def test_adding_sale_price_should_set_on_sale_flag_true():
    When the sale price of a product is updated, then it should set the field 'on_sale' = True

    # first get a product from db that is not on sale
    product_helper = ProductsHelper()
    product_dao = ProductsDAO()
    rand_product = product_dao.get_random_products_that_are_not_on_sale(1)
    product_id = rand_product[0]['ID']

    # first check the status is False to start with
    original_info = product_helper.call_retrieve_product(product_id)
    assert not original_info[
        'on_sale'], f"Getting test data with 'on_sale=False' but got 'True'. Unable to use this product for test."

    # update the sale price of the product
    sale_price = float(
        original_info['regular_price']) * 0.75  # sale is 75% of original

    payload = dict()
    payload['sale_price'] = str(sale_price)
    product_helper.call_update_product(product_id, payload=payload)

    # get the product sale price is updated
    after_info = product_helper.call_retrieve_product(product_id)
    assert after_info['sale_price'] == str(sale_price), f"Updated product 'sale_price' but value did not update." \
                                                        f"Product id: {product_id}, Expected sale price: {sale_price}," \
                                                        f"Actual sale price: {after_info['sale_price']}"
def test_create_1_simple_product():

    # generate data for the product
    payload = dict()
    payload['name'] = generate_random_string(20)
    payload['type'] = "simple"
    payload['regular_price'] = "10.99"

    # make the call
    product_helper_obj = ProductHelper()
    product_response = product_helper_obj.call_create_product(

    # verify response is not empty
    assert product_response, f"Create product API response is empty. Payload is {payload}"
    assert product_response['name'] == payload['name'], f"Create product API response has unexpected name" \
                                                        f"Expected is {payload['name']}" \
                                                        f"Actual is {product_response['name']}"

    # verify the product exists in db
    products_dao_obj = ProductsDAO()
    sql_response = products_dao_obj.get_product_by_id(product_response['id'])

    # match the information in the db with the information in the api call
    assert payload['name'] == sql_response[0]['post_title'], f"Product name from payload is different from database response" \
                                                          f"Payload name is {payload['name']}" \
                                                          f"In response from db is {sql_response['name']}"

    import pdb
def my_orders_smoke_setup():
    product_dao = ProductsDAO()
    rand_product = product_dao.get_random_product_from_db(1)
    product_id = rand_product[0]['ID']

    order_helper = OrdersHelper()

    info = {'product_id': product_id, 'order_helper': order_helper}

    return info
def test_update_regular_price_should_update_price():
    Verifies updating the 'regular_price' field should automatically update the 'price' field.

    # create helper objects and get random product from db
    product_helper = ProductsHelper()
    product_dao = ProductsDAO()

    # for this test the 'sale_price' of the product must be empty. If product has sale price, updating the 'regular_price'
    # does not update the 'price'. So get a bunch of products and loop untill you find one that is not on sale. If all in
    # the list are on sale then take random one and update the sale price
    rand_products = product_dao.get_random_product_from_db(30)
    for product in rand_products:
        product_id = product['ID']
        product_data = product_helper.call_retrieve_product(product_id)
        if product_data['on_sale']:
        # take a random product and make it not on sale by setting sale_price=''
        test_product = random.choice(rand_products)
        product_id = test_product['ID']
        product_helper.call_update_product(product_id, {'sale_price': ''})

    # make the update to 'regular_price'
    new_price = str(random.randint(10, 100)) + '.' + str(random.randint(
        10, 99))
    payload = dict()
    payload['regular_price'] = new_price

    rs_update = product_helper.call_update_product(product_id, payload=payload)

    # verify the response has the 'price' and 'regular_price' has updated and 'sale_price' is not updated
    assert rs_update['price'] == new_price, f"Update product api call response. Updating the 'regular_price' did not " \
                                            f"update the 'price' field. price field actual value {rs_update['price']}," \
                                            f"but expected: {new_price}"

    assert rs_update['regular_price'] == new_price, f"Update product api call response. Updating the 'regular_price' did not " \
                                            f"update in the response. Actual response 'regular_price'={rs_update['price']}," \
                                            f"but expected: {new_price}"

