphi, retry, population, stats) print("From Python: Call to sres.ESInitial has finished") curgen = 0 while curgen < 10: print("Current gen: ", curgen) print("From Python: Call to sres.ESStep") sres._ESStep(sres.derefESPopulation(population), sres.derefESParameter(param), sres.derefESStatistics(stats), ct.c_double(0.45)) print("From Python: Call to sres.ESStep has finished") curgen += 1
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sres import SRES, _lib import ctypes as ct import tellurium as te from math import pi as PI import unittest sres = SRES(2) def generateData(mu, sigma): return np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 10) EXP_DATA = generateData(5, 0.1) class Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: pass @sres.COST_FUNCTION_CALLBACK def test_ctypes_callback_fn_example(self): from ctypes import cdll libc = cdll.msvcrt IntArray5 = ct.c_int * 5 ia = IntArray5(5, 1, 7, 33, 99) qsort = libc.qsort
@SRES.callback(numEstimatedParameters=2) def beale_cost_fun(parameters): """optimum at (x=3.0, y=0.5) = 0""" x, y = parameters.contents # only when in logspace we need to do this: if LOGSPACE: x = 10**x y = 10**y return (1.5 - x + x * y)**2 + (2.25 - x + x * y**2)**2 + (2.625 - x + x * y**3)**2 if __name__ == "__main__": ngen = 500 popsize = 8000 sres = SRES( beale_cost_fun, popsize=popsize, numGenerations=ngen, startingValues=[8.324, 7.335], lb=[0.1, 0.1], ub=[10, 10], childrate=7, logspace=LOGSPACE, verbose=True, ) print(
from sres import SRES import numpy as np import ctypes as ct def generateData(mu, sigma): return np.random.normal(mu, sigma, 10) EXP_DATA = generateData(5, 0.1) sres = SRES(100, [0.01] * 2, [10] * 2) # decorator for wrapping cost function written in Python # COST_FUNCTION_CALLBACK = ct.CFUNCTYPE(None, ct.POINTER(ct.c_double * 2), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double), # ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) @sres.COST_FUNCTION_CALLBACK def cost_fun(x, f, g): sim = generateData(x.contents[0], x.contents[1]) cost = 0 for i in range(10): cost += (EXP_DATA[i] - sim[i])**2 f.contents.value = cost sres.cost_fun = cost_fun