arg = getParam(args,'mode',msgLib,'verbose')
print "MODE",arg
if arg == 'verbose':
      msgLib.message("VERBOSE RUN")
      VERBOSE   = 1
      print "\n\n[INFO] script: %s" % script
      print "[INFO] ARG#",len(sys.argv)
      print "[INFO] ARGS",sys.argv

network     = getParam(args,'net',msgLib,None)
station     = getParam(args,'sta',msgLib,None)
location    = staLib.getLocation(getParam(args,'loc',msgLib,None))
channel     = getParam(args,'chan',msgLib,None)
if len(channel) <3:
   channel += "*"

# PSD files are all HOURLY files with 50% overlap computed as part of the polarization product
# date parameter of the hourly PSDs to start, it starts at hour 00:00:00
#  - HOURLY files YYYY-MM-DD
dataDirectory    = param.dataDirectory 
startDateTime    = getParam(args,'start',msgLib,None).split("T")[0] # we always want to start from the begining of the day, so we discard user hours, if any
startDateTime   += "T00:00:00"
tStart           = UTCDateTime(startDateTime)
startYear        = tStart.strftime("%Y")
startMonth       = tStart.strftime("%m")
def qc3Stream(stream,segmentLength,window,sortedChannelList,channelGroups,VERBOSE):
   streamList = str(stream)
   if VERBOSE:
      print("[QC3-INFO] there are ",streamList,"\n\n")
   streamArray= streamList.split("\n")
   streamContent = []
   for i in range(1,len(streamArray)): # first line is title
      streamContent.append(streamArray[i]+ "|" + str(i))

   # sort to make sure related records are one after another
   streamContent =  sorted(streamContent)

   # extract the list, one recrd (line) at a time and group them
   qcRecordList       = []
   previousGroupName  = ""
   groupCount         = -1
   groupChannels      = []
   groupRecords       = []
   groupNames         = []
   staInfoList        = []
   timeInfoList       = []
   chanInfoList       = []
   recordInfoList     = [] 

   for i in range(len(streamContent)):
      # reset the list for each record (line)
      thisStaInfoList        = []
      thisTimeInfoList       = []
      thisChanInfoList       = []
      thisRecordInfoList     = []

      # RECORD: NM.SIUC..BHE | 2009-11-01T11:00:00.019537Z - 2009-11-01T11:59:59.994537Z | 40.0 Hz, 144000 samples|1
      #             |                                      |                                         |             |
      #            staInfo                               timeInfo                                 chanInfo         recInfo
      # from each record extract parts
      staInfo,timeInfo,chanInfo,recInfo = streamContent[i].split("|")

      # from each part extract list
      #                     0   1   2    3
      # thisStaInfoList = [NET,STA,LOC,CHAN]
      thisStaInfoList = staInfo.strip().split(".")
      thisStaInfoList[2] = staLib.getLocation(thisStaInfoList[2]) # replace blank locations with "--"

      #                       0   1  
      # thisTimeInfoList = [START,END]
      thisTimeInfoList.append(timeInfo.strip().split(" - "))

      #                       0        1     2      3
      # thisChanInfoList = [SAMPLING,UNIT,SAMPLES,TEXT]
      thisChanInfoList.append(chanInfo.strip().split(" "))

      # thisRecordInfoList = RECORD

      # name each record as a channel group (do not include channel)
      thisGroupName  =  ".".join(thisStaInfoList[ii] for ii in range(len(thisStaInfoList)-1))

      # starting the first group, start saving info
      if thisGroupName != previousGroupName:
         groupCount +=1
         if VERBOSE:
            print("[QC-INFO] started group",groupCount,":",thisGroupName)

         previousGroupName  = thisGroupName
      groupChannels[groupCount].append(thisStaInfoList[-1]) # save channel names

      # note: the following arrays are not grouped, hence extend and not append

   if VERBOSE:
      print("\n[QC3-INFO]found ",len(groupRecords)," record groups")