    # get the product after the update and verify response
    rs_product = product_helper.call_retrieve_product(product_id)
    assert rs_product['price'] == new_price, f"Update product api call response. Updating the 'regular_price' did not " \
                                            f"update the 'price' field. price field actual value {rs_product['price']}," \
                                            f"but expected: {new_price}"

    assert rs_product[
               'regular_price'] == new_price, f"Update product api call response. Updating the 'regular_price' did not " \
                                              f"update. Actual 'regular_price'={rs_product['price']}," \
                                              f"but expected: {new_price}"
    def test_list_products_with_filter_after(self):

        # create data
        x_days_from_today = 300
        _after_created_date = datetime.now().replace(
            microsecond=0) - timedelta(days=x_days_from_today)
        after_created_date = _after_created_date.isoformat()

        # tmp_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=x_days_from_today)
        # after_created_date = tmp_date.strftime('%Y-%M-%dT%H:%m:%S')

        # make the call
        payload = dict()
        payload['after'] = after_created_date
        rs_api = ProductsHelper().call_list_products(payload)
        assert rs_api, f"Empty response for 'list products with filer"

        # get data from db
        db_products = ProductsDAO().get_products_created_after_given_date(

        # verify response match db
        assert len(rs_api) == len(db_products), f"List products with filter 'after' returned unexpected number of products." \
                                                f"Expected: {len(db_products)}, Actual: {len(rs_api)}"

        ids_in_api = [i['id'] for i in rs_api]
        ids_in_db = [i['ID'] for i in db_products]

        ids_diff = list(set(ids_in_api) - set(ids_in_db))
        assert not ids_diff, f"List products with filter, product ids in response mismatch in db."
def test_get_products_by_id():

    # Get an existing product from db
    products_dao_obj = ProductsDAO()
    random_product = products_dao_obj.get_random_product_from_db()
    random_product_name = random_product[0]['post_name']
    random_product_id = random_product[0]['ID']

    # Make the call from the api
    # Get the product with this id
    prod_helper_obj = ProductHelper()
    response_product = prod_helper_obj.get_product_by_id(random_product_id)
    response_product_sku = response_product['sku']
    response_product_name = response_product['name']

    # Verify the response
    assert random_product_name.lower() == response_product_name.lower(), f"Get product from db does not match product" \
                                                                         f"from api using id." \
                                                                         f"Product from db:" \
                                                                         f"{random_product_name}" \
                                                                         f"Product from API:" \
def test_get_product_by_id():

    # get a product (test data) from db
    rand_product = ProductsDAO().get_random_product_from_db(1)
    rand_product_id = rand_product[0]['ID']
    db_name = rand_product[0]['post_title']

    # make the call
    product_helper = ProductsHelper()
    rs_api = product_helper.get_product_by_id(rand_product_id)
    api_name = rs_api['name']

    # verify the response
    assert db_name == api_name, f"Get product by id returned wrong product. Id: {rand_product_id}" \
                                f"Db name: {db_name}, Api name: {api_name}"
def test_create_1_simple_product():

    # generate some data
    payload = dict()
    payload['name'] = generate_random_string(20)
    payload['type'] = "simple"
    payload['regular_price'] = "10.99"

    # make the call
    product_rs = ProductsHelper().call_create_product(payload)

    # verify the response is not empty
    assert product_rs, f"Create product api response is empty. Payload: {payload}"
    assert product_rs['name'] == payload['name'], f"Create product api call response has" \
       f"unexpected name. Expected: {payload['name']}, Actual: {product_rs['name']}"

    # verify the product exists in db
    product_id = product_rs['id']
    db_product = ProductsDAO().get_product_by_id(product_id)

    assert payload['name'] == db_product[0]['post_title'], f"Create product, title in db does not match " \
     f"title in api. DB: {db_product['post_title']}, API: {payload['name']}"