    def parse_command_line(self):
        """Parses the command line used to launch SSLyze.

        (args_command_list, args_target_list) = self._parser.parse_args()

        # Handle the --targets_in command line and fill args_target_list
        if args_command_list.targets_in:
            if args_target_list:
                raise CommandLineParsingError("Cannot use --targets_list and specify targets within the command line.")

            try:  # Read targets from a file
                with open(args_command_list.targets_in) as f:
                    for target in f.readlines():
                        if target.strip():  # Ignore empty lines
                            if not target.startswith('#'):  # Ignore comment lines
            except IOError:
                raise CommandLineParsingError("Can't read targets from input file '{}.".format(

        if not args_target_list:
            raise CommandLineParsingError('No targets to scan.')

        # Handle the --regular command line parameter as a shortcut
        if self._parser.has_option('--regular'):
            if getattr(args_command_list, 'regular'):
                setattr(args_command_list, 'regular', False)
                for cmd in self.REGULAR_CMD:
                    setattr(args_command_list, cmd, True)

        # Sanity checks on the command line options
        # Prevent --quiet and --xml_out -
        if args_command_list.xml_file and args_command_list.xml_file == '-' and args_command_list.quiet:
                raise CommandLineParsingError('Cannot use --quiet with --xml_out -.')

        # Prevent --quiet and --json_out -
        if args_command_list.json_file and args_command_list.json_file == '-' and args_command_list.quiet:
                raise CommandLineParsingError('Cannot use --quiet with --json_out -.')

        # Prevent --xml_out - and --json_out -
        if args_command_list.json_file and args_command_list.json_file == '-'\
                and args_command_list.xml_file and args_command_list.xml_file == '-'.quiet:
                raise CommandLineParsingError('Cannot use --xml_out - with --json_out -.')

        # Sanity checks on the client cert options
        client_auth_creds = None
        if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key):
            raise CommandLineParsingError('No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.')

        elif args_command_list.cert:
            # Private key formats
            if args_command_list.keyform == 'DER':
                key_type = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1
            elif args_command_list.keyform == 'PEM':
                key_type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM
                raise CommandLineParsingError('--keyform should be DER or PEM.')

            # Let's try to open the cert and key files
                client_auth_creds = ClientAuthenticationCredentials(args_command_list.cert,
            except ValueError as e:
                raise CommandLineParsingError('Invalid client authentication settings: {}.'.format(e[0]))

        # HTTP CONNECT proxy
        http_tunneling_settings = None
        if args_command_list.https_tunnel:
                http_tunneling_settings = HttpConnectTunnelingSettings.from_url(args_command_list.https_tunnel)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise CommandLineParsingError('Invalid proxy URL for --https_tunnel: {}.'.format(e[0]))

        # STARTTLS
        tls_wrapped_protocol = TlsWrappedProtocolEnum.PLAIN_TLS
        if args_command_list.starttls:
            if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTOCOLS:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE)
                # StartTLS was specified
                if args_command_list.starttls in self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys():
                    # Protocol was given in the command line
                    tls_wrapped_protocol = self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT[args_command_list.starttls]

        # Number of connection retries
        if args_command_list.nb_retries < 1:
            raise CommandLineParsingError('Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --nb_retries.')

        # Create the server connectivity info for each specifed servers
        # A limitation when using the command line is that only one client_auth_credentials and http_tunneling_settings
        # can be specified, for all the servers to scan
        good_server_list = []
        bad_server_list = []
        for server_string in args_target_list:
            except ServerConnectivityError as e:
                # Will happen for example if the DNS lookup failed or the server string is malformed
                bad_server_list.append((server_string, e))
            except ValueError as e:
                # Will happen for example if xmpp_to is specified for a non-XMPP connection
                raise CommandLineParsingError(e[0])

        # Command line hacks
        # Handle --starttls=auto now that we parsed the server strings
        if args_command_list.starttls == 'auto':
            for server_info in good_server_list:
                # We use the port number to deduce the protocol
                if server_info.port in self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys():
                    server_info.tls_wrapped_protocol = self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT[server_info.port]

        # Handle --http_get now that we parsed the server strings
        # Doing it here is hacky as the option is defined within PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites
        if args_command_list.http_get:
            for server_info in good_server_list:
                if server_info.port == 443:
                    server_info.tls_wrapped_protocol = TlsWrappedProtocolEnum.HTTPS

        return good_server_list, bad_server_list, args_command_list
    def parse_command_line(self):
        """Parses the command line used to launch SSLyze.