   # QC each group
   for i in range(len(groupRecords)):

      # all group elements are in, start the QC
      qcPassed = True

      if VERBOSE:
         print("\n[QC3-INFO] QC for record group ",groupNames[i])

      # create a sorted list of unique channels
      channelList = sorted(set(groupChannels[i]))
      if VERBOSE:
         print("[QC3-INFO] channel list:",channelList)

      # Missing Channels?
      # - based on missing records
      if len(groupRecords[i]) < 3:
         print("[QC3-rejected] missing channels records, received ",len(groupRecords[i]))
         qcPassed = False
         # - based on channels missing from channel list
         if channelList not in sortedChannelList:   
            print("[QC3-rejected] missing channels records from",groupNames[i]," got (",channelList,"while expecting",sortedChannelList,")")
            qcPassed = False
         # - channel list is valid
            print("[QC3-passed] channel list complete",channelList)

            # Gaps?
            # this is a simple rejection based on gaps. A better choice will be to take segments and process those with sufficient length
            # but with 3 channels involved, this will be too complicated -- manoch 2014-04-18
            if len(groupRecords[i]) > 3:
               print("[QC3-check] gaps in ",groupNames[i])
               qcPassed = False
               print("[QC3-passed] no gaps in",groupNames[i])

               # check for sampling rates
               rec1,rec2,rec3 = list(map(int,groupRecords[i])) 
               samplingFrequency01 = float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])
               samplingFrequency02 = float(chanInfoList[rec2][0])
               samplingFrequency03 = float(chanInfoList[rec3][0])
               if samplingFrequency01 != samplingFrequency02 or samplingFrequency01 != samplingFrequency03:
                  print("[QC3-rejected] sampling frequencies do not match!(",samplingFrequency01, samplingFrequency02, samplingFrequency03)
                  qcPassed = False
                  print("[QC3-passed] sampling frequencies",[samplingFrequency01,samplingFrequency02,samplingFrequency03])

                  # check for mismatched start time - Note: there are exactly 3 records
                  delay01 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][0]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec2][0]))
                  delay02 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][0]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec3][0]))
                  samplerate = 1.0 / float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])

                  # calculate number of points needed for FFT (as a power of 2) based on the run parameters
                  nSampNeeded  = 2**int(math.log(int((float(segmentLength) / samplerate +1)/window), 2)) # make sure it is power of 2
                  if delay01 == 0.0 and delay02 == 0.0:
                     print("[QC3-Passed] start time")
                     if delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 < samplerate:
                        print("[QC3-Passed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, less than 1 sample")
                     elif delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 >= samplerate:
                        print("[QC3-Failed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, is 1 sample or more")
                        qcPassed = False
                     if delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 < samplerate:
                        print("[QC3-Passed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, less than 1 sample")
                     elif delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 >= samplerate:
                        print("[QC3-Failed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, is 1 sample or more")
                        qcPassed = False

                  # check for insufficient number of samples
                  if qcPassed:

                     samplesList = list(map(float,list(zip(chanInfoList[rec1],chanInfoList[rec2],chanInfoList[rec3]))[2]))
                     if VERBOSE:
                        print("[QC3-Info] samples:",samplesList)
                     minimumSamples = np.min(samplesList)
                     if minimumSamples <  nSampNeeded:
                        print("[QC3-Failed] wanted minimum of", nSampNeeded, " but got only", minimumSamples)
                        qcPassed = False 
                        print("[QC3-Passed] wanted minimum of", nSampNeeded, " got ", minimumSamples)
                        # mismatched end time
                        delay01 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][1]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec2][1]))
                        delay02 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][1]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec3][1]))
                        samplerate = 1.0 / float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])
                        qcPassed = True
                        if delay01 == 0.0 and delay02 == 0.0:
                           print("[QC3-Passed] end time")
                        # for information only, we know we have enough samples!
                           if delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 < samplerate:
                              print("[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, less than 1 sample")
                           elif delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 >= samplerate:
                              print("[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, is 1 sample or more")
                           if delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 < samplerate:
                              print("[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, less than 1 sample")
                           elif delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 >= samplerate:
                              print("[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, is 1 sample or more")