        (args_command_list, args_target_list) = self._parser.parse_args()

        # Handle the --targets_in command line and fill args_target_list
        if args_command_list.targets_in:
            if args_target_list:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(
                    "Cannot use --targets_list and specify targets within the command line."

            try:  # Read targets from a file
                with open(args_command_list.targets_in) as f:
                    for target in f.readlines():
                        if target.strip():  # Ignore empty lines
                            if not target.startswith(
                                    '#'):  # Ignore comment lines
            except IOError:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(
                    "Can't read targets from input file '{}.".format(

        if not args_target_list:
            raise CommandLineParsingError('No targets to scan.')

        # Handle the --regular command line parameter as a shortcut
        if self._parser.has_option('--regular'):
            if getattr(args_command_list, 'regular'):
                setattr(args_command_list, 'regular', False)
                for cmd in self.REGULAR_CMD:
                    setattr(args_command_list, cmd, True)

        # Sanity checks on the command line options
        # Prevent --quiet and --xml_out -
        if args_command_list.xml_file and args_command_list.xml_file == '-' and args_command_list.quiet:
            raise CommandLineParsingError(
                'Cannot use --quiet with --xml_out -.')

        # Prevent --quiet and --json_out -
        if args_command_list.json_file and args_command_list.json_file == '-' and args_command_list.quiet:
            raise CommandLineParsingError(
                'Cannot use --quiet with --json_out -.')

        # Prevent --xml_out - and --json_out -
        if args_command_list.json_file and args_command_list.json_file == '-' \
                and args_command_list.xml_file and args_command_list.xml_file == '-':
            raise CommandLineParsingError(
                'Cannot use --xml_out - with --json_out -.')

        # Sanity checks on the client cert options
        client_auth_creds = None
        if bool(args_command_list.cert) ^ bool(args_command_list.key):
            raise CommandLineParsingError(
                'No private key or certificate file were given. See --cert and --key.'

        elif args_command_list.cert:
            # Private key formats
            if args_command_list.keyform == 'DER':
                key_type = SSL_FILETYPE_ASN1
            elif args_command_list.keyform == 'PEM':
                key_type = SSL_FILETYPE_PEM
                raise CommandLineParsingError(
                    '--keyform should be DER or PEM.')

            # Let's try to open the cert and key files
                client_auth_creds = ClientAuthenticationCredentials(
                    args_command_list.cert, args_command_list.key, key_type,
            except ValueError as e:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(
                    'Invalid client authentication settings: {}.'.format(e[0]))

        # HTTP CONNECT proxy
        http_tunneling_settings = None
        if args_command_list.https_tunnel:
                http_tunneling_settings = HttpConnectTunnelingSettings.from_url(
            except ValueError as e:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(
                    'Invalid proxy URL for --https_tunnel: {}.'.format(e[0]))

        # STARTTLS
        tls_wrapped_protocol = TlsWrappedProtocolEnum.PLAIN_TLS
        if args_command_list.starttls:
            if args_command_list.starttls not in self.START_TLS_PROTOCOLS:
                raise CommandLineParsingError(self.START_TLS_USAGE)
                # StartTLS was specified
                if args_command_list.starttls in self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys(
                    # Protocol was given in the command line
                    tls_wrapped_protocol = self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT[

        # Number of connection retries
        if args_command_list.nb_retries < 1:
            raise CommandLineParsingError(
                'Cannot have a number smaller than 1 for --nb_retries.')

        # Create the server connectivity info for each specifed servers
        # A limitation when using the command line is that only one client_auth_credentials and http_tunneling_settings
        # can be specified, for all the servers to scan
        good_server_list = []
        bad_server_list = []
        for server_string in args_target_list:
            # Support unicode domains
            server_string = unicode(server_string, 'utf-8')
            except ServerConnectivityError as e:
                # Will happen for example if the DNS lookup failed or the server string is malformed
                bad_server_list.append((server_string, e))
            except ValueError as e:
                # Will happen for example if xmpp_to is specified for a non-XMPP connection
                raise CommandLineParsingError(e[0])

        # Command line hacks
        # Handle --starttls=auto now that we parsed the server strings
        if args_command_list.starttls == 'auto':
            for server_info in good_server_list:
                # We use the port number to deduce the protocol
                if server_info.port in self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT.keys():
                    server_info.tls_wrapped_protocol = self.STARTTLS_PROTOCOL_DICT[

        # Handle --http_get now that we parsed the server strings
        # Doing it here is hacky as the option is defined within PluginOpenSSLCipherSuites
        if args_command_list.http_get:
            for server_info in good_server_list:
                if server_info.port == 443:
                    server_info.tls_wrapped_protocol = TlsWrappedProtocolEnum.HTTPS

        return good_server_list, bad_server_list, args_command_list