            # end of the QC save qcPassed flag
            if qcPassed:
               # put records in proper channel order
               # first  go through each requested channel group
               for chanList in channelGroups:
                  # found the matching channel group?
                  if groupChannels[i][0] in chanList and groupChannels[i][1] in chanList and groupChannels[i][2] in chanList:
                      print("[QC-INFO] output channel order should be",chanList)
                      orderedGroupRecords = [-1,-1,-1]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][0])] = groupRecords[i][0]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][1])] = groupRecords[i][1]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][2])] = groupRecords[i][2]

   if VERBOSE:
      print("[QC-INFO] passed records:",qcRecordList)
   return qcRecordList
arg = getParam(args, 'mode', msgLib, 'verbose')
print "MODE", arg
if arg == 'verbose':
    msgLib.message("VERBOSE RUN")
    VERBOSE = 1
    print "\n\n[INFO] script: %s" % script
    print "[INFO] ARG#", len(sys.argv)
    print "[INFO] ARGS", sys.argv

network = getParam(args, 'net', msgLib, None)
station = getParam(args, 'sta', msgLib, None)
location = staLib.getLocation(getParam(args, 'loc', msgLib, None))
channel = getParam(args, 'chan', msgLib, None)
if len(channel) < 3:
    channel += "*"

# PSD files are all HOURLY files with 50% overlap computed as part of the polarization product
# date parameter of the hourly PSDs to start, it starts at hour 00:00:00
#  - HOURLY files YYYY-MM-DD
dataDirectory = param.dataDirectory
startDateTime = getParam(args, 'start', msgLib, None)
tStart = UTCDateTime(startDateTime)
startYear = tStart.strftime("%Y")
startMonth = tStart.strftime("%m")
startDay = tStart.strftime("%d")
irisClient = IrisClient(user_agent=msgLib.param(param, 'userAgent').userAgent)
client = Client(user_agent=msgLib.param(param, 'userAgent').userAgent)

action = ""  # keep track of what you are doing

t0 = time()
t1 = fileLib.timeIt("START", t0)
print "\n"

inNetwork = getParam(args, 'net', msgLib, None)
inStation = getParam(args, 'sta', msgLib, None)
inLocation = staLib.getLocation(getParam(args, 'loc', msgLib, None))
inChannel = getParam(args, 'chan', msgLib,
                     msgLib.param(param, 'channel').channel)

maxPeriod = msgLib.param(param, 'maxT').maxT * pow(
    msgLib.param(param, 'octaveWindowWidth').octaveWindowWidth /
    2.0)  # maximum period needed to compute value at maxT period point
minFrequency = 1.0 / float(
)  # minimum frequency  needed to compute value at 1.0/maxT frequency point
if TIMING > 0:
    t0 = fileLib.timeIt("ARTGS", t0)

if VERBOSE > 0:
    print "[INFO] MAX PERIOD: " + str(msgLib.param(param, 'maxT').maxT)
client = Client(user_agent=msgLib.param(param,'userAgent').userAgent)

action = "" # keep track of what you are doing

t0             = time()
t1 = fileLib.timeIt("START",t0)
print "\n"

inNetwork      = getParam(args,'net',msgLib,None)
inStation      = getParam(args,'sta',msgLib,None)
inLocation     = staLib.getLocation(getParam(args,'loc',msgLib,None))
inChannel      = getParam(args,'chan',msgLib,msgLib.param(param,'channel').channel)

maxPeriod      = msgLib.param(param,'maxT').maxT * pow(2,msgLib.param(param,'octaveWindowWidth').octaveWindowWidth/2.0)    # maximum period needed to compute value at maxT period point
minFrequency   = 1.0/float(maxPeriod)                               # minimum frequency  needed to compute value at 1.0/maxT frequency point
if TIMING >0 :
   t0 = fileLib.timeIt("ARTGS",t0)

if VERBOSE >0 :
   print "[INFO] MAX PERIOD: "+str(msgLib.param(param,'maxT').maxT)
   print "[INFO] CALL: "+str(sys.argv)

# less than 3 characters station name triggers wildcard
文件: tsLib.py 项目: ChrisBail/NEW
def qc3Stream(stream,segmentLength,window,sortedChannelList,channelGroups,VERBOSE):
   streamList = str(stream)
   if VERBOSE:
      print  "[QC3-INFO] there are ",streamList,"\n\n"
   streamArray= streamList.split("\n")
   streamContent = []
   for i in xrange(1,len(streamArray)): # first line is title
      streamContent.append(streamArray[i]+ "|" + str(i))

   # sort to make sure related records are one after another
   streamContent =  sorted(streamContent)

   # extract the list, one recrd (line) at a time and group them
   qcRecordList       = []
   previousGroupName  = ""
   groupCount         = -1
   groupChannels      = []
   groupRecords       = []
   groupNames         = []
   staInfoList        = []
   timeInfoList       = []
   chanInfoList       = []
   recordInfoList     = [] 

   for i in xrange(len(streamContent)):
      # reset the list for each record (line)
      thisStaInfoList        = []
      thisTimeInfoList       = []
      thisChanInfoList       = []
      thisRecordInfoList     = []

      # RECORD: NM.SIUC..BHE | 2009-11-01T11:00:00.019537Z - 2009-11-01T11:59:59.994537Z | 40.0 Hz, 144000 samples|1
      #             |                                      |                                         |             |
      #            staInfo                               timeInfo                                 chanInfo         recInfo
      # from each record extract parts
      staInfo,timeInfo,chanInfo,recInfo = streamContent[i].split("|")

      # from each part extract list
      #                     0   1   2    3
      # thisStaInfoList = [NET,STA,LOC,CHAN]
      thisStaInfoList = staInfo.strip().split(".")
      thisStaInfoList[2] = staLib.getLocation(thisStaInfoList[2]) # replace blank locations with "--"

      #                       0   1  
      # thisTimeInfoList = [START,END]
      thisTimeInfoList.append(timeInfo.strip().split(" - "))

      #                       0        1     2      3
      # thisChanInfoList = [SAMPLING,UNIT,SAMPLES,TEXT]
      thisChanInfoList.append(chanInfo.strip().split(" "))

      # thisRecordInfoList = RECORD

      # name each record as a channel group (do not include channel)
      thisGroupName  =  ".".join(thisStaInfoList[ii] for ii in xrange(len(thisStaInfoList)-1))

      # starting the first group, start saving info
      if thisGroupName != previousGroupName:
         groupCount +=1
         if VERBOSE:
            print "[QC-INFO] started group",groupCount,":",thisGroupName

         previousGroupName  = thisGroupName
      groupChannels[groupCount].append(thisStaInfoList[-1]) # save channel names

      # note: the following arrays are not grouped, hence extend and not append

   if VERBOSE:
      print "\n[QC3-INFO]found ",len(groupRecords)," record groups"

   # QC each group
   for i in xrange(len(groupRecords)):

      # all group elements are in, start the QC
      qcPassed = True

      if VERBOSE:
         print "\n[QC3-INFO] QC for record group ",groupNames[i]

      # create a sorted list of unique channels
      channelList = sorted(set(groupChannels[i]))
      if VERBOSE:
         print "[QC3-INFO] channel list:",channelList

      # Missing Channels?
      # - based on missing records
      if len(groupRecords[i]) < 3:
         print "[QC3-rejected] missing channels records, received ",len(groupRecords[i])
         qcPassed = False
         # - based on channels missing from channel list
         if channelList not in sortedChannelList:   
            print "[QC3-rejected] missing channels records from",groupNames[i]," got (",channelList,"while expecting",sortedChannelList,")"
            qcPassed = False
         # - channel list is valid
            print "[QC3-passed] channel list complete",channelList

            # Gaps?
            # this is a simple rejection based on gaps. A better choice will be to take segments and process those with sufficient length
            # but with 3 channels involved, this will be too complicated -- manoch 2014-04-18
            if len(groupRecords[i]) > 3:
               print "[QC3-check] gaps in ",groupNames[i]
               qcPassed = False
               print "[QC3-passed] no gaps in",groupNames[i]

               # check for sampling rates
               rec1,rec2,rec3 = map(int,groupRecords[i]) 
               samplingFrequency01 = float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])
               samplingFrequency02 = float(chanInfoList[rec2][0])
               samplingFrequency03 = float(chanInfoList[rec3][0])
               if samplingFrequency01 != samplingFrequency02 or samplingFrequency01 != samplingFrequency03:
                  print "[QC3-rejected] sampling frequencies do not match!(",samplingFrequency01, samplingFrequency02, samplingFrequency03
                  qcPassed = False
                  print "[QC3-passed] sampling frequencies",[samplingFrequency01,samplingFrequency02,samplingFrequency03]

                  # check for mismatched start time - Note: there are exactly 3 records
                  delay01 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][0]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec2][0]))
                  delay02 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][0]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec3][0]))
                  samplerate = 1.0 / float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])

                  # calculate number of points needed for FFT (as a power of 2) based on the run parameters
                  nSampNeeded  = 2**int(math.log(int((float(segmentLength) / samplerate +1)/window), 2)) # make sure it is power of 2
                  if delay01 == 0.0 and delay02 == 0.0:
                     print "[QC3-Passed] start time"
                     if delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 < samplerate:
                        print "[QC3-Passed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, less than 1 sample"
                     elif delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 >= samplerate:
                        print "[QC3-Failed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, is 1 sample or more"
                        qcPassed = False
                     if delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 < samplerate:
                        print "[QC3-Passed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, less than 1 sample"
                     elif delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 >= samplerate:
                        print "[QC3-Failed] start time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, is 1 sample or more"
                        qcPassed = False

                  # check for insufficient number of samples
                  if qcPassed:

                     samplesList = map(float,zip(chanInfoList[rec1],chanInfoList[rec2],chanInfoList[rec3])[2])
                     if VERBOSE:
                        print "[QC3-Info] samples:",samplesList
                     minimumSamples = np.min(samplesList)
                     if minimumSamples <  nSampNeeded:
                        print "[QC3-Failed] wanted minimum of", nSampNeeded, " but got only", minimumSamples
                        qcPassed = False 
                        print "[QC3-Passed] wanted minimum of", nSampNeeded, " got ", minimumSamples
                        # mismatched end time
                        delay01 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][1]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec2][1]))
                        delay02 = np.abs(utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec1][1]) -  utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(timeInfoList[rec3][1]))
                        samplerate = 1.0 / float(chanInfoList[rec1][0])
                        qcPassed = True
                        if delay01 == 0.0 and delay02 == 0.0:
                           print "[QC3-Passed] end time"
                        # for information only, we know we have enough samples!
                           if delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 < samplerate:
                              print "[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, less than 1 sample"
                           elif delay01 > 0.0 and delay01 >= samplerate:
                              print "[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec2]), "is",delay01,"s, is 1 sample or more"
                           if delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 < samplerate:
                              print "[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, less than 1 sample"
                           elif delay02 > 0.0 and delay02 >= samplerate:
                              print "[QC3-Info] end time difference between", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec1]), "and", '.'.join(staInfoList[rec3]), "is",delay02,"s, is 1 sample or more"

            # end of the QC save qcPassed flag
            if qcPassed:
               # put records in proper channel order
               # first  go through each requested channel group
               for chanList in channelGroups:
                  # found the matching channel group?
                  if groupChannels[i][0] in chanList and groupChannels[i][1] in chanList and groupChannels[i][2] in chanList:
                      print "[QC-INFO] output channel order should be",chanList
                      orderedGroupRecords = [-1,-1,-1]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][0])] = groupRecords[i][0]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][1])] = groupRecords[i][1]
                      orderedGroupRecords[chanList.index(groupChannels[i][2])] = groupRecords[i][2]

   if VERBOSE:
      print "[QC-INFO] passed records:",qcRecordList
   return qcRecordList